WTF Fun Fact 13528 – Crows and Owls

Nature offers many rivalries, but few are as captivating as the longstanding feud between crows and owls. These two avian species don’t see eye to eye, and their interactions are often intense.

Crows and Owls

Crows belong to the corvid family, known for intelligence and complex social structures. They live in groups called murders and often roam their territories searching for food. Crows are highly adaptable and can survive in various environments, from rural areas to cities.

Owls are the masters of silent hunting, capable of swooping down on prey without making a sound. They belong to different families, but most are solitary and nocturnal. Owls rely on their keen sense of hearing and exceptional night vision to locate and capture prey.

The Sources of the Dispute Between Crows and Owls

Both crows and owls are carnivorous and sometimes target the same food sources. Small mammals, insects, and even other birds fall into their menus. This dietary overlap fuels competition and neither species appreciates a rival infringing on its hunting ground.

These animals often stake out territories that overlap. Crows are territorial creatures and defend their space fiercely. Owls, though less social, are equally protective of their hunting grounds. When territories collide, so do the birds.

Crows are diurnal, active during the day, while most owls are nocturnal, active at night. You’d think this would minimize conflict, but it doesn’t. Crows often spot owls resting in trees during the day and raise an alarm. The noisy cawing alerts other crows, and soon a mob forms to drive the owl away.

Mobbing: A Crow’s Defense Mechanism

Crows engage in a behavior called “mobbing” when they encounter a predator like an owl. They swarm the predator, cawing loudly, diving at it, and even pecking it to drive it away. This tactic usually works, as the owl becomes overwhelmed and leaves the area.

Crows initiate these confrontations for a reason. Owls pose a threat to young crows and eggs, making them a natural enemy. By driving an owl away, crows protect their offspring from becoming a meal.

Owls are not the aggressors in these encounters, but they aren’t passive victims either. When cornered, owls will fight back. Their sharp talons and beaks are formidable weapons. However, they prefer to avoid such confrontations and will often vacate an area if mobbed regularly by crows.

Survival of the Smartest

The crow-owl rivalry isn’t just about survival but also intellectual engagement. Crows seem to understand that owls are predators, and their mobbing behavior suggests advanced problem-solving skills. Owls, for their part, know to evade areas frequented by aggressive crows.

The Role of Humans

Humans indirectly contribute to this rivalry by altering natural habitats. Urbanization pushes these birds closer together, making encounters more frequent. Ironically, human presence can also offer temporary truces; both species are known to raid human trash bins for easy meals, sometimes tolerating each other’s presence for the sake of food.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Crows vs Owls: What is going on?” — Carleton College