WTF Fun Fact 13542 – Null Island

At first glance, Null Island might seem like just another of the countless islands scattered across our planet. However, the truth about this island is far more fascinating: Null Island doesn’t really exist.

So, why does it have a name, and why do so many people know about it?

The Genesis of Null Island

Null Island gets its moniker from its coordinates: 0°N 0°E. This is the point where the equator meets the prime meridian, right off the west coast of Africa.

But if you were to travel to these exact coordinates instead of an island, you’d find yourself floating in the Gulf of Guinea. The island’s very existence is a digital fabrication, a response to a common error in Geographic Information System (GIS) data.

The advent of digital mapping and satellite tracking has revolutionized the way we navigate our world. But with technology comes the inevitability of errors.

When GIS doesn’t have valid data for some reason, it defaults the location as “null.” This translates to 0° latitude and 0° longitude in the system. Consequently, a vast number of mapping errors point to this exact location in the Gulf of Guinea, leading to the humorous creation of “Null Island” to “house” these mistakes.

Having Some Fun

In light of the frequent misplacement of geographical data to this point, some cartographers decided to have a bit of fun. They “created” a 100-square-meter island at the 0°N 0°E point, complete with its own flag, history, and even weather station (which, of course, does not exist). This conceptual island has become a well-known inside joke among the GIS community.

While Null Island is a humorous solution to a digital problem, its very existence serves an essential purpose. Every time data points erroneously to 0°N 0°E, it alerts cartographers and data scientists to an error in their datasets.

These mistakes can range from simple misplacements due to incorrect data entry to more systemic issues in data collection methods.

By having a “go-to” spot for these errors, professionals can more easily identify and rectify them.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Center of the Earth Has an Imaginary Island and One Floating Soul” — Atlas Obscura

WTF Fun Fact 13534 – The Roundest Object in the World

When it comes to spherical perfection, nothing we’ve ever discovered in space beats Kepler-11145123, the roundest object in the world. This distant star is located about 5,000 light-years away from Earth.

What Defines “Round”?

Before diving into Kepler-11145123, it’s essential to understand what we mean by “round.” Most celestial objects take on a somewhat spherical shape due to the gravitational forces pulling matter toward their centers. However, the force of their rotation tends to squash them at the poles and widen them at the equator, causing an oblate spheroid shape. The difference between the equatorial and polar diameters of a celestial body measures its “roundness.”

Kepler-11145123 was initially discovered as part of NASA’s Kepler mission, designed to find exoplanets by observing stars and the tiny dimming caused by planets passing in front of them. While that was Kepler’s primary task, its trove of data fueled other groundbreaking research as well. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany used these precise observations to study the star’s oscillations, which provided clues about its internal structure and, fascinatingly, its shape.

A Surprising Level of Perfection

What truly sets Kepler-11145123 apart is the astonishingly small difference between its equatorial and polar diameters. The star’s equatorial diameter exceeds its polar diameter by a mere 3 km, despite having a diameter of 1.5 million km overall. This difference is microscopic on a cosmic scale and represents an unprecedented level of spherical perfection. For context, the disparity between the Earth’s equatorial and polar diameters is about 42 km, a figure that suddenly feels gigantic compared to this distant star.

The Science Behind the Shape

Kepler-11145123’s almost-perfect roundness is intriguing and prompts the question: how did it get so round? One leading hypothesis is that magnetic fields within the star could be redistributing mass, making it more spherical. However, researchers also point out that the star’s slow rotation rate plays a significant role. The slower an object rotates, the less it gets flattened due to centrifugal forces. Kepler-11145123 spins at a much slower rate than our Sun, thus maintaining its almost perfect shape.

Broader Implications of Being the Roundest Object in the World

The discovery of Kepler-11145123’s unique shape has broader implications for our understanding of astrophysics. It forces scientists to reevaluate models of star evolution, as well as the role magnetic fields play in shaping celestial bodies. Furthermore, this finding might have implications for exoplanet studies. A star’s shape can influence the stability of its planetary orbits, which in turn could have consequences for planetary climates and habitability.

Why Should We Care About the Roundest Object in the World?

Apart from the sheer wonder of discovering such a perfectly round object in space, understanding Kepler-11145123 can help scientists refine their models of stellar behavior and evolution. These models are fundamental to our grasp of the universe, from the life cycles of stars to the forces that shape galaxies. The more accurate our models become, the better we can understand a host of other phenomena, including potentially habitable exoplanets.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Distant star Kepler 11145123 is the roundest object ever observed in nature” — Astronomy Now

WTF Fun Fact 13533 – The Matrix Code is Sushi

Nearly two decades ago, the Wachowskis unveiled the first film in their iconic trilogy, captivating fans worldwide with its intricate storyline and rich mythos – but do you know the secret of The Matrix code? The iconic green code that rains down the screen in the film has a deliciously surprising backstory.

