WTF Fun Fact 13503 – Antarctic Feather Star

In the dark waters of the Antarctic, an unknown “sea monster” with an astonishing 20 arms recently emerged – the Antarctic feather star. The researchers had this specimen on ice for years after a near-decade-long expedition during which they collected samples. Only in 2023 did they uncover the latest creature from the deep.

The Antarctic Expedition

This journey into the Antarctic waters spanned almost a decade, from 2008 to 2017. Its primary objective was to study elusive or cryptic sea creatures, especially those belonging to the genus Promachocrinus – commonly referred to as Antarctic feather stars.

While Antarctic Feather Stars bear similarities to starfish and sea cucumbers, they possess a distinct otherworldly appearance, notably when swimming. Their movement, combined with their considerable size, sets them apart in the marine world.

These creatures reside in varying depths, from a relatively shallow 65 feet to an astounding 6,500 feet beneath the waves.

Eight unique species were identified during the expeditions, with half being entirely novel to science. Earlier, only Promachocrinus kerguelensis was unmistakably linked to this genus. A combination of DNA analysis and physical morphology studies led to these recent classifications.

The Strawberry Feather Star

Named Promachocrinus fragarius, this particular discovery stands out. Its body, curiously enough, resembles a strawberry and showcases a range of colors from muted purples to rich reds.

Boasting a staggering 20 arms, this “sea monster” is unlike any other in its category.

The vast number of arms, each intricately designed, adds to its otherworldly presence, particularly when the creature is in motion. When swimming, the feather star presents an ethereal dance in the deep sea, making it a sight to behold.

Unlike other invertebrate ocean animals, the Antarctic Strawberry Feather Star stands out both due to its substantial size and its unique appearance, which is reminiscent of the delicate feathers of a bird, but with a marine twist.

Its habitat in the frozen depths of Antarctica makes its discovery particularly fascinating. Antarctica’s waters are among the least explored due to their harsh and inaccessible nature, making every discovery from this region a notable contribution to marine biology.

The Antarctic Strawberry Feather Star offers a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of our oceans, reminding us of the endless mysteries that lie beneath the waves, waiting to be discovered.

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Source: “Unknown “Sea Monster” with 20 arms discovered in the dark Antarctic waters” —

WTF Fun Fact 13498 – Record High Temperature

Both Alaska and Hawaii share the same record high temperature of 100°F (37.8°C). It’s quite the surprise for many since Hawaii is a tropical paradise, while Alaska is often associated with icy landscapes and freezing temperatures. Let’s dive into this.

Setting the Stage for a Record-High Temperature

Alaska: Often termed “The Last Frontier,” Alaska is known for its vast wilderness, glacial landscapes, and cold climate. Its Arctic and subarctic climates lead to long, harsh winters and brief summers. However, Alaska isn’t just a frozen wasteland. It has a variety of microclimates, and during its short summer, some regions can get quite warm.

Hawaii: The Aloha State is synonymous with tropical paradise, boasting a warm climate year-round. Hawaii’s location in the central Pacific Ocean ensures it has a tropical climate moderated by oceanic influences. This results in balmy, warm temperatures throughout the year but rarely sees extremes.

The 100-Degree Record-Setting Days

For Alaska, the record was set on June 27, 1915, in Fort Yukon. This town lies just inside the Arctic Circle—a region more associated with sub-zero temperatures than scorching heat. A combination of clear skies, long daylight hours (thanks to its position close to the Arctic Circle), and specific atmospheric conditions allowed for this record-setting temperature.

Hawaii, on the other hand, saw its record 100°F on April 27, 1931, in Pahala, a small town on the Big Island. This record is especially remarkable considering Hawaii’s consistent climate. The island’s oceanic surroundings and regular trade winds generally keep extreme temperatures at bay.

Why Do Hawaii and Alaska Have the Same Record High Temperature?

The Extremes of Latitude: Alaska’s high temperature record may seem surprising, but it’s important to remember that during the summer months, areas close to the Arctic Circle experience almost continuous daylight. This phenomenon, known as the Midnight Sun, means that the ground and the air can continue warming throughout the day and night.

Oceanic Moderation in Hawaii: The vast Pacific Ocean surrounding the Hawaiian Islands plays a crucial role in keeping the state’s temperatures relatively consistent. Water has a high heat capacity, meaning it can absorb and release heat slowly. As a result, areas close to large bodies of water—like Hawaii—tend to have milder, more stable temperatures. While Hawaii does experience warmth, it’s the consistency rather than the extremes that characterizes its climate.

