WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13453 – Shark GPS Tracker Draws Shark

A great white shark with a GPS tracker drew a shark in the waters off the eastern coast of North America. Was he “punking” researchers? Telling us he knows what we’re up to? Do sharks mysteriously swim in shark-shaped patterns? Or are we just seeing what we want to see?

Don’t answer that – it’s not as funny if you do.

The unconventional artist

Art and creativity are typically deemed human endeavors. But perhaps they also belong to the great white shark who unwittingly sketched a self-portrait, using tracking data as its brush.

Our artist is a mature male great white shark, named Breton by the OCEARCH team. He’s a frequent wanderer off the Atlantic Ocean coast of Long Island, New York. As part of the shark tracking initiative, he carries a tracker affixed to his dorsal fin. This tracker collects and relays data whenever the shark surfaces, providing an almost real-time map of the shark’s movement.

Did the shark GPS tracker draw a shark?

A May 2022 observation of Breton’s tracking data offered an unexpected delight to the researchers. It seemed as though Breton had swum in a pattern that mirrored the outline of a great white shark when seen from above.

OCEARCH shared the data on its social media, and the internet quickly took notice.

The tracking path captured not only the body’s curve but also the classic angular shape of the tail and the pectoral fins. It sure looks like a shark!

Coincidence or Design?

As fascinating as Breton’s journey may seem, it is essential to underline that the ‘self-portrait’ was purely coincidental. Sharks navigate based on instincts and sensory information, not a predetermined design. Sorry if you needed to be told that – but people have been studying sharks for a long time. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the coincidence!

While the artistic byproduct is captivating, the primary purpose of tracking sharks like Breton is conservation. By learning about migration patterns, feeding areas, and breeding grounds, scientists can devise effective strategies to safeguard these creatures. The knowledge gained from such tracking can inform the establishment of marine protected areas and fishing regulations.

The good news is that Breton’s self-portrait can serve as a symbol for raising awareness about the threats facing great white sharks.

Issues like overfishing, habitat degradation, and climate change pose significant threats to these magnificent creatures. Breton’s story is an opportunity to engage the public and rally support for shark conservation.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Great White Shark Accidentally Draws Self-Portrait With Tracking Path” — The Inertia

WTF Fun Fact 13452 – Canadian Cheeto Statue

Next time you want to salute your snack, you can make a pilgrimage to the Canadian Cheeto statue in Alberta. It’s even a testament to the dust the orange cheese puffs leave on our hands. But somehow, not everyone is a fan of the “art.”

The story behind the Canadian Cheeto statue

In the quaint town of Cheadle, Alberta stands a colossal statue of a Cheeto. Standing at 20-feet tall, the statue is an unexpected sight, to say the least.

This larger-than-life statue was born out of an unusual collaboration between Cheetos Canada and the local community of Cheadle, a town with a population of fewer than 200 residents. The idea was to boost tourism and put Cheadle on the map—literally and figuratively.

The statue features a giant, crinkly Cheeto, intricately designed to mirror the snack’s iconic look, elevated on a stand that boasts the Cheetos logo. The structure even lights up at night!

What’s in a name?

Adding to the whimsy of the project is the fact that the Cheeto statue is not just any ordinary snack. It’s a representation of the “Cheetle,” a term coined by Cheetos to describe the cheesy dust left on your fingers after enjoying a bag of the iconic snack.

As with any novel concept, the public reaction has been mixed. Some locals view it as a quirky attraction that has brought a new sense of vibrancy to the town. Others, however, see it as an outlandish eyesore.

Critics argue that the funds used to erect the statue could have been spent on more practical community initiatives. But whether you see it as an eyesore or an art piece, there’s no denying the Cheeto statue’s buzz-generating power.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Small Canadian Town Is Now the Home of a 17-foot-tall Cheeto Statue” — Food & Wine

WTF Fun Fact 13451 – Shape-Shifting Robot

You’ve seen robotic dogs, humanoid robots that can do backflips, etc. – but have you seen the new shape-shifting robots? Just what the world needs, right? Well…maybe!