Simon Whiteley: The Man Behind The Matrix Code

Simon Whiteley, a British production designer, deserves the credit for this innovative visual. During an interview with CNET, he spilled the beans: the Matrix code has its roots in a Japanese cookbook owned by his wife. He scanned the characters from the pages and then digitally transformed them into the green symbols we’ve come to associate with this cinematic universe.

From Sushi to Cyberspace

“I like telling everyone that the Matrix code comes from Japanese sushi recipes,” Whiteley divulged. Yes, you read that right—sushi recipes. He took mundane elements from his domestic life and manipulated them into something extraordinary. The phrase “Without that code, the Matrix doesn’t exist,” could never ring truer.

The Wachowskis effectively used the green code to hint at the nature of the Matrix from the film’s very beginning. While this digital aesthetic sets up the film’s narrative, its origin remains a delightful secret. With its new-found connection to a cookbook, the green code is not just mysterious but also relatable and even comical.

A Recipe Hidden in Plain Sight?

Given its culinary origins, one can’t help but speculate: Is there a complete sushi recipe encrypted within that green text? While Whiteley’s revelation is a fun nugget of information, it opens up amusing avenues of speculation. What if this distraction is precisely what the Matrix wants, to keep us from questioning our own reality?

The green code has captivated millions, inspired parodies, and sparked numerous discussions about virtual reality and existence. But its roots in a simple sushi cookbook serve as a humorous reminder that even complex systems can have unexpectedly mundane beginnings.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Matrix Code Is Actually a Sushi Recipe” — Nerdist

WTF Fun Fact 13529 – Beer Powered Motorcycle

Would you drive a beer powered motorcycle?

When it comes to invention and innovation, few names light up the room like Ky Michaelson, a Minnesota legend better known by his nickname, “the Rocketman.” With a lifetime of exploits in speed and engineering, from partnering with deaf stuntwoman Kitty O’Neil to setting over 70 state, national, and international speed records, Michaelson is a man who seems to never run out of fuel—both literally and metaphorically.

However, his latest project, a motorcycle powered by beer, adds another layer of allure to his already fascinating life story.

From Speed Records to Stuntman Collaborations

To begin appreciating the significance of the beer-powered motorcycle, it’s essential to dive into Michaelson’s career first. His roots in speed started with his partnership with Kitty O’Neil during the 1970s. O’Neil set the land speed record for the fastest woman on four wheels in 1976, reaching an eye-watering speed of 512 miles per hour. Michaelson’s reputation gained more traction after his work with O’Neil caught the attention of Hollywood stuntman Dar Robinson. Together, they worked on projects for movies like Logan’s Run, Airplane, the Police Academy series, and Lethal Weapon until Robinson’s untimely death in 1986.

Return to Rocket Roots

After Robinson’s death, Michaelson returned to Minnesota and went back to his first love: rockets. This man is not just about speed; he’s also about the extraordinary means to achieve it. He’s built a rocket-powered toilet and set a Guinness record with a rocket-powered snowmobile. Even his kitchen gadgets are high-speed, like a high-speed margarita maker with a weed-eater motor. Michaelson’s imagination knows no bounds, as he continually seeks to innovate and defy the norm.

Beer-Powered Motorcycle Innovation

Perhaps his most extraordinary creation is the beer-powered motorcycle. Designed alongside his son, Buddy, this unique machine swaps out the conventional gas engine for a 14-gallon keg. Yes, you read that correctly.

The motorcycle is fueled by beer heated to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows it to generate enough steam power to propel the bike forward. Interestingly, Ky Michaelson is not a drinker, making the choice of beer as fuel even more fascinating.

His pragmatic viewpoint? “The price of gas is getting up there. I don’t drink, so I can’t think of anything better than to use it for fuel.”

The Science Behind the Suds

The beer in the 14-gallon keg is heated by a coil until it reaches a boiling point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it hits this temperature, the steam is forced out through a nozzle at the back of the bike, providing the thrust necessary for propulsion.

According to Michaelson’s calculations, the bike should be able to reach a top speed of about 150 miles per hour, although this hasn’t been tested yet.

Future of the Beer Powered Motorcycle

While the bike has already been showcased at local events and won awards, Michaelson aims to test its full capabilities at a drag strip soon. What’s more, the beer-cycle may eventually find its way into his in-house museum, alongside other fascinating inventions.

