WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13401 – European Sex Championship

In recent days, rumors and reports have circulated about an upcoming European Sex Championship to be held in Sweden. While it is important to note that the event lacks official recognition as a sport, it does appear to be going forward on June 8, 2023.

What’s the European Sex Championship?

Reports indicate that participants from 16 different countries will engage in various sexual activities over the course of 6 weeks.

According to NBC,

“Starting from June 8, the European Sex Championship will go on for six weeks where participants will engage in sexual activities from 45 minutes to 1 hour each day in solo matches. The sex session may last up to 6 hours per day.”

People from 20 different countries will participate, and the winners will be decided using both audience ratings and a panel of three judges.

The participants will be judged across 16 disciplines:

  • Seduction
  • Prelude
  • Massage of various parts of the body
  • Massage of erotic zones on the opponent’s body
  • Oral sex
  • Penetration
  • Endurance
  • Appearance
  • Pose Performance
  • Artistic performance and exchange of postures
  • Endurance and The Number of Orgasms
  • Creativity in Change of Position.
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate during competition.
  • The most beautiful and difficult position
  • Artistic communication
  • Most active couple

An unofficial event

The National Sports Confederation of Sweden revealed that the application submitted by the Swedish Sex Federation was deemed incomplete and therefore rejected as an official event. Consequently, the championship cannot be officially recognized as a sport.

Despite the absence of official recognition, the organizers of the event remain committed to proceeding with the competition.

The concept of a competitive sex championship certainly challenges societal norms and pushes the boundaries of traditional sporting events.

Is this for real?

According to multiple reports (and reported via IFL Science, cited below), the event is being organized by strip club owner Dragan Bratic. It does appear to being going forward, even though the confederation continues to distance itself from the event. They told News Checker that it is “false information with the aim of smearing Swedish sports and Sweden.”

However, the Swedish Sex Federation responded by saying,

“This year they accept e-sport as a sport. Is sitting in front of computer and playing video games more sport than healthy physical activity that prolongs life? We will let you to make your own conclusion.

European Championship in Sex exists, and it is starting on June 8th in Sweden. Is it a sport or not… it is not that important. Euro-vision is also a competition, but it is not a sport.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “European Sex Championship: Is Sweden Really Going To Turn Sex Into A Competitive Sport?” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13400 – Brain Processing Speed and Intelligence

Scientists have discovered something interesting about brain processing speed and intelligence. It turns out our decision-making abilities are not necessarily linked to intelligence.

A study by researchers from BIH and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin found that individuals who performed better on intelligence tests were faster at solving simple problems but required more time for difficult tasks compared to those with lower scores.

How is brain processing speed related to intelligence?

In the popular imagination, thinking fast is usually associated with intelligence. There are studies that support this idea, but they might not have been considering a wide enough range of measures.

Personalized brain simulations revealed that brains with reduced synchronization between different regions tended to make hasty decisions. Meanwhile, higher-scoring participants took longer to solve complex tasks and made fewer mistakes. The findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, shed light on the intricate workings of the human brain.

How did they perform the research?

Led by Professor Dr. Petra Ritter, director of the brain simulation section at the Berlin Institute of Health and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the researchers employed computer simulations to understand decision-making processes and their variations among individuals. They used digital data from brain examinations, such as magnetic resonance imaging, and mathematical models based on theoretical knowledge of biological processes, to develop “personalized brain models” that mirrored individual participants’ brain activity.

For the study, the researchers collaborated with the Human Connectome Project, which collects data on nerve connections in the human brain. The project provided data from 650 participants who had undergone cognitive tests and obtained IQ scores.

The results of brain processing speed research

The scientists discovered that the brains in both the simulations and real individuals exhibited different behaviors based on their levels of synchronization. Slower brains exhibited higher functional connectivity. This allowed neural circuits in the frontal lobe to delay decisions longer than in less coordinated brains. As a result of the temporal coordination, brains were able to gather more information before reaching a conclusion.

