WTF Fun Fact 13412 – Competitive Trash Collecting

In Japan, an unexpected trend has taken hold: Competitive Trash Collecting.

Have you ever considered trash collection to be a high-octane, competitive sport? Probably not, but this isn’t just your run-of-the-mill cleaning drive – we’re talking about an adrenaline-fueled race against time with the goal of making Japan cleaner, one piece of trash at a time.

The pursuit of cleanliness

Japan is renowned for its cleanliness and orderly society, but competitive trash collecting? This concept adds a fresh and thrilling layer to Japan’s ongoing pursuit of cleanliness. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride into the world of trash collection gone extreme!

Now, let’s answer the burning question: What is competitive trash collecting? As highlighted in a feature on Yup That Exists (cited below), it’s a dazzling, fast-paced sport where teams compete to collect as much trash as possible within a set time frame. Picture it as a kind of “trash triathlon” – part race, part scavenger hunt, and all parts fun and community service.

What is competitive trash collecting?

The sport injects a dose of high energy and camaraderie into the otherwise mundane task of picking up trash. Teams, donned in matching outfits, dash about parks and public spaces, armed with trash grabbers and bags. Their goal? To collect more trash than their competitors before the clock runs out.

At its core, competitive trash collecting in Japan is a celebration of environmental stewardship. It’s a testament to the national ethos of cleanliness and respect for public spaces. It’s also a testament to Japan’s knack for turning anything into a challenge.

But the beauty of this sport extends beyond mere competition. It’s also about rallying communities around a shared cause, inspiring individuals to take ownership of their surroundings, and promoting environmental awareness in a fun, engaging way.

The social impact of this trend is not to be underestimated either. The competitive element provides a bonding experience for participants while raising public awareness about waste management. It’s a win-win – good for the environment, great for community spirit!

Why is this even a thing?

One might wonder, how did something so peculiar come about? Well, it seems the Japanese have an uncanny talent for blending tradition and innovation. Cleanliness and respect for one’s surroundings are deeply embedded in the culture. Throw in a dash of Japanese ingenuity, and you have a sport that’s just as exhilarating as it is eco-friendly!

In a world grappling with waste management issues, this initiative shines as a beacon of hope. Who knew that tackling trash could be turned into a sport? It’s a testimony to the spirit of the Japanese people – their respect for nature, their communal values, and their unyielding zest for innovation.

Moreover, competitive trash collecting has the potential to inspire global change. It paints a compelling picture of how citizens can come together, have fun, and simultaneously tackle pressing environmental issues.

So, as you contemplate the curious case of Japan’s competitive trash collecting, remember this: Japan didn’t just make a sport out of cleaning; they turned it into a celebration of community, a respect for nature, and an action-packed thrill ride. In the process, they’ve created a blueprint for how we might reimagine our approach to environmental stewardship.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Japan has been promoting trash collecting as a competitive sport, and it’s actually kind of working” — YUP That Exists

WTF Fun Fact 13408 – Kingsley Lake Florida

Kingsley Lake Florida is perfectly circular. This has led many to call it the “Silver Dollar Lake.”

Located in the town of Starke, Kingsley Lake spans around 2,000 acres. Its nearly flawless roundness measures an astounding two miles in diameter. It’s a symmetrical spectacle that sets it apart from other natural lakes. The lake’s circular perfection has become a sight to behold, a round masterpiece that Mother Nature proudly exhibits.

The Allure of Symmetry

The geometric perfection of Kingsley Lake provokes a sense of wonder among scientists and laymen alike. A glance at the aerial view of the lake is like peering at a crisp, round coin – a silver dollar etched on the canvas of Florida’s natural landscapes.

The lake’s near-perfect circle, combined with its calm, clear waters, creates a mesmerizing spectacle. The circumference embraces an array of private homes, campgrounds, and retreat centers, all equally benefiting from the lake’s captivating aesthetics. Its tranquil blue, seemingly drawn with a compass, is a soothing sight for locals and visitors who seek respite from Florida’s heat.

Unraveling the Mystery of Kingsley Lake

The intrigue surrounding Kingsley Lake’s unique circular shape often elicits inquiries into its origin. While no definitive explanation exists, some geologists propose that the lake may be a “sinkhole lake,” a common phenomenon in Florida’s sandy terrain. Over time, as acidic rainwater dissolves the limestone beneath the ground, a depression forms, eventually giving birth to a sinkhole. However, the precision of Kingsley Lake’s shape challenges this theory, as sinkholes tend to be irregularly shaped.

