WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13531 – Gef, The Talking Mongoose

Have you ever heard a talking mongoose? Of course not. But you may have heard of one. His name is Gef.

In the annals of strange occurrences and unsolved mysteries, few tales captivate the imagination quite like that of Gef the Talking Mongoose, a mysterious entity that reportedly haunted a farmhouse on the Isle of Man in the 1930s.

Some called it a spook-weasel, others a poltergeist—Gef was unlike anything anyone had ever encountered. This story combines elements of folklore, psychology, and the paranormal, and despite investigations, it has resisted a definitive explanation for nearly a century.

A Farmhouse Stirred by Strange Sounds

The story begins in 1931 when the Irving family—James, Margaret, and their daughter Voirrey—began hearing eerie sounds in their isolated home, Doarlish Cashen, near the village of Dalby. The noises included scratching, rustling, and even what could only be described as vocalizations.

Convinced they had a rodent problem, they set up traps, to no avail.

The Mongoose Appears

But then, the situation escalated. The entity—whatever it was—began to mimic the family’s speech patterns, imitating a child learning to talk. Before long, it was speaking in full sentences.

Named “Gef,” the entity claimed to be a mongoose born in New Delhi in 1852, who had survived a life fraught with danger, including being “shot at by Indians.”

Soon, Gef was having full conversations, especially with Voirrey. Incredibly, he claimed to speak multiple languages, including Russian, Manx, Hebrew, Welsh, Hindustani, Flemish, Italian, and Arabic.

Gef, The Talking Mongoose

Only Voirrey claimed to have seen the critter, describing him as the size of a small rat with a bushy tail and yellow fur. Gef was reportedly so camera-shy that he avoided being photographed. He soon became a part of the Irving family’s life, allegedly visiting neighbors and even relaying gossip back to the family, further perplexing the community.

According to the family, Gef could shape-shift and turn invisible, attributes that helped him go unnoticed on his adventures. Convenient!

As Gef’s fame spread, journalists and paranormal investigators sought to witness this phenomenon firsthand. Harry Price, a noted psychic investigator, and R.S. Lambert, the then editor of BBC magazine ‘The Listener,’ visited the Irvings to study Gef.

Upon their arrival, however, Gef became “invisible.” Harry Price examined samples of fur and paw prints provided by the family but was skeptical about their authenticity, finding them more likely to be from the family dog than any known mongoose or weasel.

The Disappearance of Gef The Talking Mongoose

Eventually, as the 1930s wore on, Gef vanished from the public eye as interest waned. Some speculate that Voirrey, who was known for her ventriloquism skills, was behind the elaborate hoax, despite her denials.

The general consensus was that Gef was either a family joke that went too far or a deliberate hoax. However, there are still those who believe the tale points to unexplained phenomena or poltergeist activity.

Despite the skepticism and the lack of definitive evidence, Gef has earned a permanent spot in the annals of British folklore and paranormal history. Whether a product of human psychology, an elaborate joke, or an actual paranormal entity, the story continues to fascinate and puzzle talking mongoose enthusiasts.

What do you think? Was he a figment of a lonely girl’s imagination, a hoax perpetuated by a family for reasons unknown, or something more unexplainable?

 WTF fun facts

Source: “We’re Proud To Introduce Gef, The Talking Mongoose That Mystified A Nation” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13530 – Lost Nuclear Weapons

Would you believe 6 U.S. has lost nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are often regarded as the pinnacle of military technology—devastatingly powerful and carefully guarded. Yet, even with stringent safety protocols, accidents and mistakes have happened.

The United States has lost control of six nuclear weapons, events referred to as “Broken Arrows.” These instances pose questions about the security and accountability measures governing the world’s most powerful arsenals.

