WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13626 – Prediction and Perception

In the world of social interactions, whether it’s a handshake or a casual conversation, we heavily rely on perception and observing others. But have you ever wondered what goes on in your brain during these interactions?

Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have uncovered some fascinating insights into this aspect of human perception, revealing that our interpretation of others’ actions is more influenced by our expectations than we previously thought.

Decoding Brain Processes in Social Interactions and Observations

For a while, researchers have been looking into how our brains process the actions of others. Common understanding was that observing someone else’s action triggers a specific sequence in our brain: first, the visual brain regions light up, followed by the activation of parietal and premotor regions – areas we use to perform similar actions ourselves.

This theory was based on brain activity observations in humans and monkeys during laboratory experiments involving isolated actions.

However, real-life actions are rarely isolated; they often follow a predictable sequence with an end goal, such as making breakfast. This raises the question: how does our brain handle such sequences?

Our Expectations Shape Our Perception

The new research, led by Christian Keysers and Valeria Gazzola, offers an intriguing perspective. When we observe actions in meaningful sequences, our brains increasingly rely on predictions from our motor system, almost ignoring the visual input.

Simply put, what we anticipate becomes what our brain perceives.

This shift in understanding came from a unique study involving epilepsy patients who participated in intracranial EEG research. This method allowed researchers to measure the brain’s electrical activity directly, offering a rare peek into the brain’s functioning.

Experimenting with Perception

During the study, participants watched videos of everyday actions, like preparing breakfast. The researchers tested two conditions: one where actions were shown in their natural sequence and another where the sequence was randomized. Surprisingly, the brain’s response varied significantly between these conditions.

In the randomized sequence, the brain followed the traditional information flow: from visual to motor regions. But in the natural sequence, the flow reversed. Information traveled from motor regions to visual areas, suggesting that participants relied more on their knowledge and expectations of the task rather than the visual input.

This discovery aligns with the broader realization in neuroscience that our brain is predictive. It constantly forecasts what will happen next, suppressing expected sensory input.

We perceive the world from the inside out, based on our expectations. However, if reality defies these expectations, the brain adjusts, and we become more aware of the actual visual input.

Implications of the Study

Understanding this predictive nature of our brain has significant implications. It sheds light on how we interact socially and could inform approaches in various fields, from psychology to virtual reality technologies.

This research also highlights the complexity of human perception, revealing that our interpretation of the world around us is a blend of sensory input and internal predictions.

The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience’s study opens new doors in understanding human perception. It challenges the traditional view of sensory processing, emphasizing the role of our expectations in shaping our interpretation of others’ actions. As we continue to explore the depths of the human brain, studies like these remind us of the intricate and fascinating ways in which our mind works.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “When we see what others do, our brain sees not what we see, but what we expect” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13625 – AI and Realistic Faces

Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have found that AI-generated faces now appear to be more realistic faces than those of actual humans. But that’s only true if the AI is generating the faces of white people.

This development raises crucial questions about AI’s influence on our perception of identity.

Training Bias in AI

This study reveals a concerning trend. People often see AI-generated white faces as more human than real ones. Yet, this isn’t the case for faces of people of color.

Dr. Amy Dawel attributes this to AI’s training bias. AI algorithms have been fed more white faces than any other. This imbalance could increase racial biases online. It’s especially troubling in professional settings, like headshot creation. AI often alters skin and eye colors of people of color, aligning them more with white features.

The Illusion of AI Realistic Faces

Elizabeth Miller, co-author of the study, highlights a critical issue. People don’t realize they’re being fooled by AI faces. This unawareness is alarming. Those who mistake AI faces for real ones are often the most confident in their judgment.

Although physical differences between AI and human faces exist, they’re often misinterpreted. People see AI’s proportionate features as human-like. Yet, AI technology is evolving rapidly. Soon, distinguishing AI from human faces could become even more challenging.

This trend could significantly impact misinformation spread and identity theft. Dr. Dawel calls for more transparency around AI.

Keeping AI open to researchers and the public is essential. It helps identify potential problems early. Public education about AI’s realism is also crucial. An informed public can be more skeptical about online images.

Public Awareness and Tools for Detection

As AI blurs the line between real and synthetic, new challenges emerge. We need tools to identify AI imposters accurately. Dr. Dawel suggests educating people about AI’s realism. Such knowledge could foster skepticism about online images. This approach might reduce risks associated with advanced AI.