Others suggest that the lake could be a “Carolina Bay.” These elliptical depressions, predominantly found along the Atlantic seaboard, are renowned for their distinct shapes, which may have been sculpted by wind and water currents over centuries. Still, the perfect circularity of Kingsley Lake nudges against this theory, as Carolina Bays typically exhibit more of an oval shape.

The Round Lake Lifestyle

With its alluring roundness as a backdrop, life on Kingsley Lake offers an unforgettable experience. The lake’s sandy bottom and clear waters make it ideal for boating, swimming, and water skiing, attracting outdoor enthusiasts year-round. As sunlight dances on the lake’s smooth surface, those lucky enough to live around its circumference cherish their unique front-row seats to this natural spectacle.

In the sweltering Florida summer, Kingsley Lake transforms into a refreshing oasis. The lake’s cool, crystalline waters beckon swimmers, while its wide expanse offers ample space for boaters and water skiers. The lake’s sandy beaches and picnic areasvare perfect for family outings. This makes Kingsley Lake a beloved destination for both recreation and relaxation.

Celebrating Kingsley Lake Florida

In the grand array of natural wonders that dot Florida’s landscapes, Kingsley Lake shines uniquely. Its perfect roundness is not only a geographical anomaly but also a source of constant fascination and charm.

Kingsley Lake serves as a humbling reminder of nature’s capacity to awe and inspire. Whether it’s the result of a sinkhole or a Carolina Bay, its perfect roundness adds a dash of mystery to Florida’s natural beauty.

Undoubtedly, Kingsley Lake’s perfect circle will continue to enthrall its onlookers, offering an unmatched view of nature’s geometric prowess and fostering a sense of community among those fortunate enough to live around its shores.

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Source: “KINGSLEY LAKE, FLORIDA: Camp Blanding and Strickland’s Landing” — Florida Back Roads Travel

WTF Fun Fact 13396 – Bill Haast

Bill Haast, a renowned snake handler and scientist, led an extraordinary life dedicated to studying and working with poisonous snakes. He became famous for his fearless approach and was bitten by venomous snakes over 170 times. Despite the risks, Haast’s passion for snakes and their venom led to significant contributions in the field of snakebite treatment and research.

Who is Bill Haast?

Born on December 30, 1910, in Paterson, New Jersey, Haast developed an early fascination with snakes. His first significant snakebite occurred at age 12. A timber rattlesnake bit him while at a Boy Scout camp. This experience ignited his curiosity and passion for these reptiles. Haast’s snake-handling journey began when he joined a roadside snake show in the late 1920s. He later went on to work as a flight engineer with Pan American World Airways, which allowed him to travel the world and collect various snake species.

In 1947, Haast fulfilled his dream of opening the Miami Serpentarium. This serpentarium quickly gained popularity, attracting thousands of tourists each year. Inside, Haast would demonstrate his expertise by milking venom from snakes. This venom was used for research purposes but also for the production of antivenom to treat snakebite victims.


Haast’s unique approach to handling snakes involved injecting himself daily with small amounts of venom from various snake species. This self-immunization process aimed to build up his immunity and protect him from the potentially lethal effects of snakebites. While he suspected that these injections contributed to his remarkably good health, Haast refrained from making definitive claims until he reached the age of 100.

Throughout his career, Haast made significant contributions to the field of snakebite treatment. Alongside a Miami doctor, he treated over 6,000 individuals with a snake-venom serum that showed promise in addressing conditions like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. The effectiveness of the serum gained attention after a 1979 report on CBS News’ “60 Minutes.” However, the Food and Drug Administration later banned the product due to manufacturing deficiencies identified in Haast’s process. Nevertheless, researchers continue to explore the potential of venom-derived drugs for treating various diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Haast’s dedication to helping others extended beyond his work at the serpentarium. He traveled around the world to donate his antibody-rich blood to snakebite victims, even receiving honorary citizenship in Venezuela for his efforts. In a remarkable turn of events, the White House once facilitated the delivery of a rare serum from Iran to treat Haast himself after he was bitten by a Pakistani pit viper.

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WTF Fun Fact 13395 – German Mythology’s Nøkken

In Germanic folklore, the Nøkken or Nix is a creature associated with bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and streams. Depictions of the water spirit show it as a shapeshifter, capable of assuming various forms to lure unsuspecting victims.

The mysterious Nøkken

The Nøkken is believed to be an elusive and mysterious creature and possesses the ability to transform into different forms. It often appears as a beautiful horse, a seductive human, or even a monstrous water serpent. The shape-shifter uses its ability to entice and deceive unsuspecting individuals who venture too close to the water’s edge.

