WTF Fun Fact 13318 – The Science of Spring Flower Growth

Many people eagerly await the first signs of spring. One major clue is the emergence of new plants, including a few colorful flowers. Of course, many plants wait until the ground thaws and the temperature warms up before starting to grow. But the science of spring flower growth is complex. And some flowers have a unique adaptation that allows them to bloom even in the coldest of conditions.

Two flowers you may have seen early in the year are crocuses and snowdrops. These actually have the ability to push through frozen soil and snow to bloom in early spring! It’s all made possible by a special adaptation in their cells that allows them to expand and contract with changes in temperature.

The science of spring flower growth

This adaptation in a few flowers is due to a process called thermoperiodism. This requires a cycle of low and high temperatures in order to help trigger growth.

Here’s how it works: The cells in these flowers contract when the temperatures drop. This causes a vacuum that draws water and nutrients from the soil into the plant. The cells begin to re-expand as the temperatures climb. This expansion and contraction push the flowers through the frozen ground. Pretty cool, right?

Now, these early-blooming flowers depend on this ability to survive. By blooming early, they are able to take advantage of the increased sunlight. They also get early pollinators (like bees and butterflies) that are essential for their reproduction. And they don’t have to compete for these resources.

Crocuses and snowdrops are also popular flowers for their beauty and variety. Crocuses come in a wide range of colors, including purple, white, yellow, and pink. They can be found in both single and multiple petals. Snowdrops, on the other hand, are known for their unique bell-shaped flowers – typically white or pale green.

While crocuses and snowdrops are among the most well-known flowers that can push through frozen soil and snow, they are not the only ones. Other early-blooming flowers include winter aconite, Siberian squill, and hellebore.

 WTF fun facts

Source: Burn through snow – What flowers can do that we wish we could do too!” — The Art of Ecology

WTF Fun Fact 13313 – Driving Phobia

For many people, driving is a mundane and necessary part of daily life. But driving phobia affects a small percentage of people, causingf intense anxiety and fear. This condition is known as vehophobia, which is defined as a persistent and irrational fear of driving.

According to Trauma Research UK, vehophobia can have a variety of causes, including a traumatic driving experience, a previous accident, or a fear of losing control. Other common triggers include driving on highways, bridges, or in heavy traffic, and driving at night or in bad weather conditions.

How does driving phobia manifest?

Vehophobia can manifest in a number of ways, including physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, and heart palpitations, as well as psychological symptoms such as panic attacks, avoidance behavior, and hypervigilance.

For those who suffer from vehophobia, the impact can be significant. It can limit one’s mobility, interfere with daily activities, and even cause relationship and employment issues.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available for vehophobia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common approach that can help individuals identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about driving. Exposure therapy, which involves gradually exposing the person to driving-related situations in a safe and controlled environment, can also be effective.

In addition to therapy, there are several self-help strategies that can help alleviate symptoms of vehophobia. These include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization techniques. Joining a support group or online community of individuals who share similar fears and experiences can also be helpful.

It is important to note that vehophobia is a real and serious condition that can greatly impact one’s quality of life. If you or someone you know is struggling with vehophobia, seek help from a qualified mental health professional. With the right treatment and support, it is possible to overcome this fear and regain confidence behind the wheel.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Vehophobia (Fear of driving)” — Trauma Research UK

WTF Fun Fact 13311 – Lungs As Big As Tennis Court

It sounds pretty impressive to have lungs as big as a tennis court. But it’s true for all of us.

How are lungs as big as a tennis court?

The surface area of the lungs is about 70 to 100 square meters. That’s roughly the size of a tennis court. This is due to the intricate network of tiny air sacs called alveoli found within the lungs. The average adult has a total lung capacity of around 4-6 liters.

The alveoli are incredibly small. In fact, each one measures only about 0.3 millimeters in diameter. However, they are numerous. An estimated 480 million alveoli exist in the lungs of an average adult. These tiny air sacs are the places where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. This is what allows us to breathe and provides our bodies with the oxygen needed to function.