Microclimates and Atmospheric Anomalies: Both states have diverse topographies and climates within their borders. In Alaska, interior regions, shielded from the marine influences, can see more significant temperature fluctuations. Hawaii has elevation changes, leading to cooler areas atop Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa compared to coastal regions. Specific atmospheric conditions, such as high-pressure systems, can lead to unusually high temperatures, even in areas where they might seem out of place.

The Bigger Picture

While this shared record is an interesting climatic quirk, it also underscores the complexity of our planet’s weather and climate systems. Two states, with seemingly opposite general climates, can have moments of convergence due to a multitude of factors.

Moreover, such records emphasize the importance of understanding local weather patterns and anomalies when considering broader climate trends. Just as one cold day doesn’t negate global warming, a single hot day in Alaska doesn’t define its typical climate. It’s the broader patterns and consistent data over time that give us insight into our changing world.

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Source: “The Hottest Temperatures Recorded In All 50 States” — Weather Underground

WTF Fun Fact 13496 – Parachuting Beavers

Conservation strategies can take on a wide variety of shapes and forms – sometimes they’re scientific breakthroughs or well-planned reintroduction programs; and other times, they are, well, parachuting beavers.

Yes, you read that right.

During the 1950s, in one of the most peculiar conservation efforts, beavers in Idaho were parachuted from planes to aid in repopulation efforts. Here’s the fascinating story.

The Problem: Beaver Overpopulation

Post World War II, Idaho faced a conundrum. With the growth of human settlements and the rise in agriculture, the state found that some regions had an overpopulation of beavers.

These industrious animals, known for their dam-building abilities, often clashed with human development. Their dams would flood roads and farmland, creating challenges for the human inhabitants of the area.

At the same time, other remote regions of Idaho suffered from a lack of beavers.

Historically, beavers played a pivotal role in these ecosystems, creating wetlands that benefited various forms of wildlife. Without them, these ecosystems began to degrade.

The Solution: Aerial Beaver Relocation

To address this imbalance, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) devised a novel solution. Why not relocate the beavers to the regions where they were needed?

But there was a hitch. Many of these areas were so remote that traditional methods of transportation were unfeasible.

Enter Geronimo, the beaver that would pave the way for a unique conservation strategy. As a test subject, Geronimo took several flights, gently floating down via parachute to ensure the safety of the process. After repeated tests (and presumed beaver approval), the IDFG decided to move forward with their parachuting beaver operation.

Operation Beaver Drop: Parachuting Beavers into Idaho

The process was relatively straightforward, albeit unorthodox. Beavers were trapped in overpopulated areas, placed inside protective boxes, and attached to parachutes. An airplane would then fly over the designated release area, and these furry engineers would descend to their new homes.

Between 1948 and 1950, this project saw the successful relocation of over 70 beavers. The majority of them adapted quickly to their new environments, immediately setting to work building dams and establishing new colonies.

The parachuting beaver strategy, despite its odd nature, was deemed a significant success. The relocated beavers transformed the landscapes, aiding in the creation of wetlands and benefiting countless other species in the process. Birds, fish, and mammals found better habitats thanks to the beaver’s natural dam-building tendencies.

Other states didn’t adopt the parachuting strategy (due in part to the development of better transportation methods and roads). But it showcased the lengths to which conservationists were willing to go to ensure the survival and prosperity of a species.

Revisiting the Tale of Parachuting Beavers

For many years, the tale of Idaho’s parachuting beavers was considered an exaggerated myth of the West. That was until 2015, when a film from the IDFG archives was rediscovered. This film, titled “Fur for the Future,” documented the entire process, turning local legend into verifiable history.

Suddenly, a story that sounded like a tall tale had evidence to back it up, and it captured the imagination of people worldwide.

Check it out:

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Parachuting Beavers Were A Surprisingly Successful Conservation Strategy In The 1950s” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13495 – Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory

The haunted house carbon monoxide theory takes a little bit of the ghoulishness out of Halloween. But it its place is something much scarier. Those ghosts might be a sign that you’re being poisoned!

Now, we’re not talking about the haunted houses that you go to for Halloween fun. We’re talking about people who actually feel and hear and see ghosts that they think are coming from beyond the grave.

What’s the Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory?

