WTF Fun Fact 13687 – The Bats of the Biblioteca Joanina

In the walls of the University of Coimbra in Portugal lies the Biblioteca Joanina. This 18th-century baroque library is not only renowned for its opulent interior and precious collections but also for its unique, nocturnal caretakers – bats.

These bats actually play a crucial role in the preservation of this historic library’s books.

Guardians of the Biblioteca Joanina

Every night, after the sun sets and the doors close, the Biblioteca Joanina becomes the domain of small, insect-eating bats. Hidden from the library’s visitors, these bats embark on their nightly feasts, hunting the insects that could otherwise damage the library’s ancient manuscripts.

This natural pest control method has been in place for centuries, a secret pact between the bats and the library, protecting the invaluable collection without the use of chemicals.

A Symbiotic Relationship

The bats in the Biblioteca Joanina are not just tolerated; the caretakers welcome and accommodate them. Before closing time, staff lay out leather covers to protect the historic tables from bat droppings.

Each morning, these are cleaned up, ensuring that the library remains pristine for its human visitors. This routine highlights a remarkable symbiotic relationship. The bats receive shelter and hunting ground, while the library gets a highly effective, eco-friendly pest management service.

The main adversaries of the Biblioteca Joanina’s collection are book-eating insects like silverfish and booklice. These creatures thrive in the organic materials of the books. The bats, by keeping the insect population in check, help preserve these texts in a way that few modern methods can.

However, this unique method of preservation does not come without its challenges. The acidity in bat guano, for instance, can be harmful if not regularly cleaned. It requires diligent maintenance by the library staff.

The Secret of the Biblioteca Joanina’s Bats

The bats of the Biblioteca Joanina are a species adept at navigating the tight spaces and dark nooks of the library, making them perfect for this environment. Their ability to use echolocation allows them to hunt with precision in complete darkness, ensuring that their nightly patrols are successful. This adaptation is key to their role as protectors of the library’s collection, demonstrating nature’s ingenuity.

While visitors seldom see the bats themselves, their presence adds a layer of mystique to the Biblioteca Joanina. Tour guides often share tales of these nocturnal guardians, enchanting visitors with stories of how nature and culture can coexist.

This has turned the library into a place of legend. Today, it attracts tourists not only for its architectural beauty and historical significance but also for its unique, bat-inhabited halls.

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Source: “These Portuguese Libraries Are Infested With Bats—and They Like It That Way” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13686 – The Date of Sliced Bread

The phrase “the best thing since sliced bread” is thrown around a lot, but have you ever stopped to ponder its origin? This journey takes us back to the 1920s, to a small town in Missouri, where the Chillicothe Baking Company introduced the world to the first machine-cut bread.

This innovation wasn’t just a minor convenience; it revolutionized the bread industry and how we eat breakfast. Let’s knead through the details.

The Dawn of Sliced Bread

Before the 1920s, bread was sold in whole loaves, leaving the slicing to be done at home. This all changed in 1928 when Otto Frederick Rohwedder, an inventor, perfected his bread-slicing machine. The Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri became the first to adopt this machine, selling pre-sliced bread under the name “Kleen Maid Sliced Bread.” This wasn’t just a new way to sell bread; it was a new way to experience it.

The introduction of this treat was met with skepticism by some who thought it would dry out faster or that the slices would crumble too easily. However, these doubts were quickly dispelled as consumers embraced the convenience and uniformity of pre-sliced bread. It became a staple in households, transforming breakfast routines and making the bread more versatile for sandwiches and toast.

The Technological Marvel

Rohwedder’s machine was a marvel of its time. It not only sliced the bread but also wrapped it, keeping it fresher longer than at home. This machine was a significant leap forward in food manufacturing, showcasing the potential for technology to improve everyday life. Its success paved the way for further innovations in food processing and packaging.

Sliced bread represented more than just a technological advancement; it marked a cultural shift towards greater convenience and efficiency in the American lifestyle. It reflected the era’s broader trends of mechanization and innovation, from assembly lines in factories to household appliances.

The food became a symbol of modernity and progress, changing not just how people ate but how they thought about food and technology.

Becoming the Best Things Since Sliced Bread

The popularity and impact of sliced bread gave rise to the phrase “the best thing since sliced bread.” This idiom underscores the innovation’s significance and has become a benchmark for measuring the value of new inventions. It’s a testament to how deeply the concept is embedded in our cultural lexicon. It continues to represent the pinnacle of convenience and innovation.

