WTF Fun Fact 13678 – Hippos Make Their Own Sunscreen

Hippos make their own sunscreen. And it’s all natural!

Sunny Hippos

Hippos spend a significant amount of time submerged in water to keep cool under the hot African sun. However, they can’t stay underwater forever. When they emerge, they’re exposed to the same UV radiation that has us humans slathering on sunscreen. But nature has equipped hippos with a remarkable solution.

Hippos secrete a reddish fluid from their skin, often referred to as “blood sweat.” But don’t be alarmed; it’s neither blood nor sweat. This secretion is unique to hippos and serves multiple purposes, including acting as a potent sunscreen. This natural sunscreen is crucial for their survival, protecting their sensitive skin from sunburn and possibly even skin infections.

The Science of “Blood Sweat”

What makes this “blood sweat” so special? It’s a combination of two distinct pigments: one red (hipposudoric acid) and one orange (norhipposudoric acid). These pigments absorb ultraviolet light, preventing damaging rays from penetrating the hippo’s skin. Moreover, this secretion is both antibacterial and antifungal, providing an all-around protective barrier for the hippo’s skin.

Researchers have studied these pigments, hoping to unlock their secrets for potential applications in human sunscreens. The idea of a sunscreen that not only protects from UV radiation but also offers antibacterial and antifungal benefits is certainly appealing.

How Hippos Make their Own Sunscreen

The hippo’s “blood sweat” isn’t just about sun protection. This secretion also helps to regulate their body temperature. As the liquid evaporates, it cools the skin, much like sweating does for humans. This is vital for an animal that spends time in both the scorching heat and the water.

This multifaceted secretion underscores the complexity of nature’s adaptations. Hippos, with their massive size and seemingly leisurely lifestyle, might not strike us as the pinnacle of evolutionary innovation. Yet, they carry within them a biochemical marvel that scientists are only beginning to understand fully.

In wrapping up this exploration into the hippo’s sunscreen, it’s clear that nature often holds the most sophisticated solutions to life’s challenges. The hippo’s ability to produce its sunscreen is a testament to the ingenuity of evolutionary adaptations, providing protection against the sun, bacterial and fungal infections, and helping regulate body temperature.

This unique adaptation not only highlights the importance of sun protection across the animal kingdom but also opens doors for scientific research. The potential applications of mimicking or harnessing the properties of the hippo’s “blood sweat” could revolutionize how we approach sunscreen and skin protection in the future.

In essence, the hippopotamus, with its hefty frame and aquatic lifestyle, is a walking, basking example of nature’s ability to find creative solutions for survival. So, the next time you reach for your bottle of sunscreen, spare a thought for the hippos, who have been basking under the African sun with their own built-in UV protection for millennia.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How Do Some Animals Make Their Own Sunscreen?” — National Geographic

WTF Fun Fact 13677 – A Day on Venus

A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. Yes, you read that right. But before your brain does a somersault trying to wrap itself around this fact, let’s break it down into bite-sized chunks.

A Long Day on Venus

First off, let’s talk about planetary rotation. A rotation is how long it takes for a planet to spin once around its axis. For Earth, that’s what gives us a 24-hour day. Venus, on the other hand, takes its sweet time. It rotates once every 243 Earth days.

That’s right. If you were standing on Venus (ignoring the fact that you’d be crushed, suffocated, and cooked), you’d experience sunlight for about 116.75 Earth days before switching to an equal length of pitch-black night. That’s one slow spin, making its day extraordinarily long.

Orbiting on the Fast Track: Venus’s Year

Now, flip the script and consider how long it takes Venus to orbit the Sun, which is what we call a year. Venus zips around the Sun in just about 225 Earth days. This is where things get really interesting. Venus’s year (its orbit around the Sun) is shorter than its day (one complete rotation on its axis).

Imagine celebrating your birthday and then waiting just a bit longer to witness a single sunrise and sunset.

The Why Behind the Sky: Understanding the Peculiar Pace

So, why does Venus have such an unusual relationship with time? It all comes down to its rotation direction and speed. It’s is a bit of a rebel in our solar system; it rotates clockwise, while most planets, including Earth, rotate counterclockwise. This is known as retrograde rotation.

