WTF Fun Fact 13531 – Gef, The Talking Mongoose

Have you ever heard a talking mongoose? Of course not. But you may have heard of one. His name is Gef.

In the annals of strange occurrences and unsolved mysteries, few tales captivate the imagination quite like that of Gef the Talking Mongoose, a mysterious entity that reportedly haunted a farmhouse on the Isle of Man in the 1930s.

Some called it a spook-weasel, others a poltergeist—Gef was unlike anything anyone had ever encountered. This story combines elements of folklore, psychology, and the paranormal, and despite investigations, it has resisted a definitive explanation for nearly a century.

A Farmhouse Stirred by Strange Sounds

The story begins in 1931 when the Irving family—James, Margaret, and their daughter Voirrey—began hearing eerie sounds in their isolated home, Doarlish Cashen, near the village of Dalby. The noises included scratching, rustling, and even what could only be described as vocalizations.

Convinced they had a rodent problem, they set up traps, to no avail.

The Mongoose Appears

But then, the situation escalated. The entity—whatever it was—began to mimic the family’s speech patterns, imitating a child learning to talk. Before long, it was speaking in full sentences.

Named “Gef,” the entity claimed to be a mongoose born in New Delhi in 1852, who had survived a life fraught with danger, including being “shot at by Indians.”

Soon, Gef was having full conversations, especially with Voirrey. Incredibly, he claimed to speak multiple languages, including Russian, Manx, Hebrew, Welsh, Hindustani, Flemish, Italian, and Arabic.

Gef, The Talking Mongoose

Only Voirrey claimed to have seen the critter, describing him as the size of a small rat with a bushy tail and yellow fur. Gef was reportedly so camera-shy that he avoided being photographed. He soon became a part of the Irving family’s life, allegedly visiting neighbors and even relaying gossip back to the family, further perplexing the community.

According to the family, Gef could shape-shift and turn invisible, attributes that helped him go unnoticed on his adventures. Convenient!

As Gef’s fame spread, journalists and paranormal investigators sought to witness this phenomenon firsthand. Harry Price, a noted psychic investigator, and R.S. Lambert, the then editor of BBC magazine ‘The Listener,’ visited the Irvings to study Gef.

Upon their arrival, however, Gef became “invisible.” Harry Price examined samples of fur and paw prints provided by the family but was skeptical about their authenticity, finding them more likely to be from the family dog than any known mongoose or weasel.

The Disappearance of Gef The Talking Mongoose

Eventually, as the 1930s wore on, Gef vanished from the public eye as interest waned. Some speculate that Voirrey, who was known for her ventriloquism skills, was behind the elaborate hoax, despite her denials.

The general consensus was that Gef was either a family joke that went too far or a deliberate hoax. However, there are still those who believe the tale points to unexplained phenomena or poltergeist activity.

Despite the skepticism and the lack of definitive evidence, Gef has earned a permanent spot in the annals of British folklore and paranormal history. Whether a product of human psychology, an elaborate joke, or an actual paranormal entity, the story continues to fascinate and puzzle talking mongoose enthusiasts.

What do you think? Was he a figment of a lonely girl’s imagination, a hoax perpetuated by a family for reasons unknown, or something more unexplainable?

 WTF fun facts

Source: “We’re Proud To Introduce Gef, The Talking Mongoose That Mystified A Nation” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13527 – World’s Oldest Chicken

Meet Peanut, a 21-year-old bantam hen from Waterloo, Michigan. Recently dubbed the world’s oldest living chicken by Guinness World Records, Peanut has shattered all norms surrounding avian longevity. In a world where the average chicken lives only 5 to 10 years, Peanut’s journey is not just fascinating but also scientifically intriguing.

A Chick with Grit

Peanut’s life started on rocky ground. Abandoned in a frozen egg by her mother, she was minutes away from being a meal for a hungry fox. However, a chirp for help made Marsi Parker Darwin, the owner of Darwin’s Eden Farm, reconsider the decision to discard the seemingly lifeless egg.

