WTF Fun Fact 13665 – US Time Zones

In the early days of American history, the concept of time was not as unified as it is today. With over a hundred separate time zones, the United States’ approach to timekeeping was a complex and often confusing system. This fascinating period in the nation’s history reveals much about the evolution of time standardization and its impact on society and commerce.

The Era of Numerous Time Zones

Before the adoption of standardized time zones, the United States operated on a surprisingly intricate system of over 144 separate time zones. Each city or town was free to determine its own local time, usually based on the position of the sun. This meant that when it was noon in one town, it could be 12:15 in a neighboring city just a few miles away.

This system was manageable when communities were isolated, but as the country expanded and the railway system connected distant cities, the multitude of local times became problematic. Train schedules were particularly affected, as rail companies struggled to create timetables that made sense across various local times.

The Push for Standardization of Time Zones

The turning point came with the advent of the railroad industry. The need for standardized time became evident as train travel made the flaws of multiple local times apparent. Railroads operated on their own time systems, creating a confusing and sometimes dangerous situation for travelers and operators alike.

The solution emerged in the form of four main time zones proposed by the railroad companies. On November 18, 1883, known as “The Day of Two Noons,” railroads across the country synchronized their clocks to these new standard time zones. This was not an official law but rather a practice adopted by the railroads and the communities they served.

Government Intervention and the Standard Time Act

It wasn’t until March 19, 1918, that the United States government officially adopted the standard time zone system with the Standard Time Act. This act also established daylight saving time, a contentious and ongoing debate to this day. The act was a response to the confusion and inefficiency of having multiple time standards and was also influenced by the needs of World War I.

The transition was not immediate or smooth. People were accustomed to their local times and resisted change. However, over time, the benefits of a standardized system became clear, especially for scheduling trains, conducting business, and broadcasting.

The Impact of Standardization

The move to a standardized time system revolutionized many aspects of American life. It facilitated better communication and coordination across the country, essential for a growing nation. Economic activities, especially those related to transportation and communication, became more efficient and reliable.

Moreover, the concept of time zones influenced the world. Today, time zones are an integral part of global coordination, affecting everything from international flights to the stock market.

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Source: “Snoozers Are, In Fact, Losers” — The New Yorker

WTF Fun Fact 13657 – Humanity’s Last Day Together

October 31, 2000, was humanity’s last day all humans were together on Earth.

Since that day, there has always been at least one person in space, marking a continuous human presence off our planet.

The International Space Station: A New Era

The event that initiated this ongoing human presence in space was the launch of Expedition 1 to the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS has since been home to astronauts from around the world. It serves as a research laboratory where scientific studies are conducted in microgravity.

Expedition 1 crew members, William Shepherd (USA), Yuri Gidzenko (Russia), and Sergei Krikalev (Russia), were the pioneers of this new era. They launched aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket and began what has become over two decades of continuous human occupation of the ISS.

The Significance of October 31, 2000: Humanity’s Last Day

This date is more than just a historical milestone. It signifies humanity’s leap into a future where living and working in space is a reality.

The ISS has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of space and science. Research conducted there has led to breakthroughs in medicine, environmental science, and materials engineering. The microgravity environment provides unique conditions for experiments impossible to replicate on Earth.

Future Missions

Living aboard the ISS has provided vital information about the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body. This knowledge is crucial for planning future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Understanding how to maintain physical and mental health in space is key to the success of these ambitious projects.

As we look to the future, the legacy of October 31, 2000, continues to influence space policy and aspirations.

With plans for lunar bases and Mars expeditions, the horizon of human space habitation is expanding. The ISS has laid the groundwork for these future endeavors, proving that humans can live and thrive in the harsh environment of space.

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Source: “Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the First International Space Station Module” — ISS National Laboratory

WTF Fun Fact 13655 – Ice Age Fire Art

Surviving the Ice Age required more than just hunting and gathering – there was fire art. OK, hear us out.

As they gathered around fires for warmth and safety, something more than just physical comfort emerged. This was a time for them to indulge in an artistic pursuit that continues to fascinate us today.

The Paleolithic Animator and Ice Age Fire Art

In recent research published in PLOS ONE, a team led by archaeologist Andy Needham proposed an intriguing idea. They suggested that Ice Age artists used the flickering light of fire to bring their stone carvings to life.

These 15,000-year-old limestone plaquettes, adorned with animal figures, were not just static art. Instead, under the dynamic light of a fire, they appeared to move, animating the etched creatures. Fire art!