Scientists have a few theories about why Venus rotates so slowly and in the opposite direction. One popular theory is that a massive collision early in the planet’s history could have flipped its rotation or altered it significantly. Another theory suggests gravitational interactions with the Sun and other planets over billions of years have gradually changed its rotation speed and direction.

Regardless of the cause, Venus’s leisurely pace and quirky orbit give it the unique distinction of having days longer than its years. This fact not only makes Venus an interesting topic of study for astronomers but also serves as a fascinating reminder of the diversity and complexity of planetary systems.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Interesting facts about Venus” — Royal Museums Greenwich

WTF Fun Fact 13676 – We Can’t Burp in Space

People can’t burp in space.

Now, you might wonder, why on Earth (or rather, off Earth) can’t astronauts do something as simple as burping? It boils down to gravity, or the lack thereof.

Why We Can’t Burp in Space

Here on Earth, gravity does a lot of work for us without us even noticing. When you eat or drink, gravity helps separate the liquid and gas in your stomach. The solids and liquids stay at the bottom, while the gas, being lighter, floats to the top. When there’s enough gas, your body naturally expels it as a burp. Simple, right?

But, take gravity out of the equation, and things get a bit more complicated. In space, there’s no up or down like here on Earth. This means that in an astronaut’s stomach, gas doesn’t rise above the liquid and solid. Instead, everything floats around in a mixed-up blob.

If an astronaut tries to burp, they’re not just going to expel the gas. No, they might bring up some of the liquid and solid matter too. Not exactly pleasant, and definitely something you’d want to avoid.

NASA Burp Training

NASA, being aware of this, actually trains astronauts on how to eat and drink in a way that minimizes the chances of needing to burp. They choose foods that are less likely to produce gas. Also, space food is designed to reduce crumbs and loose particles, which can be a nuisance in microgravity. Even with these precautions, though, the human body can still produce gas, thanks to the digestion process.

So, what happens to all that gas if it can’t come out as a burp? Well, it has to go somewhere. The body adapts in interesting ways. The gas might get absorbed into the bloodstream and expelled through the lungs. Or it might travel through the digestive tract and leave the body as flatulence. Yes, astronauts can still fart in space, which, without gravity to direct the flow, might be a bit more… interesting.

This isn’t just a quirky fact about space travel; it has real implications for astronaut health and comfort. Gas build-up can cause discomfort, bloating, and even pain. In the confined, zero-gravity environment of a spacecraft, managing these bodily functions becomes crucial for maintaining the well-being and harmony of the crew.

Bodies in Space

It’s funny to think about, but this no-burp scenario highlights a broader point about space travel. Living in space requires us to relearn and adapt basic bodily functions. Everything from sleeping to eating to going to the bathroom is different up there. Astronauts undergo extensive training to prepare for these challenges, learning how to live in a world without gravity’s guiding hand.

In the grand scheme of things, the inability to burp is just one small part of the vast array of adjustments humans must make to thrive in space. It serves as a reminder of how finely tuned our bodies are to life on Earth, and how much we take for granted the invisible forces that shape our everyday experiences.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Ask an Explainer” — Smithsonian Institution

WTF Fun Fact 13673 – Clouds Are Heavy

Did you know that clouds are heavy?

Yep, those fluffy, floating fixtures in the sky, hold a heavy secret. It’s a surprising fact that the seemingly weightless clouds drifting above us actually carry an immense amount of water, making them far heavier than they appear.

How Heavy Are Clouds?

A single cumulus cloud, the type that looks like a giant cotton ball in the sky, can weigh as much as 1.1 million pounds. That’s equivalent to the weight of about 200 elephants. How can something so heavy float? The answer lies in the density and distribution of the cloud’s water droplets or ice crystals and the air surrounding them.

Clouds form when water vapor rises into the air and cools, condensing into tiny droplets or ice crystals. Despite their mass, clouds float because these water droplets are spread over a vast area and are less dense than dry air. When you look up at a cloud, you see millions of these tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.