The Incidents of Lost Nuclear Weapons

  1. 1950 – British Columbia: The first known loss occurred when a B-36 bomber experienced engine trouble. While en route from Alaska to Texas, the crew jettisoned the nuclear bomb over the Pacific Ocean before safely landing the plane. Despite search efforts, the bomb remains missing to this day.
  2. 1956 – Mediterranean Sea: Another instance occurred when a B-47 took off from Florida and disappeared without a trace over the Mediterranean Sea. The bomber was carrying two nuclear weapon cores. Neither the plane nor the weapons have been found.
  3. 1958 – Savannah, Georgia: A collision between a B-47 and an F-86 led to the bomber dropping a nuclear weapon into the waters near Tybee Island. The weapon, which was not armed with a fissile warhead, has yet to be recovered despite repeated search missions.
  4. 1961 – Goldsboro, North Carolina: In a near-catastrophic event, a B-52 carrying two nuclear bombs broke apart mid-air. One of the bombs deployed its parachute and was safely recovered, but the other fell into a muddy field and broke apart. The uranium core was never found.
  5. 1965 – Palomares, Spain: Another mid-air collision led to a B-52 dropping four hydrogen bombs near Palomares. Although the non-nuclear explosives in two bombs detonated upon impact, contaminating the area with plutonium, all four were eventually recovered.
  6. 1968 – Thule, Greenland: A B-52 crashed into sea ice near Thule Air Base, causing the onboard nuclear weapons to explode on impact sans nuclear detonation. The cleanup operation was only partially successful. It’s believed that one of the four nuclear weapons is still buried in the ice.


The loss of nuclear weapons has significant political, environmental, and security implications. Politically, these incidents have strained U.S. relations with other nations and led to debates on the control and management of nuclear arsenals. Environmentally, the incidents pose a risk of radioactive contamination, as seen in the Palomares incident. From a security standpoint, the loss of these weapons could pose a catastrophic risk if they were to fall into the wrong hands.

Accountability and Measures

The United States has invested significant resources into locating these missing nuclear weapons, often in collaboration with the countries where these incidents occurred. Advances in technology have aided in search efforts, but the success has been limited.

Stringent protocols have been put in place to prevent similar incidents. The military has also increased transparency with the public regarding these incidents. But much information remains classified for national security reasons.

The Uncomfortable Truth

The fact remains that six nuclear weapons are unaccounted for. While the chances of these weapons being operational are low. Bu their mere existence poses an existential threat that underscores the importance of stringent safety and security measures. As nuclear arsenals continue to evolve, the lessons learned from these “Broken Arrow” incidents remain a cautionary tale for all nations.

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Source: “Broken Arrows: Nuclear Weapons Accidents” — Atomic Archive

WTF Fun Fact 13529 – Beer Powered Motorcycle

Would you drive a beer powered motorcycle?

When it comes to invention and innovation, few names light up the room like Ky Michaelson, a Minnesota legend better known by his nickname, “the Rocketman.” With a lifetime of exploits in speed and engineering, from partnering with deaf stuntwoman Kitty O’Neil to setting over 70 state, national, and international speed records, Michaelson is a man who seems to never run out of fuel—both literally and metaphorically.

However, his latest project, a motorcycle powered by beer, adds another layer of allure to his already fascinating life story.

From Speed Records to Stuntman Collaborations

To begin appreciating the significance of the beer-powered motorcycle, it’s essential to dive into Michaelson’s career first. His roots in speed started with his partnership with Kitty O’Neil during the 1970s. O’Neil set the land speed record for the fastest woman on four wheels in 1976, reaching an eye-watering speed of 512 miles per hour. Michaelson’s reputation gained more traction after his work with O’Neil caught the attention of Hollywood stuntman Dar Robinson. Together, they worked on projects for movies like Logan’s Run, Airplane, the Police Academy series, and Lethal Weapon until Robinson’s untimely death in 1986.

Return to Rocket Roots

After Robinson’s death, Michaelson returned to Minnesota and went back to his first love: rockets. This man is not just about speed; he’s also about the extraordinary means to achieve it. He’s built a rocket-powered toilet and set a Guinness record with a rocket-powered snowmobile. Even his kitchen gadgets are high-speed, like a high-speed margarita maker with a weed-eater motor. Michaelson’s imagination knows no bounds, as he continually seeks to innovate and defy the norm.

Beer-Powered Motorcycle Innovation

Perhaps his most extraordinary creation is the beer-powered motorcycle. Designed alongside his son, Buddy, this unique machine swaps out the conventional gas engine for a 14-gallon keg. Yes, you read that correctly.

