WTF Fun Fact 13275 – The Hyrax

The hyrax looks like a rodent. But, in fact, it’s actually more closely related to elephants, despite its small size and rodent-like appearance. This surprising relationship is due to similarities in their teeth and skull structures, as well as genetic evidence.

Fun facts about the hyrax

This is one odd little animal!

Hyraxes are also known as dassies or rock rabbits. These little creatures are furry mammals native to Africa and the Middle East. Hyraxes belong to the order Hyracoidea and are found in rocky habitats, such as mountains and cliffs.

There are four species of hyraxes: the rock hyrax, the bush hyrax, the yellow-spotted hyrax, and the tree hyrax. The rock hyrax is the most common and can be found in many parts of Africa.

Hyraxes are social animals that live in groups of up to 80. They communicate with each other through a series of grunts, whistles, and screams (so charming!).

They’re also territorial and mark their territory with unique specialized scent glands located on their feet. The cute little herbivores feed on a variety of vegetation, including leaves, shoots, and bark.

Hyraxes are also known for their excellent sense of hearing and sight. This helps them detect predators such as eagles, leopards, and snakes. When threatened, the animals really know how to make a racket. They will emit a loud, high-pitched scream to alert the rest of the group. (We’re getting increasingly grateful these don’t live in our backyard.)

Turning animals into oil?!

Hyrax oil, also known as rock rabbit oil or dassie oil, is a type of oil that is extracted from the fatty tissues of hyraxes. It has been used for a variety of purposes, including in traditional medicine, as a fuel source, and for cosmetic and perfume production.

Historically, this oil has been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, such as skin conditions, ear infections, and rheumatism. It has also been used as a lubricant and fuel source for lamps and candles.

In some cultures, hyrax oil has also been used in cosmetics and perfumes due to its distinctive musky odor. However, the use of their oil in modern cosmetic and perfume production is not common, and synthetic musk fragrances have largely replaced it.

Despite its historical use in traditional medicine and other industries, the harvesting of hyrax oil is considered illegal in many countries due to the endangered status of some hyrax species. As a result, it has largely fallen out of favor in modern times.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Hyrax” — Encyclopedia Britannica

WTF Fun Fact 13273 – Men’s Nipples Lactate

It’s extremely rare unless something is wrong with the body, but technically, men’s nipples lactate. That is, they are capable of producing milk, which is the function of a nipple.

All fetuses develop nipples. Male, female, and intersex fetuses develop nipples during the early stages of fetal development, typically around 6 to 7 weeks gestation. This is because nipples are a fundamental part of the human anatomy. It is only later in fetal development that sex-specific features begin to emerge, such as the development of genitalia.

How, when, and why do men’s nipples lactate?

While lactation in men is a rare occurrence, it is not something that should be dismissed as a mere anomaly. Despite being uncommon, men can and do produce breast milk in certain circumstances. For example, it may happen during hormonal imbalances or after frequent stimulation of the nipples. This phenomenon has been documented in a variety of mammalian species, including humans. Yet much remains to be understood about the underlying biology and mechanisms driving male lactation.

Male lactation is also known to occur in response to the hormonal changes brought about by certain medical conditions. For example, in some cases, male lactation is triggered when a man experiences a rise in the hormone prolactin.

The role of prolactin

The hormone responsible for milk production in females plays a similar role in males. Prolactin stimulates milk production in the mammary glands, and in males, it is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.

However, the prolactin levels in males are much lower than in females. This is why milk production in males is rare, and the amount produced is usually not enough to sustain an infant. The biology involved in male lactation involves the mammary glands, which are present in both men and women.

While these glands are not fully developed in men, they still have the potential to produce milk. The process of male lactation can also be triggered by stress, certain medications, or a tumor in the pituitary gland.

Stimulating lactation in men

Another cause of male lactation is the use of medications that can mimic the hormonal effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding. For example, medications containing estrogen can cause an increase in prolactin production, leading to milk production in men’s mammary glands.

