WTF Fun Fact 13453 – Shark GPS Tracker Draws Shark

A great white shark with a GPS tracker drew a shark in the waters off the eastern coast of North America. Was he “punking” researchers? Telling us he knows what we’re up to? Do sharks mysteriously swim in shark-shaped patterns? Or are we just seeing what we want to see?

Don’t answer that – it’s not as funny if you do.

The unconventional artist

Art and creativity are typically deemed human endeavors. But perhaps they also belong to the great white shark who unwittingly sketched a self-portrait, using tracking data as its brush.

Our artist is a mature male great white shark, named Breton by the OCEARCH team. He’s a frequent wanderer off the Atlantic Ocean coast of Long Island, New York. As part of the shark tracking initiative, he carries a tracker affixed to his dorsal fin. This tracker collects and relays data whenever the shark surfaces, providing an almost real-time map of the shark’s movement.

Did the shark GPS tracker draw a shark?

A May 2022 observation of Breton’s tracking data offered an unexpected delight to the researchers. It seemed as though Breton had swum in a pattern that mirrored the outline of a great white shark when seen from above.

OCEARCH shared the data on its social media, and the internet quickly took notice.

The tracking path captured not only the body’s curve but also the classic angular shape of the tail and the pectoral fins. It sure looks like a shark!

Coincidence or Design?

As fascinating as Breton’s journey may seem, it is essential to underline that the ‘self-portrait’ was purely coincidental. Sharks navigate based on instincts and sensory information, not a predetermined design. Sorry if you needed to be told that – but people have been studying sharks for a long time. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the coincidence!

While the artistic byproduct is captivating, the primary purpose of tracking sharks like Breton is conservation. By learning about migration patterns, feeding areas, and breeding grounds, scientists can devise effective strategies to safeguard these creatures. The knowledge gained from such tracking can inform the establishment of marine protected areas and fishing regulations.

The good news is that Breton’s self-portrait can serve as a symbol for raising awareness about the threats facing great white sharks.

Issues like overfishing, habitat degradation, and climate change pose significant threats to these magnificent creatures. Breton’s story is an opportunity to engage the public and rally support for shark conservation.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Great White Shark Accidentally Draws Self-Portrait With Tracking Path” — The Inertia

WTF Fun Fact 13443 – Dead Fruit Flies

When fruit flies see or smell their dead comrades, their own lives are cut short. Talk about putting a damper on your day!

Fruit flies stress after seeing other dead fruit flies

If you’re a fruit fly, seeing one of your fallen is not just unsettling. It’s downright harmful to your health. Despite their diminutive size, experience stress and negative health effects when they witness the remains of their kin.

Neuroscientists have found that when fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) see their deceased fellow flies, specific brain cells are triggered.

And these aren’t just any brain cells. They are neurons that respond to visual stimuli, known as visual projection neurons (VPNs). These cells relay information from the flies’ eyes to their brains, helping them interpret and react to what they see.

What’s going on in a fruit fly’s brain?

But let’s add a pinch of intrigue to the mix. These neuroscientists didn’t stop at merely identifying the type of neurons involved. They zeroed in on the specific group of neurons that reacts to the sight of dead flies. The neurons in question are part of a cluster known as the “globus pallidus.” This is an area associated with movement and learning.

These scientists have discovered the precise neighborhood in the fruit fly’s brain where the “dead fly sighting stress response” takes place.

So, what happens when these neurons fire? In short, they trigger a series of stress responses that have a tangible impact on the fruit flies’ health and lifespan. As the sight of a dead fellow fly becomes ingrained in the fly’s brain, it alters the expression of stress-related genes, tipping the physiological balance and leading to a shorter lifespan.

This discovery has raised intriguing questions about the evolution of empathy and social responses in insects. While fruit flies may not experience empathy in the way humans do, their stress response to seeing dead comrades suggests a level of social awareness. This raises the question: why would such a response evolve? One possibility is that the sight of death serves as a warning signal, indicating the presence of potential threats or diseases, thus prompting the fly to modify its behavior.