The motorcycle is fueled by beer heated to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows it to generate enough steam power to propel the bike forward. Interestingly, Ky Michaelson is not a drinker, making the choice of beer as fuel even more fascinating.

His pragmatic viewpoint? “The price of gas is getting up there. I don’t drink, so I can’t think of anything better than to use it for fuel.”

The Science Behind the Suds

The beer in the 14-gallon keg is heated by a coil until it reaches a boiling point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it hits this temperature, the steam is forced out through a nozzle at the back of the bike, providing the thrust necessary for propulsion.

According to Michaelson’s calculations, the bike should be able to reach a top speed of about 150 miles per hour, although this hasn’t been tested yet.

Future of the Beer Powered Motorcycle

While the bike has already been showcased at local events and won awards, Michaelson aims to test its full capabilities at a drag strip soon. What’s more, the beer-cycle may eventually find its way into his in-house museum, alongside other fascinating inventions.

Interestingly, it doesn’t have to be beer fuel. Buddy, Michaelson’s son, stated that virtually any beverage could power the bike, opening the doors to further innovation. Could we see a coffee-powered or even Red Bull-powered version of the bike soon? Only time will tell.

So, the next time you pour yourself a cold beer, take a moment to think of Ky Michaelson, a man who saw a tankard not as a vessel for a drink, but as a fuel tank for uncharted possibilities. Cheers to that.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Minnesota Man Invented a Motorcycle That Runs on Beer” — Food & Wine

WTF Fun Fact 13528 – Crows and Owls

Nature offers many rivalries, but few are as captivating as the longstanding feud between crows and owls. These two avian species don’t see eye to eye, and their interactions are often intense.

Crows and Owls

Crows belong to the corvid family, known for intelligence and complex social structures. They live in groups called murders and often roam their territories searching for food. Crows are highly adaptable and can survive in various environments, from rural areas to cities.

Owls are the masters of silent hunting, capable of swooping down on prey without making a sound. They belong to different families, but most are solitary and nocturnal. Owls rely on their keen sense of hearing and exceptional night vision to locate and capture prey.

The Sources of the Dispute Between Crows and Owls

Both crows and owls are carnivorous and sometimes target the same food sources. Small mammals, insects, and even other birds fall into their menus. This dietary overlap fuels competition and neither species appreciates a rival infringing on its hunting ground.

These animals often stake out territories that overlap. Crows are territorial creatures and defend their space fiercely. Owls, though less social, are equally protective of their hunting grounds. When territories collide, so do the birds.

Crows are diurnal, active during the day, while most owls are nocturnal, active at night. You’d think this would minimize conflict, but it doesn’t. Crows often spot owls resting in trees during the day and raise an alarm. The noisy cawing alerts other crows, and soon a mob forms to drive the owl away.

Mobbing: A Crow’s Defense Mechanism

Crows engage in a behavior called “mobbing” when they encounter a predator like an owl. They swarm the predator, cawing loudly, diving at it, and even pecking it to drive it away. This tactic usually works, as the owl becomes overwhelmed and leaves the area.

Crows initiate these confrontations for a reason. Owls pose a threat to young crows and eggs, making them a natural enemy. By driving an owl away, crows protect their offspring from becoming a meal.

Owls are not the aggressors in these encounters, but they aren’t passive victims either. When cornered, owls will fight back. Their sharp talons and beaks are formidable weapons. However, they prefer to avoid such confrontations and will often vacate an area if mobbed regularly by crows.

Survival of the Smartest

The crow-owl rivalry isn’t just about survival but also intellectual engagement. Crows seem to understand that owls are predators, and their mobbing behavior suggests advanced problem-solving skills. Owls, for their part, know to evade areas frequented by aggressive crows.

The Role of Humans

Humans indirectly contribute to this rivalry by altering natural habitats. Urbanization pushes these birds closer together, making encounters more frequent. Ironically, human presence can also offer temporary truces; both species are known to raid human trash bins for easy meals, sometimes tolerating each other’s presence for the sake of food.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Crows vs Owls: What is going on?” — Carleton College

WTF Fun Fact 13527 – World’s Oldest Chicken

Meet Peanut, a 21-year-old bantam hen from Waterloo, Michigan. Recently dubbed the world’s oldest living chicken by Guinness World Records, Peanut has shattered all norms surrounding avian longevity. In a world where the average chicken lives only 5 to 10 years, Peanut’s journey is not just fascinating but also scientifically intriguing.