Legends describe the Nøkken as a mischievous being with a penchant for playing enchanting melodies on musical instruments, such as the violin or harp. Its hauntingly beautiful music can mesmerize listeners and draw them closer to the water’s edge, where they may fall victim to the Nøkken’s traps. Some believe the Nøkken’s music possesses a hypnotic quality, luring people into its grasp.

Both good and bad

According to folklore, those who encounter the Nøkken must exercise caution and resist its enchanting allure. If someone falls under its spell and touches the Nøkken, they become stuck, unable to escape its clutches. Some believe that only the power of the cross or religious symbols can break the Nøkken’s hold and save the victim from certain doom.

The Nøkken is not always portrayed as an evil entity, though. Some tales depict it as a guardian of nature or a water spirit with the ability to bestow blessings upon those who respect and honor the waters it inhabits. Some legends even depict the Nøkken as a helpful creature, offering valuable advice or teaching musical skills to talented individuals.

Throughout history, the Nøkken has captivated the imaginations of storytellers and artists alike. Its portrayal in literature, music, and visual arts has contributed to its enduring presence in folklore. The Nøkken serves as a symbol of the beauty and danger that reside within the natural world, reminding us of the inherent mysteries and complexities of the human imagination.

It’s important to note that folklore and legends may vary across different regions and cultural traditions. The Nøkken’s characteristics and legends associated with it can differ from one storytelling tradition to another. These stories are an integral part of cultural heritage, passed down through generations to preserve the rich tapestry of folklore.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “Nix” — Encyclopedia Britannica

WTF Fun Fact 13391 – Giant Penguin Hoax

In 1948, the quiet shores of Clearwater Beach, Florida, were the site of a giant penguin hoax that would continue for a decade and not be explained for another 40 years.

Florida’s giant penguin hoax

Mysterious tracks resembling giant three-toed footprints emerged from the sea, leaving people astounded and intrigued. These footprints, approximately 35 centimeters long and 28 centimeters wide, stretched along the beach for miles, suggesting the presence of a colossal creature.

Word of the strange tracks quickly spread, and eyewitness accounts of unusual creatures started to surface. For example, students at the Dunedin Flying School claimed to have spotted a creature resembling a furry log with a boar’s head swimming in the water. A couple walking along the beach recounted a sighting of a towering creature waddling near the water before vanishing into the sea. The news of these encounters only deepened the mystery.

Monster hunting

The local police were compelled to investigate the footprints. British biologist Ivan Terence Sanderson, known for his ventures into pseudoscience, also took an interest in the case. Sanderson conducted his own investigations. He meticulously studied the tracks that continued to appear over the next decade. Sanderson proposed that a massive, 15-foot-tall penguin might be responsible for the enigmatic footprints.

The case for a giant penguin

Sanderson noted that the tracks consistently followed gentle slopes, even if it meant meandering along the way. Moreover, they skillfully avoided any obstacles, no matter how small, such as bushes or debris. These traits, according to Sanderson, were characteristic of typical animal behavior. He found it implausible that the tracks could be the result of a hoax, given the level of detail and precision involved in their creation.

The idea of an undiscovered giant penguin roaming the beach without anyone noticing seemed more plausible to him.

Uncovering the truth

Fast forward to 1988. That’s when the truth behind the peculiar footprints was finally revealed. A local man named Tony Signorini stepped forward and confessed to the prank.

Signorini and his friend, Al Williams, were inspired by a National Geographic photo of dinosaur footprints. Motivated by a mischievous spirit, they decided to embark on a decade-long hoax. They constructed enormous three-toed metal feet, which they attached to tennis shoes. Their plan involved taking a small rowboat out to sea, with one of them wearing the 14-kilogram (30-pound) shoes and walking up the beach. Later, they would rendezvous with the boat further along the coast.

To create the illusion of a large stride, Signorini would stand on one leg and swing the other, building momentum for a jump. The pair often had their friend report the footprints the following day to ensure their efforts wouldn’t go unnoticed. They meticulously orchestrated a prank that fooled the public and even experts for an astonishing four decades.

After Signorini’s passing in 2013, his family made sure that his obituary commemorated his role as “The Clearwater Monster.”

 WTF fun facts

Source: “The Giant Penguin Hoax That Fooled Florida For 10 Whole Years” — IFL Science

WTF Fun Fact 13387 – Earth’s Core May Be Hotter Than The Sun

Scientists believe that the Earth’s core, consisting primarily of iron and nickel, may be hotter than the surface of the sun, with temperatures reaching up to 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit).

