WTF Fun Fact – Disney or D’Isigny

WTF Fun Fact - Disney Origin

The origin of Walt Disney’s last name is the anglicized word D’Isigny meaning “from Isigny”. Relatives in France created a cheese company and they’ve created collaborations making Mickey Mouse themed cheese. WTF Fun Facts


WTF Fun Fact – Bicephalic Meaning

WTF Fun Fact - Two Headed Turtle

A sea turtle patrol on Hilton Island in South Carolina has recently turned up a rare double-headed (bicephalic) hatchling, which they named Squirt and Crush. WTF Fun Facts


WTF Fun Fact – Medieval Dentistry

WTF Fun Fact - medieval dentists

Medieval dentists had many of the same skill-sets as modern dentists. They could fill cavities, treat facial fractures, spot oral cancer, and whiten teeth. Additionally, they could make dentures out of cow bone and human teeth. WTF Fun Facts
