WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact 13428 – Montana Principal Horses Around

A Montana principal got an equine surprise thanks to a loophole in the law that some students decided to exploit as a senior prank. It involved a group of horses and a solemn duty to make sure they got fed.

Pranking the Montana principal with horses

What makes this story heartwarming is the unique blend of mischief and reverence for their rural roots. The graduating class of Conrad High School decided to give a nod to their cowboy culture. They swapped out the traditional senior prank with something far more creative – and far less destructive.

This merry band of seniors decided that the best way to celebrate impending graduation was by saddling up their horses. Then they took the 4 mile journey to class.

Twelve seniors at Conrad High School took advantage of what they believe is an old law. It mandates that if kids ride their horses to school, the principal has to care for them. The law remains unconfirmed, but the principal played along anyway.

“Montana has an old law saying if a student rides their horse to school, the school principal has to feed and tend to the horse throughout the day,” the school district said. “It looks like Mr. DeBruycker has his work cut out for him today,” noted the Charlotte Observer.

Just horsing around

The school’s principal, Raymond DeBruycker, was surprised by the unusual sight when he arrived to find these seniors had decided to carry wander in like cowboys. Far from being irritated, DeBruycker took the horseplay in stride.

Rather than meting out punishment, DeBruycker saw the humor and chose to honor the spirit of camaraderie and tradition. Clearly, he know it wasn’t causing any harm. In fact, it was connecting students to a facet of Montana’s cowboy culture in a fun and memorable way.

Even in the face of this unconventional situation, DeBruycker’s response was a testament to the tight-knit community at Conrad High School. It was clear that everyone wanted to honor the historical customs.

Whether or not there is a bona fide law permitting students to ride horses to school, one thing is certain. This tradition is becoming an endearing prank at a few different Montana schools.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Students ride horses to school, and Montana ‘law’ means principal has to care for them” — Charlotte Observer

WTF Fun Fact 13427 – Museum’s Real Replica Sword

Chicago’s Field Museum’s real replica sword made quite a splash earlier this year.

In January, the museum revealed that a seemingly ordinary artifact was far more significant than initially believed.

A museum discovers their replica sword is real

The sword, previously considered a modern replica, was revealed as an authentic weapon dating back to the Bronze Age by Dr. James Phillips, an archaeologist at the museum. He first identified the potential misclassification.

As a sword enthusiast, Phillips found himself intrigued by the detailed craftsmanship and specific features of the piece, which hinted at its potential authenticity.

The sword’s journey began with an acquisition by an art dealer in Iran. It eventually found its way into the hands of Mr. William Nelson Pelouze. His wife subsequently donated the sword to the Field Museum in 1947. For years, the museum had labeled the sword (and treated it) as a replica. It’s true historical value remained unknown to its keepers and the numerous visitors that came to see it.

A treasure in plain sight

This situation changed when Neal Spencer, from the British Museum, conducted a comprehensive X-ray fluorescence test. This test, which accurately dates and analyzes the composition of artifacts, determined that the sword was crafted between 1200 and 800 BC. That places it squarely in the Late Bronze Age.

The sword’s construction also offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. The way the blade and hilt are held together by rivets reflects ancient weapon-making techniques, providing an invaluable insight into the skills and methods employed by the metallurgists of that era. This expertise adds another layer of intrigue and importance to the artifact.

Now acknowledged as a true historical artifact, the sword fills a gap in the Field Museum’s extensive Luristan Bronze collection, which comprises a wide range of Bronze Age relics, including weapons, horse fittings, and jewelry, typically unearthed in western Iran.

A replica turned real reveals new insights

This discovery serves as a testament to the continuous evolution and revelation in historical study and museum practices. It underscores the necessity for constant re-evaluation of museum collections, breathing fresh life into the ever-evolving narrative of human history.