ANU’s study marks a significant moment in AI development. AI’s ability to create faces now surpasses human perception in certain cases. The implications are vast, touching on identity and the potential for misuse.

As AI evolves, transparency, education, and technological solutions will be key. We must navigate these challenges collectively to ensure AI’s responsible and beneficial use.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “AI faces look more real than actual human face” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13624 – The Phantom Touch Illusion

Using Virtual reality (VR) scenarios where subjects interacted with their bodies using virtual objects, a research team from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany unearthed the phenomenon of the phantom touch illusion. This sensation occurs when individuals in VR environments experience a tingling feeling upon virtual contact, despite the absence of physical interaction.

Unraveling the Mystery of Phantom Touch

Dr. Artur Pilacinski and Professor Christian Klaes, spearheading the research, were intrigued by this illusion. “People in virtual reality sometimes feel as though they’re touching real objects,” explains Pilacinski. The subjects described this sensation as a tingling or electrifying experience, akin to a breeze passing through their hand. This study, detailed in the journal Scientific Reports, sheds light on how our brains and bodies interpret virtual experiences.

The research involved 36 volunteers who, equipped with VR glasses, first acclimated to the virtual environment. Their task was to touch their hand with a virtual stick in this environment. The participants reported sensations, predominantly tingling, even when touching parts of their bodies not visible in the VR setting. This finding suggests that our perception and body sensation stem from a blend of sensory inputs.

Control Experiments and Unique Results

A control experiment was conducted to discern if similar sensations could arise without VR. This used a laser pointer instead of virtual objects. That experiment did not result in the phantom touch, underscoring the unique nature of the phenomenon within virtual environments.

The discovery of the phantom touch illusion propels research in human perception and holds potential applications in VR technology and medicine. “This could enhance our understanding of neurological diseases affecting body perception,” notes neuroscience researcher Christian Klaes.

Future Research and Collaborative Efforts

The team at Bochum is eager to delve deeper into this illusion and its underlying mechanisms. A partnership with the University of Sussex aims to differentiate actual phantom touch sensations from cognitive processes like suggestion or experimental conditions. “We are keen to explore the neural basis of this illusion and expand our understanding,” says Pilacinski.

This research marks a significant step in VR technology, offering a new perspective on how virtual experiences can influence our sensory perceptions. As VR continues to evolve, its applications in understanding human cognition and aiding medical advancements become increasingly evident. The phantom touch illusion not only intrigues the scientific community but also paves the way for innovative uses of VR in various fields.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13623 – DIRFA

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have created DIRFA (DIverse yet Realistic Facial Animations), a groundbreaking program.

Imagine having just a photo and an audio clip, and voila – you get a 3D video with realistic facial expressions and head movements that match the spoken words! This advancement in artificial intelligence is not just fascinating; it’s a giant stride in digital communication.

DIRFA is unique because it can handle various facial poses and express emotions more accurately than ever before. The secret behind DIRFA’s magic? It’s been trained on a massive database – over one million clips from more than 6,000 people. This extensive training enables DIRFA to perfectly sync speech cues with matching facial movements.

The Widespread Impact of DIRFA

DIRFA’s potential is vast and varied. In healthcare, it could revolutionize how virtual assistants interact, making them more engaging and helpful. It’s also a beacon of hope for individuals with speech or facial impairments, helping them communicate more effectively through digital avatars.

Associate Professor Lu Shijian, the leading mind behind DIRFA, believes this technology will significantly impact multimedia communication. Videos created using DIRFA, with their realistic lip-syncing and expressive faces, are a leap forward in technology, combining advanced AI and machine learning techniques.

Dr. Wu Rongliang, another key player in DIRFA’s development, points out the complexity of speech variations and how they’re interpreted. With DIRFA, the nuances in speech, including emotional undertones and individual speech traits, are captured with unparalleled accuracy.

The Science Behind DIRFA’s Realism

Creating realistic animations from audio is no small feat. The NTU team faced the challenge of matching numerous potential facial expressions to audio signals. DIRFA, with its sophisticated AI model, captures these intricate relationships. Trained on a comprehensive database, DIRFA skillfully maps facial animations based on the audio it receives.

