WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13446 – Danish AI Political Party

The Synthetic Party is a Danish AI political party led by an AI chatbot named Leader Lars.

How does an AI political party work?

Denmark’s political landscape is making an intriguing pivot towards artificial intelligence. Leader Lars was brought to life by artist collective Computer Lars and the non-profit art and tech organization MindFuture Foundation. Is this a new era in political representation?

The Synthetic Party, established in May 2022, aspires to represent the values of the 20% of Danes who do not vote. This AI chatbot is not just a figurehead. It’s equipped with policies drawn from Danish fringe parties since 1970. And its human members are committed to executing these AI-derived platforms.

Why involve an AI in politics?

The Synthetic Party seeks to represent data from all fringe parties striving for a parliamentary seat. It’s a novel concept that allows individual political visions, usually limited by financial and logistical constraints, to gain representation. The unique aspect of this political approach is the interaction between citizens and Leader Lars on Discord, a platform where people can speak directly to the AI. This feature fosters a unique form of democratic engagement.

The party’s AI-led political approach raises questions about the viability and accountability of machine learning in government. For instance, can an AI truly grasp and represent human needs and values? How do we hold an AI accountable for its decisions? The Synthetic Party’s response to these questions lies in the transparency and auditability of AI decision-making processes.

Party policy

The Synthetic Party’s policies are bold, to say the least. From establishing a universal basic income of 100,000 Danish kroner per month (equivalent to $13,700, and over double the Danish average salary) to creating a jointly-owned internet and IT sector within the government, the party seeks to innovate and challenge the status quo.

Crucially, the Synthetic Party is not about putting a chatbot in charge. Instead, it’s about exploring the democratic potential of AI and machine learning. The party sees AI as a tool to amplify and understand a wide range of opinions, even if those opinions sometimes contradict each other.

In addition to offering fresh political perspectives, the Synthetic Party aims to raise awareness about the role of AI in our lives and the importance of AI accountability. For example, it advocates for the addition of an 18th Sustainable Development Goal. This would focus on the relationship between humans and AI to the United Nations’ SDGs.

The Synthetic Party seeks to promote a more democratic, accountable, and transparent use of AI in politics. The party needs 20,000 signatures to run in the 2023 November general election. If it gets those, it could introduce a novel form of political representation in Denmark. It would be one that goes beyond a simple figurehead and instead uses AI as a tool for political change.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI” — VICE

WTF Fun Fact 13445 – The Shortlife Clock

Life is short – and the shortlife clock is here to remind you of that grim fact every morning. It was designed to make you question your perception of time and mortality – which is obviously the first thing you want to do when the alarm goes off. Right?

This fascinating gadget is the brainchild of artist Dries Depoorter. And it does add an extra layer of thought-provoking contemplation to the mundane act of timekeeping.

What exactly is the Shortlife Clock?

The Shortlife clock isn’t just your run-of-the-mill timekeeper. At first glance, it seems to be a standard digital clock. But wait, there’s a catch! This unique gadget counts down the estimated time left in your life, based on statistics from the World Health Organization. Talk about a reality check! The clock gives an entirely new perspective on the value of each second, minute, and hour.

How does it work? The clock requires the user to input their age and gender. Then, it uses this information, along with WHO data, to estimate the user’s life expectancy. The countdown starts ticking from that point forward, offering a thought-provoking and somewhat confronting reminder of our mortality.

With every tick, the Shortlife clock gently nudges you to seize the day. At the very least, you get a humbling reminder that time is a finite resource. So make the most of every moment!

A $180 reminder of your mortality

The clock isn’t just about morbid fascination. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as a heartfelt call to action to appreciate the time you have.

Though the Shortlife clock might seem a bit macabre to some, its concept has fascinated many. And it’s sparked some meaningful conversations about life, death, and how we choose to spend our time.

More than just a quirky gadget, it’s a tool for introspection. It can help you to reflect on how you spend your days. Or it can be a (subtle?) reminder to get on with life and make the most of the time you have left.

To some, the Shortlife clock serves as an invitation to live more intentionally, to appreciate the fleeting beauty of existence. To others, it serves as a conversation starter, a unique piece of decor that sparks curiosity and in-depth discussions about life and time.