Interestingly, it doesn’t have to be beer fuel. Buddy, Michaelson’s son, stated that virtually any beverage could power the bike, opening the doors to further innovation. Could we see a coffee-powered or even Red Bull-powered version of the bike soon? Only time will tell.

So, the next time you pour yourself a cold beer, take a moment to think of Ky Michaelson, a man who saw a tankard not as a vessel for a drink, but as a fuel tank for uncharted possibilities. Cheers to that.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A Minnesota Man Invented a Motorcycle That Runs on Beer” — Food & Wine

WTF Fun Fact 13527 – World’s Oldest Chicken

Meet Peanut, a 21-year-old bantam hen from Waterloo, Michigan. Recently dubbed the world’s oldest living chicken by Guinness World Records, Peanut has shattered all norms surrounding avian longevity. In a world where the average chicken lives only 5 to 10 years, Peanut’s journey is not just fascinating but also scientifically intriguing.

A Chick with Grit

Peanut’s life started on rocky ground. Abandoned in a frozen egg by her mother, she was minutes away from being a meal for a hungry fox. However, a chirp for help made Marsi Parker Darwin, the owner of Darwin’s Eden Farm, reconsider the decision to discard the seemingly lifeless egg.

Marsi carefully broke the shell and gave Peanut her first taste of life, one she wasn’t willing to give up so easily.

A Bird With Identity

Most chickens live an ordinary life, but not Peanut. From the beginning, she exhibited an unconventional personality. She relished human company, often perching on Marsi’s arm or sitting quietly in her pocket.

According to Marsi, Peanut never saw herself as a ‘normal’ chicken but rather as an individual deserving of a place on Darwin’s Eden, a farm that serves as a sanctuary for various animals.

Peanut’s Secret to Being the World’s Oldest Chicken

The question that puzzles many is, how did Peanut manage to live this long? Marsi credits a well-rounded diet and specialized care for her animals. However, even she believes there must be an unknown ‘x-factor’ that has contributed to Peanut’s record-breaking longevity.

Documenting a Lifetime: Photography as Proof

To establish Peanut’s age and hence claim her title, Marsi had to provide proof. Thanks to a well-documented life in pictures, Marsi could substantiate Peanut’s age. Each photograph captured was not just a moment frozen in time but an irrefutable piece of evidence that showcased Peanut’s extraordinary lifespan.

Peanut’s story isn’t confined to Darwin’s Eden. She’s been immortalized in a children’s book, penned by none other than Marsi herself. The book goes beyond narrating Peanut’s unique life; it also serves as a moral lesson, encouraging kids to overcome obstacles and never lose hope, much like Peanut did when she chirped for her life.

Will She Build the Oldest Chicken Ever?

As Peanut enjoys her twilight years, the world is watching to see if she’ll break the record for the oldest chicken ever, currently held by a 23-year-old hen named Muffy. While age may be catching up with her, Peanut’s story serves as a testament to resilience, the power of care, and the miraculous outcomes that can arise from unexpected beginnings.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Meet Peanut, a 21-year–old chicken and world record holder” — NPR

WTF Fun Fact 13508 – Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum

If you know a kid obsessed with dinosaurs, you may have heard of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum. If not, you should let that kid know about this creature immediately because it’s pretty cool.

The Discovery and Classification of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum

When we think of the most impressive creatures that ever roamed the Earth, our minds often dart to the giants of the Mesozoic Era – the mighty dinosaurs. Among these behemoths, one dinosaur stands out for the astounding length of just one part of its anatomy: its neck.

Meet the Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum, a species of dinosaur that boasted a neck almost 50 feet long. That’s a neck six times longer than that of today’s tallest land animal, the giraffe!

Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum belongs to a group of dinosaurs called the sauropods. They are recognized by their long necks, long tails, and massive bodies supported by four thick, pillar-like legs. Although several sauropods had impressively long necks, the Mamenchisaurus goes well beyond the rest!

The species was unearthed in China and was a significant find for paleontologists. These findings provided more information about the diverse world of sauropods and the different evolutionary paths they might have taken.

A Neck to Marvel At

At nearly 50 feet long, the neck of Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum was a true wonder of nature. To put it into perspective, that’s longer than a school bus and almost as long as a bowling lane! But what evolutionary benefits did such a lengthy neck provide?

Foraging Strategy
With such an extended reach, this dinosaur could access food sources that were out of reach for other herbivores. This reduced the competition for food. It also allowed the creature to graze over a larger area without having to move its massive body frequently.

