WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13509 – Wineries in Slovenia

Did you know there are a ton of wineries in Slovenia? It’s not thought of as a typical wine region, but this small European country takes its wine seriously. Very seriously.

Nestled between Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia, Slovenia might be modest in size, but its gigantic in its passion for winemaking. With approximately 28,000 wineries scattered across its picturesque landscapes, there’s a winery for every 75 people in the country.

Historical Roots of Slovenian Winemaking

The tradition of winemaking in Slovenia runs deep. Archaeological findings suggest that viticulture existed in this region as far back as the Celtic and Illyrian tribes, long before the Romans introduced their winemaking techniques.

The country’s favorable Mediterranean and Alpine climates, combined with its diverse terrain, provided the ideal conditions for cultivating various grape varieties.

Its wine regions are strikingly diverse, each imparting its own unique character to the wines produced:

  1. Primorska: Primorska is adjacent to Italy’s Friuli region, and is influenced by the warm Mediterranean climate. We know this region for its full-bodied reds and aromatic whites.
  2. Podravje: Situated in the northeast, this region produces primarily white wines, often with a characteristic minerality thanks to its hilly terrain.
  3. Posavje: Located in the country’s southeast, it’s known for its traditional method of winemaking, producing lighter, fresh wines.

The Unique Wine Offerings of Wineries in Slovenia

Slovenia’s winemaking isn’t just about volume; it’s about offering unique experiences. Many Slovenian wineries use traditional methods. Winemakers may ferment the wine in large egg-shaped containers buried underground or aged in oak barrels.

The nation also prides itself on its orange wines. These are white wines made by leaving the grape skins and seeds in contact with the juice, giving them their distinctive color.

Beyond traditional techniques, Slovenian winemakers are at the forefront of the organic and biodynamic winemaking movements. Many vineyards avoid synthetic chemicals, aiming to produce wines in the most natural way possible.

Wine enthusiasts laud Slovenian wines for their authentic taste and eco-friendly production methods.

The Experience of Slovenia’s Wineries

It’s not only the wines themselves that captivate visitors but the entire wine-tasting experience. Many Slovenian wineries are family-run, offering intimate tours where guests can immerse themselves in the entire winemaking process, from grape harvesting to the fermentation process, all while soaking in breathtaking views of rolling vineyards. As a result, these experiences often culminate in rustic cellars. Here, visitors can sample wines paired with local delicacies, making the entire journey memorable.

With one winery for every 75 people, it’s evident that winemaking isn’t just a hobby in Slovenia; it’s a way of life. The sheer number of wineries signifies the industry’s significance to Slovenia’s economy and cultural identity. Locals cherish their wine heritage, and annual wine festivals are a testament to this, celebrating the country’s viticultural accomplishments.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13508 – Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum

If you know a kid obsessed with dinosaurs, you may have heard of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum. If not, you should let that kid know about this creature immediately because it’s pretty cool.

The Discovery and Classification of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum

When we think of the most impressive creatures that ever roamed the Earth, our minds often dart to the giants of the Mesozoic Era – the mighty dinosaurs. Among these behemoths, one dinosaur stands out for the astounding length of just one part of its anatomy: its neck.

Meet the Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum, a species of dinosaur that boasted a neck almost 50 feet long. That’s a neck six times longer than that of today’s tallest land animal, the giraffe!

Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum belongs to a group of dinosaurs called the sauropods. They are recognized by their long necks, long tails, and massive bodies supported by four thick, pillar-like legs. Although several sauropods had impressively long necks, the Mamenchisaurus goes well beyond the rest!

The species was unearthed in China and was a significant find for paleontologists. These findings provided more information about the diverse world of sauropods and the different evolutionary paths they might have taken.

A Neck to Marvel At

At nearly 50 feet long, the neck of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum was a true wonder of nature. To put it into perspective, that’s longer than a school bus and almost as long as a bowling lane! But what evolutionary benefits did such a lengthy neck provide?

Foraging Strategy
With such an extended reach, this dinosaur could access food sources that were out of reach for other herbivores. This reduced the competition for food. It also allowed the creature to graze over a larger area without having to move its massive body frequently.

Cooling Mechanism
Some theories suggest that a long neck could have served as a cooling mechanism. The large surface area could have helped dissipate heat. This may have been vital for such massive creatures that might have struggled to maintain an optimal body temperature.