The Shortlife clock’s popularity is a testament to its thought-provoking nature. It seems that people are drawn to the idea of visualizing the impermanence of life. The Shortlife clock caters to this interest, allowing people to confront their mortality in a tangible way.

So, if you’re in the mood for a little existential contemplation, or if you’re looking for a conversation starter that goes beyond the usual small talk, the Shortlife clock might just be what you need. After all, it’s not every day you come across a gadget that makes you contemplate life’s biggest questions. It is, however, $180.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Shortlife Click, V2” — Tindie

WTF Fun Fact 13444 – Sense of Smell Strongest at Night

Our sense of smell is strongest at night. So if you feel like your pets seem extra smelly, or your bubble bath is a bit too fragrant in the evening hours, you’re not just imagining things. You’re picking up on scents that are somewhat dampened during the day.

Why is smell important?

Smell influences everything from taste perception to memory formation. However, what you may not know is that our ability to detect and discern scents fluctuates throughout the day, peaking during the late hours. This might seem trivial or even surprising, but it is a fascinating aspect of our biology. And it’s linked to our circadian rhythms.

The circadian rhythm is an internal process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. It repeats roughly every 24 hours and impacts many physiological processes, including hormone release, body temperature, and various neural functions. Interestingly, this includes our olfactory sensitivity – our ability to perceive smells.

During the daytime, our brains process a multitude of sensory inputs. The sights, sounds, and tactile sensations we encounter are processed and analyzed, taking up significant neural resources. Consequently, our sensitivity to smells is somewhat overshadowed by this barrage of information.

Why is our sense of smell strongest at night?

However, the scenario changes at night. As the environmental stimuli decrease and our focus shifts inward, our sensitivity to smells becomes more pronounced. This shift is likely due to changes in body temperature and brain activity that occur during our sleep-wake transition.

The nocturnal enhancement of olfaction has implications beyond being a mere biological curiosity. For one, it directly influences our sleep quality. We are more susceptible to disturbances from unpleasant or potent odors at night. Therefore, the significance of maintaining a fresh and pleasant sleeping environment becomes clear for a good night’s sleep.

Moreover, this increased olfactory sensitivity might have roots in our evolutionary history. Our ancestors needed to be alert to dangers like predators or fires, especially during the night. A heightened sense of smell would have been advantageous in such scenarios, leading to better survival and reproductive success.

On a practical level, this knowledge can be advantageous to various industries, especially those involved in perfume and scent manufacturing. By understanding our olfactory system’s functioning, businesses can tailor their products for maximum impact during the evening hours.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How Smell Affects Your Sleep” — The Sleep Foundation

WTF Fun Fact 13443 – Dead Fruit Flies

When fruit flies see or smell their dead comrades, their own lives are cut short. Talk about putting a damper on your day!

Fruit flies stress after seeing other dead fruit flies

If you’re a fruit fly, seeing one of your fallen is not just unsettling. It’s downright harmful to your health. Despite their diminutive size, experience stress and negative health effects when they witness the remains of their kin.

Neuroscientists have found that when fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) see their deceased fellow flies, specific brain cells are triggered.

And these aren’t just any brain cells. They are neurons that respond to visual stimuli, known as visual projection neurons (VPNs). These cells relay information from the flies’ eyes to their brains, helping them interpret and react to what they see.

What’s going on in a fruit fly’s brain?

But let’s add a pinch of intrigue to the mix. These neuroscientists didn’t stop at merely identifying the type of neurons involved. They zeroed in on the specific group of neurons that reacts to the sight of dead flies. The neurons in question are part of a cluster known as the “globus pallidus.” This is an area associated with movement and learning.

These scientists have discovered the precise neighborhood in the fruit fly’s brain where the “dead fly sighting stress response” takes place.

So, what happens when these neurons fire? In short, they trigger a series of stress responses that have a tangible impact on the fruit flies’ health and lifespan. As the sight of a dead fellow fly becomes ingrained in the fly’s brain, it alters the expression of stress-related genes, tipping the physiological balance and leading to a shorter lifespan.