Needham’s team studied various limestone plaquettes found at the Montastruc rock shelter in southern France. These carvings, attributed to the Magdalenian culture, showcased a range of animals like horses, ibex, and reindeer.

Interestingly, these plaquettes showed signs of thermal damage, suggesting exposure to fire. But was this intentional?

Experimental Archaeology Sheds Light

To answer this, the researchers turned to experimental archaeology. They created replica plaquettes and subjected them to different fire scenarios. These experiments aimed to replicate the pinkish discoloration seen on the originals. The results? The patterns suggested that the artworks were deliberately placed near the hearth, likely as part of the creative process.

Further exploring this idea, the team used virtual reality to simulate firelight’s effect on the plaquettes. The results were fascinating. The irregular lighting from the fire brought an illusion of movement, making the animals seem like they were alive and moving across the stone surface.

The Role of Pareidolia in Ice Age Fire Art

This phenomenon can be partly explained by pareidolia, where the human brain perceives familiar patterns in random objects. In the flickering firelight, viewers would see incomplete forms on the plaquettes. Their brains would fill in the gaps, creating a dynamic viewing experience.

The Ice Age artists might have used this to their advantage. They could start with natural rock features to shape their animals, allowing the firelight to complete the picture. This interaction between the art, the rock’s natural form, and the dynamic firelight created a captivating experience, unique to the Paleolithic era.

Beyond survival, these artistic endeavors provided a social outlet. After a day of survival tasks, our ancestors likely gathered around the fire, not just for warmth but for a communal experience. Here, they could indulge in storytelling, companionship, and artistic expression.

The act of creating art by firelight was perhaps as important as the art itself. It wasn’t just about the final product but about the process of creation, the gathering of minds, and the sharing of ideas. This communal aspect of Ice Age art adds a deeply human dimension to our understanding of these ancient peoples.

Art as a Cultural Practice

Ice Age art wasn’t merely aesthetic; it was a cultural practice imbued with meaning. The process of drawing, the summoning of spirits, and even acts of destruction (like deliberate breakage or fire damage) could have had significant roles in their society.

These artistic sessions by the firelight might have served multiple purposes – from summoning spirits to strengthening community bonds. The plaquettes, once used, could have been discarded or intentionally destroyed, suggesting a transient nature to this art form.

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Source: “Ice Age Artists May Have Used Firelight to Animate Carvings” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13653 – Vomitoriums

The ancient vomitoriums apparently had nothing to do with vomiting at all!

The “vomitorium” has long been associated with images of ancient Romans indulging in excessive feasting only to purge themselves to eat more. However, this widespread belief is a historical misconception. The real meaning of vomitorium in Roman culture was quite different and far less grotesque.

Vomitorium are Exits

In reality, a vomitorium was an architectural feature in ancient Roman amphitheaters and stadiums. The word, derived from the Latin vomitus, which means to spew forth, referred to the large passageways that allowed crowds to exit rapidly into the streets.

These passageways were efficient in dispersing large groups of people from the venues, similar to how food is expelled from the stomach.

The false notion of the vomitorium as a place for purging after excessive eating likely stemmed from a misunderstanding of the Latin language.

It was an easy jump from “vomitorium,” a term describing the spewing of crowds, to a place for vomiting. The misinterpretation was possibly fueled by modern literature and an already existing stereotype of ancient Romans as excessively indulgent.

Literary Exaggerations

Classical texts that described Roman feasts and excesses played a role in cementing this myth. Works like Seneca’s Letters and the satirical ‘Satyricon’ by Petronius depicted scenes of lavish Roman feasts and debauchery. These descriptions, often satirical and exaggerated, influenced modern interpretations and led to the vomitorium myth.

Roman feasts, especially among the upper class, were indeed grand. They involved elaborate dishes and communal eating. Entertainment was common, with dancers and musicians adding to the festivities. Women and men dined together, which was a departure from the Greek tradition.

The feasts could include extravagant presentations, but there is no historical evidence to suggest that these gatherings included rooms specifically designated for purging.

Contrary to the image of constant overindulgence, the diets of both wealthy and poorer Romans were predominantly grain-based. The wealthy had more access to wheat and meats, while the poorer sections of society consumed more millet.

This dietary pattern indicates that while the rich could afford more lavish meals, their eating habits were not as extreme as the myth of the vomitorium would suggest.

Debunking the Myth of Vomitoriums

The vomitorium is a great example of how misconceptions can arise from misinterpretations and satirical representations. It wasn’t a space for bingeing and purging but rather an architectural innovation for crowd management.