Display and Mating
In the animal kingdom, impressive physical features often play a role in mating displays. Though speculative, it’s possible that longer necks might have been seen as more attractive or dominant. This would help individuals with longer necks secure a mate.

The Anatomy Behind the Length

The length and weight of such a neck would require robust support and respiratory systems. Vertebrae would have been elongated and possibly hollowed in sections to reduce weight. Air sacs might have been present to aid in breathing, similar to modern birds. The neck’s muscle and tendon structure would also need to be incredibly strong. But it would also have to be flexible to support and maneuver this impressive length.

Comparing Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum to the Modern Giraffe

Modern-day giraffe necks measure approximately 8 feet in length and pale in comparison to the neck of the Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum. However, both animals show that evolution can lead to some astounding anatomical features when they provide an advantage.

It’s intriguing to imagine how these two creatures, separated by millions of years, navigated their habitats with such long necks.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Dinosaur Had a 50-Foot-Long Neck, Scientists Say” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13507 – Fifth Wheel for Parallel Parking

Did you know cars almost had a fifth wheel for parallel parking? Why would something so useful fail to evolve into an everyday feature? Have you seen people parallel park?! They need all the help they can get.

The Story of the Fifth Wheel for Parallel Parking

Now, for anyone who’s ever lived in a bustling city or tried to find a parking spot along a crowded street, the challenges of parallel parking are all too familiar. The maneuver requires precise calculation, impeccable timing, and a well-practiced technique, especially when the available space is barely larger than the car itself.

In the early 20th century, as automobiles increasingly filled the streets, the need for an efficient parking solution became evident. The “fifth wheel” seemed poised to transform parallel parking forever.

Patented in the 1930s, the idea was surprisingly simple: it was a perpendicular wheel could be deployed from the rear of the car, lifting the back tires slightly off the ground.

This fifth wheel, positioned at a right angle to the car’s other wheels, would then allow the vehicle to move laterally, making the parallel parking process straightforward and stress-free. With this invention, drivers wouldn’t need to anxiously navigate their vehicle back and forth to fit into tight spaces; the fifth wheel would do the work for them.

So, Why Didn’t the Fifth Wheel Take Off?

With all these apparent advantages, it’s perplexing that the fifth wheel didn’t become a standard feature in automobiles. But there were several reasons that contributed to its decline (though none of them seem good enough).

  1. Integrating a fifth wheel system into vehicles would complicate the car’s design, leading to higher production costs. Consumers might have been hesitant to pay extra for this feature.
  2. An additional wheel means more parts that could malfunction or require upkeep, potentially deterring consumers and manufacturers alike.
  3. As cities grew, multi-story parking garages and lots started to become more commonplace, reducing the emphasis on street parking.
  4. Over the decades, other innovations like power steering, parking sensors, and rearview cameras emerged, making the parallel parking process more manageable.

A Symbol of Automotive Curiosity

The “fifth wheel” is a reminder that even the most creative solutions sometimes don’t find their place in the mainstream. Even when they might lead to less road rage.

Future self-parking cars and advancements in AI-driven vehicle technologies may make the challenges of parallel parking seem almost quaint. But that’s the future, and this is now. And we still see people struggling to parallel park and holding up traffic in the meantime! So maybe someone should see if that patent has expired and make another run at it!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The ingenious “fifth wheel” parallel parking tool that never hit it big” — Hagerty Media

WTF Fun Fact 13506 – Human Hair Can Hold Two Elephants

When considered collectively (by the head), human hair can hold two elephants! That’s right, it can support the weight of two giant creatures.

Let’s explain.

The Anatomy of a Hair Strand

To truly grasp the astonishing strength of human hair, we must first delve into its structure. Each strand is composed of keratin, a type of protein. This protein is arranged in coiled coils, a configuration that provides both flexibility and strength to the hair.

The innermost layer, known as the medulla, is surrounded by the cortex, which in turn is encased by the outermost layer, the cuticle. Each of these layers contributes to the hair’s overall resilience.

One individual hair strand, despite its tensile strength, is unlikely to impress anyone with its ability to support weight. However, the collective strength of hair is where the true marvel lies.