There’s a saying: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” Yet, when it comes to stories of haunted houses, the supernatural often takes precedence over the logical.

Such tales have captivated our imagination for centuries, with eerie apparitions, whispered voices, and otherworldly sensations. But could there be a more down-to-earth explanation for these ghostly experiences?

Enter carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause a wide range of health problems and even death when inhaled in large amounts. It affects the body by preventing oxygen from entering cells and tissues, leading to a condition called hypoxia.

The Unusual Cases of “Hauntings”

There’s been a growing awareness of how carbon monoxide poisoning can cause symptoms eerily similar to those described in paranormal encounters.

Take the example from an American Journal of Ophthalmology report from 1921. A family started seeing apparitions and experiencing a constant sensation of being watched. The children lost interest in play, became ill, and the father even witnessed a mysterious woman in black. The mother, too, had her own harrowing encounters. (This example is cited in IFL Science, cited below).

It wasn’t until the father’s brother suggested a more rational cause that the mystery was solved: carbon monoxide poisoning, originating from a broken furnace.

Writer Carrie Poppy described an unnerving presence in her house, complete with auditory hallucinations and a peculiar pressure on her chest to to NPR (via IFL Science). She felt watched and perceived an ominous “whoosh” sound. To her, this was no mere haunting; she believed a demon occupied her home.

The distress became so overwhelming that she found herself in tears nightly. However, a group of skeptical ghost hunters steered her towards a more plausible explanation: carbon monoxide. And sure enough, a gas leak was identified as the root cause.

Haunted Houses and Carbon Monoxide: A Tale Of Ghosts and Gas Lamps?

There’s an intriguing theory that the Victorian era, known for its plethora of ghost stories and an intense fascination with the supernatural, might have had a carbon monoxide connection.

Toxicologist Albert Donnay suggests that carbon monoxide and other toxins could be responsible for a large number of these hauntings.

The Victorians, with their gas lamps and toxic wallpaper, could have inadvertently been subjecting themselves to low doses of poison, leading to hallucinations and the perception of hauntings.

A Logical Explanation in a Paranormal World

While it’s true that not every ghostly encounter can be chalked up to carbon monoxide — some might be hoaxes, products of sleep paralysis, or even crafty hotel managers attempting to boost business — it’s essential to consider the possibility. Often, the answers we seek lie not in the realm of the otherworldly, but in the tangible world around us.

In essence, if you believe you’ve encountered a spectral presence or feel like something’s not quite right in your home, it might not be a ghostly visitor. Instead, it could be a silent and deadly gas.

So, before calling in the paranormal investigators, IFL Science writer Andrew Felton suggests you ring up a technician to inspect your home’s heating system. Your “haunting” might just be a malfunctioning boiler or furnace.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “An Awful Lot Of Hauntings Can Be Attributed To Carbon Monoxide Poisoning” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13494 – John Wilkins’ 17th-Century Moon Mission

The first “moon mission” was dreamed up in the 17th century by a clergyman named John Wilkins.

Though the technologies of his time were rudimentary, Wilkins’ imagination and theories displayed a unique combination of audacity and scientific curiosity.

Early Life and Philosophical Leanings

John Wilkins was born in 1614. He was an Anglican clergyman and a founding member of the Royal Society, a body dedicated to the promotion of natural science. Wilkins was a polymath with interests ranging from theology to mathematics and cryptography. These varied interests equipped him with a unique perspective when it came to observing and understanding the cosmos.

John Wilkins’ Plurality of Worlds

Central to Wilkins’ astronomical ideas was the belief in a “plurality of worlds.” This concept was embraced by several thinkers of the era. It postulated that planets and celestial bodies, including the moon, were worlds much like Earth.

By this logic, the moon wasn’t just a shining orb in the sky. It was a place with landscapes, atmospheres, and perhaps even inhabitants. This revolutionary idea was radical and contrary to the predominant geocentric worldview upheld by many in the church.

In 1640, Wilkins published “A Discourse Concerning a New World and Another Planet.” In it, he explored the feasibility of humans traveling to the moon and other planets. He argued that if the moon were a world similar to Earth, humans should be able to travel there. Given the technological constraints of the 17th century, this was a bold proposition. His methods, in hindsight, were understandably primitive.

John Wilkins and the Flying Chariot

Wilkins believed that a “flying chariot” could take humans to the moon. This vehicle would be propelled by wings attached to it, a bit like the way birds fly. He theorized that the chariot’s wings would require less flapping the further it got from Earth due to the thinning atmosphere.