The Science Behind Why Clouds Are Heavy

The atmosphere is a fluid, and like all fluids, it supports objects less dense than itself. Cloud droplets are tiny, about a hundredth of a millimeter in diameter, allowing them to be kept aloft by rising air currents until they combine with other droplets to form larger ones and eventually fall as precipitation. This process is a fundamental aspect of the water cycle, redistributing water from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back again.

Clouds and Climate

Clouds play a crucial role in the earth’s climate system. They reflect sunlight, helping to cool the earth’s surface, and they trap heat, contributing to the greenhouse effect. The balance between these two roles depends on the type, altitude, and thickness of the clouds.

Understanding the weight and composition of clouds is crucial for climate scientists. It helps them model the earth’s climate system and predict changes in weather patterns. With climate change altering the atmosphere’s dynamics, scientists are studying clouds more intensively to understand their impact on global temperatures and weather anomalies.

The Weight of Water

To grasp the true weight of clouds, consider the water cycle. Water evaporates from the earth’s surface, rises up, cools, and condenses into clouds. A cloud’s weight comes from this water content.

The amount of water in a typical cloud is enough to fill 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Yet, this water is so dispersed within the cloud that it doesn’t fall to the ground until it condenses into larger droplets.

A Perspective on Precipitation

When clouds become too heavy, that’s when precipitation occurs. The process of droplets merging to become heavy enough to overcome air resistance and fall to the ground can result in rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This transition from cloud to precipitation illustrates the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our atmosphere.

 WTF fun facts

Source: How Much Does a Cloud Weigh? — U.S. Geological Survey

WTF Fun Fact 13672 – Squirrels’ Brains Get Bigger

Squirrels’ brains get bigger so they can remember where they buried their nuts. At least, that’s the theory!

The Science Behind Squirrels’ Brains Getting Bigger

Squirrels that engage in scatter-hoarding exhibit a level of methodical planning that rivals that of humans in complexity. They don’t just bury their food anywhere; they make calculated decisions on where and how to store each nut. This behavior involves assessing each nut’s weight, freshness, and potential infestation through methods like paw manipulation. Such detailed analysis requires a significant amount of cognitive processing.

Interestingly, the type of nut and its size influence how and where it’s stored. Larger nuts are buried less densely to prevent other animals from finding a jackpot. Meanwhile, smaller nuts like peanuts are scattered more broadly.

This not only showcases squirrels’ strategic planning but also their ability to categorize and organize their food sources spatially.

Squirrel Brain Change with the Seasons

The act of burying nuts isn’t just about survival through winter. This behavior is a cognitive exercise that may lead to physical changes in the brain.

Lucia Jacobs, a professor at the University of California-Berkeley, posits that the intense period of nut storage is linked to observable growth in squirrel brains. This growth isn’t permanent, however. Brain sizes fluctuate with the seasons, enlarging during the autumnal nut-gathering frenzy and reducing thereafter.

This seasonal brain change isn’t unique to squirrels!

Shrews experience a reduction in brain size to conserve energy during winter, a phenomenon known as the Dehnel effect. Unlike shrews, squirrels live much longer and thus exhibit a cyclical pattern of brain enlargement and reduction correlating with their nut-gathering activities.

Squirrels Brains Get Bigger for Memory and Survival

The cognitive demands of scatter hoarding may enhance squirrels’ spatial memory. The constant interaction with their cache, through checking and sometimes relocating nuts, helps squirrels build a mental map of their stored food. This becomes crucial in winter, when finding food quickly can mean the difference between life and death. The ability to remember the location of their food stores allows squirrels to efficiently forage in the snow, minimizing exposure to predators.

The Bigger Picture

This research into squirrel behavior and brain size opens up new avenues for understanding animal cognition and seasonal adaptations. It challenges us to reconsider the intellectual capabilities of animals and their responses to environmental pressures. The insights gained from studying squirrels could inform broader studies on memory, survival strategies, and brain plasticity across species.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “In the autumn, squirrels think about nuts so much that it may make their brains bigger” — University of Michigan

WTF Fun Fact 13668 – Chimpanzees Go Through Menopause

Chimpanzees go through menopause? Well, it makes sense considering all our similarities, right?