The average human head has approximately 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands. When working in tandem, these hairs can exhibit strength that belies their delicate appearance.

Why Human Hair Can Hold Two Elephants

So, how do we arrive at the claim that human hair can hold two elephants? Let’s break it down:

  • An average strand of hair can support about 100 grams in weight. This might not seem like much, but when multiplied by the average number of hairs on a human head (let’s take the midpoint of 125,000 strands), we get a total weight of approximately 12.5 tons.
  • An average adult elephant weighs about 6 tons. So, theoretically, the combined strength of the hair on a human head could support two elephants, amounting to 12 tons!

The capacity of hair to support immense weight is just one facet of its remarkable nature. Hair can stretch up to 30% of its original length without breaking when wet. This elasticity is yet another testament to its durability.

But beyond its tensile strength and elasticity, hair also serves as an indicator of our health, reacts to emotional stimuli (like standing on end when we’re frightened), and plays a vital role in regulating body temperature.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Secrets of human hair unlocked at Natural History Museum in London” — The Guardian

WTF Fun Fact 13505 – The Town of Suloszowa

In Suloszowa, Poland, all 6000 residents live on the same street!

Living in ‘Little Tuscany’

Imagine a town where everyone shares the same street, where houses unfurl along a singular pathway, dotted with fields of varying colors and purposes. Welcome to Sułoszowa in southern Poland, a village often dubbed “Little Tuscany” for its unique landscape.

Sułoszowa is not your everyday town. Stretching 9 kilometers, this single street houses all of its nearly 6,000 residents. But what captures one’s attention is not just the uncommon layout but the vibrant strips of land accompanying each residence.

While one plot boasts golden grains swaying in the breeze, another shimmers with the bright yellow of rapeseed. Every household has its patch, varying in hues, purposes, and stories. Whether to cultivate, rear animals, or just let nature take its course, each strip adds a unique flavor to the Sułoszowa tapestry.

While deeply rooted in tradition, Sułoszowa hasn’t remained untouched by modernity. Contemporary amenities dot the historic street, blending the old with the new. However, the challenges of the 21st century, like urban migration and technological advancements, pose questions about the town’s future layout.

Suloszowa Pride

The village’s beauty has not gone unnoticed. A snapshot capturing the essence of Sułoszowa went viral on social media platforms like Reddit, where users couldn’t help but marvel at the charming layout.

Each house, with its own plot of land, has left a visual impact on many, leading to comments about the town’s tranquillity compared to bustling city lives.

With an aerial view, Sułoszowa paints a mesmerizing picture. The houses, lined neatly, complemented by strips of varying colors, present a mosaic of life. These vibrant hues represent the different activities of its residents.

From bustling marketplaces to quaint local businesses, the street has witnessed generations of merchants and craftsmen ply their trade.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Look At The Polish Town Where All 6,000 Residents Live On The Same Street” — News 18

WTF Fun Fact 13504 – The Dots on Strawberries

What are the dots on strawberries? You might believe they’re seeds, but you’d be wrong.

It’s not just the layperson who’s been fooled. Even certain educational platforms have, over the years, inadvertently misinformed generations into believing that strawberries carry their seeds on the outside. The truth, however, is far more intriguing.

The small dotted entities on strawberries are known as “drupelets.” But these do contain seeds.

Strawberry Drupelets

Now, the concept of a drupelet can be somewhat counter-intuitive. Each of these tiny fruits contains an actual seed. So, when you look at a strawberry, you’re essentially looking at a collective of multiple fruits.

The evolutionary strategy that led strawberries to develop this unique external fruit-bearing method is fascinating.

The external drupelets potentially increase the chances of seed dispersion. The strawberry’s vibrant red coloration acts as a visual cue for animals, signaling ripeness and inviting consumption. When animals eat these fruits, the seeds within the drupelets get dispersed in the environment, ensuring the strawberry plant’s survival and proliferation.

We’ve Been Misled about the Dots on Strawberries

The strawberry, despite its unique botanical makeup, has earned its place in various cultures worldwide. Its iconic appearance and misinterpreted “seeds” have inspired art, literature, and even fashion. This misrepresentation, while innocent, makes one ponder how many other natural elements we might have misread or misunderstood.