The study also revealed that reduced functional connectivity caused some brains to jump to hasty decisions instead of waiting for upstream brain regions to complete the necessary processing steps. The synchronization of brain regions, forming functional networks, influenced working memory and the ability to hold off on decisions for a longer time. Complex problems required holding information in working memory while searching for alternative solutions, leading to better results.

The research provides valuable insights into the balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain’s decision-making processes and its impact on working memory.

The implications

These findings have implications beyond understanding human intelligence. The improved simulation technology used in the study can potentially aid in personalized treatment planning for patients with neurodegenerative diseases like dementia or Parkinson’s. Computer simulations could help doctors estimate the most suitable interventions, medications, or brain stimulation techniques for individual patients, taking into account the likely efficacy and side effects of each approach.

By uncovering the complexities of brain function and decision-making, this research contributes to our knowledge of the human mind and may open new avenues for personalized medicine and treatment strategies in the future.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Intelligent brains take longer to solve difficult problems” — Berlin Institute of Health

WTF Fun Fact 13399 – Rumors of an Alien Blood Type

A speculative (to say the least!) theory is making waves on TikTok about an alien blood type here on Earth. It’s claiming that individuals with the Rhesus-negative blood type might have extraterrestrial origins. It’s no doubt playing off the recent lack of transparency from the U.S. and other governments about their unidentified aerial phenomenon research.

But in case you think you might be part alien, we’re here to disappoint you.

Quacks, non-experts, and careless speculators

This theory of an alien blood type lacks any legitimate evidence. In fact, it’s not even a new claim.

This “alien blood type” was presented as a “thought-provoking” concept back in 2009 on The History Channel’s show Ancient Aliens. It’s a show that often recklessly combines some scientific research with fringe theories and non-expert viewpoints, typically to get a rise out of people with wild speculations.

So what’s with the alien blood type?

The claim making rounds in the depths of social media states that people with the rhesus-negative blood type could be descendants of extraterrestrials.

It all started with a TikTok video (which is usually how you know it requires more data). It also showed a group of people they refer to as “experts” presenting theories on how these aliens might have influenced our genetic makeup. These commentators suggested that aliens may have been interbreeding with humans or deliberate genetic engineering hybrids at some point in the past. Why? How? Well, since there’s no evidence, there’s no real answer to that.

There’s a LOT of plain old speculation in the clip (including that aliens would even have the same molecular makeup as humans and be able to cross-breed).

Anyway, as a result, the show’s guests suggested – again, without any evidence – that a small portion of the population could be descended from aliens.

Those they chose to be marked as aliens?: People with the relatively rare blood type known as Rhesus (Rh) negative.

What is Rhesus-negative blood?

Only around 15% of the global population has Rhesus-negative blood. As a result, it has intrigued scientists and medical professionals since its discovery in the late 1930s. But there are other rare blood types.

You’ve no doubt heard of the blood types A, B, and O (positive and negative). But there are actually many more blood grouping systems than ABO – over 40 more. This includes Rhesus (Rh), Langereis (Lan), Kell (KEL), Duffy (FY), etc.

So, blood types are really interesting and confusing – and they go far beyond what we learned in 8th-grade biology. That doesn’t mean there’s any reason to believe people with rare blood types are descended from aliens.

Why make the jump from rare blood to alien blood?

The mystery surrounding Rhesis-negative’s origin has allowed some people to do what they do with other things that confuse them – run rampant with random theories. It’s actually pretty common for us to fill in the gaps with our own ideas. But in this case, a few people decided to attribute the blood type’s existence to alien influence. The History Channel gave them a platform on which to do it and made them seem legitimate. And the internet did the rest.

This claim falls under the category of the “Aliens of the Gaps” argument, a variation of the “God of the Gaps” argument often used by creationists. It suggests that when there is no agreed-upon explanation for a phenomenon, it can be attributed to extraterrestrial activity. And if you think that sounds like a reasonable conclusion…well, you do you.

So why, despite the lack of evidence for alien-human hybrids, does the claim persist? Well, it’s presented using a clever rhetorical technique. By combining the views of actual scientists and experts with non-experts in a way that blurs the lines between them, it creates the illusion of a balanced discussion where all perspectives are equally valid.

