WTF Fun Fact 13629 – NASA’s Lost Tool Bag

In the vast emptiness of space, a lost tool bag from a NASA spacewalk has become an unlikely stargazer’s delight. On November 9, 2023, the bag became untethered from astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara during repairs on the International Space Station (ISS). Now orbiting Earth, the tool bag presents a unique sighting opportunity, shining bright as a star in the night sky.

Astronomical Mishap to Stargazing Marvel

What began as a minor mishap has evolved into a spectacle for amateur astronomers and curious onlookers alike.

The tool bag, initially following close behind the ISS, has started to lose altitude and drift ahead. Observations on November 11 showed the bag five minutes ahead of the ISS. Predictions suggest it will soon be nearly ten minutes in the lead.

Catching a Glimpse of the Celestial Tool Bag

This orbital oddity offers a new kind of sighting challenge. It can still be spotted with the aid of binoculars, appearing around magnitude +6. Those hoping to witness this sight should plan to observe the trajectory of the ISS, and then shift their gaze ahead of its path. With careful timing, the tool bag will make its journey across the stargazing canvas.

Despite its current visibility, the tool bag’s time in orbit is finite. As it continues to descend, it is expected to reenter Earth’s atmosphere between March and July of 2024, ultimately disintegrating. This event will mark the end of its accidental journey and remind us of the delicate nature of space operations.

The incident has sparked a renewed conversation about space debris and its implications. While the bag of tools poses no immediate threat, it underscores the broader issue of objects lost in space, highlighting the need for meticulous practices during extravehicular activities.

The Skyward Saga of a Tool Bag

From a practical instrument for space repairs to an object of curiosity circling our planet, the tool bag’s story captivates the imagination.

It serves as a reminder of our reach into space and the traces we leave behind. For now, as it glides silently above, the tool bag offers a fleeting connection to the vastness of space, a tiny beacon reminding us of humanity’s continuous quest beyond Earth’s bounds.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Lost tool bag from spacewalk caught on video” — EarthSky

WTF Fun Fact 13222 – Buffalo Tool Library

The Buffalo Tool Library is a magnificent idea that we wish could happen in every city. It would sure save us a lot of cash during our DIY home improvement adventures!

What is the Buffalo Tool Library?

The Buffalo Tool Library is a non-profit community organization that provides a lending library of tools to its members in Buffalo, New York. Members can borrow tools for home improvement, gardening, and repair projects, much like they would borrow books from a traditional library. The goal of the organization is to promote sustainability, community building, and self-sufficiency by making tools accessible to everyone.

The Buffalo Tool Library operates as a membership-based service. Members pay a fee to join and are then able to borrow tools from the library’s collection for a set period of time.

To borrow tools, members must check out the tools in person. They can do this either at the library’s physical location or through its online platform. The borrowed tools must then be returned in good condition within the agreed-upon loan period. Late fees may apply if the tools are returned past the due date.

The library also offers classes, workshops, and events to help members learn how to use the tools and develop new skills.

The library is run by volunteers. It relies on community support to continue its mission of promoting sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Building community

According to the University at Buffalo’s website:

“The Tool Library—which celebrated its eleventh anniversary this summer—lends over 4,000 tools, large and small, to over 1,000 individual and group members for both personal and collective projects. In addition to aiding personal do-it-yourself efforts, it organizes extensive community work: planting and maintaining trees, flowers, and neighborhood gardens; spearheading organized cleanups and streetscape and store-front maintenance; staging do-it-yourself and repair clinics; equipping and training in safety and lead abatement efforts.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Tool Library: How to Build and Maintain a Social and Environmental Justice Not-for-Profit Organization” — SUNY Buffalo