Why do scientists think the Earth’s core is hotter than the sun’s surface?

The Earth’s core, located approximately 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) beneath the Earth’s surface, remains an elusive and challenging realm for direct exploration. Despite the inability to physically access the core, scientists have employed a combination of sophisticated techniques, including theoretical modeling and seismic studies, to gain insights into its temperature.

Scientists use the analysis of seismic waves generated by earthquakes to study the temperature of the planet’s core. By studying the behavior of these waves as they travel through different layers of the Earth, scientists can infer valuable information about the planet’s internal structure and temperature distribution.

Through seismic studies, scientists have determined that the core’s temperature increases significantly as one ventures deeper into the Earth. The most scorching temperatures are found at the boundary between the outer and inner core, approximately 3,200 miles beneath the Earth’s surface. Here, researchers estimate that the temperature reaches nearly 6,000 degrees Celsius (10,800 degrees Fahrenheit). So, if that’s the case, then the earth’s core is hotter than the sun.

Where’d that heat come from?

Interestingly, the heat in the Earth’s core does not come from the sun. The core’s exceptional temperatures are sustained by two primary heat sources. The first source of heat originates from the residual energy trapped within the Earth since its formation around 4.5 billion years ago. During the Earth’s early stages, countless collisions and mergers between rock fragments produced an immense amount of heat, some of which remains within the core to this day.

The second source of heat within the core arises from the radioactive decay of isotopes present throughout the Earth. Radioactive elements such as potassium-40, thorium-232, uranium-235, and uranium-238 release energy as they undergo decay, contributing to the overall heat budget of the core.

While the core’s temperatures may exceed those of the sun’s surface, it is important to note that the conditions in the core are drastically different. The core’s high pressures prevent its iron-nickel composition from vaporizing into gas despite the extreme temperatures.

This unique combination of heat and pressure creates an environment that sustains the core in a liquid or solid state.

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Source: “How has Earth’s core stayed as hot as the sun’s surface for billions of years?” —

WTF Fun Fact 13384 – Centralia Mine Fire

In Pennsylvania, a fire has been burning underground since May 1962. This coal-seam fire, known as the Centralia mine fire, has defied all attempts to extinguish it and continues to smolder to this day.

The origins of the Centralia mine fire

The exact cause and start date of the Centralia mine fire remains a matter of debate. Some suggest that it was ignited deliberately on May 27, 1962. That’s when the town council set a fire to clean up the landfill in an abandoned strip mine. However, others argue that the fire had already been burning before that fateful day. They think it may have originated from the Bast Colliery coal fire of 1932.

Regardless of its precise origin, the fire quickly spread into the labyrinth of abandoned coal mines beneath Centralia. This helped perpetuate its unstoppable grip on the town.

The extent of the destruction

The Centralia mine fire is estimated to have the potential to burn for more than 250 years. It stretches over an area of 3,700 acres and reaches depths of up to 300 feet. This is a result of the abundance of coal and network of underground tunnels providing a fuel source.

Efforts to extinguish the fire have been futile, with multiple excavation projects failing to snuff out the flames.

The impact of the Centralia mine fire on the town and its residents has been catastrophic. Over time, the hazardous levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and low oxygen levels caused health concerns, leading to the evacuation and relocation of most residents.

By 2017, the population dwindled to just five residents. That’s a stark contrast to the 1,500 inhabitants at the time the fire began. Abandoned buildings, crumbling infrastructure, and eerie streets shrouded in smoke have transformed Centralia into an unlikely tourist attraction.

The ongoing legacy of the fire

As the fire persisted, legal battles and controversies emerged. In 1992, Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey invoked eminent domain, condemning all the buildings in Centralia. The government offered the residents buyouts, and most accepted, leaving only a handful determined to remain in their homes.

Despite appeals, the remaining residents were eventually ordered to leave. However, the town reached an agreement in 2013 to allow some holdouts live out their lives before the properties would be taken through eminent domain.

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Source: “This Mine Fire Has Been Burning For Over 50 Years” — History Channel

WTF Fun Fact 13382 – Herbs That Repel Insects

You might consider planting some herbs that repel insects if you’re trying to enjoy the great outdoors but are being chased back inside by pesky mosquitos or other flying pests. Of course, insects are an integral part of the food chain. But you can take steps to avoid being a mosquito (or other biting insects) buffet.

Natural repellants

Nature already has the tools to help you keep many bugs at bay. And while we all know it’s not going to be 100% effective or work immediately, some careful planning can help you create a relatively bug-free sanctuary zone. It can even give you some simultaneous culinary inspiration.

