WTF Fun Fact 13633 – Communication via Brain Implants

Imagine a world where thoughts translate into words without uttering a single sound via brain implants.

At Duke University, a groundbreaking project involving neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and engineers, has birthed a speech prosthetic capable of converting brain signals into spoken words. This innovation, detailed in the journal Nature Communications, could redefine communication for those with speech-impairing neurological disorders.

Currently, people with conditions like ALS or locked-in syndrome rely on slow and cumbersome communication methods. Typically, speech decoding rates hover around 78 words per minute, while natural speech flows at about 150 words per minute. This gap in communication speed underscores the need for more advanced solutions.

To bridge this gap, Duke’s team, including neurologist Gregory Cogan and biomedical engineer Jonathan Viventi, has introduced a high-tech approach. They created an implant with 256 tiny sensors on a flexible, medical-grade material. Capturing nuanced brain activities essential for speech, this device marks a significant leap from previous models with fewer sensors.

The Test Drive: From Lab to Real Life

The real challenge was testing the implant in a real-world setting. Patients undergoing unrelated brain surgeries, like Parkinson’s disease treatment or tumor removal, volunteered to test the implant. The Duke team, likened to a NASCAR pit crew by Dr. Cogan, had a narrow window of 15 minutes during these surgeries to conduct their tests.

Patients participated in a simple task: listening to and repeating nonsensical words. The implant recorded their brain’s speech-motor cortex activities, coordinating muscles involved in speech. This data is then fed into a machine learning algorithm, managed by Suseendrakumar Duraivel, to predict the intended sounds based on brain activity.

While accuracy varied, some sounds and words were correctly identified up to 84% of the time. Despite the challenges, such as distinguishing between similar sounds, the results were promising, especially considering the brevity of the data collection period.

The Road Ahead for Brain Implants

The team’s next steps involve creating a wireless version of the device, funded by a $2.4M grant from the National Institutes of Health. This advancement would allow users greater mobility and freedom, unencumbered by wires and electrical outlets. However, reaching a point where this technology matches the speed of natural speech remains a challenge, as noted by Viventi.

The Duke team’s work represents a significant stride in neurotechnology, potentially transforming the lives of those who have lost their ability to speak. While the current version may still lag behind natural speech rates, the trajectory is clear and promising. The dream of translating thoughts directly into words is becoming more tangible, opening new horizons in medical science and communication technology. This endeavor, supported by extensive research and development, signals a future where barriers to communication are continually diminished, offering hope and empowerment to those who need it most.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Brain implant may enable communication from thoughts alone” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13626 – Prediction and Perception

In the world of social interactions, whether it’s a handshake or a casual conversation, we heavily rely on perception and observing others. But have you ever wondered what goes on in your brain during these interactions?

Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have uncovered some fascinating insights into this aspect of human perception, revealing that our interpretation of others’ actions is more influenced by our expectations than we previously thought.

Decoding Brain Processes in Social Interactions and Observations

For a while, researchers have been looking into how our brains process the actions of others. Common understanding was that observing someone else’s action triggers a specific sequence in our brain: first, the visual brain regions light up, followed by the activation of parietal and premotor regions – areas we use to perform similar actions ourselves.

This theory was based on brain activity observations in humans and monkeys during laboratory experiments involving isolated actions.

However, real-life actions are rarely isolated; they often follow a predictable sequence with an end goal, such as making breakfast. This raises the question: how does our brain handle such sequences?

Our Expectations Shape Our Perception

The new research, led by Christian Keysers and Valeria Gazzola, offers an intriguing perspective. When we observe actions in meaningful sequences, our brains increasingly rely on predictions from our motor system, almost ignoring the visual input.

Simply put, what we anticipate becomes what our brain perceives.

This shift in understanding came from a unique study involving epilepsy patients who participated in intracranial EEG research. This method allowed researchers to measure the brain’s electrical activity directly, offering a rare peek into the brain’s functioning.

Experimenting with Perception

During the study, participants watched videos of everyday actions, like preparing breakfast. The researchers tested two conditions: one where actions were shown in their natural sequence and another where the sequence was randomized. Surprisingly, the brain’s response varied significantly between these conditions.

