WTF Fun Fact 13713 – Maya Angelou: From Streetcar Driver to Literary Icon

Maya Angelou, celebrated poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, once held a job as a streetcar conductor in San Francisco.

Angelou’s stint as a streetcar driver is not just a footnote in her storied career but a testament to her determination and bravery in the face of societal norms.

Breaking Barriers in the 1940s

In the 1940s, Angelou moved with her mother to San Francisco. During World War II, the city, like many parts of the United States, experienced a labor shortage as men enlisted and left for the war. This gap in the workforce opened opportunities for women and minorities, albeit temporarily, in fields previously closed to them. Angelou, then a young African American woman, decided to capitalize on this shift.

Driven by a desire to challenge the status quo, Angelou set her sights on becoming a streetcar conductor. At the time, this was a job not traditionally held by women, let alone women of color. Her decision was met with resistance; she was initially rejected because of her race and gender.

However, Angelou did not relent. She returned to the streetcar office every day for two weeks, sitting patiently and waiting to be hired. Her persistence paid off, and she finally broke through the racial and gender barriers, becoming the first African American female streetcar conductor in San Francisco.

Maya Angelou as Symbol of Persistence

Maya Angelou’s job as a streetcar conductor was more than just a means to earn a living; it was a symbol of her persistence and a stepping stone in her journey as a civil rights advocate. Her experience on the streetcars exposed her to the realities of the working-class life and the social dynamics of race and gender, themes she would later explore in her writings.

Every day, she navigated the streets of San Francisco, interacting with passengers from all walks of life. This job required not only the physical ability to manage the large, cumbersome vehicle but also the mental and emotional resilience to deal with the public and the systemic prejudices of that era.

Lessons Learned and Paths Forged

The lessons Angelou learned during her time as a conductor fed into her broader views on equality and justice. She observed human behavior intimately—both the kindness and the cruelty. These experiences enriched her understanding of people, informing her poetry and prose with empathy and a deep, resonant humanity.

After her tenure on the streetcars, Angelou continued to break barriers in every field she entered. She danced professionally, acted on stage and screen, wrote and recited poetry, and actively participated in the Civil Rights Movement. Her myriad experiences, including her time as a streetcar conductor, helped shape her into the influential figure she became.

Maya Angelou: A Legacy of Inspiration

Maya Angelou’s stint as a streetcar driver is a compelling story of overcoming adversity and breaking through societal limitations. Her persistence in securing the position demonstrates her refusal to accept societal norms that dictated what she could or could not do because of her race and gender.

This early job may seem like a small victory, but for Angelou, it was a profound one. It showcased her tenacity and her unwillingness to be sidelined in a society that often looked down on her. Her success in this role paved the way for her future achievements and left a lasting impact on everyone who challenges the status quo.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Maya Angelou fibbed about her age to become a San Francisco streetcar conductor” — SFGate

WTF Fun Fact 13129 – Dorothy Parker and MLK Jr.

Writer, poet, and satirist Dorothy Parker is known for her wit. But she was also a civil rights advocate who, in her will, arranged for her entire estate to go to Martin Luther King Jr. – and then to the NAACP after his death. The NAACP still owns the rights to Parker’s oeuvre today.

Parker’s death and legacy

Dorothy Parker became famous for her writing as well as her founding membership in a group of elite writers known as the Algonquin Round Table in New York City. In the 1930s, she also worked as a screenwriter in Hollywood, receiving two Academy Award nominations.

In 1967, Parker died of a heart attack. By then, she had already alienated many of her peers. So when her ashes were never claimed, they were sent to her lawyer. However, he had already retired, so a colleague took charge of the ashes, and they sat in an office cabinet for 17 years.

Eventually, the NAACP took the ashes, where they were on display at the national headquarters in Baltimore for 32 years until she had a formal, private burial in 2020.

It made sense for the NAACP to take Dorothy Parker’s remains since she had been such a notable civil rights advocate. In fact, the organization still benefits from owning the rights to her work.

According to the NAACP website (cited below):

“Preserving the legacy of Dorothy Parker has been an essential part of the NAACP’s history…Dorothy Parker will always be part of the NAACP story as the NAACP was part of hers. Her life and legacy will continue to be remembered throughout NAACP history.”

While many of us own a copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker, much of her life after her heyday in NYC remains unknown. But it’s more interesting than we could have imagined.  WTF fun facts

Source: “Dorothy Parker, An Unwavering Legacy ” — NAACP