Modern commercial strawberry production seldom concerns itself with the seeds inside the drupelets, as they propagate strawberries using runners, ensuring consistent fruit quality. However, understanding the strawberry’s unique structure has implications for genetic research and potential breeding programs.

By diving deep into the genetic makeup of the actual seeds, scientists could unlock new strawberry varieties or even develop strains more resistant to pests and diseases.

Beyond Strawberries

Strawberries aren’t the only fruits that challenge our conventional understanding. The raspberry, similar in its external seed presentation, also relies on drupelets. Pineberries, which are a blend between strawberries and pineapples in taste, carry the same deceptive exterior. It’s a testament to nature’s ability to consistently surprise and challenge our knowledge.

As the true nature of strawberry “seeds” becomes more widely known, it becomes imperative to adjust educational materials. This ensures future generations have accurate information. Such discoveries, though seemingly minute, underscore the importance of continuous learning and the revision of established knowledge bases.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “These White Dots On Strawberries Are Not Strawberry Seeds” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13503 – Antarctic Feather Star

In the dark waters of the Antarctic, an unknown “sea monster” with an astonishing 20 arms recently emerged – the Antarctic feather star. The researchers had this specimen on ice for years after a near-decade-long expedition during which they collected samples. Only in 2023 did they uncover the latest creature from the deep.

The Antarctic Expedition

This journey into the Antarctic waters spanned almost a decade, from 2008 to 2017. Its primary objective was to study elusive or cryptic sea creatures, especially those belonging to the genus Promachocrinus – commonly referred to as Antarctic feather stars.

While Antarctic Feather Stars bear similarities to starfish and sea cucumbers, they possess a distinct otherworldly appearance, notably when swimming. Their movement, combined with their considerable size, sets them apart in the marine world.

These creatures reside in varying depths, from a relatively shallow 65 feet to an astounding 6,500 feet beneath the waves.

Eight unique species were identified during the expeditions, with half being entirely novel to science. Earlier, only Promachocrinus kerguelensis was unmistakably linked to this genus. A combination of DNA analysis and physical morphology studies led to these recent classifications.

The Strawberry Feather Star

Named Promachocrinus fragarius, this particular discovery stands out. Its body, curiously enough, resembles a strawberry and showcases a range of colors from muted purples to rich reds.

Boasting a staggering 20 arms, this “sea monster” is unlike any other in its category.

The vast number of arms, each intricately designed, adds to its otherworldly presence, particularly when the creature is in motion. When swimming, the feather star presents an ethereal dance in the deep sea, making it a sight to behold.

Unlike other invertebrate ocean animals, the Antarctic Strawberry Feather Star stands out both due to its substantial size and its unique appearance, which is reminiscent of the delicate feathers of a bird, but with a marine twist.

Its habitat in the frozen depths of Antarctica makes its discovery particularly fascinating. Antarctica’s waters are among the least explored due to their harsh and inaccessible nature, making every discovery from this region a notable contribution to marine biology.

The Antarctic Strawberry Feather Star offers a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of our oceans, reminding us of the endless mysteries that lie beneath the waves, waiting to be discovered.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Unknown “Sea Monster” with 20 arms discovered in the dark Antarctic waters” —

WTF Fun Fact 13502 – The Naming of Mount Everest

The naming of Mount Everest was controversial. While it already had local names, the mountain was renamed by British colonialists in 1865 after a man who had never even been there.

Sir George Everest and the Naming of Mount Everest

Sir George Everest, whose name graces the world’s tallest mountain, holds an ironic place in its history. Despite his significant contributions to cartography and the British Great Trigonometrical Survey in India, he never set foot on the mountain itself. Everest’s connection to the peak comes solely through his work, rather than any firsthand experience.

Everest never visited the mountain. He spent much of his time overseeing operations, conducting research, and ensuring the accuracy of the work. He retired and returned to England in 1855, before the peak’s official identification and naming.

Initial Discoveries

British maps first labeled the mountain as “Peak XV.” In the 19th century, the British began a massive project. Their goal? Measure the entire Indian subcontinent. The British Great Trigonometrical Survey faced many challenges, from dense forests to rugged landscapes. By the 1850s, they focused on the Himalayas.