In the randomized sequence, the brain followed the traditional information flow: from visual to motor regions. But in the natural sequence, the flow reversed. Information traveled from motor regions to visual areas, suggesting that participants relied more on their knowledge and expectations of the task rather than the visual input.

This discovery aligns with the broader realization in neuroscience that our brain is predictive. It constantly forecasts what will happen next, suppressing expected sensory input.

We perceive the world from the inside out, based on our expectations. However, if reality defies these expectations, the brain adjusts, and we become more aware of the actual visual input.

Implications of the Study

Understanding this predictive nature of our brain has significant implications. It sheds light on how we interact socially and could inform approaches in various fields, from psychology to virtual reality technologies.

This research also highlights the complexity of human perception, revealing that our interpretation of the world around us is a blend of sensory input and internal predictions.

The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience’s study opens new doors in understanding human perception. It challenges the traditional view of sensory processing, emphasizing the role of our expectations in shaping our interpretation of others’ actions. As we continue to explore the depths of the human brain, studies like these remind us of the intricate and fascinating ways in which our mind works.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “When we see what others do, our brain sees not what we see, but what we expect” — ScienceDaily

WTF Fun Fact 13441 – Dopamine Reward Prediction Error

The concept of the dopamine reward prediction error is important for understanding the roots of learning, motivation, and even addiction. It’s all about how our brains respond to rewards (and how we get bored with the same reward over time).

What’s the point of dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter (or “chemical messenger”) that plays a role in our brains’ reward system. In other words, it’s the star of the show when it comes to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

Think about how you feel when you sit down to your favorite meal. Or approach the counter with a long-sought item you saved up money to buy. Happy times! Right?

Well, one particularly interesting (and, frankly, kind of unfair) element of how dopamine functions is that once we already know what a reward will feel like, our brains don’t send out as much dopamine. This is the concept of the dopamine reward prediction error.

What is the dopamine reward prediction error?

Let’s dive a little deeper.

Imagine you’re at a new restaurant for the first time. You order a dish you’ve never tried before. To your pleasant surprise, it turns out to be delicious. Your brain rewards you with a burst of dopamine, creating a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. In essence, your brain is saying, “Good job! Let’s remember this for next time.”

Now, let’s fast-forward to your next visit to the same restaurant. You order the same dish, this time expecting it to be tasty. But here’s the catch – when you take the first bite, your brain’s dopamine release is less intense than the first time. This is because the pleasure derived from the meal was expected. This concept is known as reward prediction error.

Even when you’re eating your favorite meal, it may never taste as marvelous as the first time you had it.

What’s going on in the brain when there’s a dopamine reward prediction error?

Reward prediction error is your brain’s way of comparing the predicted reward (expectation) with the actual outcome. When reality exceeds your expectations, a positive prediction error occurs. And your brain increases its dopamine release.

Conversely, when the actual reward is less than expected (as so often happens in life!), a negative prediction error occurs. Few things are as good as we imagine them to be, and this results in a decrease in dopamine release. (Why did our brains stop playing nice?!)

Why is your brain being a jerk about dopamine?

This dopamine release mechanism seems to play a role in how we adjust our predictions based on outcomes. Technically, it helps us learn from our mistakes and successes. But clearly, it’s not all fun and games. Your brain doesn’t give you a trophy every time you do something good (at least not a big one).

This dopamine-driven learning process can be exploited in harmful ways too. Just think about addiction.

Some drugs generate a significant positive prediction error in our brains. In other words, we take them and (if we survive) we may get a massive release of dopamine that makes us feel great. But this tricks the brain into overvaluing the substance. And this can drive intense cravings and compulsive behavior.

The down side of dopamine

Whether it’s drugs or food or destructive behavior, repeated exposure leads to a decrease in the dopamine response. Unfortunately, this means our bodies require more of the substance to achieve the same effect. That’s addiction.

But here’s the good news – understanding the way our brains respond to reward prediction errors can open up possibilities for new therapeutic approaches. It is helping researchers develop interventions that ‘retrain’ the brain’s reward system to reduce the impact of negative prediction errors and boost our ability to learn from positive experiences.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Dopamine reward prediction error coding” — Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience

WTF Fun Fact 12956 – Witzelsucht, a Joke Addiction

Have you ever met anyone who couldn’t stop telling jokes, even if no one else found them funny? Maybe they had Witzelsucht.