Despite the rarity of male lactation, some men have been able to nurse their infants successfully. One example is a man named Jack Newman. After adopting a child, Newman was able to induce lactation through a combination of hormone treatments and frequent nursing sessions.

Male lactation may seem like a strange and abnormal occurrence. But the rare phenomenon of male lactation is a fascinating subject. And it has captured the interest of scientists and laypeople alike. While much remains to be discovered, continued research into male lactation could have significant implications for our understanding of infant nutrition and lactation science as a whole. The underlying mechanisms that allow men to produce milk could help to improve our understanding of the biology of lactation in general. This could lead to breakthroughs in lactation-related issues such as mastitis and low milk supply.

Despite these potential benefits, male lactation remains a largely unexplored field of study.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Strange but True: Males Can Lactate” — Scientific American

WTF Fun Fact 13272 – The Highest-Grossing Movie of All Time

If you adjust for inflation, “Gone With the Wind” is the highest-grossing movie of all time, earning approximately $1.8 billion. The movie was released in 1939 and earned $390 million worldwide in its initial release. It was an unprecedented success at the time.

The highest-grossing movie of all time

In 2009, Avatar became the highest-grossing film in history in nominal terms. But even today, when adjusting for inflation, “Gone With the Wind” still wins.

The film, directed by Victor Fleming and starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, tells the story of a young woman named Scarlett O’Hara, who lives on a plantation in Georgia during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era.

When the film was released, it received critical acclaim. It won 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress. The movie is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name by Margaret Mitchell, which was published in 1936.

Despite its enduring popularity, the film has also been criticized for its depiction of slavery and its portrayal of African Americans. In recent years, there have been discussions about removing the film from circulation or adding disclaimers about its controversial themes.

In any case, the adjusted gross earnings of “Gone With the Wind” demonstrate its enduring popularity and cultural significance. Even after 80 years, the film remains a classic example of Hollywood’s Golden Age and continues to captivate audiences with its sweeping story and memorable characters.

Other high-grossing movies

In terms of box office revenue and NOT adjusted for inflation, the highest-grossing movies of all time are:

  1. Avatar (2009) – $2.8 billion
  2. Avengers: Endgame (2019) – $2.79 billion
  3. Titanic (1997) – $2.19 billion
  4. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) – $2.07 billion
  5. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – $2.04 billion

These figures only take into account box office revenue and do not factor in inflation or other revenue streams such as home video sales or merchandise.

Other movies that have high box office grosses when adjusted for inflation include:

  • “Star Wars” (1977) – $1.6 billion
  • “The Sound of Music” (1965) – $1.3 billion
  • “The Ten Commandments” (1956)
  • “Doctor Zhivago” (1965)
  • “Jaws” (1975)
  • “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” (1982)
  • “Titanic” (1997)
  • “Avatar” (2009)

 WTF fun facts

Source: “What is the highest-grossing movie of all time? And other box-office record breakers” — USA Today

WTF Fun Fact 13271 – A Day with No News

On Good Friday in 1930, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) made an unusual announcement during their regular news broadcast. After the news anchor said, “Good evening, listeners. Today is Good Friday. There is no news,” the program went silent for several seconds before a pianist named Victor Hely-Hutchinson began playing light classical music.

On Good Friday in 1930, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) made an unusual announcement during their regular news broadcast. The anchor said, “Good evening, listeners. Today is Good Friday. There is no news.” Then, the program went silent for several seconds before playing 15 minutes of classical piano music.

A Good Friday with no news

This peculiar event, which has since become known as the “BBC piano interlude,” was a reflection of the slow news day that Good Friday typically is. In the UK, Good Friday is a public holiday, and many people take the day off work. As a result, there is often little happening in the news. In the absence of any news to report, the BBC turned to music to fill the airwaves.

For three hours, the soothing sounds of classical piano music filled homes and radios across the country. Despite the initial confusion and disappointment from some listeners, the BBC piano interlude became a beloved tradition in the UK.

