WTF • Fun • Fact    ( /dʌb(ə)lˌju/  /ti/   /ef/ • /fʌn/ • /fækt/ )

     1. noun  A random, interesting, and overall fun fact that makes you scratch your head and think what the...

WTF Fun Fact – Brad’s Drink aka Pepsi

WTF Fun Fact - Brad's Drink aka Pepsi

When Pepsi was first created in North Carolina in 1893, it was originally named “Brad’s Drink” after it’s creator Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was first sold. It wasn’t until 1898 that it was renamed to Pepsi-Cola. – WTF Fun Facts


WTF Fun Fact – Bematist

WTF Fun Fact - Bematist

Ancient Greeks and Egyptians measured long distances by hiring “bematists,” who would count steps while walking between locations. They could measure hundreds of miles with 95%+ accuracy. Eratosthenes used one to calculate the circumference of the Earth within 15% in 240 B.C.E. – WTF Fun Facts

Source: Bematist – Wikipedia