Marsi carefully broke the shell and gave Peanut her first taste of life, one she wasn’t willing to give up so easily.

A Bird With Identity

Most chickens live an ordinary life, but not Peanut. From the beginning, she exhibited an unconventional personality. She relished human company, often perching on Marsi’s arm or sitting quietly in her pocket.

According to Marsi, Peanut never saw herself as a ‘normal’ chicken but rather as an individual deserving of a place on Darwin’s Eden, a farm that serves as a sanctuary for various animals.

Peanut’s Secret to Being the World’s Oldest Chicken

The question that puzzles many is, how did Peanut manage to live this long? Marsi credits a well-rounded diet and specialized care for her animals. However, even she believes there must be an unknown ‘x-factor’ that has contributed to Peanut’s record-breaking longevity.

Documenting a Lifetime: Photography as Proof

To establish Peanut’s age and hence claim her title, Marsi had to provide proof. Thanks to a well-documented life in pictures, Marsi could substantiate Peanut’s age. Each photograph captured was not just a moment frozen in time but an irrefutable piece of evidence that showcased Peanut’s extraordinary lifespan.

Peanut’s story isn’t confined to Darwin’s Eden. She’s been immortalized in a children’s book, penned by none other than Marsi herself. The book goes beyond narrating Peanut’s unique life; it also serves as a moral lesson, encouraging kids to overcome obstacles and never lose hope, much like Peanut did when she chirped for her life.

Will She Build the Oldest Chicken Ever?

As Peanut enjoys her twilight years, the world is watching to see if she’ll break the record for the oldest chicken ever, currently held by a 23-year-old hen named Muffy. While age may be catching up with her, Peanut’s story serves as a testament to resilience, the power of care, and the miraculous outcomes that can arise from unexpected beginnings.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Meet Peanut, a 21-year–old chicken and world record holder” — NPR

WTF Fun Fact 13489 – Most Orangutans are Left Handed

If you’re a lefty, you have more in common with an orangutan than just 97% of your DNA since most orangutans are left-handed too. One neuroscientist, Bill Hopkins, said his research showed around 66% of orangutans to be lefties.

Studying Handedness in Orangutans

Curiosity sparked the investigation into orangutan handedness. Scientists found themselves wondering – do these creatures prefer one hand over the other, like us humans? It’s something we’ve all thought about, right? No? Ok, well anyway.

Researchers observed orangutans in their natural and semi-natural habitats. Hopkins appears to be the only one who suggested the specific 66% number. But plenty of other research has found that while some primates like chimpanzees and bonobos (our closest relatives) tend to be right-hand dominant, gorillas and orangutans are not.

What Does it Mean that Most Orangutans are Left-Handed?

Just like in humans, an orangutan’s hand preference comes from the brain. We call it “cerebral lateralization” – a fancy term for one side of the brain being bossier than the other.

The left hemisphere controls right-handedness, and the right hemisphere oversees left-handedness. Both genes and environment play a part in this.

But a mystery remains. Why do orangutans tend to be left-handed more often when compared to humans and other great apes?

Out in the wild, being left-handed doesn’t make the orangutans any less skillful. They foraged for food, made comfy nests, and swung from tree to tree with aplomb. Whether peeling fruit or brachiating through the forest, left-handed orangutans showed no signs of struggle.

Now here’s an intriguing question. We humans share 97% of our DNA with orangutans, so why aren’t more of us left-handed? Researchers are keen on finding an answer. They hope to understand how and why hand preference might have shifted during human evolution.

Orangutans, like us, are social animals. They have a rich array of communication methods at their disposal. This research is igniting interest in the connection between left-handedness and communication. Also, it has made scientists curious about the potential link between hand preference and cognitive abilities.

A Curious Conclusion

The higher percentage of left-handedness in orangutans adds an exciting twist to our understanding of these creatures. It opens up a new avenue for exploration: Why this hand preference? How does it affect their survival, adaptation, and mental prowess?