Our amazing lungs

To help with the process of breathing, the lungs are surrounded by a thin layer of muscle called the diaphragm. When the diaphragm contracts, it pulls downward and creates a vacuum that allows air to flow into the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, it pushes upward and forces air out of the lungs.

Did you know that lungs are not identical in size or shape? The right lung is larger. It has three lobes, while the left lung is smaller and has only two lobes. This asymmetry allows for space to be made for the heart, which is located on the left side of the body.

The lungs are also the only organ that can float on water. That’s because they’re composed mostly of air, which is less dense.

Lungs even have the ability to regenerate and repair themselves. That’s due to the stem cells in the respiratory system. This regenerative capacity is especially important in combating respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How Your Lungs Get the Job Done” — American Lung Association

WTF Fun Fact 13310 – Fingernail Growth

Fingernail growth is a fascinating topic. For example, have you ever wondered why your toenails seem to grow at a slower rate than your fingernails? Or why nails on one hand seem to grow faster?

The science behind fingernail growth

It’s important to understand the anatomy of nails. Nails are made of layers of a protein called keratin. The area of skin beneath the nail is called the nail bed. Blood vessels and nerves run through the nail bed, providing nourishment to the nail.

Toenails vs fingernails

So why do toenails grow more slowly than fingernails? Well, toenails receive less blood flow than fingernails. The blood vessels that supply the nail bed with nutrients and oxygen are smaller in the feet than in the hands. This means toenails don’t have access to the resources they need to grow as quickly. This is also why toenails are more prone to fungal infections than fingernails. The reduced blood flow makes it more difficult for the body to fight off infection.

Growth factors

Another factor that affects the growth rate of nails is the amount of physical activity we engage in. Research has shown that physical activity can increase blood flow to the nail bed. This can lead to faster nail growth. An active person who spends a lot of time on their feet may have toenails that grow faster than someone who spends most of their time sitting.

Age and health also impact nail growth. For example, as we age, our nail growth rate tends to slow down. Certain medical conditions (such as hypothyroidism or psoriasis) can also cause nails to grow more slowly or become brittle and prone to breakage.

The growth rate of nails can even vary depending on the season. Nail growth is faster in the summer than in the winter. Researchers found that nail growth rates were highest in August and lowest in February. This suggests that sunlight exposure and changes in temperature may play a role.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Why do toenails grow more slowly than fingernails?” — Clinical Correlations

WTF Fun Fact 13308 – Smart Slime

Have you ever heard of “smart slime”?

Physarum polycephalum is a type of slime mold. Fun, right? Well, it’s actually found in many natural areas around the world. If you run across it, throw it a puzzle!

This mold is capable of solving complex mazes and other spatial problems without a brain or nervous system. Ok, not a boxed puzzle.

Despite lacking a brain, this organism has navigated mazes and established efficient routes between food sources. Scientists still don’t know what to think.

How does “smart slime” work?

So how does Physarum polycephalum do it? According to some researchers, the key lies in the way that this slime mold processes and responds to information.

Humans and other animals rely on centralized nervous systems to process and interpret information from the environment. But slime molds are decentralized and they exhibit a more distributed form of intelligence.

One striking example of this distributed intelligence can be seen in the way that slime molds navigate mazes. When placed in a maze with multiple food sources, slime molds are able to explore and test different paths! They gradually identify the most efficient routes between the food sources. This ability has been attributed to the slime mold’s ability to sense and respond to different environmental cues. In other words, they can sense the presence of food, humidity, and light. But it’s a whole extra step to use that information to solve problems!

Some researchers have suggested that the slime mold’s ability to solve spatial problems may be related to its ability to process information in a way that is fundamentally different from known forms of intelligence. For example, one study found that Physarum polycephalum is capable of solving the “shortest path problem.” This involves finding the shortest route between two points in a network.

Humans typically solve this problem by analyzing and comparing different routes. But slime mold is able to accomplish the same task by physically growing and adapting to the network itself. Say what?!