Do shape-shifting robots really exist?

They do exist, but they’re small – and they’re certainly not a threat. Although we don’t exactly love the headline from EurekAlert “Watch this person-shaped robot liquify and escape jail, all with the power of magnets.” But whatever. Like all robots, they’re pretty cool, aside from their (granted, far-fetched) potential to destroy us all.

This robot can indeed transform, liquefy itself, slip into the smallest crevices, and then reassemble with absolute precision. The shape-shifting robot creators drew inspiration from a sea cucumber.

What do a sea cucumber and a shape-shifting robot have in common?

Sea cucumbers have a unique ability—they can alter their stiffness rapidly and reversibly. This is the fascinating biological phenomenon that the researchers hoped to replicate in their robotic system.

Traditional robots, with their rigid bodies, lack the flexibility to navigate small spaces. There are “softer” robots, but while they’re more pliable, are often weaker and harder to control. So, to overcome these challenges, the team aimed to create a robot that could oscillate between being a solid and a liquid.

The new breed of robot is an alloy of gallium—a metal with a low melting point—and includes embedded magnetic particles. The particles allow the robot to respond to magnetic fields, which scientists can use to control its movement and induce changes in its state—from solid to liquid and vice versa.

The team from Carnegie Mellon University christened their groundbreaking creation the “magnetoactive solid-liquid phase transitional machine.” Catchy!

The power of transformation

In a magnetic field, the robot can jump, stretch, climb walls, and even solder a circuit board. Its most impressive trick? The ability to liquefy and squeeze itself out of a mock prison—only to solidify once again on the outside. When in solid state, this robot can bear weights 30 times its own, demonstrating remarkable strength and flexibility.

Interestingly, the shapeshifting robot might have potential applications in the medical field. In a proof-of-concept experiment, the robot successfully removed a ball from a model of a human stomach. It quickly moved to the ball, melted around it, reformed, and exited the model stomach—ball in tow.

Although gallium was the metal of choice in these experiments, other metals could be introduced to adjust the melting point for real-life applications.

Future applications

Looking ahead, the gallium robots could serve a variety of purposes. From assembling and repairing hard-to-reach circuits to acting as a universal screw that melts and reforms to fit any socket, the possibilities seem endless.

The technology might have significant biomedical applications as well. For instance, these robots could deliver drugs inside a patient’s body or remove foreign objects. However, before any in-human application, tracking the robot’s position within a patient’s body is a hurdle scientists need to overcome.

Who knows, maybe a doctor will ask you to swallow a shape-shifting robot someday. What a thing to look forward to!

Wanna see the robot melt and reconstitute? Someone set it to some soothing music on YouTube:

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Shape-Shifting Robot Can Liquefy Itself and Reform” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13450 – The Hunter Gatherer Woman

Archaeologists have discovered the hunter-gatherer woman. So while our general assumption is that men took on the role of hunters in prehistoric times while women gathered resources and cared for offspring, recent discoveries are challenging this age-old belief. We now have a new picture of gender roles in prehistoric societies.

Archaeological insights into the hunter gatherer woman

The discovery of a 9,000-year-old female skeleton buried with her hunting toolkit in the Andean highlands suggests women might have hunted big game right alongside men. The burial site, located in what is now Peru, was rich in hunting artifacts, from spear points to butchering tools.

Upon examining the skeleton and associated tools, archaeologists concluded that this prehistoric woman was likely a hunter. This conclusion stemmed from the diversity of hunting tools buried alongside her, which would have been used to kill and butcher large game, not just small animals.

Broadening perspectives

The discovery sparked a wider investigation, prompting researchers to reanalyze burials from around the same period. Their analysis yielded more surprises: out of 429 burials from across the Americas, they found 27 individuals associated with big-game hunting tools, and 11 of these were women. This data suggests that in these communities, both men and women were likely to be hunters.

These findings upend the prevailing narrative of prehistoric gender roles. The assumption that men were the hunters while women were the gatherers has shaped our understanding of prehistoric societies for generations. However, these new findings suggest a more equitable distribution of roles than previously thought.