You might now recognize how common this rhetorical strategy is these days – even when it doesn’t involve aliens.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Having Rhesus-Negative Blood Does Not Mean You’re Descended From Aliens” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13398 – Dubai Helicopter Uber

Dubai, with its towering skyscrapers and world-class infrastructure, offers a plethora of experiences. However, to truly appreciate the city’s grandeur, nothing compares to a bird’s eye view. That’s where Uber helicopter tours in Dubai come into play.

Uber a helicopter in Dubai

Uber helicopter tours provide a unique opportunity to see Dubai from above. Operated by Uber, these tours allow passengers to book a private helicopter ride. The tour typically lasts around 12-15 minutes, during which passengers can marvel at the breathtaking views of the city. The tour includes a scenic flight over iconic landmarks such as the Burj Khalifa, the Palm Jumeirah, and the Dubai Marina.

Booking an Uber helicopter tour in Dubai is a straightforward process. Start by downloading the Uber app and signing up for an account. Once you’ve completed this step, search for Uber helicopter tours within the app. A list of available tours will appear, and you can choose the one that suits you best. Book the tour and pay for it using your Uber account.

It’ll cost you

The cost of an Uber helicopter tour in Dubai varies based on the time of day and the duration of the tour. On average, a 12-15 minute tour costs approximately AED 600-700 per person. This price includes the helicopter ride itself and a private tour guide who will point out the city’s landmarks during the tour.

When embarking on an Uber helicopter tour, passengers can expect a thrilling and unforgettable experience. The tour begins with a safety briefing and an introduction to the helicopter. Passengers are then escorted to their seats in the helicopter. Once everyone is seated, the helicopter takes off, commencing the tour. Throughout the journey, passengers can soak in the stunning views of the city and its landmarks. The tour guide will highlight various points of interest, providing valuable information about each location.

Safety first

While the adventure of Uber helicopter tours is exhilarating, safety is a top priority. Passengers must follow the safety instructions provided by the tour guide and remain seated throughout the flight. It’s important to refrain from taking flash photos and avoid leaning out of the helicopter. Additionally, dressing appropriately for the weather conditions and wearing comfortable shoes is advisable.

Oh, and if you want a stateside helicopter ride to avoid the traffic while traveling to JFK, Uber offers those as well.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Uber Helicopter Dubai: Your Ticket to a Scenic Tour of the City” — Arabian Diaries

WTF Fun Fact 13397 – The Longest Boxing Match

In 1893, Andy Bowen and Jack Burke, engaged in the longest boxing match in history. It was a legendary battle that would forever etch their names in sporting history. What made this encounter truly remarkable was not just the skill and determination displayed by the fighters, but the astonishing length of time the fight endured—an incredible 7 hours and 19 minutes.

That fateful day

The epic showdown between Bowen and Burke took place in New Orleans. As the two fighters stepped into the ring that fateful day, little did they know that they were about to test their physical and mental limits.

From the opening bell, Bowen and Burke exhibited remarkable resilience, trading blow after blow with unwavering determination. As the hours ticked by, the physical toll of the match became increasingly apparent. The fighters’ bodies were battered and bruised, their faces swollen and bloodied. Yet neither Bowen nor Burke showed any signs of surrender.

Sticking it out

Cheers and applause filled the arena as the fighters fought on, refusing to succumb to the weariness that surely plagued their bodies.

Seven hours and nineteen minutes passed, and still, neither Bowen nor Burke could claim victory. The referee had no choice but to declare the match a draw. It was a testament to the unbreakable spirit of these fighters, who had pushed themselves to the limits of human capability and beyond.

The legacy of the longest boxing match

The bout between Bowen and Burke remains the longest boxing match in recorded history, a record that stands to this day. Their remarkable feat has become the stuff of legends, celebrated by boxing enthusiasts and historians alike. The fight serves as a reminder of the indomitable human spirit, the relentless pursuit of victory, and the boundless capacity of athletes to push beyond what was previously believed possible.