However, this remarkable finding does more than just throw light on fruit flies’ stress responses. It could also contribute to our understanding of how human brains process stress and trauma. Humans, like fruit flies, have neurons that respond to visual stimuli. Therefore, these findings could lead to a better understanding of how our brains respond to stressful visual experiences, and potentially inform treatments for stress-related disorders.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Seeing dead fruit flies is bad for the health of fruit flies – and neuroscientists have identified the exact brain cells responsible” — The Conversation

WTF Fun Fact 13438 – Killer Whales are Dolphins

Here’s a bit of trivia that might just turn your marine world upside down: killer whales, also known as orcas, aren’t whales. They’re actually the largest dolphins in the sea! That’s right, Shamu, the poster child for what we envision when we think of whales, is really more Flipper than Moby Dick.

Are orcas whales or dolphins?

Orcas, known for their black bodies, striking white patches, and formidable size, are a sight to behold. However, despite their common name – killer “whale” – these majestic creatures are more closely related to their smaller, playful dolphin cousins.

Now, this might seem like a marine biologist trying to mess with you, but it’s all in the scientific classification. Orcas are part of the oceanic dolphin family, known as Delphinidae, which includes other well-known species like the bottlenose dolphin and the common dolphin. Essentially, all killer whales are dolphins, but not all dolphins are killer whales.

In fact, the orca’s scientific name, Orcinus orca, loosely translates to ‘demon from hell’, a nod to their reputation as fierce hunters. But don’t let the ominous name scare you, these creatures are incredibly intelligent and social.

Orcas, like their dolphin relatives, are known for their intelligence and complex social structures. They live in tight-knit groups known as pods, led by a matriarch, often the oldest female. Within these pods, they communicate using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements.

What’s fascinating about orcas is that different pods can have different cultures, dialects, hunting techniques, and even dietary preferences. This level of cultural diversity is virtually unheard of outside of human societies, further cementing their place in the pantheon of intelligent life on Earth.

Classifying creatures

However, their classification as dolphins doesn’t make them any less ‘killer’. They are apex predators, the top of the food chain, preying on seals, fish, squid, and even other whales. Their name, ‘killer whale’, is actually a bit of a misnomer. It originates from the term ‘whale killer’, coined by sailors who observed these dolphins attacking larger whales.

Despite being top predators, orcas face a host of challenges in the modern world, ranging from pollution and loss of prey to climate change and captivity. Our understanding of orcas, their behaviors, and their needs, is crucial for their protection.

Perhaps one of the best ways we can appreciate orcas is to realize that they’re not so different from us. They’re intelligent, they’re social, they’re diverse, and they’re vulnerable. They’re dolphins that have adapted to their environment in remarkable ways, rising to the top of the oceanic food chain.

So next time you hear the term “killer whale”, remember, these magnificent creatures are actually the ocean’s largest dolphins. Just another example of how the natural world continues to surprise and inspire us!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Is an orca (killer whale) a whale or a dolphin?” — WDC

WTF Fun Fact 13432 – Poland’s Top Tourist Attraction

A funny feline from Poland named Gacek has been causing a buzz online. He’s earned fame and become Poland’s top tourist attraction thanks to Google Maps.

This remarkable kitty, through its wanderings, has inadvertently become an international sensation. A case of an everyday cat finding a global platform. Gacek’s story combines charm, curiosity, and the surprising role of technology in our daily lives.

Why is Poland’s top tourist attraction a random cat?

Gacek’s journey to online stardom started when his owners fitted him with a GPS collar. To their surprise, the cat was far more adventurous than they had imagined. Gacek explored Szczecin, the city where he lives, covering an impressive range of urban territory.

They eventually overlaid the GPS data they collected from Gacek’s collar onto Google Maps. The resulting visual representation of his adventures was shared online, quickly capturing the attention of internet users across the globe. Gacek’s meanderings through the city, as shown on the map, paint an intriguing picture of a day in the life of an adventurous feline.