Cooling Mechanism
Some theories suggest that a long neck could have served as a cooling mechanism. The large surface area could have helped dissipate heat. This may have been vital for such massive creatures that might have struggled to maintain an optimal body temperature.

Display and Mating
In the animal kingdom, impressive physical features often play a role in mating displays. Though speculative, it’s possible that longer necks might have been seen as more attractive or dominant. This would help individuals with longer necks secure a mate.

The Anatomy Behind the Length

The length and weight of such a neck would require robust support and respiratory systems. Vertebrae would have been elongated and possibly hollowed in sections to reduce weight. Air sacs might have been present to aid in breathing, similar to modern birds. The neck’s muscle and tendon structure would also need to be incredibly strong. But it would also have to be flexible to support and maneuver this impressive length.

Comparing Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum to the Modern Giraffe

Modern-day giraffe necks measure approximately 8 feet in length and pale in comparison to the neck of the Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum. However, both animals show that evolution can lead to some astounding anatomical features when they provide an advantage.

It’s intriguing to imagine how these two creatures, separated by millions of years, navigated their habitats with such long necks.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Dinosaur Had a 50-Foot-Long Neck, Scientists Say” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13504 – The Dots on Strawberries

What are the dots on strawberries? You might believe they’re seeds, but you’d be wrong.

It’s not just the layperson who’s been fooled. Even certain educational platforms have, over the years, inadvertently misinformed generations into believing that strawberries carry their seeds on the outside. The truth, however, is far more intriguing.

The small dotted entities on strawberries are known as “drupelets.” But these do contain seeds.

Strawberry Drupelets

Now, the concept of a drupelet can be somewhat counter-intuitive. Each of these tiny fruits contains an actual seed. So, when you look at a strawberry, you’re essentially looking at a collective of multiple fruits.

The evolutionary strategy that led strawberries to develop this unique external fruit-bearing method is fascinating.

The external drupelets potentially increase the chances of seed dispersion. The strawberry’s vibrant red coloration acts as a visual cue for animals, signaling ripeness and inviting consumption. When animals eat these fruits, the seeds within the drupelets get dispersed in the environment, ensuring the strawberry plant’s survival and proliferation.

We’ve Been Misled about the Dots on Strawberries

The strawberry, despite its unique botanical makeup, has earned its place in various cultures worldwide. Its iconic appearance and misinterpreted “seeds” have inspired art, literature, and even fashion. This misrepresentation, while innocent, makes one ponder how many other natural elements we might have misread or misunderstood.

Modern commercial strawberry production seldom concerns itself with the seeds inside the drupelets, as they propagate strawberries using runners, ensuring consistent fruit quality. However, understanding the strawberry’s unique structure has implications for genetic research and potential breeding programs.

By diving deep into the genetic makeup of the actual seeds, scientists could unlock new strawberry varieties or even develop strains more resistant to pests and diseases.

Beyond Strawberries

Strawberries aren’t the only fruits that challenge our conventional understanding. The raspberry, similar in its external seed presentation, also relies on drupelets. Pineberries, which are a blend between strawberries and pineapples in taste, carry the same deceptive exterior. It’s a testament to nature’s ability to consistently surprise and challenge our knowledge.

As the true nature of strawberry “seeds” becomes more widely known, it becomes imperative to adjust educational materials. This ensures future generations have accurate information. Such discoveries, though seemingly minute, underscore the importance of continuous learning and the revision of established knowledge bases.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “These White Dots On Strawberries Are Not Strawberry Seeds” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13502 – The Naming of Mount Everest

The naming of Mount Everest was controversial. While it already had local names, the mountain was renamed by British colonialists in 1865 after a man who had never even been there.

Sir George Everest and the Naming of Mount Everest

Sir George Everest, whose name graces the world’s tallest mountain, holds an ironic place in its history. Despite his significant contributions to cartography and the British Great Trigonometrical Survey in India, he never set foot on the mountain itself. Everest’s connection to the peak comes solely through his work, rather than any firsthand experience.

Everest never visited the mountain. He spent much of his time overseeing operations, conducting research, and ensuring the accuracy of the work. He retired and returned to England in 1855, before the peak’s official identification and naming.

Initial Discoveries

British maps first labeled the mountain as “Peak XV.” In the 19th century, the British began a massive project. Their goal? Measure the entire Indian subcontinent. The British Great Trigonometrical Survey faced many challenges, from dense forests to rugged landscapes. By the 1850s, they focused on the Himalayas.