A Chick with Grit

Peanut’s life started on rocky ground. Abandoned in a frozen egg by her mother, she was minutes away from being a meal for a hungry fox. However, a chirp for help made Marsi Parker Darwin, the owner of Darwin’s Eden Farm, reconsider the decision to discard the seemingly lifeless egg.

Marsi carefully broke the shell and gave Peanut her first taste of life, one she wasn’t willing to give up so easily.

A Bird With Identity

Most chickens live an ordinary life, but not Peanut. From the beginning, she exhibited an unconventional personality. She relished human company, often perching on Marsi’s arm or sitting quietly in her pocket.

According to Marsi, Peanut never saw herself as a ‘normal’ chicken but rather as an individual deserving of a place on Darwin’s Eden, a farm that serves as a sanctuary for various animals.

Peanut’s Secret to Being the World’s Oldest Chicken

The question that puzzles many is, how did Peanut manage to live this long? Marsi credits a well-rounded diet and specialized care for her animals. However, even she believes there must be an unknown ‘x-factor’ that has contributed to Peanut’s record-breaking longevity.

Documenting a Lifetime: Photography as Proof

To establish Peanut’s age and hence claim her title, Marsi had to provide proof. Thanks to a well-documented life in pictures, Marsi could substantiate Peanut’s age. Each photograph captured was not just a moment frozen in time but an irrefutable piece of evidence that showcased Peanut’s extraordinary lifespan.

Peanut’s story isn’t confined to Darwin’s Eden. She’s been immortalized in a children’s book, penned by none other than Marsi herself. The book goes beyond narrating Peanut’s unique life; it also serves as a moral lesson, encouraging kids to overcome obstacles and never lose hope, much like Peanut did when she chirped for her life.

Will She Build the Oldest Chicken Ever?

As Peanut enjoys her twilight years, the world is watching to see if she’ll break the record for the oldest chicken ever, currently held by a 23-year-old hen named Muffy. While age may be catching up with her, Peanut’s story serves as a testament to resilience, the power of care, and the miraculous outcomes that can arise from unexpected beginnings.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Meet Peanut, a 21-year–old chicken and world record holder” — NPR

WTF Fun Fact 13526 – Hercules Beetle

The Hercules beetle is a wonder in the world of insects, renowned for its colossal size and unique morphology. Originating from the rainforests of Central and South America, this beetle has a horn that can even surpass its own body length, making it a subject of intrigue for both scientists and insect enthusiasts.

Physical Characteristics of the Hercules Beetle

Notably, male Hercules beetles are the ones that sport elongated horns, which they primarily use for battling rivals when competing for mates. These horns boast a unique inner structure, built much like a honeycomb. This internal design enhances the horn’s durability while keeping it lightweight. The beetle’s strength-to-weight ratio is astounding; it has the capability to lift an astonishing 850 times its body weight. This herculean feat is what lends the beetle its mythological name, Hercules.

The life cycle of a Hercules beetle comprises four key stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Among these, the larval stage stretches the longest, often up to two years. During this period, the larvae sustain themselves on decaying wood, hidden away from predators.

Interestingly, the diet of the Hercules beetle is mostly plant-based. The larvae feed on rotting wood, aiding in forest decomposition. Adults prefer sugary foods like fruit, but also consume tree sap. This diet provides both nourishment and hydration, necessary for their survival in the wild.

The horn plays a pivotal role in the beetle’s mating rituals. Males engage in combative duels using their horns, tossing rivals off logs and branches to win the favor of a female. The horn, therefore, is not just for show but a tool for survival and propagation.

Human Engagement

Due to their unique appearance and relatively low maintenance, Hercules beetles have become popular pets. Beyond this, the scientific community is profoundly interested in these beetles. Studies often focus on the properties of the beetle’s exoskeleton, which could inspire advances in materials science.

Currently, it is not categorized as an endangered species. However, looming threats like habitat loss due to rampant deforestation put their population at risk. Environmental agencies emphasize the need for conservation efforts to protect this fascinating species.

