WTF Fun Fact 13607 – Arizona Desert Fish

The discovery of Arizona desert fish is making researchers rethink the history of the world!

In a surprising revelation, researchers at the University of Minnesota uncovered an unexpected treasure trove of longevity within the freshwater fishes of the Arizona desert. Their study, recently published in Scientific Reports, highlights three species within the Ictiobus genus, also known as buffalofishes, with lifespans exceeding 100 years.

This groundbreaking discovery not only shifts our understanding of vertebrate aging but also positions these desert dwellers as potentially key players in aging studies across disciplines.

Longevity of Arizona Desert Fish Known as Buffalofishes

The central figures of this study are the bigmouth buffalo, smallmouth buffalo, and black buffalo. Native to Minnesota, these species often fall victim to misidentification, mistakenly grouped with invasive species like carp. Consequently, inadequate fishing regulations fail to protect these potential longevity lighthouses. The collaborative research effort, led by Alec Lackmann, Ph.D., from the University of Minnesota Duluth, delved into the lifespans of these species and unraveled their potential in aging research.

Dr. Lackmann’s approach to determining the age of the buffalofishes diverges from traditional scale examination. The team extracted otoliths, or earstones, from the cranium of the fishes. Like the rings on a tree, these otoliths develop a new layer annually. Through meticulous thin-sectioning and examination under a compound microscope, researchers could count these layers, unlocking the true age of the fish.

Remarkable Findings and Implications

The study’s results were nothing short of extraordinary:

  • Unprecedented longevity among freshwater fishes, with three species living over a century.
  • A population in Apache Lake, Arizona, primarily composed of individuals over 85 years old.
  • The likely survival of original buffalofishes from the 1918 Arizona stocking.
  • The development of a catch-and-release fishery, enhancing our understanding of fish longevity and identification.

Interestingly, these centenarian fishes were originally stocked into Roosevelt Lake, Arizona, in 1918. While their counterparts in Roosevelt Lake faced commercial fishing, the Apache Lake population thrived, undisturbed until recent angling activities.

Collaborative Efforts and Future Prospects

The study also highlights a robust collaboration between conservation anglers and scientists, with anglers contributing to scientific outreach and learning. When anglers observed unique markings on the buffalofishes, they reached out to Dr. Lackmann, initiating a partnership that would lead to this study’s pivotal findings.

Looking ahead, Dr. Lackmann envisions a bright future for studying these unique fish. Their exceptional longevity offers a window into their DNA, physiological processes, and disease resistance across a wide age range. The genus Ictiobus could become a cornerstone in gerontological research, with Apache Lake potentially emerging as a scientific hub for diverse research endeavors.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Study uncovers hundred-year lifespans for three freshwater fish species in the Arizona desert” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13605 – Grammar Stress

Researchers have found that grammatical errors can cause physical stress responses – yes, the grammar stress is real. This finding uncovers a unique aspect of the relationship between language cognition and our physiological reactions.

The study, led by Dagmar Divjak, focused on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls vital functions like heart rate. Scientists utilized heart rate variability (HRV) as a stress indicator while participants listened to grammatically incorrect speech samples. HRV measures the time intervals between heartbeats, offering insights into stress levels.

Grammar Stress

Involving 41 British English-speaking adults, the study revealed a significant decrease in HRV when subjects encountered grammatical errors. This decrease suggests increased stress, as heartbeats became more regular with each grammatical mistake.

Implications of the Findings

The study’s results highlight the deep connection between cognition and physiology. It suggests that the ANS doesn’t just respond to physical demands but cognitive ones as well, challenging previous beliefs. Moreover, the findings propose a new method to assess linguistic knowledge implicitly, which could be valuable for evaluating brain health and language skills, especially in those unable to communicate verbally due to various reasons.

A New Perspective on Language and Stress

This groundbreaking research offers a novel perspective on how our bodies react to language, emphasizing the importance of linguistic precision not just for communication but for our physiological well-being too. The study, published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, paves the way for further exploration into the intriguing connections between language and the human body.

The implications of this study extend beyond mere grammatical pedantry. They touch upon the potential role of physiological feedback in language learning and cognitive therapy. Understanding the stress responses to grammatical errors could inform new strategies for language teaching, making it more attuned to the learner’s physiological state. It could also lead to innovative therapies for individuals with language impairments or cognitive challenges, where heart rate variability could serve as a real-time indicator of linguistic comprehension and stress.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Pedants, The Feeling Is Real. Hearing Bad Grammar Can Physically Stress You Out” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13604 – Reusable Bags

When you stroll through a supermarket aisle you might ask, “How often should I reuse my reusable bags to truly make an environmental difference?” To address this, recent studies have looked into the impact of various bag materials and their sustainability.