The Legacy Continues

Today, the idea of buying unsliced bread is foreign to many. This highlights the lasting impact of the Chillicothe Baking Company’s decision to embrace Rohwedder’s invention. These cut carbs have become a given in grocery stores worldwide. And it’s a reminder of how a simple idea can have a profound and lasting impact on daily life.

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WTF Fun Fact 13674 – Sloth Facts

Everybody loves weird animal facts, but we were surprised at how much fun we had learning about these sloth facts.

Sloths, those slow-moving creatures often seen hanging from the trees of Central and South America, captivate many with their laid-back lifestyle and seemingly permanent smiles. But there’s more to these creatures than meets the eye.

Masters of the Slow Lane

First and foremost, sloths are known for their exceptionally slow movement. This deliberate pace is not just a quirk; it’s a survival strategy. By moving slowly, sloths become difficult to detect by predators such as eagles and jaguars. Their slow metabolism, suited to digesting leaves with low nutritional value, necessitates this leisurely pace.

One cool sloth fact: A sloth can take up to a month to digest a single meal!

Aquatic Sloth Facts

One of the most surprising sloth facts is their proficiency in water. Despite their arboreal lifestyle, sloths are excellent swimmers. They can hold their breath underwater for up to 40 minutes, an ability that surpasses that of many aquatic animals.

This skill is facilitated by their ability to slow their heart rates, conserving oxygen while submerged. Swimming is also the only time sloths move swiftly, using their long arms to propel themselves through water.

Furry Sloth Facts

Sloth fur is a mini-ecosystem. The greenish tint of their coats comes from algae that grow in their fur. This symbiotic relationship benefits both parties: the algae gain a place to live, and the sloths receive camouflage, blending in with the greenery of the forest.

Furthermore, the fur hosts a variety of insects and microorganisms, some of which are found nowhere else.

Sky-High Bathroom Breaks

Sloths descend from their tree-top homes about once a week to relieve themselves on the forest floor. This behavior puzzles scientists since it puts the sloth at risk of predation. One theory suggests this ritual helps maintain the ecosystem in their fur, fertilizing the algae they host. Another idea is that it aids in reproduction, allowing sloths to leave their scent on the ground for potential mates.

Built-in Umbrella

Sloths have adapted to their rainy environment in remarkable ways. Their fur grows in the opposite direction of most mammals, from their stomach to their back. This unique growth pattern allows water to run off more efficiently during rainstorms, essentially providing a built-in umbrella. This adaptation ensures sloths stay as dry as possible in their damp forest habitats.

Solitary Sloth Facts

Sloths are solitary creatures. They spend the majority of their lives alone, coming together only to mate. Even then, interactions are brief. Their solitary nature is reflected in their territorial behavior, with individual sloths having their own preferred trees and branches. Despite their isolation, sloths are not completely antisocial. Mothers are nurturing, caring for their young for months, teaching them which leaves are best to eat and how to navigate the treetops.

Night Owls of the Forest

Contrary to what one might expect, sloths are not always sleeping. Though they can sleep up to 20 hours a day, sloths are primarily nocturnal and become more active at night.

During the day, they rest in the safety of the treetops, conserving energy for their nightly activities. This nocturnal lifestyle helps sloths avoid diurnal predators and find food with less competition.

Pretty cool, right? Who knew?!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Sloth Can Hold Its Breath for 40 Minutes Underwater — and 6 Other Facts For International Sloth Day” — Travel + Leisure

WTF Fun Fact 13669 – Iceland’s Comedian Mayor

Have you ever heard of Iceland’s comedian mayor, Jón Gnarr? He had an unexpected and captivating rise to political power when he became the Mayor of Reykjavik, Iceland.

From Laughter to Leader

Jon Gnarr wasn’t your typical mayoral candidate. Before venturing into the volatile waves of politics, Gnarr was best known for his work as a comedian and actor. His satirical radio shows and television sketches were beloved in Iceland, making him a household name. But it was in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis that Gnarr found a new stage for his talents.

Iceland was hit hard by the financial meltdown, leading to widespread public distrust in the political establishment. Sensing the public’s yearning for change and perhaps a bit of levity during tough times, Gnarr founded the Best Party in 2009.

It was a satirical political party that started almost as a joke but quickly gained serious momentum.

Gnarr’s campaign was anything but ordinary. Promising a polar bear for the Reykjavik Zoo, free towels at public swimming pools, and a drug-free Parliament by 2020, his platform was a mix of the absurd and the appealing.