Moreover, it brings attention to the importance of museums as keepers of knowledge, mystery, and discovery. They are institutions that connect the present with the past, creating an ongoing dialogue between the then and now. The tale of the Bronze Age sword at the Field Museum is just one of many, reminding us that there is always more to learn, discover, and explore.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Authentic 3,000-Year-Old Bronze Age sword put on display at Field Museum” — Chicago Field Museum

WTF Fun Fact 13426 – Stockholm Wood City

Making a bold environmental statement, Sweden, is embracing the future with the Stockholm Wood City. It will be the world’s largest wooden city and was designed by the architectural firms of Henning Larsen and White Arkitekter.

What will it be like in the Stockholm Wood City?

The eco-designers’ plan showcases the boundless possibilities of sustainable urban design. The project was just unveiled and construction will begin in 2025 to be completed in 2027.

Sweden’s capital is no stranger to innovative, earth-friendly practices. But the Wood City project takes it to an entirely new level. This massive urban development, sprawling over an area of 19 hectares, aims to construct 2000 homes, entirely out of wood.

Wood, a renewable resource, significantly reduces the carbon footprint, presenting an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials.

The architects at Henning Larsen and White Arkitekter have their eyes set on more than just creating wooden structures. They intend to foster a sense of community. So, the design incorporates communal gardens, courtyards, and open public spaces. The heart of the city will feature a massive public square, set to act as the bustling social hub, uniting people under the umbrella of green living.

Living in the future

Functionality walks hand-in-hand with aesthetics in this futuristic city. The architects envision apartment buildings with distinctive wooden facades, maintaining a balance between modern design and the traditional Swedish aesthetic. The streets will weave organically through the district, with cycle paths and pedestrian walkways facilitating easy movement.

The project also promises the incorporation of native plants with the hopes of supporting local wildlife, making urban living compatible with nature.

The Wood City, apart from being a residential haven, also plans to host commercial spaces, schools, and preschools. It aims to be a self-contained ecosystem, embodying sustainable living at its best.

Crucial to the success of the project is the adaptability of the wooden structures. They are designed for flexibility, allowing for changes in line with evolving resident needs. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the city remains relevant and functional in the long term, adapting to the changing times. (Very unlike cities today!)

Wood City sets a precedent for cities worldwide, hopefully proving that urban living doesn’t have to come at the cost of the environment. The designers are even confident that the air will be cleaner due to their eco-friendly building practices.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “‘World’s largest wooden city’ designed by Henning Larsen and White Arkitekter in Stockholm” — Atchinect

WTF Fun Fact 13425 – The Dracula Parrot

Who doesn’t love a bird that looks like Dracula? They’re not exactly warm and cuddly, but the Dracula Parrot is a fascinating creature.

What is the Dracula Parrot?

The real name of this bird is Pesquet’s Parrot. Native to the rainforests of New Guinea, the oddly-colored creature is unlike any other parrot.

We typically think of parrots as brightly colored, but the Dracula parrot is black and charcoal grey with a dash of scarlet feathers. It’s those scarlet feathers on the belly and wings that make people think of the bloody book character.

What makes Pesquet’s Parrot unique?

In addition to its somber coloring (which we think is quite fashionable), the bird’s face is unlike other parrots’. The Dracula Parrot’s near featherless face is unusual in the parrot family, but serves a specific purpose. With a diet primarily composed of figs, the lack of feathers helps to keep them clean while feeding.

As a frugivore (not a vampire), the Dracula Parrot feeds on a variety of fig species. This dietary specialization also distinguishes it from its parrot relatives, who are often wood-chewers or nut-crackers.

Its feeding habits have, over time, necessitated an adaptation of strong, sharp claws that help it clasp onto branches while it gorges on its beloved figs.

Behavior and biodiversity of the Dracula Parrot

This beguiling bird is also unlike other parrot species behaviorally. Most of these birds are known for their loud calls and social behavior. However, the Dracula Parrot exhibits a comparatively quieter disposition.

In addition, their flight pattern, described as swift and purposeful, often takes them above the canopy. Other parrots prefer staying within it.

Unlike their more gregarious counterparts, Dracula Parrots tend to be found in pairs or small groups. This propensity for quieter, smaller congregations further amplifies their enigmatic persona.