In fact, it became so popular that it continued every year until the outbreak of World War II in 1939, which brought a halt to the broadcasts. Today, the BBC piano interlude is remembered as a charming and quirky moment in broadcasting history. It is a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of early radio broadcasters, who were able to turn a potentially boring day into something memorable and enjoyable for their listeners.

A waste of time?

The stunt was not well-received by some listeners, who criticized the BBC for wasting airtime and failing to take their obligation to inform the public seriously. In a time before television and the internet, radio was a major source of information and entertainment. Listeners may have been expecting to hear the latest news and updates on Good Friday, only to be surprised by the lack of news and the soothing piano music instead.

However, many appreciated the gesture and praised the BBC for its sense of humor.

Despite the mixed reactions, the BBC continued to play music on public holidays. They even began broadcasting an entire program of light classical music on Sundays. This became known as their “Sunday Concerts.” This tradition lasted for several decades.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “‘There is no news’: What a change from 1930 to today” — BBC

WTF Fun Fact 13270 – Maggot Therapy

Maggot therapy involves using disinfected fly larvae (maggots) to help remove damaged tissue from wounds. And while it may sound gross, it’s making a comeback in mainstream medicine.

What is maggot therapy?

Maggot therapy, also known as maggot debridement therapy (MDT), is a medical treatment that uses live maggots to clean and heal wounds in humans. Granted, it sounds like an unpleasant approach to wound care. But it actually has a long and fascinating history dating back centuries. For example, maggots were used by the Mayans and other Native Americans.

In the early 19th century, a French surgeon named Jules-Francois Germain found that maggots could clean wounds more effectively than traditional methods like cauterization. Their use could also help avoid amputation.

In and out of style

Throughout the 19th century, doctors and surgeons used the technique to treat a variety of conditions like ulcers, abscesses, and gangrene. But despite its effectiveness, maggot therapy fell out of favor in the mid-20th century. This is partly due to the development of antibiotics. Those are far easier to convince someone to take!

However, in the 1980s, antibiotic resistance became a huge problem thanks to the overuse of antibiotics. This helped revive the interest in using maggots in medicine. Scientists even developed new techniques for sterilizing and breeding maggots so they would pose less risk. This also helps patients see them as lab-created entities rather than something you’d find in a dumpster.

Today, maggot therapy is recognized as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of wounds. It’s used for treating diabetic foot ulcers, venous stasis ulcers, and pressure ulcers.

Maggots today

While still relatively rare, doctors do use maggots in hospitals today. They’re carefully applied to wounds in a special dressing so they can feed on the dead tissue and secrete enzymes to kill bacteria and promote healing. When the maggots are removed after several days, a wound is cleaned and dressed and ready to let the body take over the healing.

Maggots might sound gross, but they’re a cost-effective treatment option. They are also particularly helpful for patients who have not responded well to other forms of wound care. As a result, this therapy is gaining increasing recognition as a valuable tool in the treatment of chronic wounds.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Entomological Medicine: How One Scientist is Working to Bring Maggot Therapy Into Wider Use” — Entomology Today

WTF Fun Fact 13269 – Eating Healthy is Hard

On some level, eating “healthy” is pretty straightforward. We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us and processed food is bad. And for the most part, we own our decisions, even when we don’t like the outcome. But when you dig a little deeper, eating healthy is hard – really hard. Especially since “healthy” food guidelines change and quality food options aren’t readily available or affordable to everyone.

So maybe it’s not such a surprise that 52% of Americans surveyed in the 2012 “Food & Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety, Nutrition & Health” found that doing taxes seemed easier than figuring out how to eat healthily.

Why healthy eating is hard

The 2012 study is over 10 years old now, we’ll grant you that. But if anything, nutrition is even more confusing these days with new studies coming out every week to tell us that what we were told was good for us a few years ago (a glass of wine, anyone?) is not slowly killing us.