Additionally, he speculated on the absence of gravity in space. He noted that as one ascended, the pull of Earth’s gravitational force would diminish, making it easier to move around. Though rudimentary, such thoughts were a precursor to our modern understanding of the vacuum of space and microgravity environments.

Of course, not everyone was taken in by Wilkins’ ideas. His contemporaries raised various objections. Some focused on the theological implications. If there were beings on other planets, how did they fit into the Biblical narrative? Others doubted the physical feasibility. How would one breathe? How could wings work in the vacuum of space?

Wilkins tackled these questions head-on. He hypothesized that space wasn’t entirely devoid of air. Instead, the atmosphere thinned out but never completely disappeared, providing just enough air for breathing.

Legacy and the Dawn of Space Exploration

Though Wilkins’ moon mission ideas were not actualized in his lifetime, his speculations played a pivotal role in sparking interest in interplanetary exploration. His works represented a significant shift from purely observational astronomy to a more practical, exploration-driven approach.

Space exploration took another three centuries to become a reality. However, the philosophical and theoretical foundation was set in Wilkins’ era.

His thoughts, radical as they were, underscore the human spirit’s relentless quest for knowledge and exploration.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The 17​th​-Century Moon Mission That Never Got Off the Ground” — Atlas Obscura

WTF Fun Fact 13492 – Information Seeking Behavior

Normally, when we think of smartphone addiction, we think of video games or social media, but information-seeking behavior, such as constantly scrolling through the news, can be hazardous to your health as well.

In our digital age, many people often hear notifications, see never-ending news feeds, and feel the pull to browse news apps daily. This behavior ties into our brain chemistry. Dopamine, a key neurotransmitter, drives our desire to seek information and rewards.

The Role of Dopamine in Information-Seeking Behavior

People often call dopamine the “feel-good” chemical. But it’s better to think of it as a messenger for reward-seeking, motivation, and pleasure. When we experience something pleasurable, our brain releases dopamine. This makes us want to repeat that action.

In the past, dopamine helped us survive. For instance, when our ancestors found food or water, a dopamine rush would push them to keep searching for these essentials.

Why We Seek Information

As societies evolved, so did our dopamine triggers. Now, our brain doesn’t only release dopamine for physical rewards but also for intangible ones like information. Discovering new information gives our brain a dopamine boost. Historically, this made sense. Early humans needed new knowledge for survival, like learning about potential dangers.

Today, each piece of news or an article can trigger dopamine, making us crave more. It’s like how we yearn for food or other activities that make us feel good.

Smartphones: Dopamine Machines

Smartphones and apps capitalize on our dopamine system. Every swipe or notification can be a dopamine rush. The element of surprise—whether the next swipe reveals a meme, a news update, or a message—boosts our dopamine even more.

This unpredictability mirrors slot machines. You never know when you’ll hit the jackpot, making you play more. Likewise, not knowing what the next notification holds keeps us glued to our screens.

However, too much dopamine has its downsides. Over time, frequent dopamine hits from constant scrolling can dull our response. Like how drug users need more drugs over time, we might need more screen time or new information for the same dopamine kick.

This never-ending search for information can overload us. We might struggle to understand or remember what we read. We can even feel mentally exhausted.

Balancing Out Information Seeking Behavior

Knowing dopamine’s role in our online habits can help us use tech wisely. Here’s how:

  • Set Limits: Designate times for browsing news or social media. This reduces the impulse to always check for news.
  • Take Digital Breaks: Stepping away from screens occasionally can help reset our brain’s dopamine response.
  • Choose Wisely: Don’t just scroll. Engage deeply with a few key topics.
  • Control Notifications: Fewer non-urgent notifications mean fewer urges to check your device.

Our relationship with dopamine and information seeking shines a light on our tech habits. Technology offers us endless information, but understanding the dopamine effect helps us use it wisely. By realizing how our brains work in this digital era, we can enjoy tech without letting it control us.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Dopamine Seeking-Reward Loop” — Psychology Today

WTF Fun Fact 13491 – Loneliness Kills

We can all think of a long list of stuff that’s bad for our health – but did you know loneliness kills as well?

Loneliness Kills in the Age of Connectivity

The dangers of smoking have been widely acknowledged and documented for years. From lung cancer to heart diseases, the repercussions of this habit are severe. Yet, there’s another rising health concern that many might not associate with physical harm: loneliness. Recent studies are revealing that the health risks of prolonged isolation might be as detrimental as smoking.

