WTF Fun Fact 13431 – Ford’s Self-Repossessing Truck

In a move that could revolutionize the automotive industry, Ford has patented a system enabling self-repossessing trucks. Through connectivity and automation, these vehicles could potentially drive themselves back to the dealer in the event of missed payments.

This idea of autonomous repossession is a powerful example of how technology is reshaping our world.

Self-repossessing trucks in the patent stage

The patent, as reported by The Verge, illustrates a system in which a vehicle can determine if it’s subject to repossession based on data received from a remote source. It’s not yet a reality.

However, in the future, a car could disable its own engine or even navigate itself back to the lender, provided it’s safe and legal to do so.

While this might sound dystopian to some, it’s essential to consider the problem this solution aims to address. Traditional repossession methods are far from perfect. They can lead to conflicts, damages, or, in some cases, even legal issues. Autonomous repossession could potentially eliminate these complications, making the process smoother for all parties involved.

But wait, there’s more!

But, Ford’s self-repossessing trucks patent doesn’t stop there. The documentation suggests that these vehicles could also potentially find and connect with a tow truck for assistance if self-driving to the dealer isn’t possible. The vehicle’s systems could even schedule a convenient pick-up time with the towing company, streamlining the entire process.

However, such a concept isn’t without its concerns. Critics argue that autonomous repossession could pose privacy risks. After all, the technology requires tracking and controlling vehicles remotely, raising questions about data security and personal privacy. Ford, along with all automakers pursuing such technologies, will need to address these concerns as development progresses.

Will it really work?

Furthermore, the actual implementation of this system in real-world conditions is another challenge. Various laws regulate vehicle repossession, which differ from state to state, and the legality of a self-repossessing car is still untested. Therefore, while the patent is granted, the road to seeing self-repossessing cars in action might be long and winding.

Ford’s self-repossessing car patent is a clear reflection of our changing times. It encapsulates both the remarkable potential of automation and connectivity, and the complex challenges that come along. It’s a compelling narrative of how technology continues to reimagine our world and how we must navigate the balance between innovation and privacy, efficiency and legality.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Ford’s self-repossessing car patent is a nightmare of the connected-car future” — The Verge