Researchers are now actively trying to link left-handedness to the species’ behavior and neural traits. They’re also excited to understand how this discovery could shape our understanding of human evolution.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Do Other Animals Show Handedness?” — Science Friday

WTF Fun Fact 13366 – Flying Chickens

Contrary to popular belief, chickens can fly. Flying chickens aren’t a common sight, but they do possess the necessary physical adaptations for brief bursts of flight.

What’s the deal with flying chickens?

Chickens are not known for sustained or long-distance flight. However, their wings, consisting of flight feathers, primary feathers, and secondary feathers, are able to provide lift and control during short flights. Strong pectoral muscles aid in wing flapping, facilitating takeoff and maintaining altitude.

Chickens achieve flight by utilizing their wings and pectoral muscles. Flapping their wings generates the necessary lift to become airborne. However, their relatively large body size and heavy frame make any sustained flight nearly impossible.

When chickens fly

Chickens can only achieve short flights, covering distances of a few meters at a time. These flights are often initiated as a response to perceived threats, to navigate obstacles, or to reach higher roosting positions. Flight abilities are more pronounced in certain chicken breeds and younger chickens due to their agility and muscle strength.

The longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted for approximately 13 seconds. While brief compared to other bird species, it is a remarkable feat considering chickens’ general reputation as ground-dwelling birds.

Flight serves various purposes for chickens beyond locomotion. It aids in escaping predators, reaching elevated perches or roosts for safety, exploring new environments, and accessing food sources that may be out of reach on the ground.

Domesticated chickens often have reduced flight capabilities due to selective breeding for specific traits. Firstly, domesticated chicken breeds have been selectively bred over generations for specific traits, such as meat production or egg-laying abilities. This breeding process has resulted in larger body sizes and heavier frames, making sustained flight challenging. Additionally, the typical living environments for domesticated chickens, such as coops or enclosures, often lack the open spaces and elevated perches that would naturally encourage flight. Consequently, chickens tend to rely more on their remarkable ground-dwelling and foraging abilities, which are better suited to their domesticated lifestyles.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Can Chickens Fly? (How & Why)” — Farm Animal Report

WTF Fun Fact 13264 – Duck Have Waterproof Feathers

Did you know that ducks have highly waterproof feathers? It makes sense, right? After all, they’d probably freeze in cold weather if something wasn’t helping to insulate them.

How do waterproof feathers work?

A duck’s waterproof feathers are due to the special oil that they produce.

Ducks have a special oil gland called the preen gland (also known as the uropygial gland) that is located at the base of their tail. They spread the oil over their feathers as they preen themselves.

This oil also keeps the duck’s feathers dry and helps it to float in water. And to top it off, it even contains antimicrobial properties that help to keep the duck’s feathers clean and free from harmful bacteria.

Duck feathers also trap air and provide insulation to keep them warm in cold water. And they have a unique structure that helps to repel water.

The feather shaft is made up of a hard, central quill surrounded by a series of barbs and barbules that interlock to create a flat surface. These barbs and barbules are arranged in a particular way that allows them to lock together tightly. This creates a barrier that prevents water from penetrating through the feather to the bird’s skin.

This unique feather structure is what allows ducks to stay warm and dry in wet environments and helps them to regulate their body temperature.

The beauty of duck feathers

Duck feathers aren’t just practical. They’re also beautiful in ways that humans can’t even see. Their colors aren’t always visible to the human eye.

Many duck feathers contain iridescent structural colors that are created by the way that light reflects off of the feather’s surface. This can create a range of different colors and patterns, from bright greens and blues to deep purples and reds.

Male ducks often have brightly colored feathers that are used to attract mates during the breeding season. For example, male mallards have distinctive green heads and necks, while male wood ducks have a colorful pattern of red, green, and white feathers on their faces and bodies.  WTF fun facts

Source: “Waterfowl feathers” – Ducks Unlimited