WTF Fun Fact 13619 – Jacobean Space Travel

Over three centuries before space travel to the Moon’s surface, England was the site of a little-known, audacious space proposal. The architect of this early space program was Dr. John Wilkins, a 17th-century scientist and theologian. Wilkins, also Oliver Cromwell’s brother-in-law, dreamed of a lunar voyage, crafting plans for a spacecraft propelled by an extraordinary blend of wings, springs, and gunpowder.

Wilkins’ Revolutionary Concept

In 1640, at the young age of 26, Wilkins penned a meticulous description of the machinery necessary for interstellar communication and even commerce with extraterrestrial beings. His proposal marked the first earnest contemplation of space flight, grounded in the era’s most credible scientific documentation.

Wilkins’ era, as delineated by Professor Allan Chapman of Oxford University, was a golden period of scientific revelation. This era rested between the astronomical breakthroughs of Galileo and Copernicus, who unveiled a universe with potentially habitable worlds, and the subsequent realization of the vacuum in space.

Wilkins hypothesized that Earth’s gravitational and magnetic influence spanned only 20 miles upward. Beyond this boundary, he posited, space travel to the Moon would be feasible. His vision was fueled by the era’s spirit of exploration, mirroring the terrestrial voyages of renowned explorers like Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh.

Divine Space Travel

Wilkins, balancing his scientific pursuits with theological insights, argued from a divine perspective. He believed that if God created other worlds, it was within divine providence to inhabit them. His design for a ‘flying chariot’ was a blend of clockwork, spring mechanisms, feather-coated wings, and gunpowder boosters – an embodiment of ingenuity and ambition.

However, by the 1660s, Wilkins’ theory began unraveling. Scientists like Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke demonstrated the vacuum of space, contradicting Wilkins’ assumptions. Wilkins also later understood the distinction between magnetism and gravity, realizing the impracticability of his ‘sphere of magnetic virtue.’

Wilkins’ notions of space travel also included some unconventional beliefs, like the reduced need for food in space. He reasoned that gravity’s pull on Earth necessitated food consumption to replenish the constantly emptying stomachs, a premise that would not apply in the vacuum of space.

Jacobean Space Travel, Grounded

Wilkins’ theories, while never tested, represented a remarkable leap in thinking. His vision, though grounded by later scientific revelations, paved the way for future explorations and opened a dialogue about space travel’s possibilities.

This early foray into space exploration, termed by Professor Chapman as the ‘Jacobean Space Programme,’ laid the foundational ideas that would much later catapult humans into space. Wilkins’ pioneering spirit, albeit based on flawed premises, showcased the boundless curiosity and ambition that drive human endeavors beyond Earth’s confines.

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Source: “Cromwell’s moonshot: how one Jacobean scientist tried to kick off the space race” — The Independent

WTF Fun Fact 13617 – The Stolen Gold Toilet

On a quiet morning in early 2019, Blenheim Palace became the scene of the theft of an 18-karat gold toilet. The piece, named “America,” was crafted by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. This functional piece of art was valued at a staggering $6 million. It was not only a statement on wealth but also open for palace visitors to use.

The Plot of the Gold Toilet Heist

Four men—James Sheen, Michael Jones, Fred Doe, and Bora Guccuk—executed the heist at the ancestral home of Winston Churchill. They snatched the golden toilet, leaving behind a trail of destruction and water damage. This act spurred a nationwide manhunt that resulted in their capture and subsequent charges ranging from burglary to conspiracy.

The aftermath of the theft left the palace with substantial flood damage. Of course, the audacity of the crime has both baffled and captivated the public. The men face a court date in late November. But the fate of the toilet remains shrouded in mystery. Authorities speculate that they may have melted down the golden throne, its form forever lost to greed.


The golden toilet, on display for visitors to use, questioned the art market’s extravagance. It stood as a challenge, blurring the lines between high art and everyday objects. The theft of the piece has stirred a debate about the value we place on art and the lengths some will go to own or destroy it.