They’re dark. They’re mysterious. They’re just…so cool!

A vivid reminder

While the Dracula Parrot adds an interesting hue to the rich biodiversity of New Guinea, it is, unfortunately, not immune to the threats that many wildlife species face today. Habitat loss due to deforestation and hunting for its striking feathers (used in local ceremonial attire) are significant challenges to its survival.

Its diet, so unique and specific, also makes it more vulnerable to the effects of habitat destruction.

However, not all is bleak for the bird. Conservation efforts are ongoing to ensure that this distinct bird continues to be a part of our planet’s beautiful biodiversity.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Pesquet’s Parrot (Dracula Parrot): Psittrichas fulgidus” — A-Z Animals

WTF Fun Fact 13424 – Summer Solstice Baseball Game in Alaska

Every summer solstice, the city of Fairbanks, Alaska, hosts a spectacle unlike any other: the ‘Summer Solstice Baseball Game Alaska’, also known as the Midnight Sun Game. This annual event is a century-old tradition where the Alaska Goldpanners play under the midnight sun, without artificial lights.

Baseball fans gather at an ungodly hour, united by the exhilaration of witnessing a game under a still-bright sky. This event uniquely blends America’s pastime with Alaska’s extraordinary solar patterns.

The Summer Solstice Baseball Game Alaska

For over a century, every summer solstice, the Alaska Goldpanners of Fairbanks take to the diamond, illuminated not by the artificial glow of stadium lights, but by the sun hanging stubbornly in the sky even at the stroke of midnight.

It’s not a gimmick or publicity stunt, but a remarkable tradition that began in 1906.

As you might imagine, this match is unlike any other in the world. It challenges players’ stamina and the spectators’ sleep schedules. The Midnight Sun Game demands adaptability as the fielders navigate the ever-present sunlight that refuses to dim and the batters face unique shadow patterns.

But, what makes this game truly magical, isn’t just the surreal experience of a baseball game played under a midnight sun. It’s the communal spirit, the unity of people gathering at an unearthly hour to witness a sporting spectacle bathed in golden sunlight. It’s the shared anticipation, the exhilaration that electrifies the stadium, and the raw feeling of joy when your team scores.

A time-honored tradition

Over the years, many talented players have graced this yearly spectacle before making their mark in Major League Baseball. Hall of Famers such as Tom Seaver and Bobby Bonds, and All-Stars like Dave Winfield, have played under the midnight sun. This fact alone adds a layer of historical significance and charm to the event.

So, if you ever find yourself in Fairbanks, Alaska, on a summer solstice, be sure to grab a ticket. Witness the union of sport and nature, under the ethereal glow of the midnight sun. Revel in the joyous atmosphere as the crowd cheers on the players who defy conventions and time itself to participate in this historic event.

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 WTF fun facts

Source: “With 24 Hours of Daylight, This State Throws the Ultimate Summer Solstice Party” — Thrillist

WTF Fun Fact 13423 – Egyptian New Year

Ancient Egyptian New Year took place right after the summer solstice. But it’s all because of the stars.

How did the ancient Egyptian New Year work?

In ancient Egypt, a star took center stage in the night sky right after the summer solstice. Not just any star, but Sirius, the brightest in our galaxy. Its annual appearance sparked a series of critical events. The Nile River would flood, replenishing the arid land with fresh, fertile soil. An agricultural resurgence followed, as did the beginning of a new year in the Egyptian calendar. That’s why Sirius was also referred to as the “Nile Star.”

New beginnings

So, what was the connection between the summer solstice, Sirius, and the Nile’s annual flooding? Each event seemed to occur in a synchronized manner. The solstice, marking the longest day of the year, was like the opening act. It was the signal, the green light, that Sirius was about to make its grand appearance.

Soon after the solstice, just as the Earth began its tilt away from the sun, Sirius would rise above the eastern horizon. The Egyptians saw this as no coincidence. In their view, Sirius had a profound influence on the Earth. It controlled the ebbs and flows of the mighty Nile.