This discovery has raised intriguing questions about the evolution of empathy and social responses in insects. While fruit flies may not experience empathy in the way humans do, their stress response to seeing dead comrades suggests a level of social awareness. This raises the question: why would such a response evolve? One possibility is that the sight of death serves as a warning signal, indicating the presence of potential threats or diseases, thus prompting the fly to modify its behavior.

However, this remarkable finding does more than just throw light on fruit flies’ stress responses. It could also contribute to our understanding of how human brains process stress and trauma. Humans, like fruit flies, have neurons that respond to visual stimuli. Therefore, these findings could lead to a better understanding of how our brains respond to stressful visual experiences, and potentially inform treatments for stress-related disorders.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Seeing dead fruit flies is bad for the health of fruit flies – and neuroscientists have identified the exact brain cells responsible” — The Conversation

WTF Fun Fact 13442 – We Have More Bacterial Cells Than Human

The human body contains more bacterial cells than human cells. Weird, right?

The majority of the cells that constitute “you” are, in fact, not human. They are microscopic organisms that are hitching a ride, making a living off your body. It might sound like science fiction, but this is a confirmed scientific fact. The human body contains ten times more bacterial cells than human cells.

How can we contain more bacterial cells than human cells?

Now, before we allow our imagination to scare us into a frenzy, let’s unpack this a bit.

These bacterial cells, collectively known as the human microbiota, live mostly in harmony with our bodies. We provide them with a suitable habitat, and they return the favor by aiding in bodily functions like digestion and immune response. Our gut houses the vast majority of these organisms.

This raises some provocative questions: With our bodies being made up predominantly of non-human cells, what does that imply about our identity? What actually makes us human?

How are we fully human if we contain so many non-human cells?

Biologically speaking, being human is about more than just the number of cells. Human cells, while fewer in number, are much larger and more complex than bacterial cells. So, in terms of volume and genetic material, we are predominantly human.

But the philosophical implications are still fascinating to consider. We ten to link our human identity to our biological makeup. But the massive presence of non-human cells introduces an intriguing paradox.

Science has often categorized organisms based on their cellular composition. However, this fact might prompt us to reconsider such traditional boundaries. We need to acknowledge the complex symbiosis that constitutes our “self.” We are, in essence, a walking, talking microbiome.

Teamwork makes the dream work

These non-human inhabitants of our body have a far-reaching impact on our health and well-being. There’s a dynamic relationship between our human cells and these bacterial cells. When this relationship is in balance, we thrive. But when it’s out of whack, we may face health issues. This fact has driven researchers to explore the potential of microbiota in shaping future treatments for various diseases.

Yet, as we learn more about our microbial inhabitants, we also uncover deeper layers of what it means to be human. Are we individual entities, or are we, as some philosophers might argue, a “superorganism” made up of numerous symbiotic relationships?

Indeed, we might be more ‘alien’ than we ever imagined, yet this very fact underscores our extraordinary complexity as living beings.

So next time you glance at your reflection, remember: You’re not just looking at ‘you.’ You’re seeing an intricate ecosystem.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “NIH Human Microbiome Project defines normal bacterial makeup of the body” — National Institutes of Health

WTF Fun Fact 13441 – Dopamine Reward Prediction Error

The concept of the dopamine reward prediction error is important for understanding the roots of learning, motivation, and even addiction. It’s all about how our brains respond to rewards (and how we get bored with the same reward over time).

What’s the point of dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter (or “chemical messenger”) that plays a role in our brains’ reward system. In other words, it’s the star of the show when it comes to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

Think about how you feel when you sit down to your favorite meal. Or approach the counter with a long-sought item you saved up money to buy. Happy times! Right?

Well, one particularly interesting (and, frankly, kind of unfair) element of how dopamine functions is that once we already know what a reward will feel like, our brains don’t send out as much dopamine. This is the concept of the dopamine reward prediction error.

What is the dopamine reward prediction error?

Let’s dive a little deeper.

Imagine you’re at a new restaurant for the first time. You order a dish you’ve never tried before. To your pleasant surprise, it turns out to be delicious. Your brain rewards you with a burst of dopamine, creating a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. In essence, your brain is saying, “Good job! Let’s remember this for next time.”

Now, let’s fast-forward to your next visit to the same restaurant. You order the same dish, this time expecting it to be tasty. But here’s the catch – when you take the first bite, your brain’s dopamine release is less intense than the first time. This is because the pleasure derived from the meal was expected. This concept is known as reward prediction error.