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Source: “Purging the Myth of the Vomitorium” — Scientific American

WTF Fun Fact 13550 – The Cincinnati Redlegs

In the early 1950s, the Cincinnati Reds became the Cincinnati Redlegs after the team found their name entangled in the political tensions of the era.

As America’s fear of communism grew, particularly during the Korean War, the Reds decided to change their name to the Cincinnati Redlegs between 1953 and 1959. This decision wasn’t about sports; it was a move to distance the team from any communist associations, a concern amplified by the rise of McCarthyism.

Historical Roots and Political Pressures

The original name, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, dates back to 1869, becoming the Reds in 1881. However, the post-World War II era marked a period of heightened suspicion towards communism, often referred to as “The Red Scare.”

Senator Joseph McCarthy’s public witch hunts for communist sympathizers cast a shadow of fear across America. The term “Reds” became uncomfortably close to “Reds,” a common term for communists.

To avoid unwanted connections, the team opted for “Redlegs,” a nod to its historical roots and a safe distance from political controversy.

The Cincinnati Redlegs and Uniform Changes

During this period, some of the team’s most celebrated players, including Frank Robinson and Joe Nuxhall, played under the Redlegs banner. Despite the official name change, the team’s jerseys still sported the word “Reds,” and fans and media often continued to refer to them by their original name.

In 1956, an attempt to further avoid the “Reds” association led to jersey modifications, including a season featuring a Mr. Redlegs logo. However, these changes were short-lived.

Senator McCarthy’s influence dwindled following his senate censure in 1954 and his subsequent death in 1957. With the decline of McCarthyism, the climate of fear surrounding communism receded. By 1959, the team reclaimed its original name, the Cincinnati Reds.

The word “Reds” reappeared on their uniforms in 1961, a year marking their return to the postseason as National League pennant winners. Interestingly, the team experienced limited success as the Redlegs, with only two winning seasons during this period.

Reflections on the Reds’ Name Change

The story of the Reds becoming the Redlegs is a fascinating example of how sports can intersect with politics. It reflects a time when fear and suspicion influenced various aspects of American life, including the world of baseball. The Reds’ decision to change their name was a response to the prevailing political climate, a move to safeguard the team’s image amid national paranoia.

While the Redlegs name was relatively short-lived, it remains an interesting chapter in the team’s history. It signifies how external factors can impact sports teams and their identities. The era also reminds us of the power of names and symbols in representing and reflecting societal values and concerns.

Today, the Cincinnati Reds are firmly established with their original name, with the “Redlegs” period serving as a historical footnote. The team continues to build upon its rich history, contributing to the dynamic world of baseball while staying clear of political controversies that once led to a significant, if temporary, identity change.

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Source: “How the Reds became the Redlegs” —

WTF Fun Fact 13649 – God Bless America

Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” is a continuous benefactor to youth in New York City. Written in 1940, this iconic song’s royalties were dedicated by Berlin to a special fund.

Named the “God Bless America Fund,” its sole purpose was to support America’s youth, with a particular focus on the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of New York City. Over the years, this fund has channeled over $10 million into local scouting groups, significantly impacting young lives.

God Bless America Supporting the Scouts

The tragic events of September 11, 2001, led to a renewed popularity of “God Bless America.” As the song echoed across the nation, royalties surged, directly benefiting scouting organizations in NYC. Victoria G. Traube, a trustee of the fund, noted that annual royalties, typically exceeding $200,000, were expected to triple that year. This increase meant more resources for scouting programs, especially in the poorest neighborhoods of New York.

Both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of New York City have been beneficiaries of this fund. They’ve historically used these funds to expand programs into underserved communities and offer opportunities to disabled and troubled children. Activities like nature hikes, cookouts, and educational field trips are just some examples of how these funds have been utilized.

A notable aspect of this support is the commitment to inclusivity. Over a year ago, the “God Bless America” fund trustees requested both scouting groups to confirm their non-discriminatory policies, including attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community. Both groups affirmed their commitment to inclusivity, with the Boy Scouts of New York actively working to reverse national policies against gay scout leaders.

Berlin’s Enduring Impact

Irving Berlin’s decision to donate his song’s royalties was more than a financial gesture; it was a commitment to American youth’s future. Linda Emmet, Berlin’s daughter, reflected that her father viewed children as the country’s future and believed in supporting them.

Berlin’s involvement with scouting wasn’t just financial; he was actively engaged on the boards of both the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, highlighting his dedication to these organizations.

