WTF Fun Fact 13722 – Savannah, Georgia – Lincoln’s Gift

In 1864, General William Tecumseh Sherman captured Savannah, Georgia, and presented it as a Christmas gift to President Abraham Lincoln. This marked a pivotal moment in the war and American history.

Sherman’s March and the Preservation of Savannah, Georgia

In his infamous march to the sea, General William Tecumseh Sherman employed harsh tactics that culminated in the burning of Atlanta, a significant act that demoralized the Confederacy and disrupted their supply lines drastically. However, his approach shifted notably as he reached Savannah.

Unlike Atlanta, Savannah was spared from destruction. Sherman found the city’s beauty compelling and decided to preserve it intact. This decision was strategic and symbolic, offering a stark contrast to the devastation left behind in other parts of Georgia.

The fall of Savannah was crucial because it was a key port for the Confederacy, and its capture significantly disrupted southern supply lines.

Sherman’s telegram to President Lincoln encapsulated the significance of this victory. He wrote, “I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.” This gesture was symbolic, illustrating the shift in the war’s momentum towards the Union forces.

Strategic and Symbolic Importance of Savannah, Georgia

The strategic importance of Savannah’s capture provided the Union with a valuable port and further isolated the southern states. Economically, the seizure of cotton bales disrupted the Confederacy’s ability to trade with European nations, particularly Britain, who relied heavily on Southern cotton.

Symbolically, the gift of Savannah to Lincoln represented hope and victory. It boosted morale among Union supporters and signaled the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. This act also emphasized the power and success of Sherman’s military strategies, which were both revered and reviled.

Implications for the Civil War

The capture of Savannah was a critical component of Sherman’s broader strategy to divide and conquer the Confederacy. By severing the South’s resources and infrastructure, Sherman aimed to hasten the end of the conflict. This approach contributed significantly to the eventual surrender of Confederate forces in April 1865.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The must-have Christmas gift of 1864” — The National Archives

WTF Fun Fact 13475 – The Harper Lee Christmas Gift Story

We’re lucky enough to have the book To Kill a Mockingbird in part because of a Harper Lee Christmas gift. Lee had left law school early and was struggling to finish her book in NYC. That is, until a couple gave her the gift of time.

The Working Woman

In 1949, Lee worked as an airline reservation agent in New York City for Eastern Air Lines and British Overseas Airways. But the Alabama native had her sights set on a writing career. The problem was that the demands of her job left little room for her to dive into her passion. Writing a book takes stretches of uninterrupted time. That’s not easy for a working person (no matter what those online courses tell you about writing a book in 60 days!).

Lee managed to start on a manuscript that turned into a short story. But she struggled to find the uninterrupted hours needed to shape and refine her work into a novel. She needed a break, a window of opportunity that could help her fulfill her literary dreams. That break arrived on a memorable Christmas Day in 1956.

An Iconic Christmas Gift

Now, they say you can’t give the gift of time – but technically, you can. Apparently, you just need to have the right friends.

That year, Lee’s friends, Broadway composer Michael Brown and his wife, Joy, gave her an extraordinary present. Instead of something tangible or ornamental, they offered Lee the gift of free time. They handed her a year’s wages, accompanying this gift with a single mandate: “You have one year off from your job to write whatever you please. Merry Christmas.”

I know what I’m adding to my holiday list this year!!

Emboldened by her friends’ generosity, Lee quit her job and devoted herself to her craft. The manuscript gradually transformed over that year, morphing into the remarkable novel we now recognize.To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960. It soon captured the hearts of critics and readers alike, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1961.

The Legacy of the Harper Lee Christmas Gift

Today, To Kill a Mockingbird graces the shelves of readers around the world and continues to be a critical part of educational curriculums. Translated into over 40 languages, the novel’s tale of racial injustice and lost innocence in a small Southern town resonates with millions.

The Christmas gift that ignited the creation of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ represents more than financial aid. It embodies the impact of unwavering faith in a friend’s talent and potential. This story serves as a reminder of the transformative power that can stem from supporting someone’s dreams.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How a thoughtful Christmas present helped Harper Lee write ‘To Kill a Mockingbird'” — Business Insider