Allodoxaphobia is the irrational fear of opinions. – WTF Fun Facts
Allodoxaphobia is the irrational fear of opinions. – WTF Fun Facts
Scurryfunge is an old English word meaning to rush around cleaning when you see company is on their way over. – WTF Fun Facts
English is spoken by over 2 billion people in the world and there are more people who have learned it as a second language than there are native speakers. – WTF Fun Facts
A smellfungus is someone who is always finding faults or critiques everything. – WTF Fun Facts
Until the early 20th century, the phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” actually meant to do something impossibly absurd. – WTF Fun Facts
When using multiple words to describe an object, native English speakers naturally list the adjectives in the following order: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, and then purpose. – WTF Fun Facts
A shibboleth is any custom or tradition, usually a phrase or even a word, that distinguishes one group of people from another. Shibboleths have been used throughout history in many societies as passwords or means of self-identification. – WTF Fun Facts
There is an unwritten English rule concerning ablaut reduplication, or the altering of the interior vowels of a repeated word. When repeating words, the first vowel is always an I, then A or O if there are only two words, and I, A, O if there are three words. For example, it’s “chit-chat” and not “chat-chit”. – WTF Fun Facts
Sesselpupser is German for those who sit around all day doing nothing or those who work from the comfort of an office chair doing menial work. It literally translates to “chair farter”. – WTF Fun Facts