As “God Bless America” continues to resonate across the nation, its impact on New York’s scouting programs grows. Plans are underway to use these funds to help children, including scouts, cope with the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. With at least nine troop leaders lost in the tragedy, the need for support and healing is evident.

Berlin’s vision extended beyond a single song or moment in time. His commitment to America’s youth, especially in fostering outdoor education and life skills through scouting, has left an indelible mark on generations. As “God Bless America” plays on, its royalties will continue to fund adventures, learning, and growth for countless children in New York City, ensuring that Berlin’s legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of America’s youth.

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Source: “Irving Berlin Gave the Scouts A Gift of Song” — NYT

WTF Fun Fact 13648 – The Greek Gymnazein

The term ‘gymnastics’ comes from the Greek gymnazein, which means “to exercise naked.” This ancient practice, initially a method of training young men for warfare, has significantly evolved over the millennia.

Today, it’s a sophisticated sport with precise routines and complex scoring systems. Let’s delve into how gymnastics transformed from its ancient roots to the contemporary spectacle we see today.

The Greek Gymnazein and Naked Training

Gymnastics has its roots in ancient civilizations. Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese engravings show that gymnastics-like activities were common in these cultures. The Greeks, however, are credited with developing gymnastics as a method to prepare young men for battle. Originally, these exercises were performed naked – a practice that is unimaginable in today’s times.

As the sport evolved, it moved away from its military training purpose. By the early 19th century, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, known as the “father of gymnastics,” founded gymnastics centers across Germany. These centers aimed to foster health and patriotism among the youth. Jahn’s influence extended to developing early versions of apparatuses that are still used in modern gymnastics.

Apparatus Evolution from the Greek Gymnazein

Gymnastics today is divided into different apparatuses, each with its own history and evolution.

  1. Pommel Horse: This apparatus originated as a method for soldiers to practice mounting horses. Jahn developed a more sophisticated version to train the body for strength and agility.
  2. Parallel and Horizontal Bars: Also attributed to Jahn, these apparatuses have evolved significantly. The women’s uneven bars, derived from parallel bars, showcase a combination of agility and grace.
  3. The Vault: This apparatus underwent significant redesign for safety reasons. The modern vaulting table, with its wider and cushioned surface, replaced the older, more dangerous design.
  4. Still Rings: Known for requiring immense strength, the still rings date back thousands of years to Italy. They emphasize stability and control, with athletes aiming to keep the rings as stationary as possible.
  5. Balance Beam: What started as a simple log suspended in the air is now a padded beam, requiring extreme focus and precision. It’s an event where the slightest error can have significant consequences.

The modern Gymnazein

Modern gymnastics is far more than just physical exercise; it’s a blend of art, grace, strength, and agility. It demands not only physical prowess but also mental focus and artistic expression. Each routine, whether on the floor or an apparatus, tells a story, and gymnasts spend countless hours perfecting every movement and expression.

The Olympics have been a major stage for gymnastics since its inclusion in the modern games. It’s here that gymnastics truly comes into the limelight, with athletes from around the world showcasing their skills. The evolution of the sport is evident in the level of difficulty and creativity displayed in these routines, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in Jahn’s time.

Gymnastics is not just for elite athletes. It’s a sport that offers something for everyone, from young children learning coordination and balance to adults looking for a fun way to stay fit. It helps develop a range of physical skills like strength, flexibility, and coordination, as well as mental skills like concentration and discipline.

The Future of Gymnastics

The future of gymnastics looks promising, with new techniques and elements being introduced regularly. Advances in coaching, equipment, and athlete training continue to elevate the sport to new heights. The emphasis on safety, combined with a push for more artistic expression, ensures that gymnastics will remain a beloved and exciting sport for generations to come.

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WTF Fun Fact 13544 – What Darwin Ate

You might assume that Charles Darwin, the famed naturalist, was a vegetarian since he was so enamored with living creatures, but he was just the opposite – in fact, Darwin ate some of his discoveries.

During his journey on The Beagle, he indulged in an array of exotic meats – from puma, which he found “remarkably like veal in taste,” to armadillos and iguanas.

His curiosity even led him to taste the bladder contents of a giant tortoise. Darwin’s palate wasn’t just adventurous; it was scientific. He was known for eating specimens he was studying and trying to describe scientifically.

Modern Biologists Follow Suit

This gastronomic curiosity didn’t end with Darwin. Many modern scientists continue to eat their study subjects, either out of convenience (as with those researching edible plants and animals like trout or blueberries) or driven by sheer curiosity. From bluegill and sea urchin to more peculiar choices like beetles and cicadas, the range of their dietary experiments is vast.

