Farmers in Botswana have started painting eyes on their cows’ butts to trick Lions into thinking they have been seen. This prevents them from ultimately attacking the cows as Lions rely on the element of surprise. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Bats And Farmers
Bats in the US eat so many insects (as much as their own body weight every day) that they save farmers an estimated $22.9 billion every year on pesticides. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Why Dry Cherries Are Expensive
If ripening cherries are not dried after it rains, they will soak up the water, split, and can’t be picked and sold. In order to dry them, farmers hire helicopters to slowly maneuver 5 feet over the trees and blasts the water off the cherries! – WTF Fun Facts
Average Japanese farmers age
According to the latest census, the average age of farmers in Japan is 67 and the total amount of people working in agriculture has decreased by 60% in the last three decades. – WTF Fun Facts
indian farmers used pepsi instead of pesticides
Indian farmers used Pepsi instead of pesticides – WTF fun fact
how potatoes were introduced to greece wtf fun
How potatoes were introduced to Greece – WTF fun facts
why the us elections are always held on tuesdays
Why the U.S. elections are always held on Tuesdays – WTF fun facts