What’s a joke addict?

In 2016, neuroscientists Elias Granadillo and Mario Mendez published a paper titled “Pathological Joking or Witzelsucht Revisited” in The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences that described two patients with damage to their brains suffering from joke addiction.

They explained that “impaired humor integration from right lateral frontal injury and disinhibition from orbitofrontal damage results in disinhibited humor.” Two men were used as an example.

Compulsive jokesters

According to Discover Magazine:

“Patient #1 was a 69-year-old right-handed man presented for a neuropsychiatric evaluation because of a 5-year history of compulsive joking… On interview, the patient reported feeling generally joyful, but his compulsive need to make jokes and create humor had become an issue of contention with his wife. He would  wake her up in the middle of the night bursting out in laughter, just to tell her about the jokes he had come up with. At the request of his wife, he started writing down these jokes as a way to avoid waking her. As a result, he brought to our office approximately 50 pages filled with his jokes.

“Patient #2 was a 57-year old man, who had become “a jokester”, a transformation that had occurred gradually, over a three period. At the same time, the man became excessively forward and disinhibited, making inappropriate actions and remarks. He eventually lost his job after asking “Who the hell chose this God-awful place?” The patient constantly told jokes and couldn’t stop laughing at them. However, he did not seem to find other people’s jokes funny at all.”

Diagnosis: Witzelsucht

Apparently, both men displayed signs of something called Witzelsucht, “a German term literally meaning ‘joke addiction.'”

“Several cases have been reported in the neurological literature, often associated with damage to the right hemisphere of the brain. Witzelsucht should be distinguished from ‘pathological laughter‘, in which patients start laughing ‘out of the blue’ and the laughter is incongruent with their “mood and emotional experience.” In Witzelsucht, the laughter is genuine: patients really do find their own jokes funny, although they often fail to appreciate those of others.”  WTF fun facts

Source: “‘Joke Addiction’ As A Neurological Symptom” — Discover Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 12934 – Axolotl Brain Regeneration

In an amazing evolutionary feat that we wish were available to many of the humans we know, it turns out the salamanders known as axolotls can grow back parts of their brains. Axolotl brain regeneration is just another one of this creature’s amazing regenerative abilities.

Axolotl body regeneration

According to IFL Science (cited below), the initial discovery is an old one:

“The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is an aquatic salamander renowned for its ability to regenerate its spinal cord, heart and limbs. These amphibians also readily make new neurons throughout their lives. In 1964, researchers observed that adult axolotls could regenerate parts of their brains, even if a large section was completely removed. But one study found that axolotl brain regeneration has a limited ability to rebuild original tissue structure.”

Regenerating the brain

At the Treutlein Lab at ETH Zurich and the Tanaka Lab at the Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, researchers are trying to figure out just how complete axolotl brain regeneration is. For example, one question is what types of brain cells are they able to replace?

One of the authors of a recent study noted in IFL Science that looking at brain cells was the key to understanding the regenerative process:

“In our recently published study, we created an atlas of the cells that make up a part of the axolotl brain, shedding light on both the way it regenerates and brain evolution across species. Why look at cells? Different cell types have different functions. They are able to specialize in certain roles because they each express different genes. Understanding what types of cells are in the brain and what they do helps clarify the overall picture of how the brain works. It also allows researchers to make comparisons across evolution and try to find biological trends across species.”

Axolotl brain mapping

The research team uses a specific type of RNA sequencing to get snapshots of brain samples. More specifically, they focus on the telencephalon (the region that contains the brain’s neocortex – the seat of behavior and cognition). The cells in this area are highly diversified.

By identifying the genes that are active when cells such as neurons replicate or turn into other cell types, the researchers can get a sense of how more mature cells form in the axolotl’s brain form over time.

The real test comes when the researchers inflict an injury on part of the brain, damaging some cells, then checking in later to see if they’ve regenerated.

And they found that in about 12 weeks, most of the axolotl’s brain cells have been replaced by new ones. The cells even reformed neuronal connections.

Can axolotl brain regeneration research help humans?