Even when you’re eating your favorite meal, it may never taste as marvelous as the first time you had it.

What’s going on in the brain when there’s a dopamine reward prediction error?

Reward prediction error is your brain’s way of comparing the predicted reward (expectation) with the actual outcome. When reality exceeds your expectations, a positive prediction error occurs. And your brain increases its dopamine release.

Conversely, when the actual reward is less than expected (as so often happens in life!), a negative prediction error occurs. Few things are as good as we imagine them to be, and this results in a decrease in dopamine release. (Why did our brains stop playing nice?!)

Why is your brain being a jerk about dopamine?

This dopamine release mechanism seems to play a role in how we adjust our predictions based on outcomes. Technically, it helps us learn from our mistakes and successes. But clearly, it’s not all fun and games. Your brain doesn’t give you a trophy every time you do something good (at least not a big one).

This dopamine-driven learning process can be exploited in harmful ways too. Just think about addiction.

Some drugs generate a significant positive prediction error in our brains. In other words, we take them and (if we survive) we may get a massive release of dopamine that makes us feel great. But this tricks the brain into overvaluing the substance. And this can drive intense cravings and compulsive behavior.

The down side of dopamine

Whether it’s drugs or food or destructive behavior, repeated exposure leads to a decrease in the dopamine response. Unfortunately, this means our bodies require more of the substance to achieve the same effect. That’s addiction.

But here’s the good news – understanding the way our brains respond to reward prediction errors can open up possibilities for new therapeutic approaches. It is helping researchers develop interventions that ‘retrain’ the brain’s reward system to reduce the impact of negative prediction errors and boost our ability to learn from positive experiences.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Dopamine reward prediction error coding” — Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience

WTF Fun Fact 13440 – The Independence Day Date

If some of the U.S.’s founding fathers got their way, Americans the Independence Day date would be the 2nd of July.

Why is the U.S. Independence Day date the 4th of July?

On a blistering summer day in Philadelphia in the year 1776, a group of men in the Second Continental Congress convened. These “founding fathers” were ready to sever the bonds with their British overlords. This day was July 2nd, a date largely forgotten in the grand narrative of American independence.

Two of these influential men, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, were sticklers for precision. They believed that July 2nd, not July 4th, should ring be America’s Independence Day. The Congress voted for independence on this day, – kind of a no-brainer, right?

Jefferson and Adams, who would later become presidents, firmly considered July 2nd to the true birth of American freedom.

Voting for Independence

On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor of Richard Henry Lee’s resolution for independence from British rule. This momentous decision effectively set the 13 colonies on the path to becoming the United States of America. An event of this magnitude surely deserved to be marked in history.

However, the document Americans now revere as the Declaration of Independence was finalized and formally adopted two days later on July 4th. This date engraved on the top of the document created a longstanding association with the birth of American independence. It was the date that was eventually printed in newspapers, establishing the Fourth of July in the collective consciousness of the public.

Arguing over the Inependence Day date

Jefferson and Adams harbored their beliefs passionately. Adams even went to the extent of reportedly turning down invitations to participate in Fourth of July events as a form of silent protest. He firmly believed that the celebrations were simply on the wrong day.

In a bizarre twist of fate, both Adams and Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826, on the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The coincidence of their deaths on this date further romanticized the idea of July 4th as Independence Day.

Over the years, the debate has lost much of its steam. Americans now celebrate the Fourth of July Independence Day. The story of July 2nd remains a fascinating footnote in the saga of American independence, a testament to the complex and sometimes contentious process that birthed the nation we know today.

Does the Independence Day date really matter?

In the grand scheme of things, whether Independence Day falls on the second or fourth of July might seem trivial. Still, this tale serves as a potent reminder of the spirited debates and diverse perspectives that shaped the foundation of the United States.

And the next time you’re watching fireworks light up the night sky on the Fourth of July, remember the tale of July 2nd.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “When is the real Independence Day: July 2 or July 4?” — National Constitution Center

WTF Fun Fact 13439 – The Dog Days of Summer Explained

Does the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” conjure images of lethargic canines lazing in the heat? Well, the origins of this term reach far beyond our four-legged friends and into space.