Understanding the Bag Life Cycle

Life cycle assessments, a cornerstone in evaluating the environmental footprint of a product, break down each stage: raw material acquisition, manufacturing, transportation, and disposal. Through this, one can gauge greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy consumption, waste disposal, and other environmental impacts.

Factors that further complexify the assessment include:

  • The bag’s material: Is it from virgin resin or recycled plastic?
  • Its origin: Where was it made, and how much transportation did it require?
  • Decorations on the bag, which can magnify its environmental cost.
  • The bag’s end-of-life: Is it recycled, reused, or simply discarded?

Crunching the Numbers: How Often to Use Reusable Bags?

Drawing from a 2018 Danish study, we get some startling numbers regarding the reuse of various bag materials compared to the standard plastic bag:

  • Polypropylene bags (the common green reusable ones): 37 times.
  • Paper bags: 43 times.
  • Cotton bags: A whopping 7,100 times.

Meanwhile, a UK study focusing strictly on climate change implications found:

  • Paper bags should be reused three times.
  • Low-density polyethylene bags: Four times.
  • Non-woven polypropylene bags: 11 times.
  • Cotton bags: 131 times.

It’s essential to note that reusing plastic bags, even as bin liners, amplifies the number of times an alternative bag needs reuse.

Debunking the Organic Myth of Reusable Bags

Interestingly, the same Danish study pointed out that organic cotton bags possess a more significant environmental footprint than their non-organic counterparts, largely because of increased production costs. Sometimes, our well-intentioned assumptions about sustainability might not align with reality.

A 2014 US study discovered that bags like LDPE and polypropylene did exhibit a lower environmental toll than regular plastic bags, but only with adequate reuse. The snag? Approximately 40% of consumers forget their reusable bags, resorting to plastic ones, thereby escalating the environmental load of their shopping.

Furthermore, the quantity of bags and their volume plays a role. The Danish study ensured an even playing field by standardizing bag volumes, sometimes requiring two bags for their evaluations.

Key Takeaways for Conscious Consumers

  1. Maximize Bag Usage: Regardless of the bag’s material, using it numerous times is key.
  2. Opt for Recyclable Materials: Prioritize bags made from materials that can be recycled.
  3. Simplicity is Sustainable: Bags adorned with prints or decorations can inadvertently increase their environmental cost.
  4. Prevent Litter: Always find ways to recycle, reuse, or repurpose your bags.

In our journey towards a more sustainable future, understanding the true impact of our daily choices, like which shopping bag to use, is crucial. With informed decisions, we can each contribute to a greener planet.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Here’s how many times you actually need to reuse your shopping bags” — The Conversation

WTF Fun Fact 13598 – The Science of Champagne Bubbles

Champagne toasts at celebrations are iconic, but have you ever wondered about the perfect straight-line rise of its bubbles? Scientists at Brown University and the University of Toulouse have uncorked the answer, revealing the science behind the behavior of bubbles in our favorite carbonated drinks.

Carbonation’s Mysteries Unveiled

In the world of carbonated drinks, from soda to beer, the bubbles’ behavior varies. But Champagne and sparkling wine stand out. They feature a continuous rise of gas bubbles, rushing to the surface in a single-file line. This phenomenon, called a stable bubble chain, contrasts with beverages like beer, where bubbles often take a more chaotic route upwards.

Researchers were intrigued: What caused Champagne’s bubbles to ascend in such an orderly fashion?

Surfactants: The Science of Champagne Bubbles

Delving deeper, the study unveiled that the straight rise of bubbles in Champagne and sparkling wine is due to the presence of soap-like compounds called surfactants. Surfactants reduce tension between the liquid and gas bubbles, facilitating a seamless and straight rise to the top.

Roberto Zenit, a senior author on the study, explains, “These protein molecules that impart flavor and uniqueness to the Champagne are also responsible for the stability of the bubbles they produce.”

Apart from surfactants, the bubble size too determines its stability. Larger bubbles in drinks cause a smoother ascent, forming stable chains similar to those with surfactants. This revelation establishes surfactants and bubble size as the key determinants in the formation of stable bubble chains in carbonated beverages.