Nature loves a puzzle

Despite its remarkable abilities, Physarum polycephalum is still a subject of ongoing research and debate among scientists. Some researchers believe that the slime mold’s distributed intelligence may hold the key to developing new forms of artificial intelligence. Other people are understandably freaked out by that.

Many scientists are focused on understanding the fundamental biological mechanisms underlying its behavior before they go trying to turn it into a monster.

One thing is clear: the slime mold’s abilities are truly remarkable. As we continue to study and learn from this fascinating organism, we may even discover new insights into the nature of intelligence, adaptation, and evolution itself.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “This Weirdly Smart, Creeping Slime Is Redefining How We Understand Intelligence” — ScienceAlert

WTF Fun Fact 13307 – Project Pigeon

During World War II, the United States government developed a program to train pigeons to guide missiles to their targets. This program was known as Project Pigeon or Project Orcon. It was developed by psychologist B.F. Skinner and was intended to provide an alternative to radio-controlled guidance systems, which were vulnerable to jamming and interference.

Using animals in technology

The idea behind Project Pigeon was simple: Skinner would train pigeons to peck at a target on a screen, and their pecking guided a missile to its target. To prove this, Skinner trained the pigeons to associate the target with food and were able to peck accurately and consistently, even under stressful conditions.

The military ultimately discontinued the program in favor of other guidance systems. But the concept of using animals to guide technology has continued to be a topic of interest and research in modern times. Today, researchers are exploring the use of trained animals such as dogs, rats, and even bees to detect and respond to various stimuli, including explosives, drugs, and diseases.

What was Project Pigeon?

During World War II, the United States government needed to develop an effective guidance system for missiles and other weapons. Radio-controlled systems had proved vulnerable to jamming and interference, and researchers were eager to explore alternative approaches.

Psychologist BF Skinner believed that he could train animals to guide missiles to their targets. His idea was based on the principle of operant conditioning, which he had developed through his work with laboratory animals.

The basic idea behind Skinner’s approach was to train pigeons to associate a target on a screen with the release of food. He then placed the pigeons in the nose of a missile, where they would peck at the target on the screen. This would send signals to the missile’s guidance system and steer it toward its target.

Skinner’s idea eventually received support from the military. The military developed it into a program known as Project Pigeon or Project Orcon. They trained of hundreds of pigeons, housing them in special compartments in the nose of the missile.

While the program never saw actual use in combat, it did succeed in demonstrating the potential of animal-guided technology.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “B.F. Skinner’s Pigeon-Guided Rocket” — Smithsonian Magazine

WTF Fun Fact 13300 – Swearing and Exercise

Exercise often needs to be hard to be productive. And that can be a frustrating experience. Maybe that’s why swearing and exercise go together to make you more productive. That’s right, recent research has suggested that swearing during exercise can help to alleviate pain, improve performance, and even reduce stress.

How swearing and exercise go together

According to a study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise, swearing during exercise can help to reduce the sensation of pain. For example, the study found that people who swore while squeezing a hand grip held on for longer and reported less pain than those who did not swear. That’s because swearing triggers the body’s fight-or-flight response. And this can help to increase pain tolerance and reduce the sensation of discomfort.

Swearing appears to be able to bring about improvements in physical performance that may not be solely dependent on a stress response arising out of the shock value of the swearing,” Richard Stephens, the study’s co-author, said.

In addition to reducing pain, swearing can also improve performance during exercise.

A study found that athletes who swore before completing a physical task were able to produce more power and strength than those who did not swear. Letting out some choice curse words can increase your adrenaline levels and provide you with a burst of energy. These same things can help athletes perform at their best.

Let it out

Finally, swearing can also help to reduce stress and anxiety during exercise. That’s because swearing can help to regulate emotions and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It provides a cathartic release, which can help to improve mental wellbeing.

While swearing during exercise may not be suitable for everyone, there appear to be a number of benefits to using profanity during physical activity.