“America” was more than a dazzling fixture; it was an interactive installation that invited contemplation on opulence and art’s accessibility. By making such a luxury available to all, the artwork broke down barriers. It allowed the public to partake in what is typically exclusive to the affluent. Cattelan’s work not only nods to the excesses of the art market but also poses questions about the value society places on material wealth.

The art community and the public alike await with bated breath for any news of the lost masterpiece. Will it resurface, or has it been irreversibly lost to the annals of infamous art heists?

This tale of ambition, art, and audacity continues to evolve. It reminds us of the potent allure that art holds and the powerful statements it can make—even when it comes in the form of a gold toilet.

 WTF fun facts

Sources: “Four Men Charged With 2019 Theft of $6 Million Gold Toilet” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13609 – Virtual Meetings and Mental State

In today’s digital age, the word “virtual meetings” frequently appears in our daily calendars. Yet, instead of feeling recharged after these virtual interactions, many of us experience an inexplicable sense of drowsiness.

New research from Aalto University reveals that the culprit behind this fatigue isn’t mental overload but rather mental underload and boredom.

Tackling Fatigue in Virtual Meetings: It’s Not Overload, It’s Underload!

Assistant Professor Niina Nurmi, who spearheaded the study, initially hypothesized that stress levels would surge during remote interactions. Surprisingly, the findings revealed quite the opposite. Nurmi noted, “especially those who were not engaged in their work quickly became drowsy during remote meetings.”

To uncover the heart of the matter, the research team meticulously tracked heart rate variability across virtual and in-person meetings. This analysis spanned nearly 400 meetings and involved 44 knowledge workers. Joining hands with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, experts at Aalto deployed heart rate monitors to delve deep into the realms of stress and recovery.

Nurmi and her team didn’t just stop at numbers. By integrating physiological methods with ethnographic research, they followed each subject for two workdays. This holistic approach ensured that they captured every event with precise timestamps, ultimately pinpointing the root causes of physiological responses.

The Role of Engagement in Virtual Fatigue

The insights gained from the research were indeed eye-opening. Nurmi stated, “The format of a meeting had little effect on people who were highly engaged and enthusiastic about their work.” These individuals managed to maintain their energy and active participation, even in a virtual setup. Contrastingly, those with lower work engagement and lesser enthusiasm found virtual meetings quite draining.

One major revelation from the study was the profound impact of cognitive cues and sensory input. Engaging in face-to-face interactions naturally keeps our focus sharp. However, virtual meetings often lack these vital stimuli. Nurmi elucidated, “Especially when cameras are off, the participant is left under-stimulated and may start to compensate by multitasking.”

The Pitfalls of Multitasking in Virtual Meetings

While a moderate level of stimulation benefits the brain, multitasking during virtual meetings emerges as a significant concern. The reason? Our brains aren’t wired to handle multiple cognitively demanding tasks at once. Activities like walking, which are automatic, can indeed enhance concentration during virtual meetings. However, attempting to juggle multiple tasks that require cognitive attention can be detrimental.

Nurmi elaborated on this conundrum, emphasizing that if you’re splitting your focus between two demanding tasks, you might miss out on essential discussions in the meeting. Additionally, the relentless need to toggle between tasks exhausts the brain.

Rethinking Virtual Interactions

The digital transformation of workplaces has made virtual meetings an integral part of our professional lives. While they offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to understand the underpinnings of virtual meeting fatigue. As this study from Aalto University highlights, engagement plays a pivotal role in our virtual experiences. By fostering a culture of active participation and minimizing distractions, we can optimize these interactions for better productivity and well-being.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Virtual meetings tire people because we’re doing them wrong” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13608 – Harnessing Anger

In a surprising twist to conventional wisdom, a new study from the American Psychological Association reveals that anger, typically seen as a negative emotion, can significantly bolster our efforts in achieving challenging goals.

This intriguing finding shatters the myth that only positive emotions like happiness are conducive to success, painting getting mad in a rather motivational light.