The Best Party’s campaign video, set to Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best,” became a viral sensation, showcasing the party’s unique blend of humor and honesty.

What set Gnarr apart was not just his comedic background but his transparency and refusal to play by the unwritten rules of political campaigning. He openly admitted that some of his promises were not realistic. This honesty, oddly enough, resonated with a populace tired of the same old political rhetoric.

Becoming Iceland’s Comedian Mayor

To the shock of many, Jón Gnarr won the mayoral election in 2010. His victory was seen as a direct response to the public’s frustration with the traditional political class. But the big question loomed: Could a comedian effectively lead a city?

Gnarr’s tenure as mayor was as unconventional as his campaign. He often appeared at official events dressed in drag or as a Star Wars character, yet behind the humor was a serious commitment to change. He prioritized human rights, welfare, and culture, and while not all his policies were successful, he brought a fresh, more human face to Icelandic politics.

Challenges and Controversies

Leading a city was not all laughs for Gnarr. He faced criticism for his lack of political experience and some of his more unconventional approaches. Moreover, governing in coalition with the traditionally serious Independence Party posed its own set of challenges and compromises.

Yet, throughout his term, Gnarr maintained his unique style and approach, arguing that humor could be a powerful tool to address serious issues.

Jón Gnarr chose not to seek re-election after his term ended in 2014.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The joker: Jón Gnarr, the comedian who became mayor” — The Guardian

WTF Fun Fact 13665 – US Time Zones

In the early days of American history, the concept of time was not as unified as it is today. With over a hundred separate time zones, the United States’ approach to timekeeping was a complex and often confusing system. This fascinating period in the nation’s history reveals much about the evolution of time standardization and its impact on society and commerce.

The Era of Numerous Time Zones

Before the adoption of standardized time zones, the United States operated on a surprisingly intricate system of over 144 separate time zones. Each city or town was free to determine its own local time, usually based on the position of the sun. This meant that when it was noon in one town, it could be 12:15 in a neighboring city just a few miles away.

This system was manageable when communities were isolated, but as the country expanded and the railway system connected distant cities, the multitude of local times became problematic. Train schedules were particularly affected, as rail companies struggled to create timetables that made sense across various local times.

The Push for Standardization of Time Zones

The turning point came with the advent of the railroad industry. The need for standardized time became evident as train travel made the flaws of multiple local times apparent. Railroads operated on their own time systems, creating a confusing and sometimes dangerous situation for travelers and operators alike.

The solution emerged in the form of four main time zones proposed by the railroad companies. On November 18, 1883, known as “The Day of Two Noons,” railroads across the country synchronized their clocks to these new standard time zones. This was not an official law but rather a practice adopted by the railroads and the communities they served.

Government Intervention and the Standard Time Act

It wasn’t until March 19, 1918, that the United States government officially adopted the standard time zone system with the Standard Time Act. This act also established daylight saving time, a contentious and ongoing debate to this day. The act was a response to the confusion and inefficiency of having multiple time standards and was also influenced by the needs of World War I.

The transition was not immediate or smooth. People were accustomed to their local times and resisted change. However, over time, the benefits of a standardized system became clear, especially for scheduling trains, conducting business, and broadcasting.

The Impact of Standardization

The move to a standardized time system revolutionized many aspects of American life. It facilitated better communication and coordination across the country, essential for a growing nation. Economic activities, especially those related to transportation and communication, became more efficient and reliable.

Moreover, the concept of time zones influenced the world. Today, time zones are an integral part of global coordination, affecting everything from international flights to the stock market.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Snoozers Are, In Fact, Losers” — The New Yorker

WTF Fun Fact 13659 – Hawaii Snow

While New York City and Boston are typically associated with snowy winters, Hawaii snow has surprisingly outpaced them in snowfall this winter.

Hawaii Snow

The Mauna Kea Weather Center on Hawaii Island experienced a significant snowstorm in late November. That resulted in approximately half a foot of snow. This event occurred on the peaks of the Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa volcanoes.

In contrast, Boston reported only a fraction of its average snowfall, receiving a mere 0.2 inches on December 6. New York City, often pictured with winter snowscapes, has yet to see its first snowfall of the season.

Social media buzzed with images of Hawaii’s snow-covered volcanic peaks. This surprised many who associate the Aloha State solely with sun and surf. However, snow on Hawaii’s higher altitudes is not as rare as one might think.