This bubbly research isn’t just for beverage enthusiasts. Understanding the science of bubbles, especially stable bubble chains, has broader applications in fluid mechanics, a field that studies the behavior of fluids.

For instance, technologies employing bubble-induced mixing, like water treatment facilities, could benefit from this newfound knowledge. Furthermore, the study might pave the way for a better comprehension of natural phenomena, such as ocean seeps where methane and carbon dioxide are released from the ocean bed.

Experiments Worth Raising a Glass To

Researchers brought an array of beverages to the table, including Pellegrino sparkling water, Tecate beer, Charles de Cazanove champagne, and a Spanish-style brut. They utilized a plexiglass container with a needle at its base, enabling them to pump gas and create diverse bubble chains.

By systematically adjusting surfactants and bubble size, they found that both these factors independently contributed to transforming unstable bubble chains into stable ones. Additionally, numerical simulations on computers were conducted to delve into intricate details like surfactant quantity in gas bubbles and precise bubble velocities.

Champagne Bubbles in the Future of Fluid Mechanics

While enjoying that next glass of bubbly, one can marvel at the fluid mechanics at play. Researchers are keen on diving deeper into the behavior of bubbles, especially in their application to fluid mechanics. As Zenit summarizes, they aim to explore the movement of bubbles and their significance in both industrial applications and natural scenarios.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Why do Champagne bubbles rise the way they do? Scientists’ new discovery is worthy of a toast” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13597 – Unique Perception of Soccer Goalkeepers

In the dynamic world of soccer, goalkeepers have always been seen as outliers. While they defend their posts, these players face the arduous task of making quick decisions under pressure, often with fragmented information. New research sheds light on the exceptional way goalkeepers perceive their surroundings, revealing significant differences in their multisensory processing capabilities.

Enhanced Multi-Sensory Processing of Soccer Goalkeepers

Michael Quinn from Dublin City University, himself a former professional goalkeeper, embarked on this study to validate a longstanding soccer belief. He, alongside his team, found that, unlike other players, goalkeepers have an intrinsic knack for making swift decisions. This is the case even when faced with limited sensory data. It’s not just a feeling within the soccer community; now, there’s scientific evidence supporting the notion that goalkeepers genuinely “see” the world differently.

In an innovative approach, Quinn and his team examined temporal binding windows among professional goalkeepers, outfield soccer players, and those who don’t play soccer. This window represents the time frame within which individuals combine sensory data from various sources.

A Deep Dive into the Goalkeeper’s Brain

The study had participants discern visual and auditory stimuli that appeared in different sequences and intervals. Interestingly, goalkeepers exhibited a more refined ability to discern these multisensory cues, indicating their superior estimation of timing. This precision stands in stark contrast to outfield players and non-players.

Furthermore, goalkeepers demonstrated less interplay between visual and auditory cues. This suggests they tend to separate sensory information rather than blending them. This unique ability stems from their need to process various cues simultaneously. The trajectory of a ball, combined with the sound it makes when kicked, are essential inputs for a goalkeeper’s split-second decision-making.

Origins and Future Explorations into the Perceptions of Soccer Goalkeepers

While the current findings illuminate the distinct perceptual world of soccer goalkeepers, the cause of these differences remains a mystery. Does intense, specialized training from an early age shape their multisensory processing? Or are inherent abilities leading young players to gravitate toward the goalkeeper position?

David McGovern, the study’s lead investigator, expressed curiosity about other specialized soccer positions. Could strikers or center-backs also exhibit unique perceptual tendencies? The team at Dublin City University aims to unravel these questions in subsequent studies. They will explore the development and influences on a goalkeeper’s extraordinary sensory processing capabilities.

 WTF fun facts


WTF Fun Fact 13596 – Morality Judgment

A new study found that we tend to reserve our harshest morality judgment is reserved those within our social circle.

Morality Judgment within Groups

We often assume that we judge those close to us with a gentler touch. Yet, Cornell University’s latest findings suggest otherwise: we tend to be stricter with our own peers, especially when it comes to moral failings.

Morality, the invisible bond that keeps a community united, often sets the standards for judgment. Simone Tang, a significant contributor to the research, states that our ties within a group make us believe its members are more trustworthy. However, a breach in moral conduct by one of our own can potentially tarnish the entire group’s reputation. As a result, to safeguard the group’s integrity, we might end up being more critical of our own members.

