WTF Fun Fact 13296 – Keanu Reeves’ Chemical Compound

Keanu Reeves is such as lethal presence on the silver screen that scientists have named a fungus-killing bacteria after him. That’s right, Reeves is now getting recognition in an unexpected field – mycology. The name isn’t inspired by his reputation for “down-to-earth” kindness and generosity though. It’s inspired by his efforts as a stealth killing machine in the film series John Wick.

The Keanu Reeves compound

The compound, called “Aptostichus keanu,” was discovered by researchers at the University of California, Riverside. It belongs to a class of compounds called cytochalasins, which have been shown to have antifungal and anticancer properties. Aptostichus keanu is particularly effective against fungi that cause diseases in crops, making it a potentially valuable tool in agriculture.

According to Smithsonian Magazine (cited below), scientist Sebastian Götze the Washington Post’s Kyle Melnick:

“We were just basically blown away by the high activity. That’s why we basically said, ‘Yeah, it’s like an assassin, a hit man or something, killing a couple of different fungi very effectively.’”

The keanumycin compound bleeds the fungal pathogens to death by creating holes in the surface of fungal pathogens. Kinda like stabbing.

Keanu saves the crops

Even better is the fact that Reeves’ namesake compound might be a natural, effective fungicide that helps save crops.

“In a study recently published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, lead author Götze and his colleagues describe keanumycins’ strength against a common plant pest that causes a gray mold rot. Called Botrytis cinerea, it affects more than 200 types of fruits and vegetables, including strawberries and grapes, per the statement. The researchers used keanumycins to significantly clear this blight from hydrangea leaves,” reports Smithsonian.

This isn’t the first time a celebrity has had a scientific discovery named after them. In recent years, new species of animals and plants have been named after David Bowie, Lady Gaga, and Barack Obama, among others. These names are often chosen as a way to honor the person’s contributions to society or their cultural significance.

While Aptostichus keanu may not have the same level of cultural impact as Keanu Reeves’ films, it’s still an exciting discovery with potential applications in agriculture and medicine.

As for Reeves’ response to the whole this: it was priceless. During a Reddit question-and-answer session he answered a question about his namesake:

“They should’ve called it John Wick. But that’s pretty cool … and surreal for me. But thanks, scientist people! Good luck, and thank you for helping us.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Scientists Name New Fungus-Killing Compounds After Keanu Reeves” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13293 – Keanu Reeves’ Martial Arts Background

A lot of people want to know about Keanu Reeves’ martial arts background since he’s been in so many action movies. Is he really doing those stunts? In many cases, yes! Reeves is a trained martial artist!

What is Keanu Reeves’ martial arts background?

Keanu Reeves is a trained martial artist who happens to have years of experience in various disciplines. In fact, the actor’s dedication to physical fitness and martial arts has made him a popular choice for action roles.

Reeves’ martial arts training began in the 1980s when he started studying Karate. Reeves then moved on to study Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In fact, Reeves has trained extensively with world-renowned BJJ black belt Rigan Machado, who is one of the top instructors in the world.

His martial arts training has not only helped him to perform his own action movie stunts, but he says it has also given him a sense of personal fulfillment.

In interviews, he’s often noted that he enjoys the discipline and focus required for martial arts practice and that this training has helped him stay grounded in both his personal and professional life.

Job training

Reeves has incorporated much of his martial arts skills into his movies. Of course, there were a lot of CGI moments in The Matrix that would be impossible for any human to do, but he did do many of the stunts required in the hand-to-hand combat scenes.

These days, Reeves is starring in the John Wick series about a retired hitman who uses his martial arts training to take down his enemies. Critics have called these fight scenes some of the most intense and realistic in modern action cinema. And that’s thanks in large part to Reeves’ extensive martial arts training and practice.

The actor has said that he trains in martial arts several times a week not just to stay in shape but to maintain his energy levels. While many claim that he has a black belt in judo, it appears the belt may be honorary.

Reeves’ dedication to martial arts has inspired many people to try it for themselves – after all, it looks pretty cool!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How Keanu Reeves’ Fighting Style Changed From Matrix To John Wick (& Why)” — Screen Rant