Hawaii’s High-Altitude Snow

Hawaii’s volcanic peaks, particularly the nearly 14,000-foot-tall Mauna Kea volcano, are known for their altitude and even receive snow occasionally in the summer. Mauna Kea is recognized as the world’s tallest mountain when measured from base to peak, extending about 20,000 feet below sea level. This significant elevation means that these mountains can experience winter conditions distinct from the tropical climate below.

Skiers sometimes venture to these Hawaiian peaks for a unique skiing experience, despite the absence of traditional ski resorts in the state. Blizzard warnings are not unheard of in these areas during the winter months.

On the East Coast, cities like Boston and New York City are experiencing an unusually mild winter. Boston’s most significant snow event in January produced only 3.5 inches, while New York City’s largest was a modest 1.8 inches in February. Tom Kines, a senior meteorologist at AccuWeather, highlighted that this level of snowfall is atypical for these cities. Boston’s average snowfall for November is 0.7 inches, escalating to 9 inches in December. New York City usually sees about half an inch in November and close to 5 inches in December.

El Niño’s Potential Impact

The weather pattern known as El Niño, characterized by warmer ocean waters in the Pacific, might change the East Coast’s winter outlook. Following the end of La Niña in March, El Niño began this summer.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted that El Niño could lead to near-normal or slightly above-normal precipitation for the East Coast.

This means there’s still a chance for cities like New York and Boston to catch up and experience their share of winter wonderland scenes. El Niño’s influence could bring more wet weather to these areas, potentially increasing their snowfall totals as the winter progresses.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Hawaii’s Gotten More Snow This Winter Than New York City, Boston Combined” — Newsweek

WTF Fun Fact 13658 – Viking Dentistry

You probably haven’t pondered Viking dentistry. However, a recent study at the University of Gothenburg revealed that Viking dental practices were surprisingly advanced.

The study examined 3,293 teeth from 171 individuals in Varnhem, Sweden, dating back to the Viking Age. This region is renowned for well-preserved skeletal remains, offering a unique glimpse into ancient dental health.

Caries and Tooth Loss in Viking Dentistry

The findings, published in PLOS ONE, show a widespread occurrence of dental issues among the Vikings. About 49% of the population had one or more caries lesions, with 13% of adult teeth affected, often at the roots. Interestingly, children’s milk teeth were free from caries. Adults frequently experienced tooth loss, averaging a 6% loss over their lifetimes, excluding wisdom teeth.

These results suggest that tooth infections and aches were common, likely impacting daily life.

The Vikings weren’t just suffering in silence; they actively attempted dental care. Evidence of toothpick use, front teeth filing, and even treatment for infected teeth were found. Molars showed filed holes from the crown to the pulp, probably to relieve toothache caused by infection.

This method mirrors modern dental treatments, where drilling into infected teeth relieves pressure. It’s unclear whether Vikings conducted these procedures themselves or sought help.

Cultural Significance of Teeth

Filed front teeth, found predominantly in males, may have served as identity markers. This practice indicates that teeth held significant cultural importance in Viking society. The study suggests that Viking Age dentistry might have been more sophisticated than previously thought, with a better understanding of oral health than assumed.

This study offers more than just a medical perspective; it sheds light on the cultural aspects of Viking life. The care and attention given to teeth, from practical health to aesthetic modifications, reflect a society that valued oral health and appearance.

Such findings challenge the stereotypical image of Vikings and offer a more nuanced view of their daily lives.

Advancements in Viking Dentistry

The dental techniques observed in Viking remains were not rudimentary. The evidence of infection treatment and cosmetic modifications speaks to a level of sophistication in their dental knowledge.

These practices show parallels with modern dentistry, highlighting an unexpected advancement in medical understanding during the Viking Age.

This groundbreaking research opens doors for further study into the health and cultural practices of ancient civilizations. Understanding the significance of oral health in Viking society could lead to more discoveries about their lifestyle, medical practices, and societal norms.

As we uncover more about the Vikings, our perception of them evolves from mere warriors to a complex society with advanced practices.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Viking dentistry was surprisingly advanced” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13652 – The Grey Hulk Origin

Do you know the grey Hulk origin story? Wait…did you even know there was once a GREY Hulk?

The Incredible Hulk, known for his iconic green skin and colossal strength, didn’t start off green. In 1962, Marvel Comics debuted the Hulk as a grey-skinned goliath.

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the Hulk was envisioned as a misunderstood creature, akin to Quasimodo or Frankenstein’s monster. The aim was to make him relatable and devoid of any specific ethnic association.

