The most popular theory for the origin of the state name California is that it was the name of a fictional island located East of the Indies in Las Sergas de Esplandián, a Spanish chivalry novel written in 1510. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Physicians Against Homework
Homework was considered hugely controversial in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Physicians crusaded against it because they were convinced it was causing children to become wan, weak and nervous. In 1901, California even banned homework for anyone under the age of 15. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Baby Carrots
A Californian farmer named Mike Yurosek was unhappy that he was unable to sell his imperfect carrots. So he cut and shaved them into smaller, cuter versions called baby carrots. These baby carrots now account for over 50% of carrot sales in the US. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – California Pipevine Swallowtail
Tim Wong, a 28-year-old aquatic biologist from northern California, has single-handedly repopulated the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly species in his backyard! – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Gold For Bread
During the California gold rush, a slice of bread cost $1 or $2 if you wanted it buttered. That’s the equivalent of over $28 and $56 today. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Artichoke Capital
Castroville is a rural town in California that is nicknamed the ‘Artichoke Capital of the World’. 99.9% of all artichokes worldwide are grown in California as they can grow them year round there. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Snotbot Drones
Oceanographers and engineers in California have created ‘snotbots’, which are drones that collect spray from whales’ blowholes. – WTF Fun Facts
WTF Fun Fact – Circle Of Life
In 1981, a California doctor saved the life of a 3.2lb preemie baby boy. 30 years later,that doctor was involved in a car accident with a semi-truck and was saved by that baby, who became a paramedic. – WTF Fun Facts
a new study found that california has a mini
A new study found that California has a mini earthquake (less than a magnitude of 1 on the Richter scale) roughly once every three minutes.