Ironically, we live in an era termed the “age of connectivity.” Technology has bridged continents, enabling face-to-face conversations without the need for physical proximity. Yet, as we increasingly immerse ourselves in the digital world, it seems we’re drifting apart in the real one. This paradox is contributing to what experts now call an “epidemic of loneliness.”

Loneliness vs. Being Alone

It’s vital to understand that loneliness and being alone aren’t synonymous. One can feel lonely in a crowded room, while another might cherish solitude without feeling isolated. Loneliness is the subjective feeling of being isolated, regardless of the actual social situation.

Loneliness does not merely affect mental well-being; it has severe physical repercussions. Just like smoking, prolonged feelings of isolation can lead to an array of health complications:

  1. Cardiovascular Issues: Loneliness can increase the risk of heart diseases. A lack of social connection has been found to be a significant factor in heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events.
  2. Reduced Immune Function: Chronic loneliness might diminish the immune system’s efficiency, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.
  3. Higher Blood Pressure: There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that lonely individuals might have higher blood pressure than their more socially-connected counterparts.
  4. Shortened Life Expectancy: Perhaps the most alarming revelation is that loneliness can shorten one’s lifespan. It’s on par with other well-established risk factors like obesity and smoking.

The Role of Dopamine

The human brain operates on rewards. Dopamine, the “feel good” neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in this. When we engage in social interactions, our brain rewards us with dopamine. This encourages us to seek more interactions, fostering bonds and relationships.

When isolated, our dopamine levels can plummet. This can initiate a vicious cycle where the lack of dopamine makes us less inclined to seek out interactions, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness. The pleasure we derive from screens, though momentarily boosting dopamine, lacks the depth and warmth of genuine human connection, often leaving us feeling emptier.

The Modern Loneliness Epidemic

A report by Cigna, a global health service company, emphasized the modern loneliness epidemic, especially in the United States. The findings suggest that most Americans are classified as lonely. Younger generations seem to be at higher risk, which is surprising given their tech-savviness and online connectivity.

Factors contributing to this epidemic include increased screen time, decreased face-to-face social interactions, and the cultural shift towards individualism. The structure of modern life, where both family units and communities are less tight-knit than in previous generations, further fuels the crisis.

Tips for Combatting Loneliness

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. Recognizing loneliness as a genuine health concern is the first step in addressing it. Here are some strategies to combat this silent epidemic:

  1. Community Engagement: Engage in community activities. Joining clubs, organizations, or even group fitness classes can foster new connections.
  2. Digital Detox: Allocate specific times in the day to disconnect from digital devices. Use this time to engage in hobbies, read, or take nature walks.
  3. Seek Professional Help: Just as one would consult a doctor for a persistent cough, seeking therapy for chronic loneliness is vital.
  4. Volunteer: Volunteering can provide a dual benefit. It can reduce feelings of isolation while giving individuals a sense of purpose.
  5. Pet Companionship: Animals, especially dogs and cats, can offer comfort and reduce feelings of isolation.
  6. Establish a Routine: Having a daily routine can provide structure, reducing feelings of aimlessness, which can compound loneliness.

Loneliness Kills: Don’t Let It Ruin Your Life

In an age where we can reach out to someone thousands of miles away with a click, it’s paradoxical to witness a surge in loneliness. Recognizing and understanding its profound effects on our physical and mental health is crucial. As with all health risks, prevention and early intervention are key. We must prioritize genuine human connections, value our well-being, and remember that our health encompasses not just our bodies, but our minds and souls as well.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Loneliness Is as Lethal As Smoking 15 Cigarettes Per Day. Here’s What You Can Do About It” — Inc.

WTF Fun Fact 13489 – Most Orangutans are Left Handed

If you’re a lefty, you have more in common with an orangutan than just 97% of your DNA since most orangutans are left-handed too. One neuroscientist, Bill Hopkins, said his research showed around 66% of orangutans to be lefties.

Studying Handedness in Orangutans

Curiosity sparked the investigation into orangutan handedness. Scientists found themselves wondering – do these creatures prefer one hand over the other, like us humans? It’s something we’ve all thought about, right? No? Ok, well anyway.

