WTF Fun Fact 13724 – Robotic Locomotion

Apparently, the field of robotic locomotion is moving more slowly than expected.

For years, robotics engineers have been on a mission to develop robots that can walk or run as efficiently as animals. Despite investing millions of dollars and countless hours into research, today’s robots still fall short of the natural agility and endurance exhibited by many animals.

Dr. Max Donelan from Simon Fraser University notes some impressive examples from the animal kingdom: “Wildebeests undertake thousands of kilometers of migration over rough terrain, mountain goats scale sheer cliffs, and cockroaches swiftly adapt even after losing a limb.” In contrast, current robotic technologies are not yet capable of replicating such feats of endurance, agility, and robustness.

Insights from Comparative Research

A team of leading scientists and engineers from various institutions recently conducted a detailed study to understand why robots lag behind animals. Published in Science Robotics, their research compared the performance of robot subsystems—power, frame, actuation, sensing, and control—to their biological counterparts. The team included experts like Dr. Sam Burden from the University of Washington and Dr. Tom Libby from SRI International.

Interestingly, the study found that while individual engineered subsystems often outperform biological ones, animals excel in the integration and control of these components at the system level. This integration allows for the remarkable capabilities observed in nature, which robots have yet to achieve.

Dr. Kaushik Jayaram from the University of Colorado Boulder, another contributor to the study, highlighted this point. He explained that while engineered parts might individually exceed their natural equivalents, the holistic performance of animals in motion remains unmatched. This suggests that the real challenge lies not in improving individual robot components but in enhancing how they work together as a system.

The Path Forward in Robotic Locomotion

The researchers remain optimistic about the future of robotics, noting the rapid progress made in a relatively short time compared to the millions of years of natural evolution. Dr. Simon Sponberg from the Georgia Institute of Technology pointed out the advantage of directed engineering over natural evolution: “We can update and improve robot designs with precision, learning from each iteration and immediately applying these lessons across all machines.”

The study not only sheds light on the current limitations of robotic technologies but also charts a course for future developments. By focusing on better integration and control mechanisms, inspired by biological systems, engineers hope to close the gap between robotic and animal locomotion. This advancement could revolutionize how robots are used in challenging environments, from disaster recovery to navigating the urban landscape.

Dr. Donelan concluded with a forward-looking statement: “As we learn from biology to better integrate and control robotic systems, we can achieve the level of efficiency, agility, and robustness that mirrors the natural world.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Why can’t robots outrun animals?” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13484 – Robots That Feel

Robots that feel?! Ok, no. We don’t mean robots that have feelings. We mean robots that have a “sense” of touch. Or at the very least robots programmed not to crush things they pick up. That’s still progress!

The modern robotics field is continuously pushing the boundaries of technology and automation. As a part of this ongoing exploration, scientists from the Queen Mary University of London, alongside their international colleagues from China and USA, have developed an innovative, affordable sensor called the L3 F-TOUCH. This unique invention enhances a robot’s tactile abilities, granting it a human-like sense of touch.

Robots That Feel Thanks to the L3 F-TOUCH Sensor

A principal objective in robotics has been achieving human-level dexterity, specifically during manipulation and grasping tasks. The human hand’s ability to sense factors such as pressure, temperature, texture, and pain, in addition to distinguishing objects based on properties like shape, size, and weight, has set the standard.

Until now, many robot hands or graspers have fallen short, lacking these vital haptic capabilities. As you might imagine, this makes handling objects a complicated task. Robots’ fingers lack the “feel of touch,” resulting in objects slipping away or being unintentionally crushed if fragile. And that’s not something we want if we’re ever going to let them work with people, like the elderly.

Mechanics and Functionality

Leading the groundbreaking study, Professor Kaspar Althoefer of Queen Mary University of London and his team, introduces the L3 F-TOUCH. The name stands for Lightweight, Low-cost, and wireless communication. It’s a high-resolution fingertip sensor that directly measures an object’s geometry and the forces necessary to interact with it.

This sensor sets itself apart from others in its league that estimate interaction forces via camera-acquired tactile information. The L3 F-TOUCH takes a direct approach, achieving a higher measurement accuracy.

Professor Althoefer and his team plan to further enhance the sensor’s capabilities. They aim to add rotational forces such as twists, vital in tasks like screw fastening.

These advancements could extend the sense of touch to more dynamic and agile robots, improving their functionality in manipulation tasks and even in human-robot interaction settings, such as patient rehabilitation or physical support for the elderly.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Researchers develop low-cost sensor to enhance robots’ sense of touch” — ScienceDaily