Radhanath Sikdar made a discovery in 1852. He was an Indian mathematician and surveyor. Sikdar believed Peak XV was the world’s highest peak. This idea challenged the earlier belief in Kangchenjunga as the highest. This claim took years to confirm.

Everest served as the British Surveyor General of India from 1830 to 1843. During his tenure, he spearheaded various initiatives to measure and map the subcontinent. These efforts laid the groundwork for later expeditions into the Himalayas. His meticulous methodologies ensured that the measurements and results of the surveys were precise.

The Controversial Naming of Mount Everest

In 1856, a new proposal emerged. Andrew Waugh, the current Survey’s General, had an idea. He wanted to name the peak after Sir George Everest. But this idea sparked debate. The mountain already had local names. Tibetans called it “Chomolungma,” and the Nepalese named it “Sagarmatha.”

Waugh had a reason for his proposal. Many local names existed across various regions. Picking one name for everyone seemed tough. He thought naming the peak after Sir George Everest made sense. The Royal Geographical Society made it official in 1865. They named it “Mount Everest.”

The world now knew Mount Everest. Climbers wanted to reach its top. Every expedition brought more attention to the mountain. Yet, Nepal and Tibet kept their local names. It took time for “Sagarmatha” and “Chomolungma” to gain global recognition.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Mount Everest” — National Geographic Society

WTF Fun Fact 13501 – Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The Google, Apple, Intel, Adobe lawsuit is a sinister and embarrassing moment in tech history – one that the corporate giants had to pay for.

In the early 2010s, it came to light that some of these tech giants were involved in secret anti-poaching agreements. Leading companies like Google, Apple, Intel, and Adobe had clandestine arrangements not to hire each other’s employees. This essentially froze salaries by eliminating the competition for top talent. What ensued was a scandal and a class action lawsuit that exposed the dark side of Silicon Valley.

The Roots of the Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The roots of the issue began with individual agreements. The earliest known pact was between Pixar and Lucasfilm in 1986, which agreed not to poach each other’s employees and to cap wages. Yet, by the 2000s, other Silicon Valley heavyweights had entered into similar agreements. Google and Apple had their secret deal, as did Google and Intel, Google and Intuit, and so on.

These agreements were not merely handshake deals. Emails and written correspondence showed the top executives of these companies actively reinforcing the non-poaching pacts. For instance, an email from Steve Jobs to Sergey Brin explicitly warned Google against recruiting Apple’s team.

The effect of these agreements was suppressed wage growth for employees. As a result, engineers, developers, and other tech professionals were unknowingly restricted in their career opportunities. Without the ability to get counter-offers or even entertain offers from a significant portion of the leading companies, many employees lost out on potential salary hikes, better positions, and more promising career trajectories.

The Class Action Lawsuit

In 2011, the issue reached a critical point. Over 64,000 employees filed a class-action lawsuit against Adobe, Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit, Lucasfilm, and Pixar. The suit claimed that these companies conspired to eliminate competition for skilled labor, thus suppressing wage growth.

The plaintiffs alleged that the lost wages due to this collusion amounted to billions of dollars. To back their claims, they pointed to emails and other communications between CEOs like Steve Jobs of Apple and Eric Schmidt of Google, which showed that these leaders were actively enforcing these agreements.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Settlement of The Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe Lawsuit

The Department of Justice (DOJ) took notice of these agreements. In 2010, they announced a settlement with six of these companies. As per the settlement, the companies agreed to a prohibition against engaging in any anti-poaching agreements for a duration of five years. However, the DOJ’s settlement didn’t provide any compensation to the affected employees. This is what led to the class action lawsuit in 2011.

After a series of legal processes, in 2014, the companies tried to settle the lawsuit for $324.5 million. However, this amount was rejected by the judge for being too low. As a result, in 2015, the companies increased their offer and agreed to a settlement of $415 million, which employees eventually accepted.

Reflection and Legacy

The unfolding of this scandal delivered a pivotal lesson about the necessity of ethical corporate practices.

The power that these tech titans wield, in terms of shaping industry dynamics and affecting the lives of thousands of professionals, was laid bare. As behemoths in the technological realm, their actions have vast repercussions, and the anti-poaching agreements betrayed the trust many had placed in them.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Tech Giants Will Pay $415 Million To Settle Employees’ Lawsuit” — All Tech Considered