So next time you hit the gym, don’t be afraid to let out a few choice words – it could be just what you need to improve your performance and reduce pain and stress.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Cursing helps you crush your workout, experts say” — Global News

WTF Fun Fact 13299 – Caffeine and Adenosine

Caffeine doesn’t actually give you energy. That buzzed feeling you get when you drink coffee or soda is actually due to an interesting relationship between caffeine and adenosine in your brain that simply tricks you into thinking you’re not tired.

How do caffeine and adenosine work?

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed stimulants in the world. Many people rely on caffeine to stay awake and alert. But have you ever wondered how caffeine actually works to keep you awake?

Contrary to popular belief, caffeine doesn’t actually give you energy. It actually works by blocking the action of a chemical called adenosine in the brain.

Adenosine is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain. It builds up throughout the day as the brain uses energy. As your adenosine levels rise, these chemicals bind to adenosine receptors in the brain. This, in turn, triggers a response that makes you feel tired and drowsy.

Caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain. This prevents adenosine from binding to those receptors and triggering tiredness.

So, by blocking adenosine, caffeine essentially tricks the brain into thinking that it’s not tired, even though it doesn’t actually provide any extra energy.

Most of us use caffeine to help us feel more awake and alert. But it’s important to know that it doesn’t actually provide any extra energy. In fact, caffeine doesn’t provide any calories or nutrients at all! It’s simply a chemical that alters the way the brain and body function. Interesting, right?

How can we get more energy?

So, caffeine can’t actually boost your body’s real energy reserves. But you can get more energy through the consumption of calories in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. When we eat food, our bodies break these down into glucose.

Glucose molecules are transported into our cells and then broken down through chemical reactions that release energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This true energy is then used by our cells to power a wide range of biological processes. THAT’S how you really get more energy.

In addition to consuming calories, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and engaging in physical activity can all help improve energy levels. These are the ways you can truly feel more alert and focused throughout the day.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Tired or Wired” — NIH News in Health

WTF Fun Fact 13298 – A Rollercoaster Cure for Kidney Stones

Roller coasters are known for their stomach-churning twists, turns, and drops. But did you know that these thrilling rides may have a surprising health benefit? How about a roller coaster cure for kidney stones?

Well, according to recent research, riding a roller coaster really can help people pass the stones.

Kidney stones are a real pain

Kidney stones are hard, mineral deposits that form inside the kidneys. They can be incredibly painful and cause symptoms like back or abdominal pain, nausea, and difficulty urinating.

In some cases, surgery or other medical interventions may be necessary to remove them. But for smaller stones, riding a roller coaster may be a more fun and natural solution.

The idea that roller coasters could help pass kidney stones came from a patient who reported passing a stone after riding the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coaster at Disney World. Intrigued by this anecdote, urologist David Wartinger from Michigan State University set out to investigate further.

To test the theory, Wartinger and his team created a 3D-printed model of a human kidney with three small stones inside. Then they took it on several roller coaster rides. They found that the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride at Disneyland in Orlando, FL really was highly effective at dislodging the stones from the kidney.

After the ride, the stones were able to pass through the urinary tract more easily, reducing the need for medical intervention.

How do roller coasters help “cure” kidney stones?

Why do roller coasters have an effect on passing kidney stones? It has to do with the forces generated by the ride. During a roller coaster ride, the body experiences a range of movements, including sudden drops, sharp turns, and rapid accelerations. These movements create a force called acceleration. This acceleration can jostle kidney stones and potentially dislodge them from the kidney.

Of course, riding a roller coaster isn’t a guaranteed cure for kidney stones, so don’t buy that ticket to Disney just yet. The size, location, and type of stones can all affect whether or not a ride will be effective. Additionally, riding a roller coaster may not be practical or advisable for everyone, especially those with other health conditions or mobility issues.

We need more research to understand the effects of roller coaster rides on kidney stones completely. But for now, this serves as an interesting example of how unexpected solutions can sometimes be found in unlikely places.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “How a Roller Coaster Can Help You Pass a Kidney Stone” — Gizmodo