The Power of Harnessing Anger in Goal Pursuit

The study, led by Heather Lench, PhD, a professor at Texas A&M University, delves into the functionalist theory of emotion. This theory posits that all emotions serve a purpose, guiding our responses to environmental cues. While sadness might signal a need for support, anger often indicates that it’s time to overcome an obstacle.

Researchers embarked on a journey through a series of experiments with over 1,000 participants. They induced various emotional states, from rage to amusement, and then set participants on tasks requiring them to achieve challenging goals. The tasks ranged from solving word puzzles to playing complex skiing video games. The results were eye-opening: those fueled by anger consistently outperformed those in a neutral state.

Real-World Implications

To ground their findings in real-world scenarios, the team turned their attention to the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections. They found that individuals who anticipated anger if their preferred candidate lost were more likely to cast their vote. This direct link between anger and proactive behavior further cements the notion that anger can indeed be a driving force for action.

The Dark Side of Harnessing Anger: A Cautionary Note

However, it’s not all rosy. The study also unearthed a darker aspect of the emotion: in certain situations, it led to unethical behavior, such as cheating to win. This serves as a reminder that while anger can be a potent motivator, it must be channeled appropriately to avoid negative outcomes.

The research spearheaded by Lench and her team adds a compelling layer to our understanding of emotions. It suggests that a blend of both positive and negative emotions is essential for well-being. Negative emotions, when wielded wisely, can be powerful tools in our quest for success.

In conclusion, this groundbreaking study not only challenges our perception of anger but also encourages us to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions. By doing so, we unlock a more nuanced approach to goal achievement, one where even anger can be an ally, propelling us forward in the face of challenges.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Want to achieve your goals? Get angry” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13605 – Grammar Stress

Researchers have found that grammatical errors can cause physical stress responses – yes, the grammar stress is real. This finding uncovers a unique aspect of the relationship between language cognition and our physiological reactions.

The study, led by Dagmar Divjak, focused on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls vital functions like heart rate. Scientists utilized heart rate variability (HRV) as a stress indicator while participants listened to grammatically incorrect speech samples. HRV measures the time intervals between heartbeats, offering insights into stress levels.

Grammar Stress

Involving 41 British English-speaking adults, the study revealed a significant decrease in HRV when subjects encountered grammatical errors. This decrease suggests increased stress, as heartbeats became more regular with each grammatical mistake.

Implications of the Findings

The study’s results highlight the deep connection between cognition and physiology. It suggests that the ANS doesn’t just respond to physical demands but cognitive ones as well, challenging previous beliefs. Moreover, the findings propose a new method to assess linguistic knowledge implicitly, which could be valuable for evaluating brain health and language skills, especially in those unable to communicate verbally due to various reasons.

A New Perspective on Language and Stress

This groundbreaking research offers a novel perspective on how our bodies react to language, emphasizing the importance of linguistic precision not just for communication but for our physiological well-being too. The study, published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, paves the way for further exploration into the intriguing connections between language and the human body.

The implications of this study extend beyond mere grammatical pedantry. They touch upon the potential role of physiological feedback in language learning and cognitive therapy. Understanding the stress responses to grammatical errors could inform new strategies for language teaching, making it more attuned to the learner’s physiological state. It could also lead to innovative therapies for individuals with language impairments or cognitive challenges, where heart rate variability could serve as a real-time indicator of linguistic comprehension and stress.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Pedants, The Feeling Is Real. Hearing Bad Grammar Can Physically Stress You Out” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13602 – Man Posed as Mannequin

Warsaw witnessed a theft straight out of a heist movie when a 22-year-old man stood motionless in a shop window and convincingly posed as a mannequin. Polish police have now charged the suspect, ensuring this innovative criminal won’t be blending into the backdrop anytime soon.

Man Posed as Mannequin in Broad Daylight

The audacious individual positioned himself amongst other display dummies, a bag in hand, in a store in the central Warsaw district of Śródmieście. Both staff and shoppers alike were completely fooled by his act. He didn’t move an inch, hoping to be mistaken for one of the display mannequins. It’s an act many might find challenging, but this man had apparently mastered the art of staying perfectly still.