In an era long before modern training techniques and sports science, Bowen and Burke relied solely on their grit and determination. They embodied the essence of what it means to be a fighter—someone who refuses to give up, no matter the odds or the obstacles in their path.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Longest Boxing Match in History Went 110 Rounds and Lasted over 7 Hours” — The Vintage News

WTF Fun Fact 13396 – Bill Haast

Bill Haast, a renowned snake handler and scientist, led an extraordinary life dedicated to studying and working with poisonous snakes. He became famous for his fearless approach and was bitten by venomous snakes over 170 times. Despite the risks, Haast’s passion for snakes and their venom led to significant contributions in the field of snakebite treatment and research.

Who is Bill Haast?

Born on December 30, 1910, in Paterson, New Jersey, Haast developed an early fascination with snakes. His first significant snakebite occurred at age 12. A timber rattlesnake bit him while at a Boy Scout camp. This experience ignited his curiosity and passion for these reptiles. Haast’s snake-handling journey began when he joined a roadside snake show in the late 1920s. He later went on to work as a flight engineer with Pan American World Airways, which allowed him to travel the world and collect various snake species.

In 1947, Haast fulfilled his dream of opening the Miami Serpentarium. This serpentarium quickly gained popularity, attracting thousands of tourists each year. Inside, Haast would demonstrate his expertise by milking venom from snakes. This venom was used for research purposes but also for the production of antivenom to treat snakebite victims.


Haast’s unique approach to handling snakes involved injecting himself daily with small amounts of venom from various snake species. This self-immunization process aimed to build up his immunity and protect him from the potentially lethal effects of snakebites. While he suspected that these injections contributed to his remarkably good health, Haast refrained from making definitive claims until he reached the age of 100.

Throughout his career, Haast made significant contributions to the field of snakebite treatment. Alongside a Miami doctor, he treated over 6,000 individuals with a snake-venom serum that showed promise in addressing conditions like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. The effectiveness of the serum gained attention after a 1979 report on CBS News’ “60 Minutes.” However, the Food and Drug Administration later banned the product due to manufacturing deficiencies identified in Haast’s process. Nevertheless, researchers continue to explore the potential of venom-derived drugs for treating various diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Haast’s dedication to helping others extended beyond his work at the serpentarium. He traveled around the world to donate his antibody-rich blood to snakebite victims, even receiving honorary citizenship in Venezuela for his efforts. In a remarkable turn of events, the White House once facilitated the delivery of a rare serum from Iran to treat Haast himself after he was bitten by a Pakistani pit viper.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13395 – German Mythology’s Nøkken

In Germanic folklore, the Nøkken or Nix is a creature associated with bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and streams. Depictions of the water spirit show it as a shapeshifter, capable of assuming various forms to lure unsuspecting victims.

The mysterious Nøkken

The Nøkken is believed to be an elusive and mysterious creature and possesses the ability to transform into different forms. It often appears as a beautiful horse, a seductive human, or even a monstrous water serpent. The shape-shifter uses its ability to entice and deceive unsuspecting individuals who venture too close to the water’s edge.

Legends describe the Nøkken as a mischievous being with a penchant for playing enchanting melodies on musical instruments, such as the violin or harp. Its hauntingly beautiful music can mesmerize listeners and draw them closer to the water’s edge, where they may fall victim to the Nøkken’s traps. Some believe the Nøkken’s music possesses a hypnotic quality, luring people into its grasp.

Both good and bad

According to folklore, those who encounter the Nøkken must exercise caution and resist its enchanting allure. If someone falls under its spell and touches the Nøkken, they become stuck, unable to escape its clutches. Some believe that only the power of the cross or religious symbols can break the Nøkken’s hold and save the victim from certain doom.

The Nøkken is not always portrayed as an evil entity, though. Some tales depict it as a guardian of nature or a water spirit with the ability to bestow blessings upon those who respect and honor the waters it inhabits. Some legends even depict the Nøkken as a helpful creature, offering valuable advice or teaching musical skills to talented individuals.

Throughout history, the Nøkken has captivated the imaginations of storytellers and artists alike. Its portrayal in literature, music, and visual arts has contributed to its enduring presence in folklore. The Nøkken serves as a symbol of the beauty and danger that reside within the natural world, reminding us of the inherent mysteries and complexities of the human imagination.

