WTF Fun Fact 13417 – Cow Cuddling

Whether you look at a cow as a future meal or a friend, you might be surprised to know that cow cuddling is something people are really into. That’s right – cuddling a cow. A real one. Getting right in there and snuggling up.

Is cow cuddling real?

We’ll admit that we thought this was some kind of Onion article, but it’s true.

Cow cuddling, a unique and increasingly popular activity, aims to offer a tranquil and soothing experience for those seeking a connection with nature. And it has also been found to alleviate some of the stress of everyday life.

The practice involves spending quality time with cows in a calm and serene environment, where individuals can unwind, relax, and embrace the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interaction.

You probably don’t come away smelling better, but that’s nothing a shower can’t fix.

Where can you cuddle a cow?

The practice originated in the Netherlands but is gaining momentum around the world. Cow cuddling provides an opportunity for people to engage with these gentle creatures on a deeper level. The concept is simple yet profound: humans lie or sit next to cows, stroke their soft fur, and bask in their peaceful presence. As the human touch meets the warm and comforting energy of the cows, a sense of tranquility envelops participants, allowing them to escape the pressures of the modern world.

Not in the Netherlands? Stop by Mountain Horse Farm in Asheville, North Carolina! They’re known for their bonding experiences with horses, but they told TODAY in 2022 (cited below) that their animal therapy has grown to include cows.

Why cows? They don’t seem so snuggly

We don’t know how the cows actually feel about this, but their relatively docile nature makes them good for this sort of therapy. Cows also seem to have an innate ability to sense emotions, creating an empathetic connection with those around them. They are receptive to human touch, responding with a soothing and grounding energy that can alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being.

Research suggests that interacting with cows in a therapeutic setting can have a range of positive effects on human health. The act of cuddling cows releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and relaxation. This surge of oxytocin helps to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and enhance overall emotional well-being. The rhythmic nature of stroking a cow’s fur can also induce a meditative state, calming the mind and promoting a sense of inner peace.

At one with nature

Furthermore, spending time in nature and connecting with animals has been linked to improved mental health outcomes. The peaceful and serene environment in which cow cuddling takes place serves as a natural sanctuary.

This immersive experience in nature can help reduce anxiety, alleviate symptoms of depression, and enhance overall emotional resilience.

Participating in a cow cuddling session involves a structured approach to ensure everyone’s safety. Experienced handlers guide the interaction, ensuring that boundaries are respected and that the cows remain comfortable throughout the process. Sessions may include introductory activities to establish a connection with the cows, followed by moments of gentle physical contact.

It is worth noting that cow cuddling is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical treatment. Instead, it serves as a complementary practice that can enhance overall well-being.

 WTF fun facts

Source: Cow cuddling helps people struggling with depression feel hope and connection — TODAY

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