In 2017, social robot Sophia was given citizenship by Saudi Arabia – the first robot to be given legal personhood anywhere in the world. – WTF Fun Facts
saudi arabia
WTF Fun Fact – How To Feed Saudi Arabian Cows
Saudi Arabian dairy company Almarai owns ~15,000 acres in California with water rights to the Colorado River so that they can cheaply grow alfalfa to feed their cows back in Saudi Arabia. – WTF Fun Facts
Source: Who keeps buying California’s scarce water? Saudi Arabia | California | The Guardian
WTF Fun Fact – An Eagle’s Travels
The map below shoes the movement of an eagle over a twenty year period. It had the tracker fitted in Russia and it died twenty years later in the “valley of the child” in Saudi Arabia. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Top Oil Producing Country
In 2013, the United States surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia and now produces more oil and natural gas than any other country in the world. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Camel Beauty Contest
In Saudi Arabia, a dozen camels were disqualified from a camel beauty contest for getting Botox injections to make them more attractive. – WTF Fun Facts
Anti-Witchcraft Unit
In 2009, Saudi Arabia created a special “Anti-Witchcraft Unit” and a telephone hotline for the public to report magical misdeeds. – WTF Fun Facts
things you never knew about saudi arabia wtf fun
Things you never knew about Saudi Arabia – WTF fun facts
saudi prince buys 80 tickets for his falcons wtf
Saudi prince buys 80 tickets for his falcons – WTF fun facts