Cultural Relevance

The Hercules beetle has permeated cultural consciousness in several ways. In Japan, children engage in beetle sumo wrestling as a form of entertainment. Additionally, the Hercules beetle appears in folklore and art, where it symbolizes traits like strength and bravery, much like its namesake.

The Hercules beetle captivates our imagination with its sheer size, unparalleled strength, and unique anatomical features. It serves as a vital subject in both scientific research and cultural narratives. Although it might not possess the divine attributes of its namesake, the Greek demigod Hercules, this remarkable beetle holds its own as a force in the natural world.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Hercules Beetle” — AZ Animals

WTF Fun Fact 13525 – Elephant Dung Coffee

Who’s in the mood for some elephant dung coffee?

When you think about coffee, elephants probably don’t come to mind. But in the case of Black Ivory Coffee, these gentle giants play a crucial role. Produced mainly in Thailand, this luxurious brew costs a fortune but offers a unique taste experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Elephant Dung Coffee Really Exists

Farmers feed carefully selected Arabica coffee cherries to elephants. The animals savor the cherries, and their digestive systems get to work. As the cherries pass through, a natural fermentation occurs. Later, farmers collect the beans from the elephants’ waste.

Why involve elephants? The answer lies in chemistry. The digestive enzymes of the elephant break down coffee’s bitter proteins. The process also adds new flavors to the beans, resulting in a complex profile with floral notes and less bitterness.

Cleanup and Roasting

After collection, workers thoroughly clean the beans. They then proceed to dry and roast them. The roasting heightens the unique flavors imparted during the elephant’s digestive process. After roasting, the beans are ready for brewing, and coffee connoisseurs can finally taste this exotic brew.

The unusual production method raises questions. Is it ethical to use elephants in this way? Producers argue that they treat the elephants with care and respect, ensuring a humane process. Some even allocate a portion of their earnings to elephant conservation efforts. Still, the debate continues.

Because an elephant processes a limited number of cherries and many beans get lost or damaged during digestion, the output remains low. This scarcity, coupled with labor-intensive collection and cleaning, explains the high cost, which often exceeds $500 per pound.

The Niche Market

Given its steep price, Black Ivory Coffee targets a specific audience. Luxury hotels and high-end restaurants primarily serve this unique beverage. These establishments cater to clientele who seek a rare and exclusive coffee experience.

For those who can afford it, brewing methods matter. Most prefer using a French press to fully capture the complexity of flavors. The result? A cup of coffee that not only delights the taste buds but also tells a story from bean to brew.

Conservation Questions about Elephant Dung Coffee

Some Black Ivory Coffee producers claim that their business aids elephant conservation. However, the extent to which these efforts actually benefit conservation initiatives remains unclear.

Black Ivory Coffee defies conventional coffee production and offers a taste experience that’s in a league of its own. Though it courts controversy and caters to a niche market, it also challenges our perceptions of what coffee can be.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “No. 1 Most Expensive Coffee Comes From Elephant’s No. 2” — NPR

WTF Fun Fact 13524 – Lobsters Don’t Age

Lobsters don’t age.

This sea-dwelling crustacean defies the conventional understanding of aging by not showing signs of age-related decline. Here’s why lobsters have intrigued scientists and could potentially reshape our understanding of aging.

Biochemical Wizardry and Lobster Age

The secret behind a lobster’s seemingly eternal youthfulness lies in its biochemistry. Lobsters produce a substance called telomerase. This enzyme plays a role in maintaining the length of telomeres, which are protective caps at the ends of DNA strands.

In most organisms, including humans, telomeres shorten as they age, leading to cellular degeneration and eventually death. Lobsters, however, keep pumping out telomerase throughout their lives, maintaining their telomere length and, consequently, their cellular integrity.

Lobsters Don’t Age – Or Become Less Fertile

Another fascinating feature is that lobsters don’t experience a decline in fertility with age. In many species, reproductive capabilities wane over time. Not so for the lobster. Older females produce even more eggs than their younger counterparts. This aspect has led some researchers to speculate that lobsters may follow a different, if not unique, aging trajectory compared to other animals.