Implications for our understanding of prehistoric societies

These findings have crucial implications for our understanding of social organization and labor division in ancient hunter-gatherer societies. They not only shift our perspective on gender roles but also reshape the way we interpret archaeological data. For instance, when we unearth hunting tools in future excavations, we should consider the possibility that they may have belonged to women.

In the face of new archaeological evidence, we are rethinking long-held assumptions about prehistoric societies. The discovery of women hunters suggests a more egalitarian division of labor than previously assumed. As we continue to unearth clues from our past, we gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of human history.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Men hunt and women gather? Large analysis says the long-held idea is flat-out wrong” — Live Science

WTF Fun Fact 13449 – How Google reCAPTCHA works

Do you know how Google reCAPTCHA works? Maybe you’ve thought about it if you’ve ever been annoyed at having to prove to a machine that you’re human.

How Google reCAPTCHA works?

Google’s reCAPTCHA is a type of CAPTCHA, an acronym that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. By serving as a litmus test for human-like interaction, CAPTCHAs are designed to protect websites against spam and online fraud. However, the “I am not a robot” prompt is far more than your run-of-the-mill CAPTCHA.

This advanced version does not solely rely on deciphering distorted text or identifying objects within images. When you click on that “I am not a robot” box, a risk analysis engine kicks into gear. It considers numerous factors that distinguish humans from bots.

This system notes the time it takes to interact with the checkbox and your IP address. It even tracks the peculiarities of your mouse movements. The mechanics of how you type, known as keystroke dynamics, is another vital piece of data used in this process.

All these factors collaborate to create a risk profile, allowing reCAPTCHA to make an informed decision about your human-ness.

Why clicking the box doesn’t prove you’re human

However, it’s worth addressing a common myth here. Some believe that when they engage with the “I am not a robot” checkbox, reCAPTCHA goes through their browsing history. It’s true that reCAPTCHA collects certain user data like cookies for abuse detection and prevention. However, it doesn’t comb through your individual browsing history. Google, the provider of reCAPTCHA, has robust privacy measures to ensure user data isn’t misused.

But that’s not to say that reCAPTCHA doesn’t consider your past interactions. As part of Google’s services, it can use cookies and session data to understand if you’ve frequently interacted with CAPTCHAs in the past. This information can influence the risk analysis engine’s decision-making (but it’s a far cry from inspecting your browsing history).

As we’ve uncovered, the “I am not a robot” checkbox is more than a simple statement. It’s a potent piece of technology.

As we continue to use the internet , it’s vital to understand these unseen mechanisms.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “People Are Just Now Learning How The “I Am Not A Robot” Captcha Test Actually Works” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13448 – White Crustless Bread

Apparently, the best thing since sliced bread is white crustless bread.

Known as “mujipan,” or “crustless bread,” it has become a staple of Japanese kitchens, popular among both young and old. With its fluffy texture and mild flavor, it’s ideal for making sandwiches, toast, and various other dishes that the Japanese have ingeniously adapted to their cuisine.

Creating white crustless bread

The creation of crustless bread is not merely about slicing off the browned edges. Japanese bakers have perfected the technique of baking loaves where the crust is almost non-existent. This process involves using soft wheat flour, a lot of water, and a precise amount of yeast. The dough is then kneaded and left to rise multiple times before it’s finally baked at a lower temperature compared to traditional bread. The result is a soft, pillowy loaf with a very thin crust that is almost indistinguishable from the rest of the bread.

The crustless bread trend in Japan originated from the desire to create a perfect sandwich. In the Japanese context, sandwiches aren’t just a quick lunch option; they are an art form. The aesthetic appeal of the sandwich is as important as its taste. A sandwich made with crustless bread looks neat and elegant, the filling is the star, and nothing detracts from its visual appeal. This focus on visual presentation extends to all aspects of Japanese cuisine, from sushi to bento boxes.

Cutting off the flavor?

