Pizza stops a man from committing suicide – WTF fun facts
pizza man saves the life of a customer wtf fun
Pizza man saves the life of a customer – WTF fun facts
boris yeltsin was found in his underwear looking
Boris Yeltsin was found in his underwear looking for pizza – WTF fun facts
hillary clintons campaign spent the most on
Hillary Clinton’s campaign spent the most on pizza – WTF fun facts
pizza hut sent pizza to the international space
Pizza Hut sent pizza to the International space station for a million dollar – WTF fun facts
the founder of dominos pizza met his wife on a pizza
The founder of Domino’s pizza met his wife on a pizza delivery – WTF fun facts
the last two remaining mcdonalds in the us that
The last two remaining McDonalds in the US that sell pizza – WTF fun facts