The Dynamics of Ingroup vs. Outgroup

Members of the “ingroup” usually have something in common – be it political beliefs, organizational ties, or even nationality. On the flip side, the “outgroup” represents individuals from different backgrounds, nationalities, or institutions. Despite conventional wisdom suggesting favoritism towards ingroup members, the study points out that moral transgressions by ingroup members often invite stricter judgments.

Engaging 2,361 participants, a mix of university students and members of American online communities, the study unveiled intriguing patterns. Participants learned about inappropriate actions, either by an ingroup or an outgroup member. A clear distinction emerged when comparing reactions to moral violations like gender discrimination with non-moral ones like tardiness. Ingroup members committing moral violations faced tougher criticism, hinting at the value people place on preserving the moral fabric of their community.

Real-world Implications

Shedding light on larger societal issues, Tang highlights the implications of their findings in contemporary politics. The growing polarization might not just be an ‘us versus them’ scenario. Instead, as the research suggests, harsh judgments against opposing views may arise from viewing adversaries as part of the same larger group, say, fellow Americans. This perspective shift offers a fresh lens to understand the rising internal divisions within major societal groups.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Familiarity breeds contempt for moral failings” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13594 – Benefits of the Snooze Button

There are more benefits of the snooze button than just getting an extra few minutes of sleep.

For many, the snooze button been branded as the ultimate “sleep disruptor.” But new findings from Stockholm University’s Department of Psychology may be about to turn this common belief on its head.

Snoozing: A Maligned Habit?

It’s a widely held belief that tapping that tempting snooze button might be doing us more harm than good. Critics claim it disrupts our sleep patterns, making us groggier and less alert when we eventually rise. But, is there any scientific basis to this belief?

The recent study led by Tina Sundelin of Stockholm University is turning this narrative around. Contrary to popular belief, hitting the snooze button might actually support the waking process for those who regularly find solace in those few extra minutes.

A Deep Dive into the Benefits of the Snooze Button

This comprehensive research involved two phases. The initial study surveyed 1,732 individuals on their morning habits. Findings highlighted that a significant number, especially among young adults and night owls, lean heavily on the snooze function. Their main reason? Feeling overwhelmingly fatigued when the first alarm rings.

The second phase delved deeper. Thirty-one habitual snoozers spent two nights in a sleep lab. On one morning, they had the luxury to snooze for an additional 30 minutes, while the other morning demanded an immediate wake-up call. Results revealed that most participants actually enjoyed more than 20 minutes of additional sleep during the snooze time. This had little impact on the overall quality or duration of their night’s rest.

What Does the Snooze Button Really Do?

Here’s the kicker: not only did the snooze function not disrupt the participants’ sleep, it also ensured no one was jolted awake from deep slumber. Moreover, those who indulged in that extra rest displayed slightly sharper cognitive abilities upon waking. Factors such as mood, overall sleepiness, or cortisol levels in the saliva remained unaffected.

Sundelin points out, “Our findings reveal that a half-hour snooze does not negatively impact night sleep or induce sleep inertia, which is that groggy feeling post-wakeup. In some instances, the results were even favorable. For example, we noticed a reduced chance of participants waking from deep sleep stages.”

While these findings might be a relief for serial snoozers, Sundelin adds a word of caution: “The study primarily focused on individuals who habitually hit the snooze button and can effortlessly drift back to sleep post-alarm. Snoozing might not be a one-size-fits-all solution.”

For those who relish those additional moments of rest in the morning, this research brings good news. Snoozing, at least for regular snoozers, doesn’t seem to steal away the quality of our sleep. On the contrary, it may subtly boost our cognitive processes during the waking stage.

So, the next time your alarm sounds and you’re contemplating another round with the snooze button, remember: You might not be losing out at all by grabbing those few extra minutes of shut-eye.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “You don’t lose if you snooze” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13591 – The Grandmother Hypothesis

Have you heard of the grandmother hypothesis? Basically, it means grandma was right about washing behind your ears!

When it comes to maintaining skin health, certain regions, like behind the ears and between the toes, often get overlooked. Research by the George Washington University reveals why paying attention to these areas is essential. The skin microbiome, which refers to the collection of microbes residing on our skin, has shown variation in composition across different skin regions, be it dry, moist, or oily.

Exploring the Grandmother Hypothesis

The GW Computational Biology Institute set out to explore the widely accepted but scientifically unproven “Grandmother Hypothesis.” Keith Crandall, Director of the Computational Biology Institute, recalls the age-old advice from grandmothers: always scrub behind the ears, between the toes, and inside the belly button. But why? The belief is that these less frequently washed areas might house different bacterial compositions compared to more regularly scrubbed parts of the body.