In essence, the Egyptians saw the world around them as a mirror of the cosmos. Everything was interconnected. The rise of Sirius, the flooding of the Nile, the abundance of crops – these were not isolated events but part of a grand, divine plan. They believed Sirius triggered the Nile flood. The life-bringing waters were a celestial gift, ushering in a season of fertility and growth.

Following the cosmos

With the rise of Sirius linked to such an essential natural event, it’s no surprise the Egyptians incorporated it into their calendar. The Egyptian New Year was not only a temporal marker but a time of celebration, renewal, and anticipation for the bountiful harvest that lay ahead.

The fascinating link between Sirius, the summer solstice, and the flooding of the Nile demonstrates the Egyptians’ profound understanding of astronomy and its influence on their environment. They recognized patterns, made predictions, and used this knowledge to their advantage.

And this is yet another reminder that calendars do not arbitrarily mark time but are instead rooted in the significant events of their world.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13422 – Tom Brown Apple Hunter

Meet Tom Brown, Apple Hunter. He tracks down ancient apple varieties that most people have forgotten.

Why is Tom Brown hunting apples?

Brown’s journey is a love letter to the diversity and richness of apples. He got his start in Clemmons, North Carolina, where a legendary apple called the “Old Fashioned Winesap” sparked his interest. This apple, filled with an intensity of flavor unlike the common supermarket varieties, set Brown on his lifelong quest.

In this pursuit of forgotten flavors, Brown encounters more than just apples. He stumbles upon stories, history, and a myriad of people who are tied to these varieties in one way or another. He also discovers why these varieties are significant and what they tell us about the changing landscape of agriculture.

Brown’s approach to apple hunting is both scientific and adventurous. He frequents old farmsteads, graveyards, and homesites across the southeast. Each location brims with the potential for a forgotten apple treasure.

Brown uses DNA testing to confirm the identity of each apple, but also relies heavily on the tales and memories of the locals to uncover the stories behind the fruit.

The diversity of heritage apples is astonishing. In his travels, Brown has found apples of every conceivable color, taste, and size. There are apples for pies, for cider, for eating fresh off the tree. There are even apples that taste like a banana or a pineapple.

Why is apple hunting important?

This work is about more than just fruit. It’s about biodiversity. Our reliance on a few commercial apple varieties contributes to a lack of genetic diversity, which can have consequences for disease and pest resistance. By resurrecting these heritage varieties, Brown helps maintain the genetic diversity essential for the health of apple orchards worldwide.

But it’s also about a shared heritage. These heritage apples are remnants of a bygone era, a time when every family had an apple tree in their yard, and each apple variety had a story to tell. Saving these apples means preserving a piece of our shared cultural history.

In essence, Brown’s quest is a celebration of apples in all their wonderful variety. It’s a reminder that there is more to this humble fruit than meets the eye. Through his work, Brown tells the stories of these heritage apples, each one a window into our past, a testament to nature’s diversity, and a beacon for the future of sustainable agriculture.

Just like the apples he collects, Tom Brown is unique in his passion and dedication. His journey illustrates the importance of maintaining biodiversity and preserving our shared history, one apple at a time. Through his efforts, we’re reminded of the rich tapestry of apple varieties that exist beyond the few types stocked on supermarket shelves.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Heritage Apple Hunter: The story of Tom Brown” — The Organic Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13421 – Sheep Walking in Circles

Do you ever feel like you’re going around in circles? Well, for a group of sheep in Inner Mongolia (in northern China), it’s the truth – the case of the sheep walking in circles has intrigued the whole world.

Why are sheep walking in circles in China?

The flock of sheep has been making headlines and leaving observers utterly baffled. Imagine this: over 400 fluffy creatures spending a dozen days walking in circles, around the clock, for no apparent reason.

You can see for yourself in a Tweet from late 2022 that shows the eerie action:

It all started when unsuspecting farm owner Ms Miao noticed a few members of her flock of 445 sheep acting peculiar. Rather than the usual meandering, the sheep kept moving in a uniform, nonstop circle. It became even more perplexing as the rest of the sheep joined in.