Assoc Prof Lu explains how DIRFA’s modeling allows for transforming audio into an array of lifelike facial animations, producing authentic and expressive talking faces. This level of detail is what sets DIRFA apart.

Future Enhancements

The NTU team is now focusing on making DIRFA more versatile. They plan to integrate a wider array of facial expressions and voice clips to enhance its accuracy and expression range. Their goal is to develop an even more user-friendly and adaptable tool to use across various industries.

DIRFA represents a significant leap in how we can interact with and through technology. It’s not just a tool; it’s a bridge to a world where digital communication is as real and expressive as face-to-face conversations. As technology continues to evolve, DIRFA stands as a pioneering example of the incredible potential of AI in enhancing our digital experiences.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Realistic talking faces created from only an audio clip and a person’s photo” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13622 – 3D Printed Robotic Hand

A significant leap in 3D printing has emerged from ETH Zurich and a U.S. startup. They’ve created a robotic hand that mimics human bones, ligaments, and tendons. Unlike traditional methods, this innovation uses slow-curing polymers. These materials offer improved elasticity and durability.

Led by Thomas Buchner and Robert Katzschmann, the project utilized thiolene polymers. These materials quickly return to their original form after bending. Hence, they are perfect for simulating a robotic hand’s elastic components. This choice represents a shift from fast-curing plastics, expanding the possibilities in robotics.

Soft Robotics for a Robotic Hand

Soft robotics, illustrated by this 3D-printed hand, brings several advantages. These robots are safer around humans and more capable of handling delicate items. Such advancements pave the way for new applications in medicine and manufacturing.

The project introduced a novel 3D laser scanning technique. It accurately detects surface irregularities layer by layer. This method is essential for using slow-curing polymers effectively in 3D printing.

ETH Zurich researchers collaborated with Inkbit, an MIT spin-off, for this venture. They are now exploring more complex structures and applications. Meanwhile, Inkbit plans to commercialize this new printing technology.

This breakthrough is more than a technical achievement. It marks a shift in robotic engineering, blending advanced materials with innovative printing techniques. Such developments could lead to safer, more efficient, and adaptable robotic systems.

Educational and Practical Benefits

The success in printing a lifelike robotic hand has implications for both education and industry. It bridges the gap between theory and practice, potentially revolutionizing robotics in various settings.

The ability to print intricate robotic structures in a single process opens doors to futuristic applications. Robots could become more common in households and industries, enhancing efficiency and convenience.

This milestone in robotic engineering demonstrates the power of innovation and collaboration. As we enter a new chapter in robotics, the possibilities for applying this technology are vast and exciting.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons” — Science Daily

WTF Fun Fact 13621 – The Sullivan Act

In the early 1900s, New York City witnessed the introduction of the Sullivan Act, a law that targeted women smoking in public. Named after its proponent, Alderman Timothy Sullivan, this act reflected the era’s societal norms and gender biases. It specifically aimed to regulate women’s behavior, drawing clear lines between acceptable and unacceptable public conduct.

Rise of Women’s Resistance

The Sullivan Act ignited immediate resistance from women across various social strata. Activists and everyday women saw this law as an affront to their personal freedoms. The movement it spurred went beyond the act of smoking; it symbolized a fight against gender-specific restrictions and a quest for equal rights. Women’s response was not just about asserting their right to smoke but challenging the deeper societal norms that the law represented.

The Tobacco Industry’s Role

During this tumultuous period, tobacco companies played a significant role. They saw an opportunity in the controversy and began marketing cigarettes to women as symbols of independence and modernity. This move not only increased their sales but also influenced the ongoing debate about women’s rights. Smoking became a symbol of rebellion against traditional gender roles, thanks to these strategic marketing campaigns.

Overturning the Sullivan Act

The Sullivan Act’s repeal marked a significant milestone in the women’s rights movement. It underscored the importance of standing against discriminatory legislation and reshaped societal attitudes towards gender and freedom. The act’s failure also highlighted the growing power and influence of women’s voices in societal and political realms.

The repeal had implications far beyond smoking rights. It acted as a catalyst, inspiring further challenges to gender-biased laws. The movement contributed significantly to broader women’s rights issues, including the suffrage movement, signaling a shift in societal views on gender equality.