Menopause has been a phenomenon largely associated with human existence. However, recent findings have expanded our understanding, revealing that wild female chimpanzees undergo a similar process. This groundbreaking discovery challenges our previous beliefs and opens a new chapter in evolutionary biology.

Finding Out That Chimpanzees Go Through Menopause

Over two decades of meticulous research in Uganda’s Kibale National Park have provided us with invaluable insights. Scientists monitored 185 female chimpanzees, observing their reproductive patterns and hormonal changes. The study’s longevity and depth offer a rare glimpse into the lives of these fascinating creatures.

The study found a clear decline in fertility as the chimpanzees aged, particularly after the age of 30. Notably, none of the observed females gave birth beyond the age of 50, marking a distinct phase akin to human menopause. This shift is not merely a reproductive halt but a complex biological transition.

Mirroring human menopause, older female chimpanzees exhibited significant hormonal changes. An increase in follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, coupled with a decrease in estrogens and progestins, paints a picture strikingly similar to the human experience.

These hormonal fluctuations are more than mere numbers; they signify a profound shift in the chimpanzee’s life stage.

Implications for Evolutionary Biology

The discovery of menopause in wild chimpanzees raises intriguing questions about the evolutionary roots of this phenomenon. If our closest living relatives also experience menopause, it suggests a shared evolutionary path. This revelation compels us to reconsider the “grandmother hypothesis” and other theories explaining why certain species live significantly beyond their reproductive years.

Is the occurrence of menopause in the Ngogo chimpanzee community an anomaly or a common trait among other communities? Factors such as abundant food supply and fewer predators in Ngogo might contribute to their longer lifespans and the occurrence of menopause. To understand this better, comparative studies across various chimpanzee habitats are essential.

The Grandmother Hypothesis and Kin Competition

The “grandmother hypothesis,” suggesting older individuals assist in raising their grandchildren, doesn’t quite fit the chimpanzee social structure. An alternative theory is the “kin competition” hypothesis, where ceasing reproduction might reduce competition for resources among related individuals. Understanding the social dynamics of these primates is key to unraveling the purpose and evolution of menopause.

Expanding research to include bonobos, another close relative to humans, could provide further insights into the evolution of menopause. Do these primates also experience a similar phase, and if so, what can it tell us about our ancestral lineage?

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Wild Female Chimpanzees Go Through Menopause, Study Finds” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13667 – AI Predicts Life Events

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to push the boundaries of what we believe is possible – in fact, now AI predicts human life events.

A groundbreaking study recently revealed the potential of AI to forecast significant life occurrences with notable precision.

AI Predicts Life’s Complex Patterns

At the heart of this innovative research is a model known as “ife2vec.” This transformative AI tool was trained using vast amounts of data about people’s lives. This includes their residence, education, income, health, and work conditions. By employing ‘transformer models’ akin to the renowned ChatGPT, life2vec systematically organized this data to predict future events. This includes their time of death.

The researchers’ approach was to treat human life as a sequence of events, much like words in a sentence. This method allowed the AI to identify patterns and make predictions about future occurrences. Surprisingly, life2vec demonstrated a superior ability to predict outcomes such as personality traits and time of death compared to other advanced neural networks.

The Ethical Implications of Predictive AI

The promise of predictive AI in enhancing our understanding of life patterns is undeniable. But it also raises significant ethical questions. Issues around data protection, privacy, and potential biases inherent in the data are crucial considerations. Before such models can be applied in practical settings, like assessing individual disease risks or other significant life events, these ethical challenges must be thoroughly understood and addressed.

Looking ahead, the research team envisions incorporating various data forms into their model, such as text, images, or information about social connections. This expansion could revolutionize the interaction between social and health sciences, offering a more holistic view of human life and its potential trajectories.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Artificial intelligence can predict events in people’s lives” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13666 – Sniffing Women’s Tears

Recent groundbreaking research has uncovered a fascinating facet of human interaction: the power of women’s tears to reduce aggressive behavior in men.

The study explores social chemosignaling—a process well-documented in animals but lesser-known in humans. The findings, published in PLOS Biology, suggest that emotional tears from women contain chemicals that significantly diminish aggression-related brain activity and behavior in men.