His scheme wasn’t just about standing around, however. Once he felt he’d established his cover, he ventured deeper into the store, targeting the jewelry department. There, under the guise of after-hours shadows and amid the lifeless mannequins, he helped himself to various pieces of jewelry.

A Series of Shopping Centre Stunts

But the Warsaw shop window incident wasn’t this suspect’s first venture into crime. Polish police have linked him to a series of other incidents at shopping centers. On one occasion, after closing hours, he purportedly indulged himself at a shopping center bar, relishing whatever food was left out.

His appetite wasn’t limited to just food. He also visited a designer clothes shop, not for a casual shopping spree, but rather a sly swap. The suspect allegedly exchanged his attire for fresh clothes right off the racks. This particular incident gave away a crucial clue – he was caught on CCTV slipping through a minuscule gap under the store’s shutters, revealing both his audacity and agility.

Yet another event tied to him involves a more direct approach to theft. He is believed to have stealthily waited for a store to shut down for the day, after which he took cash from several registers. Apart from cash, he reportedly tried to pilfer other items from the store.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Man who pretended to be mannequin in Warsaw shop window charged with theft” — The Guardian

WTF Fun Fact 13600 – Italian Mother Evicts Sons

You know things have to be bad at home when you read a headline that says “mother evicts sons from home.”

In the scenic city of Pavia, Italy, a landmark case highlights the sometimes strained dynamics between parents and their adult children. A 75-year-old mother, frustrated and worn out, took her two sons to court to have them evicted from her home. The central bone of contention? The mother, who is retired, alleges her two adult sons have lived off her pension, not contributing financially or assisting with household chores, despite both being gainfully employed.

The Sons’ Defense: Cultural and Legal Ties

The sons, aged 40 and 42, labeled as “bamboccioni” (big babies) in court, didn’t take the eviction lightly. Resorting to legal representation, they countered that Italian law compels parents to support their children indefinitely. This argument alludes to a cultural phenomenon in Italy, where many adults live with their parents into their late twenties and beyond. The term “mammoni” (mama’s boys) is often used to describe such men who are heavily reliant on their mothers, even in adulthood.

In the court ruling, Judge Simona Caterbi upheld the mother’s plea. She emphasized that adult children don’t have an inherent right to inhabit a property owned solely by their parents. Particularly when that goes against the parents’ wishes. Caterbi acknowledged the law’s provision for parents to maintain their offspring. But she deemed it unreasonable for men over 40 to continue exploiting this provision.

Judge Caterbi’s verdict: the sons have until December 18 to pack up and leave.

What Lies Ahead After Mother Evicts Sons?

Italy is no stranger to such cases. In 2020, the nation’s Supreme Court ruled against a 35-year-old part-time music teacher who sought financial backing from his parents. He claimed his 20,000 euros annual income was insufficient. It seems Italy grapples with a unique cultural challenge – a significant number of adults delay their departure from the parental nest.

According to Eurostat 2022, Italians, on average, venture out of their parents’ homes around age 30. This trend is relatively high when juxtaposed with northern European countries like Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. In these countries, young adults commence their independent journey at roughly 21.

As the sons ponder an appeal, this case underscores the evolving dynamics between Italian parents and their adult children. With the court’s ruling, other parents might be empowered to establish boundaries, especially with adult children who can support themselves. Furthermore, it’s an essential commentary on cultural shifts and the legal system’s role in mediating familial disputes.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “‘Parasites’: Mother wins court case to evict two sons in their 40s” — CNN

WTF Fun Fact 13596 – Morality Judgment

A new study found that we tend to reserve our harshest morality judgment is reserved those within our social circle.

Morality Judgment within Groups

We often assume that we judge those close to us with a gentler touch. Yet, Cornell University’s latest findings suggest otherwise: we tend to be stricter with our own peers, especially when it comes to moral failings.