However, the popularity of crustless bread is not without its critics. Some bakers and food connoisseurs argue that the crust is where the flavor is. It’s the part of the bread that caramelizes during baking, creating a complex taste profile that the soft, white interior lacks. Yet, the demand continues to be strong, proving that its appeal goes beyond mere aesthetics.

Another interesting cultural aspect is the practicality of crustless bread. Japanese homes are often smaller with minimal storage space. The compact size of the loaves makes them easy to store. Additionally, they’re also more convenient for children and the elderly to eat.

In recent years, the trend has spread beyond Japan. Crustless bread is now available in various other countries, and the international market is growing. Its appeal lies in its convenience and its suitability for a variety of culinary applications, from breakfast toast to gourmet sandwiches.

Yet, despite its global reach, white crustless bread remains quintessentially Japanese. It encapsulates the Japanese approach to food, where taste, aesthetics, and practicality are all intimately connected. Like sushi, ramen, and matcha, this bread is a culinary innovation that reflects the culture from which it originated. In a world where cuisine is increasingly globalized, these unique cultural expressions provide a sense of connection to a particular place and way of life.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Company Develops Bread With White Crust to Decrease Food Waste” — Oddity Central

WTF Fun Fact 13447 – Law Student Caught Cheating

A law student was caught cheating on an exam – but the tactic was pretty creative. It didn’t involve AI; rather, it involved etching the answers onto pens.

Law student caught cheating, creatively

In academia’s high-stakes environment, students are often driven to develop ingenious, albeit misguided, strategies to gain an edge. An incident involving a Spanish law student serves as a perfect example. Their unorthodox approach to cheating sparked a wave of both surprise and begrudging admiration for the student’s inventiveness.

The student, instead of sticking to traditional study methods, opted for a novel approach: etching exam notes onto pens.

Yolanda de Lucchi, a law professor at the University of Malaga in Spain, found the blue Bic pens while cleaning her office recently. She recalled the incident on Twitter along with a photo.

Catching the culprit

During the nerve-racking examination, among the focused faces and hurried scribblings, one student stood out. The object of his intense scrutiny was not a perplexing question paper but an unassuming blue pen. What set this pen apart was its transformation into a tool of deception. Its sides, etched with minuscule text, carried a condensed version of course notes.

The ingenuity of the plan was remarkable but flawed. An observer, drawn by the student’s excessive focus on the pen, unveiled its secret. Methodical scrutiny of the pen exposed the cheat sheet, unraveled the student’s plan, and landed them in a situation that resulted in severe academic consequences.

Why not just study?

The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on the public. The creativity and determination that went into crafting this deceptive tool could have been well-spent in studying the law subject matter. Instead, the attempt at taking a shortcut led the student to face the consequences, which included repeating the entire academic year.

This tale of intrigue and downfall serves as a cautionary tale to students globally. The incident emphasizes that shortcuts, however ingenious, rarely lead to the desired destination in academia. A lesson learned the hard way by the student who, according to Professor De Lucchi, is “probably a lawyer today.”

The story underscores the importance of integrity and diligence in the face of academic pressure. The creativity exhibited in crafting the cheat-sheet could be commended if it were applied ethically and productively.

In the grand scheme of things, the tale of the etched pens sends a clear message: genuine success in education comes from honest hard work, not from clever shortcuts. The real reward of learning lies in the understanding of the subject matter, not merely in passing an exam.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Law Student Busted After Etching Notes on Pens to Cheat in Exam” — Newsweek

WTF Fun Fact 13446 – Danish AI Political Party

The Synthetic Party is a Danish AI political party led by an AI chatbot named Leader Lars.

How does an AI political party work?

Denmark’s political landscape is making an intriguing pivot towards artificial intelligence. Leader Lars was brought to life by artist collective Computer Lars and the non-profit art and tech organization MindFuture Foundation. Is this a new era in political representation?

The Synthetic Party, established in May 2022, aspires to represent the values of the 20% of Danes who do not vote. This AI chatbot is not just a figurehead. It’s equipped with policies drawn from Danish fringe parties since 1970. And its human members are committed to executing these AI-derived platforms.

Why involve an AI in politics?