The Study: Exploring the Influence of Women’s Tears

The researchers embarked on a unique experiment, exposing a group of men to women’s emotional tears and saline solution, both odorless, while engaging them in a two-person game designed to provoke aggressive responses. The players believed they were competing against a cheating opponent and had the chance to retaliate by financially penalizing them.

Intriguingly, when these men were exposed to women’s tears, their tendency to seek revenge plummeted by over 40%.

Brain Activity and Behavioral Change

The study didn’t just stop at observing behavioral changes; it also examined how the brain reacts to these chemical signals. When the experiment was conducted within an MRI scanner, it revealed significant findings. Two critical aggression-related areas in the brain—the prefrontal cortex and anterior insula—showed heightened activity during provocation.

However, this activity was noticeably subdued when the men sniffed the tears. The connection between reduced brain activity in these regions and decreased aggressive behavior was unmistakable.

This research is more than just an academic curiosity; it has profound implications for understanding human interactions and the subtle ways we influence each other’s behaviors.

The fact that a simple, invisible chemical in women’s tears can have such a tangible effect on men’s aggression is a testament to the complex and nuanced nature of human communication and social relationships.

This challenges the previously held belief that emotional tears are a uniquely human trait without a functional purpose.

Exploring Tears

While this study opens up a new avenue in understanding human behavior, it also raises numerous questions. What specific chemicals in tears influence aggression? Are there other emotional states or signals that can similarly affect behavior? How does this chemosignaling interact with other forms of communication?

As researchers continue to explore these questions, we can expect to uncover even more about the intricate tapestry of human emotions and interactions.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Sniffing women’s tears reduces aggressive behavior in men, researchers report” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13663 – Dog Longevity Drug

For dog lovers, the prospect of a dog longevity drug sounds fantastic. Who doesn’t want their furry friends to live longer, healthier lives?

Recent developments from a San Francisco-based biotech company, Loyal, bring this dream closer to reality. They’ve announced an anti-aging drug for dogs that has cleared its first hurdle for FDA approval. This marks a pivotal moment in veterinary medicine, as it’s the first time the FDA has shown openness to endorsing longevity drugs for pets.

Dog Longevity Drug Holds Promise of Longer Lives for Man’s Best Friend

Loyal’s groundbreaking drug, LOY-001, targets a growth and metabolism hormone called IGF-1. This hormone, linked with size, appears in higher levels in larger dogs and lower in smaller ones. Studies on other species suggest inhibiting IGF-1 can increase lifespans. LOY-001 is aimed at healthy dogs over seven years old and weighing more than 40 pounds. Administered every three to six months by a vet, it holds the potential to slow down the aging process in dogs.

Parallel to this, Loyal is developing LOY-003, a daily pill form of the treatment. CEO Celine Halioua emphasizes that they’re not creating immortal dogs. The goal is to slow their rate of aging, thus maintaining a healthier state for a longer period.

As promising as these developments are, they raise significant ethical questions, particularly concerning the quality of extended life for these animals. Veterinarian Kate Creevy, involved in a similar trial for an anti-aging drug called rapamycin, stresses the importance of ensuring that any extended lifespan is accompanied by good health and quality of life.

Moreover, the human manipulation of dogs through selective breeding, which may have contributed to accelerated aging in larger breeds, underlines the ethical complexities in altering canine aging processes.

Trials and the Future of Canine Health

Loyal plans to start a large clinical trial for LOY-001 with around 1,000 large and giant dogs by either 2024 or 2025. The ultimate aim is to have a market-ready product by 2026. This trial not only represents a major step in veterinary medicine but also opens doors to understanding aging in more complex organisms like humans.

The success of Loyal’s drug could potentially revolutionize how we approach canine health and aging. It offers a glimpse into a future where our canine companions can enjoy longer, healthier lives alongside us. However, it’s crucial to balance this scientific advancement with ethical considerations to ensure the well-being of these beloved animals.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “A New Drug That Could Extend Dogs’ Lives Inches Closer to Approval” — Smithsonian Magazine