Vikings believed that there was a goat in Valhalla that supplied an endless supply of beer from its udders. – WTF Fun Facts
Source: Dead Vikings Got Endless Beer from Goats | Food & Wine (
Vikings believed that there was a goat in Valhalla that supplied an endless supply of beer from its udders. – WTF Fun Facts
Source: Dead Vikings Got Endless Beer from Goats | Food & Wine (
The person who graduates last in his class from the United States Military Academy at West Point is called “the goat.” They get ~$1,000 (a dollar from each of their class mates) and join an exclusive club which includes Civil War hero General George Custer. – WTF Fun Facts
Source: The Curious Tradition of the West Point Goat | The Takeaway | WNYC Studios
Goats have no upper front teeth – only lower. The upper front mouth is one big gum. In the back of their mouth they have both upper and lower molars. – WTF Fun Facts
While on his honeymoon in 1825, British geologist William Buckland inspected and identified the bones at the shrine of St. Rosalia in Palermo, Italy as goat bones and not the bones of an adult female. The goat bones are still on display today.
– WTF Fun Facts