Lobsters continue to grow throughout their lives by molting. This involves shedding their exoskeleton and growing a new one. You might think that this process would become less efficient as the lobster ages, but that’s not the case. Each molt can result in a 14% increase in body size, irrespective of the lobster’s age.

The Age-Energy Paradox

You would assume that continuously growing and molting would require a tremendous amount of energy, and that this might become a constraint as lobsters age. Interestingly, lobsters do not face such limitations. They maintain robust metabolic rates and energy reserves, challenging the notion that energy capacity diminishes with age.

Another marvel lies in the lobster’s immune system. It doesn’t show signs of weakening with age, unlike in humans and other animals. Their robust immune systems add another layer of mystery to their already intriguing biology.

While lobsters don’t weaken with age, they aren’t immortal. Their demise usually comes from external factors like predation or disease. In their natural habitats, they have plenty of predators, including larger lobsters, fish, and even humans. As they grow bigger and older, they also become more susceptible to capture because they make for a more enticing meal.

Lobsters Don’t Age But They Don’t Live Forever

Though their bodies may not betray them, environmental conditions can still impact a lobster’s lifespan. Changes in water temperature, increased pollution, and loss of habitat can affect their longevity. Still, these factors do not trigger the internal mechanisms of decline that aging does in most other organisms.

The study of lobsters has far-reaching implications for understanding aging in other organisms, including humans. Researchers are keen on exploring whether the principles of the lobster’s longevity and resistance to aging can somehow be applied to human medicine. There’s ongoing research into telomerase, and it’s considered a hot topic in anti-aging studies.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Are lobsters immortal?” — Natural History Museum

WTF Fun Fact 13523 – Narwhal Tusks

The narwhal is often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea.” The creature has long fascinated scientists and the public alike with its iconic spiraling tusk. However, recent research reveals that these tusks are not just ornamental; they serve as invaluable biological records.

Just like tree rings can tell us about environmental conditions, the growth rings in a narwhal’s tusk can shed light on the animal’s diet and the changes in its environment.

Studying Narwhal Tusks

An international team of scientists conducted a study by examining ten narwhal tusks obtained from Inuit hunters in northwest Greenland. The tusks, which are actually elongated canine teeth found only in males, were cut in half lengthwise to reveal their growth rings. Each ring represented one year in the life of the narwhal. By analyzing these rings, scientists could gain a unique window into the life history of these Arctic mammals.

Scientists discovered that narwhals’ diets have changed in response to the environmental changes in the Arctic. This change is partly due to the shrinking of sea ice.

They measured levels of mercury, as well as stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen within each ring. Doing so helped them decipher the types of prey the narwhals had consumed in different years. These markers provided a snapshot of the narwhals’ diets and indicated how high their prey sat on the food chain.

The Narwhal Diet

The researchers found that until the 1990s, when the ice cover in the Arctic was still “extensive but varying,” narwhals primarily fed on sea-ice-adjacent prey like halibut and Arctic cod. However, as the ice cover started to decline between 1990 and 2000, narwhals began to consume more open ocean species. These included such species as capelin and polar cod.

These open ocean species sit lower on the food chain. This was reflected in lower mercury levels in the tusk layers for those particular years.

What’s concerning is that even though narwhals’ diets remained relatively consistent after the year 2000, mercury levels in their tusks started to rise significantly. This increase is thought to be linked to increased coal combustion emissions from southeast Asia. This revelation raises concerns about how pollutants from human activities are affecting even the most remote ecosystems on Earth.

Prof. Rune Dietz of Denmark’s Aarhus University pointed out that tusks in museums around the world represent an untapped data bank. An analysis of these could provide critical insights into how narwhals have adapted to changes over different periods and in different regions. This could lay the foundation for assessing how they are likely to cope with ongoing environmental shifts.

What We Can Learn

This study underscores the importance of understanding how climate change and human activities are affecting marine ecosystems. It shows how even seemingly unrelated things—like coal combustion in one part of the world—can have a ripple effect that impacts the diet and health of animals living in a completely different region.

Narwhal tusks serve as natural archives. They can reveal the complex interplay between marine biology, environmental change, and even global industrial activities. And they’re helping researchers stitch together a more complete understanding of the Arctic ecosystem.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Narwhal tusk rings reveal valuable environmental data” — New Atlas