Researchers observed orangutans in their natural and semi-natural habitats. Hopkins appears to be the only one who suggested the specific 66% number. But plenty of other research has found that while some primates like chimpanzees and bonobos (our closest relatives) tend to be right-hand dominant, gorillas and orangutans are not.

What Does it Mean that Most Orangutans are Left-Handed?

Just like in humans, an orangutan’s hand preference comes from the brain. We call it “cerebral lateralization” – a fancy term for one side of the brain being bossier than the other.

The left hemisphere controls right-handedness, and the right hemisphere oversees left-handedness. Both genes and environment play a part in this.

But a mystery remains. Why do orangutans tend to be left-handed more often when compared to humans and other great apes?

Out in the wild, being left-handed doesn’t make the orangutans any less skillful. They foraged for food, made comfy nests, and swung from tree to tree with aplomb. Whether peeling fruit or brachiating through the forest, left-handed orangutans showed no signs of struggle.

Now here’s an intriguing question. We humans share 97% of our DNA with orangutans, so why aren’t more of us left-handed? Researchers are keen on finding an answer. They hope to understand how and why hand preference might have shifted during human evolution.

Orangutans, like us, are social animals. They have a rich array of communication methods at their disposal. This research is igniting interest in the connection between left-handedness and communication. Also, it has made scientists curious about the potential link between hand preference and cognitive abilities.

A Curious Conclusion

The higher percentage of left-handedness in orangutans adds an exciting twist to our understanding of these creatures. It opens up a new avenue for exploration: Why this hand preference? How does it affect their survival, adaptation, and mental prowess?

Researchers are now actively trying to link left-handedness to the species’ behavior and neural traits. They’re also excited to understand how this discovery could shape our understanding of human evolution.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Do Other Animals Show Handedness?” — Science Friday

WTF Fun Fact 13485 – People Who Read Live Longer

In 2016, Yale researcher first published a study that found a connection between longevity and reading – in other words, people who read live longer. It’s a correlation, but there’s no clear causation (that is, there’s no proof that reading is precisely what adds years to your life). Still, it felt validating for those of us who love the written word. And even better, it’s a free activity (if you have access to a library) that’s available to lots of people!

So, Do People Who Read Live Longer?

In an increasingly digitized world, it might be easy to dismiss reading as a leisurely pastime of bygone eras. Yet, plenty of people still do it. So, researchers from Yale University’s School of Public Health decided to expore the benefits of reading to try and understand whether engaging in this mental exercise could have real, tangible effects on longevity.

The study analyzed data from 3,635 individuals aged 50 and above. It divided them into three groups.
1) those who didn’t read books
2) those who read for up to three and a half hours a week,
3) and those who read more than that.

The results? Book readers, regardless of gender, wealth, education, or health, had a 20% reduction in risk of mortality over a 12-year period compared to non-book readers!

Even reading less than 3.5 hours per week benefitted. Reading came with a significant survival advantage over those who didn’t read at all.

Why Does Reading Enhance Longevity?

The exact mechanisms that would explain why people who read live longer are still being explored. But the hypothesis is as fascinating as the result itself.

Reading books, particularly those with complex narratives, demands cognitive engagement and promotes empathetic understanding and emotional intelligence. This intellectual stimulation boosts brain power, much like how physical exercise strengthens the body.

Reading can also provide a healthy form of escapism, reducing stress, and promoting better mental health. This “workout” for the mind might increase resilience against age-related cognitive decline and diseases, leading to an overall longer lifespan.

Not All Reading Is Equal

While all reading is beneficial, the study found that reading books, as opposed to magazines or newspapers, provided a larger survival advantage. This could be because books involve more immersive and cognitive processes, like the use of imagination and critical thinking. They also encourage the reader to make connections between different plot elements spread out over hundreds of pages, creating a greater neural stimulus.

We know what you’re wondering. We’re wondering about it too. What about reading online or on an e-reader? And researchers aren’t sure. But older research found that people who read physical books were more engaged and remembered more plot points. However, we need more research – and those results wouldn’t apply to everyone anyway.

Further research is needed to solidify the connection and understand the exact mechanisms behind why people who read live longer. For instance, how different genres might impact longevity is still an open question. Does a suspense thriller provide the same benefit as a heartfelt romance?

And, of course, as digital reading becomes more popular, future research will need to explore whether reading eBooks – or even listening to audiobooks – provides the same benefits as “traditional reading.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “People who read live longer than those who don’t, Yale researchers say” — Big Think