The Synthetic Party seeks to represent data from all fringe parties striving for a parliamentary seat. It’s a novel concept that allows individual political visions, usually limited by financial and logistical constraints, to gain representation. The unique aspect of this political approach is the interaction between citizens and Leader Lars on Discord, a platform where people can speak directly to the AI. This feature fosters a unique form of democratic engagement.

The party’s AI-led political approach raises questions about the viability and accountability of machine learning in government. For instance, can an AI truly grasp and represent human needs and values? How do we hold an AI accountable for its decisions? The Synthetic Party’s response to these questions lies in the transparency and auditability of AI decision-making processes.

Party policy

The Synthetic Party’s policies are bold, to say the least. From establishing a universal basic income of 100,000 Danish kroner per month (equivalent to $13,700, and over double the Danish average salary) to creating a jointly-owned internet and IT sector within the government, the party seeks to innovate and challenge the status quo.

Crucially, the Synthetic Party is not about putting a chatbot in charge. Instead, it’s about exploring the democratic potential of AI and machine learning. The party sees AI as a tool to amplify and understand a wide range of opinions, even if those opinions sometimes contradict each other.

In addition to offering fresh political perspectives, the Synthetic Party aims to raise awareness about the role of AI in our lives and the importance of AI accountability. For example, it advocates for the addition of an 18th Sustainable Development Goal. This would focus on the relationship between humans and AI to the United Nations’ SDGs.

The Synthetic Party seeks to promote a more democratic, accountable, and transparent use of AI in politics. The party needs 20,000 signatures to run in the 2023 November general election. If it gets those, it could introduce a novel form of political representation in Denmark. It would be one that goes beyond a simple figurehead and instead uses AI as a tool for political change.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI” — VICE

WTF Fun Fact 13445 – The Shortlife Clock

Life is short – and the shortlife clock is here to remind you of that grim fact every morning. It was designed to make you question your perception of time and mortality – which is obviously the first thing you want to do when the alarm goes off. Right?

This fascinating gadget is the brainchild of artist Dries Depoorter. And it does add an extra layer of thought-provoking contemplation to the mundane act of timekeeping.

What exactly is the Shortlife Clock?

The Shortlife clock isn’t just your run-of-the-mill timekeeper. At first glance, it seems to be a standard digital clock. But wait, there’s a catch! This unique gadget counts down the estimated time left in your life, based on statistics from the World Health Organization. Talk about a reality check! The clock gives an entirely new perspective on the value of each second, minute, and hour.

How does it work? The clock requires the user to input their age and gender. Then, it uses this information, along with WHO data, to estimate the user’s life expectancy. The countdown starts ticking from that point forward, offering a thought-provoking and somewhat confronting reminder of our mortality.

With every tick, the Shortlife clock gently nudges you to seize the day. At the very least, you get a humbling reminder that time is a finite resource. So make the most of every moment!

A $180 reminder of your mortality

The clock isn’t just about morbid fascination. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as a heartfelt call to action to appreciate the time you have.

Though the Shortlife clock might seem a bit macabre to some, its concept has fascinated many. And it’s sparked some meaningful conversations about life, death, and how we choose to spend our time.

More than just a quirky gadget, it’s a tool for introspection. It can help you to reflect on how you spend your days. Or it can be a (subtle?) reminder to get on with life and make the most of the time you have left.

To some, the Shortlife clock serves as an invitation to live more intentionally, to appreciate the fleeting beauty of existence. To others, it serves as a conversation starter, a unique piece of decor that sparks curiosity and in-depth discussions about life and time.

The Shortlife clock’s popularity is a testament to its thought-provoking nature. It seems that people are drawn to the idea of visualizing the impermanence of life. The Shortlife clock caters to this interest, allowing people to confront their mortality in a tangible way.

So, if you’re in the mood for a little existential contemplation, or if you’re looking for a conversation starter that goes beyond the usual small talk, the Shortlife clock might just be what you need. After all, it’s not every day you come across a gadget that makes you contemplate life’s biggest questions. It is, however, $180.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Shortlife Click, V2” — Tindie