The aeromotive was one of the world’s first attempts at a high speed train in 1921. It combined a plane with a train and looked incredibly strange. Its maiden voyage ended up killing several important politicians and it was then mostly abandoned. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Pilbara School Train
In the remote Pilbara region of Australia, an aboriginal community built a train to carry their children to school. The train cars are made from metal barrels, and the locomotive is a tractor. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Pigeon Poop
A London commuter received a settlement of over $32,000 from Network Rail after they “possibly” slipped on pigeon poop at Paddington train station. – WTF Fun Facts
in 1989 russian psychic e frenkel was run over
In 1989, Russian psychic E. Frenkel was run over by a train while attempting to stop it with his psychic-biological power, after previously ‘successfully’ stopping a car and streetcar.
when flying is cheaper than taking the train
When flying is cheaper than taking the train – WTF fun fact
how tokyo train stations decreased suicide rates
How Tokyo train stations decreased suicide rates – WTF fun facts
spanish train conductor left a train alone with
Spanish train conductor left a train alone with 109 passengers stranded – WTF fun facts