Morality, the invisible bond that keeps a community united, often sets the standards for judgment. Simone Tang, a significant contributor to the research, states that our ties within a group make us believe its members are more trustworthy. However, a breach in moral conduct by one of our own can potentially tarnish the entire group’s reputation. As a result, to safeguard the group’s integrity, we might end up being more critical of our own members.

The Dynamics of Ingroup vs. Outgroup

Members of the “ingroup” usually have something in common – be it political beliefs, organizational ties, or even nationality. On the flip side, the “outgroup” represents individuals from different backgrounds, nationalities, or institutions. Despite conventional wisdom suggesting favoritism towards ingroup members, the study points out that moral transgressions by ingroup members often invite stricter judgments.

Engaging 2,361 participants, a mix of university students and members of American online communities, the study unveiled intriguing patterns. Participants learned about inappropriate actions, either by an ingroup or an outgroup member. A clear distinction emerged when comparing reactions to moral violations like gender discrimination with non-moral ones like tardiness. Ingroup members committing moral violations faced tougher criticism, hinting at the value people place on preserving the moral fabric of their community.

Real-world Implications

Shedding light on larger societal issues, Tang highlights the implications of their findings in contemporary politics. The growing polarization might not just be an ‘us versus them’ scenario. Instead, as the research suggests, harsh judgments against opposing views may arise from viewing adversaries as part of the same larger group, say, fellow Americans. This perspective shift offers a fresh lens to understand the rising internal divisions within major societal groups.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Familiarity breeds contempt for moral failings” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13595 – Gender in Human-Robot Interaction

In the world of hospitality, there’s a growing preference when it comes to gender in human-robot interaction.

When guests interact with robots at hotels, they tend to feel more at ease with female robots. This trend is stronger when these robots possess human-like features, reveals a study from Washington State University.

Gender Stereotypes Extend to Robots

Soobin Seo, the mind behind the research and an assistant professor at WSU’s Carson Business College, sheds light on the reasons for this phenomenon. “People generally find solace when cared for by females, a result of prevalent gender stereotypes associated with service roles,” she explains. “This stereotype doesn’t stop at human interactions; it extends to hotel robot interactions too. And when these robots resemble humans closely, the preference is even more evident.”

Before the onset of the global pandemic, the hotel industry grappled with keeping its staff. Some hoteliers found a solution in automation and robots, employing them in various roles. They’re not just tucked away in the back, handling chores like dishwashing or cleaning. Robots today, in some establishments, welcome guests or even handle their luggage.

The upscale Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Las Vegas, for instance, employs female humanized robots named “Pepper.” On the other side of the spectrum, China’s fully automated FlyZoo hotel chain offers an exclusive robot and AI-powered experience to its guests.

Study Highlights Distinct Preferences for Human-Robot Interaction

To delve deeper into this preference, participants in Seo’s study visualized interactions with AI service robots during their hotel stay. Four distinct scenarios were crafted for this experiment:

  1. A male service robot, “Alex,” equipped with a face and a body resembling a human.
  2. “Sara,” a robot identical to Alex but female.
  3. Two other robot descriptions, gendered differently but portrayed as more mechanical with interactive screens replacing faces.

Feedback from participants was quite revealing. Those who imagined interactions with female robots, especially the human-like ones, found their experience more pleasant. In contrast, the male robot scenarios didn’t evoke a similarly positive response.

Future Considerations in AI and Hospitality

But it’s not just about gender preferences. The implications of substituting human hotel staff with AI robots span broader issues. Seo highlights a crucial consideration: “When a robot errs or malfunctions, like misplacing luggage or botching a reservation, guests will likely seek human intervention.”

Moreover, Seo and her team at WSU are currently probing another dimension: the robot’s personality. Do guests prefer robots that are chatty and outgoing, or those that are more reserved?

For AI robot developers and hotel employers, these findings are invaluable. Seo predicts an uptick in robot usage in hotels and restaurants, emphasizing the importance of understanding psychological dynamics in such interactions. “The intricacies we see in human-to-human interactions might very well shape the future of human-to-robot interactions,” she concludes.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “People prefer interacting with female robots in hotels, study finds” — ScienceDaily