The poll was commissioned by the International Food Information Council Foundation. It was conducted during the month of April with 1,057 American subjects ages 18 to 80 who were polled online. They were asked about “their health, diet, influences on food selection, and related knowledge and beliefs.”

People showed a large amount of confusion over healthy eating in general, most of which traces to the shortcomings of the food industry. The bit about taxes comes from a specific question:

Which do you think is harder to do well?
1) Figuring out how to do your own taxes – 48%
2) Figuring out what you should and shouldn’t eat to be healthier – 52%

People who said taxes were less confusing were more likely to be men (55%), those without a college degree (56%), those whose BMI put them in the overweight or obese range (60%), and those who had heart disease or high cholesterol (59%), or high blood pressure (57%).

Other interesting findings included:
– Americans believe their physical activity and sleep have more of an impact on their health than their diet.
– Half of Americans feel that enjoying their food is more important than worrying about what’s in it.
– Only 20% weren’t trying to do anything to change their weight.
– Only about one in seven Americans correctly estimate the number of calories they need to maintain their weight.

Let’s face it, the nutrition landscape is hard to navigate!

The latest American food survey

The 2022 survey is a bit different. More consumers than ever are trying to decipher food labels. And while more consumers than ever are concerned about the environmental impact their food has, it still doesn’t always translate to eating healthier.

Food choices aren’t just about knowledge. We also make them based on availability, price, emotion, and other values.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Americans Find Doing Their Own Taxes Simpler than Improving Diet and Health” (pdf) — Food Insight

WTF Fun Fact 13268 – Cocaine Bear is a Real Story (Mostly)

Have you seen previews for a strange-looking moving called Cocaine Bear and wondered what is going on? Well, you might be shocked to know that cocaine bear is a real story.

What is cocaine bear?

In 1985, a black bear in Georgia ingested more than 70 pounds of cocaine. The drugs had been dropped from a drug smuggler’s airplane. The bear, later dubbed “Cocaine Bear,” was found dead in the woods. The bizarre story has become something of a legend. People clearly remain fascinated by the unlikely chain of events that led to the bear’s demise.

According to a recent New York Times article (cited below), the incident began when drug smuggler Andrew ThorntonThornton’suring a parachute jump after a drug trafficking operation went wrong. Thornton had been carrying several duffel bags filled with cocaine. As he fell to his death, the bags tore open and their contents scattered across the forest.

Days later, authorities found a bear dead in the woods near the site of Thornton’s fatal fall. A necropsy later revealed that the bear had ingested a large amount of cocaine and had died as a result.

The story has become something of a pop culture phenomenon in recent years. Now, Hollywood has released a movie based on the incident, with Elizabeth Banks directing and Keri Russell in the lead role. The movie is a fictionalized retelling of the incident.

What’s fictional about the story?

Cocaine bear is a true story up to a point. The film’s writers invented the killing spree plotline. We don’t actually know what happened to the bear in its final days anLexington’st we do know that it didn’t kill anyone.

Despite the sensational nature of the story, the incident is a reminder of the dangers of drug trafficking and the tragic consequences that can occur when individuals engage in such activities.

Where is the bear now?

Oddly enough, the bear appears to be on display in Lexington’s Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall. In an August 2015 blog post, the mall staff said the stuffed bear was once owned by the country singer Waylon Jennings. The rumor is that he kept it in his home in Las Vegas, but the NYT was unable to verify that part of the story.

Another partly true and strange fact about the bear is that its taxidermied body has the authority to officiate legally binding weddings. According to Wikipedia:

“This claim is only partly true; the bear does not have the authority to solemnize weddings, but the state of Kentucky cannot invalidate marriages performed by unqualified persons if the parties believe that the person marrying them has the authority to do so. As such, it is a belief in the Cocaine Bear’s authority that allows it to officiate legally binding weddings in Kentucky.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Yes, ‘Cocaine Bear’ Was Real. Here’s the Back Story.” — The New York Times

WTF Fun Fact 13265 – Loud Music in Restaurants

Have you ever noticed loud music in restaurants during prime dinner or drink hours or on popular nights for socializing? Well, there’s a reason for that. Loud music makes us eat and drink more and do it faster.