The Sullivan Act’s history offers insights into how laws can reflect and reinforce societal norms, especially regarding gender roles. It reminds us of the constant need to scrutinize laws that discriminate or seek to control personal choices based on gender.

The Legacy of the Sullivan Act

The legacy of the Sullivan Act is profound. It stands as a testament to the power of collective action against discrimination and has become a crucial chapter in women’s rights history. The act represents a pivotal moment in the journey toward gender equality, emphasizing the importance of challenging restrictive societal norms and advocating for personal freedom.

Today, the Sullivan Act’s story holds enduring relevance. It serves as a reminder of past struggles for gender equality and the ongoing need to challenge restrictive societal norms. The act’s history is not just a tale of a legislative battle but a narrative of resilience, resistance, and the relentless pursuit of equality.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “When New York Banned Smoking to Save Women’s Souls” —

WTF Fun Fact 13620 – The Mars Effect

The Mars Effect, a term entrenched in both astrological and scientific discussions, emerged from the work of French psychologist and statistician Michel Gauquelin. Known for his interest in astrology, Gauquelin devoted significant research to scrutinize its claims scientifically. His journey into this controversial subject led to a startling discovery that blurred the lines between astronomy and astrology.

Gauquelin’s Methodical Approach

Gauquelin’s approach to studying astrology was unique. He conducted experiments with rigor, often collaborating with his wife Francoise. One notable experiment involved astrologers who tried to differentiate birth charts of criminals from responsible citizens, resulting in outcomes aligned with mere chance. Another intriguing experiment involved presenting the horoscope of a notorious criminal as Gauquelin’s own, revealing the generic nature of astrological readings.

However, Gauquelin’s most significant and controversial work was his study on the birthdates of over 2,000 notable French professionals. This study birthed the concept of the Mars Effect.

Unveiling the Mars Effect

The Mars Effect posited an unusual correlation: certain planets, particularly Mars, prominently featured in the birth charts of individuals excelling in specific professions. Notably, Mars was frequently observed in the charts of eminent athletes. This finding deviated sharply from Gauquelin’s other research, which generally debunked astrological claims.

Gauquelin’s findings sparked a wave of intrigue and skepticism. His work underwent multiple re-evaluations and replications by both advocates and critics, yet the results remained inconclusive. This ambiguity left the scientific community divided. While some viewed the Mars Effect as a statistical anomaly or a fluke, others saw it as potential evidence of an astrological influence on human destinies.

The Mars Effect haunted Gauquelin throughout his life. Despite his initial stance against astrology’s scientific validity, this particular finding seemed to contradict his general skepticism. This paradoxical situation led Gauquelin to a state of personal and professional turmoil. Tragically, it culminated in his suicide in 1991 after he ordered all his research files to be destroyed.

Legacy of the Mars Effect

Today, the Mars Effect remains a subject of curiosity and debate. It stands at a unique crossroads where astrology meets empirical investigation. Gauquelin’s work, despite its controversial nature, contributed significantly to the discourse on astrology’s place in scientific study.

This represents more than a mere astrological anomaly; it symbolizes the complex relationship between belief and evidence-based science. It challenges the boundaries of what we understand about the influence of celestial bodies on human life. While the scientific community continues to debate its validity, it serves as a reminder of the enigmatic and often unexplained phenomena that persist in our universe.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Mars Effect” – The Guardian

WTF Fun Fact 13619 – Jacobean Space Travel

Over three centuries before space travel to the Moon’s surface, England was the site of a little-known, audacious space proposal. The architect of this early space program was Dr. John Wilkins, a 17th-century scientist and theologian. Wilkins, also Oliver Cromwell’s brother-in-law, dreamed of a lunar voyage, crafting plans for a spacecraft propelled by an extraordinary blend of wings, springs, and gunpowder.

Wilkins’ Revolutionary Concept

In 1640, at the young age of 26, Wilkins penned a meticulous description of the machinery necessary for interstellar communication and even commerce with extraterrestrial beings. His proposal marked the first earnest contemplation of space flight, grounded in the era’s most credible scientific documentation.

Wilkins’ era, as delineated by Professor Allan Chapman of Oxford University, was a golden period of scientific revelation. This era rested between the astronomical breakthroughs of Galileo and Copernicus, who unveiled a universe with potentially habitable worlds, and the subsequent realization of the vacuum in space.