Gacek’s story fascinated and amused social media users worldwide. His explorations have sparked conversations about the role of technology in uncovering these hidden aspects of our world.

He’s also providing a great way to take a walking tour of the city!

Tour the city through the eyes of a cat

This digital snapshot of Gacek’s escapades quickly became a hit online. The map of his travels is now an unlikely tourist guide to Szczecin.

Thes “Gacek tours” let people explore famous cat’s routes and favorite haunts. And of course people are hoping to catch a glimpse of the adventurous feline. Cafes and shops along Gacek’s routes have seen a boost in business, thanks to the increased footfall from cat-loving tourists.

The phenomenon of Gacek has also highlighted the practical benefits of GPS tracking for pets, underlining its potential for ensuring the safety of our four-legged companions in an urban setting. While Gacek’s adventures have brought joy to many, they also emphasize the role of such technology in caring for our pets.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Polish city’s top tourist attraction? A stray cat.” — Washington Post

WTF Fun Fact 13428 – Montana Principal Horses Around

A Montana principal got an equine surprise thanks to a loophole in the law that some students decided to exploit as a senior prank. It involved a group of horses and a solemn duty to make sure they got fed.

Pranking the Montana principal with horses

What makes this story heartwarming is the unique blend of mischief and reverence for their rural roots. The graduating class of Conrad High School decided to give a nod to their cowboy culture. They swapped out the traditional senior prank with something far more creative – and far less destructive.

This merry band of seniors decided that the best way to celebrate impending graduation was by saddling up their horses. Then they took the 4 mile journey to class.

Twelve seniors at Conrad High School took advantage of what they believe is an old law. It mandates that if kids ride their horses to school, the principal has to care for them. The law remains unconfirmed, but the principal played along anyway.

“Montana has an old law saying if a student rides their horse to school, the school principal has to feed and tend to the horse throughout the day,” the school district said. “It looks like Mr. DeBruycker has his work cut out for him today,” noted the Charlotte Observer.

Just horsing around

The school’s principal, Raymond DeBruycker, was surprised by the unusual sight when he arrived to find these seniors had decided to carry wander in like cowboys. Far from being irritated, DeBruycker took the horseplay in stride.

Rather than meting out punishment, DeBruycker saw the humor and chose to honor the spirit of camaraderie and tradition. Clearly, he know it wasn’t causing any harm. In fact, it was connecting students to a facet of Montana’s cowboy culture in a fun and memorable way.

Even in the face of this unconventional situation, DeBruycker’s response was a testament to the tight-knit community at Conrad High School. It was clear that everyone wanted to honor the historical customs.

Whether or not there is a bona fide law permitting students to ride horses to school, one thing is certain. This tradition is becoming an endearing prank at a few different Montana schools.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Students ride horses to school, and Montana ‘law’ means principal has to care for them” — Charlotte Observer

WTF Fun Fact 13425 – The Dracula Parrot

Who doesn’t love a bird that looks like Dracula? They’re not exactly warm and cuddly, but the Dracula Parrot is a fascinating creature.

What is the Dracula Parrot?

The real name of this bird is Pesquet’s Parrot. Native to the rainforests of New Guinea, the oddly-colored creature is unlike any other parrot.

We typically think of parrots as brightly colored, but the Dracula parrot is black and charcoal grey with a dash of scarlet feathers. It’s those scarlet feathers on the belly and wings that make people think of the bloody book character.

What makes Pesquet’s Parrot unique?

In addition to its somber coloring (which we think is quite fashionable), the bird’s face is unlike other parrots’. The Dracula Parrot’s near featherless face is unusual in the parrot family, but serves a specific purpose. With a diet primarily composed of figs, the lack of feathers helps to keep them clean while feeding.

As a frugivore (not a vampire), the Dracula Parrot feeds on a variety of fig species. This dietary specialization also distinguishes it from its parrot relatives, who are often wood-chewers or nut-crackers.

Its feeding habits have, over time, necessitated an adaptation of strong, sharp claws that help it clasp onto branches while it gorges on its beloved figs.