It’s important to note that folklore and legends may vary across different regions and cultural traditions. The Nøkken’s characteristics and legends associated with it can differ from one storytelling tradition to another. These stories are an integral part of cultural heritage, passed down through generations to preserve the rich tapestry of folklore.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Nix” — Encyclopedia Britannica

WTF Fun Fact 13394 – The First Ever YouTube Video

The world’s first YouTube video, titled “Me at the zoo,” was uploaded on April 23, 2005, by Jawed Karim, one of the co-founders of YouTube. It has since garnered millions of views.

However, for a brief moment, a YouTube glitch managed to deceive viewers into believing there was an undiscovered video predating this iconic clip.

What’s the controversy around the first-ever YouTube video?

On January 26, 2023, a video titled “Welcome to YouTube!!!” emerged. It claimed to be the true first-ever YouTube upload. The clip, uploaded on a channel called “enn,” displayed an image of the old YouTube logo on a blue background. It made references to the YouTube co-founders and had an early 2000s aesthetic, so it appeared convincing at first glance.

Luckily, eagle-eyed viewers quickly noticed inconsistencies that cast doubt on the video’s authenticity. For starters, the upload date showed as “Premiered,” which was unusual considering the video claimed to be from 2005.

Additionally, a disabled premiere video live chat was visible, a feature that didn’t exist until 2018. Further investigation revealed other features that weren’t part of the original platform.

To catch a prankster

Of course, people take their Internet history pretty seriously. Some viewers even delved into the source code of the watch page. That’s when they found that the metadata revealed the video was actually uploaded on January 23, 2023. That debunked any notion that a long-lost piece of internet history had been discovered.

Once the truth came to light, a spokesperson acknowledged the glitch that allowed the upload date to be manipulated. They also confirmed that the oldest video on YouTube would always be “Me at the Zoo.” YouTube reassured viewers that this iconic video, uploaded on April 23, 2005, by one of the platform’s co-founders, marked the true beginning of YouTube’s journey.

Despite being caught, the user behind the “enn” channel continued their antics by uploading additional videos, including one titled “premiere bug 01,” falsely claiming to have been published 53 years ago.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “YouTube glitch used to trick users into believing there was an undiscovered oldest video” — Mashable

WTF Fun Fact 13393 – The First Social Media Platform

The first social media platform, Six Degrees, was launched in 1997. It allowed users to create profiles and connect with friends, similar to modern social networks.

Building the first social media platform

Andrew Weinreich developed Six Degrees and took it live in 1997. This groundbreaking platform laid the foundation for the transformative power of social networking.

During the early days of the internet, Six Degrees aimed to bring people together in the digital realm. Weinreich’s brainchild allowed users to create profiles, connect with friends, and exchange messages. In other words, he pioneered the concept of social networking that would shape the future of online interactions.

Making connections

At the heart of Six Degrees was its emphasis on fostering connections. Users could expand their network by linking to friends and acquaintances, creating a web of interwoven relationships. This focus on connectivity became the driving force behind the subsequent explosion of social networking platforms.

However, Six Degrees faced significant challenges along its journey. The internet infrastructure was still in its early stages, characterized by slow speeds and limited accessibility. Additionally, the lack of widespread smartphone usage hindered the platform’s growth. Ultimately, Six Degrees ceased operations in 2000, marking the end of its pioneering era.

Those that came after

Nevertheless, Six Degrees remains a precursor to the vast array of social media platforms we engage with today. Its visionary concept paved the way for subsequent platforms to thrive and redefine the way we connect and engage online.

Following in the footsteps of Six Degrees, a wave of social media platforms emerged in the early 2000s, each offering unique features and functionalities. Platforms like MySpace, Friendster, and LinkedIn capitalized on the growing desire for digital connections and played a crucial role in shaping the social media landscape we know today.

The legacy of Six Degrees lives on as an instrumental chapter in the history of social media. While its reign was relatively short-lived, the platform’s pioneering spirit and its vision of interconnectedness set the stage for the remarkable evolution of social networking that followed.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Then and now: a history of social networking sites” — CBS News