The Unplanned Transition to Green from the Grey Hulk Origin

During the initial comic series, the colorist faced challenges with the grey ink. This inconsistency led to the Hulk’s skin appearing green in some editions. Interestingly, Stan Lee embraced this accidental green hue, and it became a defining feature of the Hulk’s character. Interestingly, the serendipitous twist gave the Hulk a distinct and now-iconic appearance.

In the world of comics, changes often get woven into the storyline. The Hulk’s color change was explained as a consequence of ongoing gamma exposure affecting Bruce Banner, the Hulk’s alter ego. As a result, the simple narrative device allowed the transition from grey to green to fit seamlessly into the Hulk’s story.

The Emergence of Grey Hulk’s Persona

The Hulk’s color change wasn’t just cosmetic. It introduced a new aspect to Bruce Banner’s persona. The Grey Hulk, also known as Joe Fixit, was an intelligent, calculating figure, quite different from the savage and primal Green Hulk. As a result, the new identity even saw the Grey Hulk working as a gangster in Las Vegas, showcasing a complex character far removed from the original concept.

Bruce Banner’s struggle with his dual identities led to a significant storyline involving therapy sessions with Doc Sampson. These sessions aimed to integrate Banner’s personalities. Eventually, they led to the creation of “The Professor,” a persona where Banner’s intellect controlled the Hulk’s strength. This concept found its way into the MCU’s “Avengers: Endgame,” where Banner and the Hulk merge into a single entity, illustrating how the character has evolved over the years.

The Impact of a Coloring Error

The Hulk’s journey from grey to green highlights how creative decisions can shape a character’s legacy. What began as a coloring issue led to an iconic change that deeply influenced the Hulk’s character development. This change not only established the Hulk’s visual identity but also paved the way for exploring multiple facets of Bruce Banner’s personality.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Yes, The Hulk Was Originally GREY in Marvel Comics” — ScreenRant

WTF Fun Fact 13651 – Origin of the Word Whisky

Whisky has a history as rich as its flavor. Originating from the Gaelic phrase “uisge beatha” or “usquebaugh,” whisky translates to “water of life.”

This term, deeply rooted in the Highlands of Scotland, perfectly encapsulates the essence and historical significance of this revered beverage.

Early Uses of the Word Whisky

Whisky’s journey began hundreds of years ago, likely influenced by the practices of Christian missionary monks. Its earliest mention dates back to the Scottish Exchequer Rolls of 1494, where ‘eight bolls of malt’ were allotted to Friar John Cor for making ‘aquavitae,’ an early form of whisky. This art of distillation, potentially discovered by Highland farmers, marked the beginning of a storied legacy.

Scotch whisky, initially known as the Red Stockings and later simply as ‘Reds,’ underwent significant transformations. The term ‘whisky’ became mainstream in 1881, following the Red Stockings’ expulsion from the National League due to beer sales. Despite its evolving identity, whisky remained a central part of Scottish culture and commerce.

Political Influences and Name Changes

Whisky’s history is not without its political challenges. In the 1950s, the name ‘Reds’ became politically charged due to the widespread fear of communism, known as ‘The Red Scare.’ This led to the temporary renaming of the Cincinnati Reds to the ‘Redlegs,’ a decision driven by the desire to dissociate from any communist connotations. However, the name ‘Reds’ prevailed and was officially restored in 1959.

The Art of Whisky Making Whisky making is an intricate process, preserving techniques passed down through generations. The art involves careful distillation of barley and other grains, capturing the essence of its ingredients. The spirit’s character is further shaped by aging in wooden casks, where it acquires unique flavors and a golden hue.

Whisky’s Role in Social and Economic History Throughout its history, whisky has played a significant role in society. It has been a source of economic growth, a symbol of national identity, and a staple in social gatherings. Distilleries have long contributed to local economies, while the spirit itself has been celebrated in literature, music, and art.

Today, people enjoy whisk(e)y across geographical and cultural boundaries. Its appeal lies not only in its rich flavor but also in its ability to connect people to a shared heritage. From its humble beginnings as the “water of life” to its status as a sophisticated beverage, whisky continues to captivate connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.

As whisky enters a new era, it continues to evolve while maintaining its connection to tradition. Innovations in distillation and aging processes promise exciting developments in flavor profiles. Whisky festivals, tastings, and clubs foster a growing community of enthusiasts, ensuring that the legacy of this storied spirit lives on.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Origin of Scotch Whisky” — Scotch Whisky Experience