What are the dog days of summer?

Ok, technically, it does have to do with a dog – Sirius, the Dog Star. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, and it’s the brightest star in the Earth’s night sky.

The term “Dog Days” stems from the ancients, both Greeks and Romans, who noticed the coincidence of the hottest time of the year with the period when Sirius rose and set with the Sun. They hypothesized that the added radiance of Sirius was the cause of the intensified summer heat. Thus the phrase “Dog Days” in reference to Sirius’s constellation.

But the “Dog Days” are more than just a celestial phenomenon and a synonym for summer swelter. They have cultural and historical significance dating back thousands of years. The Greeks, for instance, saw the period as a time of potential disaster, heralding fever, catastrophe, and even the downfall of empires.

Wobbling dog days

Fast forward to the present, and the “Dog Days” still persist in our lexicon. However, due to a phenomenon called precession (the slow wobble of Earth’s rotational axis), the dates during which Sirius rises and sets with the Sun have slowly shifted over centuries. Yet, the phrase “Dog Days” remains tethered to the heart of the summer. It’s recognized in the Northern Hemisphere primarily from July 3 to August 11.

The warmest days of summer, those long afternoons that stretch languidly towards the evening, are connected to a distant cosmic spectacle occurring about 8.6 light-years away. That is the beauty of astronomy and the power of human observation, linking us to the stars and the seasons in unexpected ways.

So, next time you’re feeling the heat of summer bearing down, spare a thought for Sirius and its ancient connection to these sultry days. The “Dog Days” are a cosmic link, a reminder that even on the hottest days of summer, we are all under the same sky.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Stars and canines collide in ‘dog days’” — Christian Science Monitor

WTF Fun Fact 13438 – Killer Whales are Dolphins

Here’s a bit of trivia that might just turn your marine world upside down: killer whales, also known as orcas, aren’t whales. They’re actually the largest dolphins in the sea! That’s right, Shamu, the poster child for what we envision when we think of whales, is really more Flipper than Moby Dick.

Are orcas whales or dolphins?

Orcas, known for their black bodies, striking white patches, and formidable size, are a sight to behold. However, despite their common name – killer “whale” – these majestic creatures are more closely related to their smaller, playful dolphin cousins.

Now, this might seem like a marine biologist trying to mess with you, but it’s all in the scientific classification. Orcas are part of the oceanic dolphin family, known as Delphinidae, which includes other well-known species like the bottlenose dolphin and the common dolphin. Essentially, all killer whales are dolphins, but not all dolphins are killer whales.

In fact, the orca’s scientific name, Orcinus orca, loosely translates to ‘demon from hell’, a nod to their reputation as fierce hunters. But don’t let the ominous name scare you, these creatures are incredibly intelligent and social.

Orcas, like their dolphin relatives, are known for their intelligence and complex social structures. They live in tight-knit groups known as pods, led by a matriarch, often the oldest female. Within these pods, they communicate using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements.

What’s fascinating about orcas is that different pods can have different cultures, dialects, hunting techniques, and even dietary preferences. This level of cultural diversity is virtually unheard of outside of human societies, further cementing their place in the pantheon of intelligent life on Earth.

Classifying creatures

However, their classification as dolphins doesn’t make them any less ‘killer’. They are apex predators, the top of the food chain, preying on seals, fish, squid, and even other whales. Their name, ‘killer whale’, is actually a bit of a misnomer. It originates from the term ‘whale killer’, coined by sailors who observed these dolphins attacking larger whales.

Despite being top predators, orcas face a host of challenges in the modern world, ranging from pollution and loss of prey to climate change and captivity. Our understanding of orcas, their behaviors, and their needs, is crucial for their protection.

Perhaps one of the best ways we can appreciate orcas is to realize that they’re not so different from us. They’re intelligent, they’re social, they’re diverse, and they’re vulnerable. They’re dolphins that have adapted to their environment in remarkable ways, rising to the top of the oceanic food chain.

So next time you hear the term “killer whale”, remember, these magnificent creatures are actually the ocean’s largest dolphins. Just another example of how the natural world continues to surprise and inspire us!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Is an orca (killer whale) a whale or a dolphin?” — WDC