Why is there such loud music in restaurants?

Restaurants often play music that is louder and faster-paced during peak hours, such as Friday and Saturday nights. This is done to create a sense of energy and excitement, which can lead diners to eat faster and order more food and drinks.

Studies have shown that loud music can increase consumption by up to 25%.

One study from France (cited below, from EurekAlert) showed how it works:

“Researchers discretely visited two bars for three Saturday evenings in a medium-size city located in the west of France. The study subjects, 40 males 18 to 25 years of age, were unaware that they were being observed; only those who ordered a glass of draft beer (25 cl. or 8 oz.) were included. With permission from the bar owners, observers would randomly manipulate the sound levels (either 72 dB, considered normal, or 88 dB, considered high) of the music in the bar (Top 40 songs) before choosing a participant. After the observed participant left the bar, sound levels were again randomly selected and a new participant was chosen.

Results showed that high sound levels led to increased drinking, within a decreased amount of time.”

Creating ambiance

Restaurants use a variety of strategies to create a certain ambiance and atmosphere for their customers. Music is one of the most effective tools they have. While music can certainly enhance the dining experience by creating a mood or setting a tone, it can also have a subconscious impact on how much and how quickly we eat.

For example, one study found that diners who were exposed to loud, fast-paced music ate their meals more quickly. They also drank more than those who listened to slower, softer music or no music at all. Another study found that diners who were exposed to music with a tempo of 130 beats per minute (the same tempo as many popular dance songs) consumed more food and drinks. People consumed less when they listened to music with a slower tempo.

This effect is not just limited to music. Other environmental factors such as lighting, decor, and the color of the plates and walls can influence our eating habits. People tend to eat less when they are in a relaxing environment with dim light and muted colors.

So next time you’re dining out on a busy night, be aware of the music. It might be influencing your eating habits more than you realize!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Loud music can make you drink more, in less time, in a bar” — EurekAlert

WTF Fun Fact 13264 – Duck Have Waterproof Feathers

Did you know that ducks have highly waterproof feathers? It makes sense, right? After all, they’d probably freeze in cold weather if something wasn’t helping to insulate them.

How do waterproof feathers work?

A duck’s waterproof feathers are due to the special oil that they produce.

Ducks have a special oil gland called the preen gland (also known as the uropygial gland) that is located at the base of their tail. They spread the oil over their feathers as they preen themselves.

This oil also keeps the duck’s feathers dry and helps it to float in water. And to top it off, it even contains antimicrobial properties that help to keep the duck’s feathers clean and free from harmful bacteria.

Duck feathers also trap air and provide insulation to keep them warm in cold water. And they have a unique structure that helps to repel water.

The feather shaft is made up of a hard, central quill surrounded by a series of barbs and barbules that interlock to create a flat surface. These barbs and barbules are arranged in a particular way that allows them to lock together tightly. This creates a barrier that prevents water from penetrating through the feather to the bird’s skin.

This unique feather structure is what allows ducks to stay warm and dry in wet environments and helps them to regulate their body temperature.

The beauty of duck feathers

Duck feathers aren’t just practical. They’re also beautiful in ways that humans can’t even see. Their colors aren’t always visible to the human eye.

Many duck feathers contain iridescent structural colors that are created by the way that light reflects off of the feather’s surface. This can create a range of different colors and patterns, from bright greens and blues to deep purples and reds.

Male ducks often have brightly colored feathers that are used to attract mates during the breeding season. For example, male mallards have distinctive green heads and necks, while male wood ducks have a colorful pattern of red, green, and white feathers on their faces and bodies.  WTF fun facts

Source: “Waterfowl feathers” – Ducks Unlimited