This seemingly synchronized movement lasted for an incredible 12 days!

So, what on earth was going on?

Internet theories bounced back and forth from the absurd to the scientific. Some whispered about extraterrestrial influences. Others suggested the sheep were performing a ritualistic dance or following a leader stuck in a rut. Some more grounded thinkers proposed the possibility of a viral infection causing neurological symptoms, leading the sheep to walk in a circle. Yet, no one could point out a definitive answer.

Local authorities and veterinarians jumped into action, trying to unravel the mystery of the circular march. They examined the sheep, searching for any signs of disease or infections. The result? No physical health issues. It was as if the sheep were merely marching to the beat of their own drum, oblivious to the stir they were causing.

Meanwhile, the spectacle continued to bewitch spectators and intrigued academics around the globe. Experts in animal behavior from different universities began investigating the phenomenon. They poured over the footage, studying each sheep’s motion, their interactions, and their formation’s intricacy.

Unraveling the mystery of the sheep circle

Eventually, animal experts stepped in to explain that the sheep were merely following their instinctual herd behavior. Sheep are flock animals, and they follow their leaders. If the leader walks in a circle, the others will follow, creating a perpetuating cycle until something disrupts it.

The experts’ opinion might not be as exciting as alien communication, but it was certainly more plausible. In this case, the most likely scenario was that the leading sheep started walking in a circle, maybe due to a physical ailment, and the rest merely followed, each sheep dutifully following the one in front. This theory, while not confirmed, put an end to some of the more far-fetched theories.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Mystery of Sheep Walking in Circle in China for 12 Days Potentially Solved” — Newsweek

WTF Fun Fact 13420 – Combat Juggling

We’ve certainly hurt ourselves by accident while trying to juggle, but that’s not the same as combat juggling. This unorthodox game is swinging its way into the heart of the sports world with a bizarre mix of athletics, skill, and showmanship.

What is combat juggling?

Juggling, in its humblest form, is a street art, performed at carnivals and circuses. But bring it to the arena of competitive sports, and it turns into a wild, adrenaline-pumping showdown known as Combat Juggling. The aim? Hold your ground, keep your balls in the air, and knock out your opponent’s juggling pattern. Sounds crazy, right? But that’s the essence of this exhilarating sport.

Picture this: skilled athletes in a gladiatorial match, maintaining their juggling rhythm while trying to disrupt their opponents. It’s a riveting spectacle, combining finesse, quick reflexes, and relentless attack – ingredients that make sports fans sit on the edge of their seats.

Who came up with this unique sport?

Combat Juggling’s origin traces back to the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA) Championships. Its growing popularity can’t be ignored, and it’s gradually creeping onto sports networks, entrancing audiences with its unique charm (and the fact that it even exists).

Mastering juggling is prerequisite number one. But then throw in the element of combat, and you’ve got a whole new ball game. The athletes – or should we say warriors – take the stage with five juggling clubs each. The battle begins with the sound of the whistle, and the athletes swing into action.

Then comes the disruption. The aim isn’t just to keep your clubs spinning in the air; it’s about making sure your opponent’s clubs hit the ground. That’s where the combat comes in.

Where’s the combat?

It’s juggling meets dodgeball. The last person standing, juggling clubs intact, wins.

The competitors range from professional jugglers to sports enthusiasts looking to step out of their comfort zones. And the best part? Anyone can participate. Gender, age, background – none of it matters. All you need is a set of juggling clubs, a knack for disruption, and a hearty dose of competitive spirit.

The first World Juggling Federation’s Major League Combat event was held in 2010. Since then, Combat Juggling has exploded into the public consciousness, drawing both seasoned jugglers and curious newcomers. Its popularity has even spawned a dedicated fanbase, and the sport has become a mainstay at juggling festivals across the globe.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Combat Juggling is the next best sports craze to sweep the nation” — Medium