To put this to the test, Marcos Pérez-Losada and Keith Crandall designed a unique genomics course, involving 129 graduate and undergraduate students. These students collected data by swabbing areas like behind their ears, between their toes, and their navels. For comparison, samples were also taken from drier regions such as calves and forearms.

Revealing Differences in Microbial Diversity

The results were enlightening. Forearms and calves, often cleaned more diligently during baths, displayed a broader and presumably healthier range of microbes. This is compared to hotspots like behind the ears and between the toes. A balanced skin microbiome is essential for skin health. A dominance of harmful microbes can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to skin conditions such as eczema or acne.

The study’s outcomes suggest that cleaning habits indeed impact the microbial population on the skin, further influencing its health. Thus, the age-old advice from our grandparents holds some truth after all!

Implications of the Grandmother Hypothesis

The research carried out by the GW Computational Biology Institute provides significant insights into the skin microbiome of healthy adults. It serves as a benchmark for future studies. There is still a long way to go in understanding the intricacies of how the microbial community on our skin impacts our overall health or disease state.

The study titled “Spatial diversity of the skin bacteriome” marked an essential milestone in the field. It sheds light on the diverse bacterial communities residing in different parts of our skin. Published in the renowned journal Frontiers in Microbiology on September 19, it is a stepping stone to further research in this rapidly evolving domain.

In conclusion, paying heed to the lesser-focused regions of our skin, as our ancestors advised, might be the key to ensuring a balanced and healthy skin microbiome. So next time you shower, remember to scrub those often-neglected areas!

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Skin behind the ears and between the toes can host a collection of unhealthy microbes” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13590 – Choosing Ignorance

When faced with moral decisions, many people are choosing ignorance about the repercussions of their actions. Recent studies explore why individuals might select the path of willful ignorance, and the findings are illuminating.

The Study of Choosing Ignorance

What makes a person deliberately overlook the consequences of their actions? According to the American Psychological Association, 40% of individuals, when given the choice, will opt for ignorance. More intriguingly, they often do so to give themselves leeway to act selfishly.

As lead author Linh Vu, MS, from the University of Amsterdam, describes it: “Everyday scenarios frequently show people choosing ignorance. A classic instance is when customers disregard the ethically questionable origins of products they purchase.” The pressing question that Vu and her colleagues grappled with was the extent and implications of such intentional ignorance.

The findings stem from a meta-analysis of 22 individual studies, encompassing a whopping 6,531 participants. These studies either took place in a research lab setting or online. A majority of these research initiatives followed a design where participants received information about the ramifications of their decisions, while others had the discretion to know or not.

Consider this example: Participants had to select between a $5 reward and a $6 reward. Choosing the former meant an anonymous person (or charity) would receive the same amount. If they opted for the latter, the anonymous entity would get a mere dollar. Some participants could decide whether to know the consequences, while others were informed outright.

A consistent finding across these studies? An astounding 40% actively chose ignorance. Furthermore, those who opted not to be informed were significantly less altruistic. There was a 15.6% greater likelihood of individuals showing generosity when they were cognizant of the results of their decisions.

Benevolence or Self-Image?

The research suggests that this inclination towards choosing ignorance could be linked to one’s desire to project a positive self-image. Willful ignorance permits individuals to retain this self-perception, even if they don’t act altruistically.

Study co-author Shaul Shalvi, a behavioral ethics professor at the University of Amsterdam, further shed light on this phenomenon. Individuals who sought to know the consequences were 7% more inclined to show generosity than those automatically provided with information. It indicates genuinely altruistic folks prefer to be in the know about their actions’ aftermath.

Shalvi points out, “A vast portion of altruistic tendencies we notice stems from societal expectations. While many willingly make ethical choices when informed of the outcomes, their motivation isn’t always altruistic. Societal pressure and the urge to perceive oneself positively play a significant role. Since righteous deeds often come with sacrifices, such as time, effort, or money, choosing ignorance becomes a convenient escape.”

However, one limitation to note: all studies under this meta-analysis were conducted in Western Europe or the US, or on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. This hints at the need for more diverse research settings in the future. After all, understanding this behavior in its entirety requires a broader perspective and could provide clues on countering such deliberate oversight.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “‘I’d rather not know’: Why we choose ignorance” — ScienceDaily