One of the advantages of using these natural insect-repelling plants is that they not only serve a functional purpose but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of your garden. Their foliage, flowers, and delightful scents are easily incorporated into existing flower beds, herb gardens, or even container gardens, providing both practicality and visual appeal.

Herbs that repel insects naturally

The first thing you might consider planting is basil. While we find its aroma delightful, it’s unappealing to insects like mosquitoes. The active compounds in basil, such as linalool and eugenol, act as natural repellents. No bug smooshing necessary!

Not a big basil fan? Well, lavender is another good choice. Its purple blooms and calming fragrance are loved by humans but disliked by mosquitoes, flies, and moths. Planting lavender around your garden borders or near seating areas can provide a fragrant barrier that keeps these unwanted visitors away. But just so you know, the flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. This makes it a double win for some people – unless you don’t like bees.

Finally, mint is a great choice as an insect repellant. Its strong scent, derived from menthol, is highly effective at repelling both mosquitoes and ants. Planting mint strategically around your garden or near outdoor seating areas can be a great bug barrier. However, it’s important to note that mint can be invasive, so you may want to contain it in pots or planters to prevent it from taking over your garden.

Nothing is perfect

Gardening with these insect-repelling plants offers an eco-friendly alternative to chemical insecticides. By opting for natural repellents, you avoid exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

To make the most of these insect-repelling plants, consider their placement within your garden. Plant them strategically near entrances, seating areas, or any place where you want to deter insects. Harvesting their leaves and flowers can also release more of their repellent properties. Crush a few leaves of basil or mint and rub them on your skin as a natural insect repellent when spending time outdoors.

Of course, herbs that repel insects may not provide complete protection against all types of pests. Therefore, it’s advisable to employ additional measures such as wearing long sleeves, using mosquito nets, or employing non-toxic insect repellents when necessary.

 WTF fun facts

Source: “10 Insect-Repelling Plants That Are Known To Keep The Bugs Away” — Farmer’s Almanac

WTF Fun Fact 13378 – Volcanoes of Mars

The volcanoes of Mars are part of the planet’s dramatic landscape. Mars is also home to the solar system’s largest known volcano – Olympus Mons.

The many volcanoes of Mars

Mars’ volcanic landscape provides valuable insights into its geological history and the processes that have shaped its surface. The volcanoes of Mars have played a significant role in shaping the planet’s topography and its potential for supporting past or present life.

A variety of volcano types, including shield volcanoes, volcanic domes, and stratovolcanoes, exist on Mars. Shield volcanoes, such as Olympus Mons, exhibit a broad, low-profile shape and gentle slopes. Successive eruptions of fluid lava gradually build up the volcano’s size, facilitated by the low gravity of Mars, resulting in exceptionally large shield volcanoes that dominate the planet’s surface.

In addition to shield volcanoes, other volcanic structures on Mars provide unique insights. Volcanic domes form as viscous lava accumulates around a vent, creating a steep and rounded top. Scattered across the Martian landscape, these structures offer clues about past volcanic activity and its nature.

Olympus Mons

Olympus Mons stands as the largest volcano in the solar system. Its colossal size and unique characteristics make it a captivating subject of scientific study. Olympus Mons is a shield volcano, formed by repeated volcanic eruptions over millions of years. Unlike the steep-sided stratovolcanoes found on Earth, shield volcanoes are characterized by their broad, gently sloping profile.

Olympus Mons reaches an astonishing height of approximately 13.6 miles and spans a diameter of about 370 miles. This dwarfs Earth’s largest volcano, Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

The surface of Olympus Mons reveals intricate lava flow patterns, resulting from multiple eruptions over time. The volcano’s low topographic relief and extensive lava flows contribute to its shield-like shape.

An explosive field of research

While Mars is believed to be geologically less active than Earth, evidence suggests that volcanic activity on the planet occurred in the past and may even persist to a limited extent today. The discovery of volcanic features and geological clues shed light on the planet’s volcanic history.

Volcanic eruptions on Mars have had a significant impact on its environment. Outpourings of lava, release of volcanic gases, and ash deposition have influenced the composition of the Martian atmosphere and potentially affected the planet’s climate.

The study of Martian volcanoes provides scientists with a deeper understanding of the processes that shape rocky planets. By comparing volcanic activity on Mars to that on Earth and other celestial bodies, researchers can unravel the underlying mechanisms driving volcanic eruptions and their implications for planetary evolution.

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Source: Olympus Mons – NASA Mars Exploration