Behavior and biodiversity of the Dracula Parrot

This beguiling bird is also unlike other parrot species behaviorally. Most of these birds are known for their loud calls and social behavior. However, the Dracula Parrot exhibits a comparatively quieter disposition.

In addition, their flight pattern, described as swift and purposeful, often takes them above the canopy. Other parrots prefer staying within it.

Unlike their more gregarious counterparts, Dracula Parrots tend to be found in pairs or small groups. This propensity for quieter, smaller congregations further amplifies their enigmatic persona.

They’re dark. They’re mysterious. They’re just…so cool!

A vivid reminder

While the Dracula Parrot adds an interesting hue to the rich biodiversity of New Guinea, it is, unfortunately, not immune to the threats that many wildlife species face today. Habitat loss due to deforestation and hunting for its striking feathers (used in local ceremonial attire) are significant challenges to its survival.

Its diet, so unique and specific, also makes it more vulnerable to the effects of habitat destruction.

However, not all is bleak for the bird. Conservation efforts are ongoing to ensure that this distinct bird continues to be a part of our planet’s beautiful biodiversity.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Pesquet’s Parrot (Dracula Parrot): Psittrichas fulgidus” — A-Z Animals

WTF Fun Fact 13421 – Sheep Walking in Circles

Do you ever feel like you’re going around in circles? Well, for a group of sheep in Inner Mongolia (in northern China), it’s the truth – the case of the sheep walking in circles has intrigued the whole world.

Why are sheep walking in circles in China?

The flock of sheep has been making headlines and leaving observers utterly baffled. Imagine this: over 400 fluffy creatures spending a dozen days walking in circles, around the clock, for no apparent reason.

You can see for yourself in a Tweet from late 2022 that shows the eerie action:

It all started when unsuspecting farm owner Ms Miao noticed a few members of her flock of 445 sheep acting peculiar. Rather than the usual meandering, the sheep kept moving in a uniform, nonstop circle. It became even more perplexing as the rest of the sheep joined in.

This seemingly synchronized movement lasted for an incredible 12 days!

So, what on earth was going on?

Internet theories bounced back and forth from the absurd to the scientific. Some whispered about extraterrestrial influences. Others suggested the sheep were performing a ritualistic dance or following a leader stuck in a rut. Some more grounded thinkers proposed the possibility of a viral infection causing neurological symptoms, leading the sheep to walk in a circle. Yet, no one could point out a definitive answer.

Local authorities and veterinarians jumped into action, trying to unravel the mystery of the circular march. They examined the sheep, searching for any signs of disease or infections. The result? No physical health issues. It was as if the sheep were merely marching to the beat of their own drum, oblivious to the stir they were causing.

Meanwhile, the spectacle continued to bewitch spectators and intrigued academics around the globe. Experts in animal behavior from different universities began investigating the phenomenon. They poured over the footage, studying each sheep’s motion, their interactions, and their formation’s intricacy.

Unraveling the mystery of the sheep circle

Eventually, animal experts stepped in to explain that the sheep were merely following their instinctual herd behavior. Sheep are flock animals, and they follow their leaders. If the leader walks in a circle, the others will follow, creating a perpetuating cycle until something disrupts it.

The experts’ opinion might not be as exciting as alien communication, but it was certainly more plausible. In this case, the most likely scenario was that the leading sheep started walking in a circle, maybe due to a physical ailment, and the rest merely followed, each sheep dutifully following the one in front. This theory, while not confirmed, put an end to some of the more far-fetched theories.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Mystery of Sheep Walking in Circle in China for 12 Days Potentially Solved” — Newsweek

WTF Fun Fact 13417 – Cow Cuddling

Whether you look at a cow as a future meal or a friend, you might be surprised to know that cow cuddling is something people are really into. That’s right – cuddling a cow. A real one. Getting right in there and snuggling up.

Is cow cuddling real?

We’ll admit that we thought this was some kind of Onion article, but it’s true.

