In 1959, police were called to a segregated library in S. Carolina when 9yr-old Ronald McNair refused to leave. He later got a PhD in Physics from MIT and died in 1986 aboard the space shuttle Challenger. The library that refused to lend him books is now named after him. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Dr. Marijuana Pepsi
A woman named Marijuana Pepsi, who refused to change her name, earned her Ph.D at age 46 after writing her thesis on “Black names in white classrooms: Teacher behaviors and student perceptions.” – WTF Fun Facts
Oldest PhD recipient
A 102 year old german woman is the oldest to receive a PhD. She was banned from attending her final oral exam in 1938 by the Nazi influenced university because she was Jewish. – WTF Fun Facts
phd graduates in finland get a sword and diploma
PhD graduates in Finland get a sword and diploma – WTF fun facts