Blue M&Ms didn’t exist until 1995, when a poll was held to replace the tan color M&M that was deemed redundant because of the brown M&M. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Blue, Green, Grue
In some cultures and languages, the colors described in English as blue and green are colexified, or expressed using a single cover term. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Green Or Orange Tigers
Tigers are orange in color because their main prey, deer, see them as green. Deer are only capable of seeing blue and green light, which makes them color-blind to red. – WTF Fun Facts
reindeers eyes change to a blue color in the
Reindeers eyes change to a blue color in the winter to help gather light during the dark arctic months and return to a golden color in the spring and summer.
– WTF Fun Fact
every countries passport color is a shade
Every countries’ passport color is a shade of blue, green, or red – WTF fun facts
surgery that will change brown eyes to blue wtf
Surgery that will change brown eyes to blue – WTF fun fact