Notably, Richard Wassersug, while conducting a study on the palatability of tadpoles in the 1970s, had graduate students (bribed with beer) taste but not swallow various tadpole species. This experiment, now impossible to conduct due to ethical restrictions, showed that easy-to-catch tadpoles often tasted worse. Wassersug himself described the taste of toad tadpoles as “astonishingly bitter.”

The Drive Behind Why Darwin Ate an Unusual Diet

The motivation behind these gastronomic explorations varies. Sometimes it’s an academic pursuit, as in Wassersug’s study. Other times, it’s a quest to manage invasive species, turning them from pests into menu items. Sarah Treanor Bois, during her Ph.D. research on invasive plants, attended a cook-off featuring dishes made from invasive species like nutria and bullfrog legs. Eating invasives is not just about satiating curiosity but also about drawing attention to ecological problems.

However, the most common reason cited for these unusual diets is pure scientific curiosity. Robert Thorson, a geologist, once tasted 30,000-year-old meat from a giant steppe bison found in permafrost. His verdict? It was stringy and flavorless, with a “pungent rankness.”

Scientists’ Gastronomic Adventures

Why are scientists so inclined towards tasting their research subjects? Mark Siddall, a leech expert, believes it’s about familiarity. Just as an omnivore eats chicken, beef, or pork, scientists consume what they’re familiar with. To a biologist, an organism they’ve studied extensively may not seem so different from regular food. Richard Wassersug views it as a part of being a naturalist. To fully understand and connect with nature, one must engage all senses, including taste.

It’s not just about curiosity but also about a sense of community and perhaps a bit of competitiveness among scientists. The stories of Darwin and others set a precedent, and many modern scientists feel compelled to follow in their footsteps, driven by peer or ‘beer’ pressure.

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Source: “Dining Like Darwin: When Scientists Swallow Their Subjects” — NPR

WTF Fun Fact 13543 – Final Days of the Pony Express

In the 1860s, the Pony Express emerged as a revolutionary mail service, connecting the East and West coasts of the United States.

This legendary system, although short-lived, played a crucial role in American history, especially during its turbulent Civil War era. Its establishment was a response to the dire need for faster communication across the vast expanse of the country.

Challenges and Downfall

The demise of the Pony Express was a result of several factors, not just the advent of the transcontinental telegraph. Key among these was the deteriorating financial state of its parent company, Russell, Majors, and Waddell. This company had already been financially strained due to various misfortunes, including the loss of a large oxen herd and the impact of the Pyramid Lake War, which led to the destruction of many stations and the loss of essential resources.

The operating costs of the Pony Express were substantial. It needed about $1,000 daily to function, but its income fell short. Despite an initial charge of $5 per ounce for mail (later reduced to $1), the service was too expensive for the general public, limiting its use to newspapers and businesses. The company’s total expenses amounted to $700,000 against receipts of about $500,000.

Internal conflicts within the company and external pressures further aggravated the situation. The arrest of William Russell on charges related to stolen government bonds was a significant blow. Alexander Majors’ preparation for bankruptcy sent shockwaves through the business community, undermining confidence in the company.

Transition and Closure of the Pony Express

Despite these challenges, the Pony Express continued to operate, albeit at a loss. The government attempted to salvage the situation by merging the Pony Express with the Butterfield Overland Mail Company, but the effort was short-lived. The completion of the transcontinental telegraph line in October 1861 made the Pony Express obsolete, leading to its closure two days after the telegraph’s completion.

In its 18 months of operation, the Pony Express completed 308 runs, covering around 616,000 miles. This distance is equivalent to circling the Earth over 30 times. It successfully delivered 34,753 letters, losing only one mail bag throughout its operation. The primary issue, however, remained its financial non-viability.

Historical Significance

Despite its financial failure, the Pony Express is remembered for its significant impact. It was a testament to the courage, determination, and ingenuity of its founders and workers. The service played a vital role in keeping California and the West connected to the rest of the country, especially as the nation was on the brink of war. It filled an urgent need of its time and etched its name in the annals of American history.

The Pony Express’s closure marked the end of an adventurous and bold experiment in American communication history. It paved the way for more sustainable and technologically advanced means of communication, signifying the nation’s progress. Yet, the story of the Pony Express continues to captivate the imagination of many, symbolizing the relentless American spirit.

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Source: “Pony Express – Final Days” — Encyclopedia Britannica