Cow cuddling, a unique and increasingly popular activity, aims to offer a tranquil and soothing experience for those seeking a connection with nature. And it has also been found to alleviate some of the stress of everyday life.

The practice involves spending quality time with cows in a calm and serene environment, where individuals can unwind, relax, and embrace the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interaction.

You probably don’t come away smelling better, but that’s nothing a shower can’t fix.

Where can you cuddle a cow?

The practice originated in the Netherlands but is gaining momentum around the world. Cow cuddling provides an opportunity for people to engage with these gentle creatures on a deeper level. The concept is simple yet profound: humans lie or sit next to cows, stroke their soft fur, and bask in their peaceful presence. As the human touch meets the warm and comforting energy of the cows, a sense of tranquility envelops participants, allowing them to escape the pressures of the modern world.

Not in the Netherlands? Stop by Mountain Horse Farm in Asheville, North Carolina! They’re known for their bonding experiences with horses, but they told TODAY in 2022 (cited below) that their animal therapy has grown to include cows.

Why cows? They don’t seem so snuggly

We don’t know how the cows actually feel about this, but their relatively docile nature makes them good for this sort of therapy. Cows also seem to have an innate ability to sense emotions, creating an empathetic connection with those around them. They are receptive to human touch, responding with a soothing and grounding energy that can alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being.

Research suggests that interacting with cows in a therapeutic setting can have a range of positive effects on human health. The act of cuddling cows releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and relaxation. This surge of oxytocin helps to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and enhance overall emotional well-being. The rhythmic nature of stroking a cow’s fur can also induce a meditative state, calming the mind and promoting a sense of inner peace.

At one with nature

Furthermore, spending time in nature and connecting with animals has been linked to improved mental health outcomes. The peaceful and serene environment in which cow cuddling takes place serves as a natural sanctuary.

This immersive experience in nature can help reduce anxiety, alleviate symptoms of depression, and enhance overall emotional resilience.

Participating in a cow cuddling session involves a structured approach to ensure everyone’s safety. Experienced handlers guide the interaction, ensuring that boundaries are respected and that the cows remain comfortable throughout the process. Sessions may include introductory activities to establish a connection with the cows, followed by moments of gentle physical contact.

It is worth noting that cow cuddling is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical treatment. Instead, it serves as a complementary practice that can enhance overall well-being.

 WTF fun facts

Source: Cow cuddling helps people struggling with depression feel hope and connection — TODAY

WTF Fun Fact 13415 – World’s Oldest Dog

If dog years are to be believed, Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, would be pushing towards a ripe 217 years old. However, in human years, Bobi has just celebrated a resounding 31st birthday.

The story of the world’s oldest dog

Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a breed of Portuguese dog, has surpassed all expectations and defied age itself. Bobi’s owners have cared for him with a devotion that has no doubt added to his longevity.

Bobi’s journey started on 11 May 1992, and he’s been going strong ever since. The average life expectancy for a dog is 12 – 14 years, and the pup has more than doubled that! Imagine how wonderful it would be to have your best friend by your side for three decades. Almost none of us are that lucky when it comes to furry friends, sadly.

Bobi’s family planned a big birthday bash for him in May of 2023. They said it would be a very traditional Portuguese party.

A second life

Bobi has lived his entire life with the same family – the Costa family – in the rural village of Conqueiros. That’s located in the picturesque area of Leiria, in western Portugal.

His Guinness Book of World Records broke that of Bluey, an Australian cattle dog who lived for 29 years and 5 months between 1910 and 1939. Bluey held his record for a century!

As Bobi continues to defy age and inspire us all, his story serves as a reminder of the profound impact that love, care, and companionship can have on our furry friends. With each passing day, Bobi demonstrates the immeasurable joy and boundless happiness that our beloved pets bring into our lives.

Let’s celebrate Bobi’s exceptional journey and cherish the moments we share with our own cherished companions. But hold the visitors – Bobi is largely in good health, but his vet is worried about him being stressed by all of the people who have come by recently to take a photo with the old boy.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, celebrates 31st birthday” — CNN