In 1970, an F-106 pilot engaging in mock combat lost control in a dive, ejected, and then the plane righted itself. It continued to fly and landed softly in a snowy field. The F-106 was later recovered with minimal damage and returned to service. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Pieza Fly Names
There’s a genus of fly called Pieza which has cleverly named species like Pieza pie, Pieza rhea, Pieza kake,and finally the Pieza deresistans. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Fruit Fly Bisexual
If you remove a fruit fly’s front legs, which contain a number of sensory organs, then it will mate with both male and female fruit flies as well as other fly species. – WTF Fun Facts
do birds fly to the moon that s what they thought
Do birds fly to the moon? that’s what they thought – WTF fun facts