Even if you don’t care about axolotls, the research is important for the future of human brain research. There are many diseases that affect cognitive capacity (not to mention the role of aging on the brain). Understanding the process by which the axolotl’s brain regenerates could someday help up apply this knowledge to humans.  WTF fun facts

Source: “Axolotls Can Regenerate Their Brains – These Adorable Salamanders Are Helping Unlock The Mysteries Of Brain Evolution And Regeneration” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 12820 – Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brains? No.

For some reason, Hollywood writers and purveyors of pseudoscience really love to say humans only use 10% of their brains. Why? Well, because it opens the door to making us think there’s a wealth of unlocked potential if only we could [insert Hollywood storyline] or buy some junk supplement to unlock the rest.

But it’s just not true. What an evolutionary waste that would be if it had any basis in fact!

Myth becomes “fact”

According to Britannica (and many, many scientific sources and fact-checking websites): “It’s one of Hollywood’s favorite bits of pseudoscience: human beings use only 10 percent of their brain, and awakening the remaining 90 percent—supposedly dormant—allows otherwise ordinary human beings to display extraordinary mental abilities. In Phenomenon (1996), John Travolta gains the ability to predict earthquakes and instantly learns foreign languages. Scarlett Johansson becomes a superpowered martial-arts master in Lucy (2014). And in Limitless (2011) Bradley Cooper writes a novel overnight.”

We don’t blame Hollywood – they make stuff up to sell movies all the time. It’s the fact that we started believing the plots of films that’s truly disturbing. In fact, Britannica reports that “65 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, ‘People only use 10 percent of their brain on a daily basis.'”


Why do we believe we only use 10% of our brains?

Let’s not look to place blame on anyone but ourselves. Most of us repeat interesting things we hear without ever investigating whether or not they’re true.

But next time you hear someone spout off this garbage “fun fact,” you can hit back with some actual science.

For starters:

  • If only 10% of our brains were functional, why does nearly every brain injury affect our lives in some way? If we only used 10%, we could damage the rest with no repercussions.
  • Why would humans have evolved our most unique characteristic – the very thing that makes us human – to be 90% useless? It makes no evolutionary sense. That space could be used for more useful things if it were just empty grey matter.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans show that there is activity in far more than 10% of our brain. In fact, there is no part of the brain that lacks some sort of electrical activity (even if we don’t yet know precisely what it does).

The origins of the 10% myth

So, the 10% myth is just complete bull. But It likely has its origins in the American self-help industry.

People like to blame 19th-century psychologist William James (or even Albert Einstein) for implying that there is unlocked potential in the human brain. And while they may be true, that doesn’t indicate inactive brain matter. It just means we could think harder if we really tried.

Britannica also states that one early claim that the self-help industry glommed onto appeared in the preface to Dale Carnegie’s 1936 book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Since then, “The idea that we have harnessed only a fraction of our brain’s full potential has been a staple for motivational gurus, New Age hucksters, and uninspired screenwriters ever since.”

But it’s a load of bologna.  WTF fun facts

Source: “Do We Really Use Only 10 Percent of Our Brain?” — Britannica

WTF Fun Fact 12403 – Your Brain on Math

Mathematics is a strange beast. It uses our language, but it isn’t quite the same – our brains hear it entirely differently from everyday speech. For example: when we hear a sentence like “cats like warm milk,” our brains process that information mainly in the left hemisphere. Something like “eight plus one is nine,” though, will fire neurons in both.

A study published in the journal Current Biology took a closer look at how our brains process mathematics (as opposed to regular speech). While our brains process ordinary language in the left hemisphere, math triggers neurons in both hemispheres.

The neuroscientists from the Universities of Tübingen and Bonn said in an interview: “We found that different neurons fired during additions than during subtractions.”

Esther Kutter, a doctoral candidate involved with the research group, confirmed: “Even when we replaced the mathematical symbols with words, the effect remained the same. For example, when subjects were asked to calculate ‘5 and 3’, their addition neurons sprang back into action; whereas for ‘7 less 4,’ their subtraction neurons did.”

The lead author of the study Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian Mormann of the Department of Epileptology at University Hospital Bonn, remarked on the study’s significance: “This study marks an important step towards a better understanding of one of our most important symbolic abilities, namely calculating with numbers.” – WTF Fun Facts

Source: Math Neurons” Fire Differently Depending On Whether You Add Or Subtract — IFL Science