Radhanath Sikdar made a discovery in 1852. He was an Indian mathematician and surveyor. Sikdar believed Peak XV was the world’s highest peak. This idea challenged the earlier belief in Kangchenjunga as the highest. This claim took years to confirm.

Everest served as the British Surveyor General of India from 1830 to 1843. During his tenure, he spearheaded various initiatives to measure and map the subcontinent. These efforts laid the groundwork for later expeditions into the Himalayas. His meticulous methodologies ensured that the measurements and results of the surveys were precise.

The Controversial Naming of Mount Everest

In 1856, a new proposal emerged. Andrew Waugh, the current Survey’s General, had an idea. He wanted to name the peak after Sir George Everest. But this idea sparked debate. The mountain already had local names. Tibetans called it “Chomolungma,” and the Nepalese named it “Sagarmatha.”

Waugh had a reason for his proposal. Many local names existed across various regions. Picking one name for everyone seemed tough. He thought naming the peak after Sir George Everest made sense. The Royal Geographical Society made it official in 1865. They named it “Mount Everest.”

The world now knew Mount Everest. Climbers wanted to reach its top. Every expedition brought more attention to the mountain. Yet, Nepal and Tibet kept their local names. It took time for “Sagarmatha” and “Chomolungma” to gain global recognition.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Mount Everest” — National Geographic Society

WTF Fun Fact 13495 – Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory

The haunted house carbon monoxide theory takes a little bit of the ghoulishness out of Halloween. But it its place is something much scarier. Those ghosts might be a sign that you’re being poisoned!

Now, we’re not talking about the haunted houses that you go to for Halloween fun. We’re talking about people who actually feel and hear and see ghosts that they think are coming from beyond the grave.

What’s the Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory?

There’s a saying: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” Yet, when it comes to stories of haunted houses, the supernatural often takes precedence over the logical.

Such tales have captivated our imagination for centuries, with eerie apparitions, whispered voices, and otherworldly sensations. But could there be a more down-to-earth explanation for these ghostly experiences?

Enter carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause a wide range of health problems and even death when inhaled in large amounts. It affects the body by preventing oxygen from entering cells and tissues, leading to a condition called hypoxia.

The Unusual Cases of “Hauntings”

There’s been a growing awareness of how carbon monoxide poisoning can cause symptoms eerily similar to those described in paranormal encounters.

Take the example from an American Journal of Ophthalmology report from 1921. A family started seeing apparitions and experiencing a constant sensation of being watched. The children lost interest in play, became ill, and the father even witnessed a mysterious woman in black. The mother, too, had her own harrowing encounters. (This example is cited in IFL Science, cited below).

It wasn’t until the father’s brother suggested a more rational cause that the mystery was solved: carbon monoxide poisoning, originating from a broken furnace.

Writer Carrie Poppy described an unnerving presence in her house, complete with auditory hallucinations and a peculiar pressure on her chest to to NPR (via IFL Science). She felt watched and perceived an ominous “whoosh” sound. To her, this was no mere haunting; she believed a demon occupied her home.

The distress became so overwhelming that she found herself in tears nightly. However, a group of skeptical ghost hunters steered her towards a more plausible explanation: carbon monoxide. And sure enough, a gas leak was identified as the root cause.

Haunted Houses and Carbon Monoxide: A Tale Of Ghosts and Gas Lamps?

There’s an intriguing theory that the Victorian era, known for its plethora of ghost stories and an intense fascination with the supernatural, might have had a carbon monoxide connection.

Toxicologist Albert Donnay suggests that carbon monoxide and other toxins could be responsible for a large number of these hauntings.

The Victorians, with their gas lamps and toxic wallpaper, could have inadvertently been subjecting themselves to low doses of poison, leading to hallucinations and the perception of hauntings.

A Logical Explanation in a Paranormal World

While it’s true that not every ghostly encounter can be chalked up to carbon monoxide — some might be hoaxes, products of sleep paralysis, or even crafty hotel managers attempting to boost business — it’s essential to consider the possibility. Often, the answers we seek lie not in the realm of the otherworldly, but in the tangible world around us.

In essence, if you believe you’ve encountered a spectral presence or feel like something’s not quite right in your home, it might not be a ghostly visitor. Instead, it could be a silent and deadly gas.

So, before calling in the paranormal investigators, IFL Science writer Andrew Felton suggests you ring up a technician to inspect your home’s heating system. Your “haunting” might just be a malfunctioning boiler or furnace.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “An Awful Lot Of Hauntings Can Be Attributed To Carbon Monoxide Poisoning” — IFL Science