Wilkins hypothesized that Earth’s gravitational and magnetic influence spanned only 20 miles upward. Beyond this boundary, he posited, space travel to the Moon would be feasible. His vision was fueled by the era’s spirit of exploration, mirroring the terrestrial voyages of renowned explorers like Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh.

Divine Space Travel

Wilkins, balancing his scientific pursuits with theological insights, argued from a divine perspective. He believed that if God created other worlds, it was within divine providence to inhabit them. His design for a ‘flying chariot’ was a blend of clockwork, spring mechanisms, feather-coated wings, and gunpowder boosters – an embodiment of ingenuity and ambition.

However, by the 1660s, Wilkins’ theory began unraveling. Scientists like Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke demonstrated the vacuum of space, contradicting Wilkins’ assumptions. Wilkins also later understood the distinction between magnetism and gravity, realizing the impracticability of his ‘sphere of magnetic virtue.’

Wilkins’ notions of space travel also included some unconventional beliefs, like the reduced need for food in space. He reasoned that gravity’s pull on Earth necessitated food consumption to replenish the constantly emptying stomachs, a premise that would not apply in the vacuum of space.

Jacobean Space Travel, Grounded

Wilkins’ theories, while never tested, represented a remarkable leap in thinking. His vision, though grounded by later scientific revelations, paved the way for future explorations and opened a dialogue about space travel’s possibilities.

This early foray into space exploration, termed by Professor Chapman as the ‘Jacobean Space Programme,’ laid the foundational ideas that would much later catapult humans into space. Wilkins’ pioneering spirit, albeit based on flawed premises, showcased the boundless curiosity and ambition that drive human endeavors beyond Earth’s confines.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Cromwell’s moonshot: how one Jacobean scientist tried to kick off the space race” — The Independent

WTF Fun Fact 13618 – Hong Kong’s Snake Pizza

Pizza Hut, the iconic American pizza chain, has taken a bold leap into the world of fusion cuisine in Hong Kong by introducing a pizza that’s causing quite a stir. This isn’t just any pizza; it’s topped with snake meat. Collaborating with Ser Wong Fun, a renowned local restaurant with over a century of history, Pizza Hut is reinventing traditional flavors and bringing a slice of local heritage to the pizza scene.

Pizza Hut Serving Snake Pizza

The snake pizza is a blend of traditional snake stew elements like shredded snake meat, black mushrooms, and Chinese dried ham. This blend rests atop the familiar pizza base, marrying the East with the West in an unexpected way. The pizza also swaps out the classic tomato sauce for abalone sauce, adding to the luxurious twist of flavors.

Snake stew has been a delicacy in Hong Kong, particularly enjoyed as the weather turns colder. Many locals believe in its warming and medicinal benefits. Pizza Hut’s new creation banks on this traditional belief, promising a nourishing experience that challenges the conventional palate. It’s a modern take on a dish deeply rooted in the region’s culinary culture.

Reactions to Pizza Hut’s snake pizza are as varied as the ingredients on the pizza itself. Some diners find the concept intriguing, drawn to the idea of snake meat’s rich texture and high-protein content. Others, particularly those not accustomed to the idea of snakes as food, express apprehension at the thought of trying this unconventional topping.

Expertise in Every Slice

To ensure authenticity, Pizza Hut has drawn on the expertise of Ser Wong Fun, which specializes in preparing snake meat delicately. The snake breeds used in the recipe, including Chinese rat snakes and banded kraits, are carefully selected to provide a balance of flavors that are both tantalizing and savory, suitable for the season.

This isn’t Pizza Hut Hong Kong’s first foray into localized menus. In addition to the snake pizza, they’re also introducing a pizza featuring Chinese preserved sausages, a nod to another local favorite. This trend of customizing menus to reflect local tastes is not exclusive to Hong Kong. Pizza Hut Taiwan has experimented with toppings like durian and pig blood curds, while Pizza Hut Japan has offered Tonkotsu ramen pizza, each reflecting the culinary preferences of their respective regions.

The snake pizza is a limited-time offering, available until November 22. It’s a bold statement in the world of fast food, where innovation and tradition collide to create new experiences for adventurous foodies. Whether it becomes a beloved staple or a seasonal novelty, Pizza Hut’s snake pizza has certainly captured the attention of pizza enthusiasts and culinary explorers alike.

 WTF fun facts
